Urban: Town Country War God

Chapter 306: Willing to bet

In the dogfighting arena, a group of high-ranking officials, dudes, and cross-river dragons who came here specially from certain provinces, one by one counts as one. Looking at the crowd of people holding weapons outside the bottom box, they were all shocked. jump.

They know that today there is probably a large-scale conflict going to happen here.

No one is a fool.

In this unclear situation, looking at this posture, it is absolutely endless, no one wants to be the one who harms Chiyu.

For a time, the entire dogfighting arena, within a few minutes, left the field.

In the big field, it was deserted, the wind was calm, and there was no sound.

As if, a prelude before the storm.

Inside the box.

The box is not too big, nor too small.

At this moment, this one-hundred-square-meter box was crowded with people. A team of about 30 Luo family elites, all holding light machine guns, aimed at Lin Xiao.

The leader was Liang Jun, who had a broken wrist.

Earlier, it was he who led out and called people to come, and after following his master for so many years, he had cultivated a very high tacit understanding.

Sometimes, you only need a look to know what to do.

There were thirty people in the room, all of them holding light machine guns, and there were forty people outside, all of them equipped, and the water surrounding this box could not be leaked.

Today, Lin Xiao wants to go back alive and safe!

It must be killed!

Lin Xiao sat on the sofa, standing still, his eyes swept around, with a calm expression, he took a sip of tea to himself.

Seeing this, Luo Yue did admire the young man's determination in his heart.

Even in the face of huge danger, he can still do Taishan without falling apart. It is indeed a young descendant who makes Long, the Qin family and him embarrassed.

However, today's young offspring, even if they really have wrists, strength, and concentration, they are still useless.

Today, he must die!

Dare to touch his wife, touch his son, really think that Luo Yue's decades of ups and downs in Yanjing, all living on dogs?

"Lin Xiao, I'll give you two choices. First, you let me Xuan'er now, and I'll go around you."

"Second, I found Xuan'er myself, and then killed you!"

Sitting across from Lin Xiao, Luo Yue's face was a little more charming than when he was young, and a sneer appeared.

With a strategizing attitude, he raised his head and stared at Lin Xiao.


The situation reversed.

The initiative is already in his hands.

He really wasn't afraid that Lin Xiao could make any big waves.


Lin Xiao put down the teacup and tapped the tabletop lightly, with a sense of rhythm.

One hand stroked Huang Hu's head, gentle, without the sense of tension and embarrassment in the face of a crisis.

He raised his head, glanced at Luo Yue, and said: "Second master, I would like to bet and lose, is it possible? Do you still want to fall back on the bill?"

Luo Yue: "..."

Luo Yue suddenly wanted to laugh, thinking that Lin Xiao might not be stupid, right?

Now it is him who has the initiative, and the life and death of your Lin Xiao are in my hands.

What's the matter, it seems that you are still in the lead?

"Lin Xiao, stop talking nonsense, where is my son, as long as you tell me, I will bypass you!"

Luo Yue coldly snorted and said coldly.

Luo Yunxia is now also very confident, stood up, took a few steps forward, embraced her arms.

The height of a little over 1.7 meters, plus the tailor-made cheongsam on her body, gave her entire figure in a glance, which can be described as full of infinite temptation.

Looking condescendingly at Lin Xiao, he said solemnly: "Lin Xiao, you are now in my control of your life and death. Do you think you still have cards to fight with us?"

"Speed ​​release Xuan'er, otherwise"


As she spoke, she waved her hand, and the 30 Luo family elites surrounded by them all put their rifles in gear.

The muzzle of the black hole, like an endless abyss, faced Lin Xiao.

Just need, they gently pull the trigger.

The bullet will rain like rain, and it will shoot directly into Lin Xiao's body, smashing him into a comb.

Crisis is pervasive and embarrassed on all sides.

At this moment of crisis, Luo Yue, Luo Yunxia, ​​and even Liang Jun thought that Lin Xiao would be subdued and would let people out obediently.

But, unexpectedly.

Lin Xiao was indifferent. Instead, he started to make tea methodically, skillfully and elegantly in every move.

Under the attention of everyone, he poured a cup for Luo Yunxia and Luo Yue, and then poured himself a cup.

Luo Yue watched the whole process indifferently, with perplexity.

"Since ancient times, it has been only natural to repay debts, and it is natural to be willing to bet."

Lin Xiao stretched out his hand to signal them to drink tea, and then took a sip of the tea cup himself, "Since the second master loses, then the bet must be completed."

"So, sorry."


With a "thump", Luo Yue and Luo Yunxia's heart sank suddenly, and a strong anxiety appeared in their minds.

At this time, the picture on the tablet began to move, and there was still a wailing sound.

Luo Yunxia loves and has a family for her son, and she takes up the tablet on the desktop and looks at it with anxious expression.

In an instant, his face was pale as paper, his pupils dilated, with endless anxiety.

A sense of weakness surged all over the body.

Luo Yue on one side had a foreboding, and an uneasy feeling in his heart leaned forward to take a look.

Suddenly, his complexion changed drastically, a wave of nameless anger spewed out from his heart, looked at Lin Xiao coldly, and yelled, "Lin Xiao, dare you!"

"If you touch my Xuan'er, I will kill you right away!"

As he spoke, he directly took out a Type 92 pistol from his arms and faced Lin Xiao coldly.

The video screen is still that room.

However, the screen started to move. The people behind Luo Xuan had already picked up the dagger and slowly cut the fingers of the third master of the Luo family.

However, Luo Xuan's face was full of pain, but he couldn't scream out, and he couldn't even struggle.

It is true that life is better than death!

Lin Xiao sat on the sofa with his legs stacked, and gently stroked Huang Leopard's head, indifferent to Luo Yue's threat.

"If you lose, you have to pay the price, what do you think of the second master?"

The tone was indifferent, as if he was telling an ordinary thing.

This concentration, this tolerance.

one in ten thousand.

Sitting in front of them like a king over the world.


Luo Yue trembled with anger, but he didn't dare to actually shoot.

Now his son is still in the hands of the other party, and his life may be in danger at any time.


At this time, Luo Yunxia suddenly came to Lin Xiao in a few steps. The daughter of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, the high-ranking wife of the Luo family, knelt down towards Lin Xiao very spinelessly.

He kowtowed desperately at him, "Mr. Lin, you have a large number of adults, let me go Xuan'er, he is still young and ignorant."

"I beg you, let him go, I can be a cow or a horse for you, please."

Lin Xiao turned a blind eye to this and was indifferent. He just said something inexplicable, "Those children, who are still so young and at a flowery age, have suffered humiliation to death."

"Who will be responsible for them?"

Luo Yunxia: "..."

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