Urban: Town Country War God

Chapter 322: Hit the ground

A very abrupt sound came into everyone's ears, and everyone looked at it.

Outside the hall, on the road on both sides of the guest seats.

A young figure, gently flapping palms.

The body is slender and faces all beings.

Under the light, it looks like the most dazzling person in the world.

Standing on the stage, Liu Huanyue squinted slightly. She was taken aback and felt a bit familiar, but she couldn't remember it.

However, she has to admit that this young man is very handsome, at least the most handsome young man she has ever seen.

Not to mention the handsome face, there is a temperament of "I am the king of the world" standing there.

There is another person behind the young man, a burly man in a black suit.

Such a pair stand together, so that the surrounding security guards dare not stop it.

It also made many people shudder when they saw it.

It's really weird.

As if

It was as if a supreme figure came here, making them feel a sense of awe for no reason.

"This master is a bit faceless, the person you invited, President Zhu?"

A wealthy businessman sat beside Zhu Qiang and asked in a low voice.

The arrival of these two people was originally unexpected.

Coupled with such a pair of combinations, it is not an ordinary person at first glance.

Especially the gentle young people throughout the whole process, there is a kind of them who have been in shopping malls for many years, and they still feel that they are a wild beast that hates danger.

I can't see through or touch.

Even staring for a long time, but gave birth to a creepy illusion.

A kind of fear born in the bones, born spontaneously.

Zhu Qiang shook his head.

He was sure he didn't know this strange combination, and he had never seen it.

However, these two people are not ordinary people at first sight, I am afraid it is not easy, so he did not stop him immediately, wanting to see what happens next time.

However, not far from the field, a few people showed surprises on their faces.

These people, two months ago, participated in a banquet hosted by Lin Ruo, the new generation of business queen of Yanjing.

At the end of the banquet, there was a big turmoil.

It's just being suppressed, and few outsiders know.

But they do.

At that time, I saw that young man slaughter the Quartet with his own eyes, as if a **** descended to the earth.

It was so overwhelming that the business queen, who had always been above her head, couldn't hold her head up.

What's more, he personally killed Young Master Long, who was a first-class family in Yanjing.

Then he even said that he would deal with the four big families.

At the time, they didn't take it to heart at all, they just thought that the young man didn't know whether to live or die.

Now two months have passed.

I thought this young man was killed by several big families.

Unexpectedly, he was still alive.

Not only was he still alive, but he also came to this dinner party.

Think carefully.

Everyone was taken aback and looked at each other.

All saw the shock in the other's eyes.

Today, I am afraid this dinner will not be so peaceful anymore.

Lin Xiao wore a blue suit, which was very self-cultivating on him, which made him more handsome and extraordinary.

Step forward and walk forward slowly.

A bloodthirsty light flashed across Xu Hao's face, followed by a smile with a non-smiling expression.

The audience was silent.

Just watched them both move forward.

Step on...

The footsteps are very rhythmic, walking step by step.

But Liu Huanyue on the stage did not know why, and a wave of anxiety emerged in her heart.

As the figure got closer, she became more and more uneasy, her face turned pale, as if there was an invisible mountain above her head, pressing her firmly, making her breathless.


The figure was approaching, and it came to the top of the stage, facing her.

A huge pressure directly made Liu Huanyue unable to bear it anymore, and she sat down on the ground, her face pale.

"You said, Yu Siman is a bitch?"


Lin Xiao looked at her condescendingly, his eyes cold, as if looking at a dead person.

Yu Siman?

Liu Huanyue was taken aback for a moment, her face suddenly changed, and her eyes became extremely bitter, "Are you the person sent by Yu Siman's cousin?"


Lin Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly.

A chill suddenly rushed to Liu Huanyue's heart, making her cold from head to toe, like falling into an ice cave.

"Yes, it's a bitch. Yu Siman seduced the wealthy businessmen, went in and out of the hotel with several wealthy businessmen, and even bullied the weak and the same door.

"We in the entertainment industry have a bad reputation in the outside world because of the existence of such people!"

Liu Huanyue was in her own territory at this moment, and Zhu Qiang and other bigwigs were covering her, suppressing that uneasy heart.

Standing up from the ground, staring at Lin Xiao coldly, Li said.

The voice was so loud that everyone present could hear it.

Even many people nodded in agreement.

Seeing Lin Xiao not speaking, Liu Huanyue nodded her head especially when she saw someone below her. Her confidence was even stronger. With an arrogant arrogance, she continued: "Why, not convince me?"

"You are not the wealthy businessman who Yu Siman's watch had slept with. She was instructed to find a place..."


However, before she could finish her words, Lin Xiao suddenly made a move and slapped Liu Huanyue, who was still arrogant and cursed at Yu Siman, to the ground with a slap.

The shot is heavy.

It directly hit Liu Huanyue's delicate and beautiful face, and it swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth and fell to the ground, his eyes widened with disbelief.


There was an uproar below.

"I rarely hit women. You should feel honored."

Lin Xiao took out a white handkerchief and gently wiped his wrists, as if he had touched something dirty.

Liu Huanyue: "..."

Everyone: "..."

If you don't agree, you will do it.

However, now it is still said that it is your honor to beat you?


Off the court, Zhu Qiang, as the head of the current brokerage company, only discovered with hindsight.

This young man is here to hit the ground.

Suddenly he got angry, stood up immediately, and shouted in a daze from the security guard in the distance: "What are you guys doing in a daze? Go up and blast the dog out for me."

A group of security guards are all professionally trained. After hearing the order, they quickly picked up their weapons and rushed up.

Lin Xiao ignored it, and slightly stepped forward, looking down at Liu Huanyue with a spiteful face, his eyes were cold, and he said coldly, "I said yes, what can you do?"

Liu Huanyue: "..."

After all, Lin Xiao ignored Liu Huanyue, turned around and faced everyone.

Behind him, Xu Hao took out a Type 96 pistol without any haste, and the black hole pointed directly at the aggressive security guard.

Security: "..."

Everyone: "..."


Everyone was taken aback.

A group of security guards were so frightened that they dared not take a step forward, staring at each other.

Lin Xiao stood with his hand in his hand, his eyes swept across, like a king patrolling the world, making people frightened. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he suddenly said, "Who else is dissatisfied with Siman, you can say now."

Everyone: "..."

I like the city town of War God, please collect it: (ltnovel.com) The literature of the city town of War God has the fastest update speed.

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