Urban: Town Country War God

Chapter 139: Crisis is coming

Fenghua is magnificent, the spirit is flying, the clever posture is superb.

No matter what young talent you are, no matter what talent you are.

Before a big tree in the sky has grown, it may also wither.

Qin Bin is this Liezi.

The lean meat porridge was finally cooked, Lin Xiao brought the porridge out and took a bowl of Yu Siman and Qiao'er who were already eager to see.

After that, I sat down, took a bowl for myself, took a small bite with a spoon, and nodded slightly, which was not bad.

"Master Lin, your culinary skills are getting better and better." Yu Siman took a breath, couldn't help but stretch out his thumb to point to Lin Xiao, and praised without hesitation.

Qiao'er on the side also nodded repeatedly.

Lin Xiao just smiled, and said in a bad mood: "Eat your meal, you have said this many times."

"It was originally, you are a real person, and you come to blame others for complimenting you, what a fool."

Yu Siman rolled his eyes, but his heart was filled with joy.

It’s great to have such a rich breakfast every morning~

"By the way, idiot, did you hear that? Someone seemed to say this morning that the youngest son of the four major families in the Qin family is the Qin Bin who died unexpectedly some time ago. It seems that he did not die accidentally."

After a short meeting, Yu Siman's gossip heart burned and whispered.

Lin Xiao's dress was surprised, "Oh? Is there anything else?"

"Isn't it, I heard that it seemed to be a corruption involving several hundred million yuan. It was put in a Swiss bank and later killed by the enemy."

Yu Siman was a little embarrassed, took a sip of the porridge, and continued: "I think this looks true. There are noses and eyes on the Internet."

Lin Xiao knew that this Wang Fatty was okay, even the girl Yu Siman believed it a little bit, and smiled: "Who can tell these things clearly, let's eat."

In the middle of the meal, Xu Hao walked in, glanced at Yu Siman and then at Qiao'er, a little embarrassed.

Lin Xiao knew it, and shook his head: "It's okay, just say it."

"The Qin Family Patriarch is here and wants to visit you."

Xu Hao had to say directly.

"Patriarch of the Qin Family?" Lin Xiao's mouth brought a playful smile: "Let him come in, he just can have a meal."


Xu Hao nodded, turned and walked outside.

However, Yu Siman here was stunned, looked at Lin Xiao incredulously, and exclaimed: "Lin Xiao, how do you know the Qin Family Patriarch?"

She was indeed surprised that the Qin family was a giant to Yanjing, unattainable, and the four major families in the country, which has been passed down for decades, infinitely close to a hundred years.

Such a patriarch of a big family rarely shows up in person, but now he personally goes to find Lin Xiao.

"I've known each other for a long time, and I'm still an old friend with him."

When Lin Xiao talked about this old friend, his tone became more serious.

But Yu Siman didn't notice the strangeness. Although he was shocked, he didn't ask much, just oh, wondering who the Qin Patriarch is sacred in his heart.

However, at the same time, I was also curious that the youngest son of the Qin family, Qin Bin, who claimed to be the head of the Qin family, had just died and was involved in a corruption case.

Why at this critical moment, why did the Patriarch visit the door himself?

This made her strenuous, but she didn't think deeply, quietly waiting for the arrival of the Qin Family Patriarch who had heard about it.

Before long, Xu Hao led in a middle-aged man.

Slender, with a suit and leather shoes, with bordered eyes, and gentle.

Although his face is not as handsome as he was when he was young, it has a bit more charm than when he was young.

This kind of man can eat everything regardless of age, especially for young girls who are still in their teens. It has a fatal temptation.

The visitor was Qin Yong, who had come out of Qin's house, entered the room and looked around, and immediately saw Lin Xiao sitting on the main seat and drinking porridge.

Despite the anger in his heart, he was able to keep the breeze on the surface.

At his level, his joy and anger are invisible, and he has already reached the point of perfection.

When Lin Xiao saw this person, he stood up with a smile on his face, and greeted: "Presumably you are Patriarch Qin. You really admire your name for a long time. I saw it today."

"Liao praised, I have heard of Mr. Lin's name Qin a long time ago. I was busy a few days ago, so I plan to visit today. Didn't disturb you?" Qin Yong said politely.

"No, Patriarch Qin came to the door himself, Lin is not happy enough, haven't had breakfast yet, have a meal together?" Lin Xiao motioned Qin Yong to sit down, then took out a pair of chopsticks, and handed him a bowl. Congee with preserved eggs and lean meat.

The two parties seem to be harmonious, without the arrogance of your sword.

However, as soon as they came in, the confrontation between the two parties had already begun.

The surrounding area was already full of assassins and dead men planted by the Qin family.

Even in the tall buildings not far away, there are still several snipers who are aiming at this side with the lens, making a fatal blow at any time.

Otherwise, do you really think Qin Yong just came to see this young man?

With decades of ups and downs, he will not do things that are uncertain, nor do things that are meaningless.

Regardless of whether this matter was done by Lin Du or not, he must come for a while today.

Even if you have the golden dragon black card, so what?

This is Yenching, his home court, no matter how big it is.

If it is the dragon, give it to me, and if it is the tiger, give me the tummy!

Yu Siman sat aside, although he didn't notice anything wrong.

However, he felt a different atmosphere.

So, put down the bowls and chopsticks, smiled: "I'm finished, I'll take Qiao'er out for a walk."

Before he could say anything, he took Qiao'er and walked outside.

After he left the house, Qin Yong pushed his eyes, a flash of cold light flashed, and smiled: "Mr. Lin, is this your wife?"

"No." Lin Xiao shook his head and asked: "Mr. Qin, I heard a piece of news today. Your youngest son seems to have died tragically in the gym. This is true."

"Still fake?"


Obviously, I could feel the Qin Family Patriarch's whole body shocked, and there was a flash of cold light in his eyes, which flashed past.

Lin Xiao casually drank the porridge without paying attention.

As for Xu Hao with a sneer behind him, a pistol was hidden in his hand.

"Mr. Lin really has a lot of magical powers, you know all this."

Qin Yongpi smiled and said without a smile, "I heard that my family Bin'er seemed to be with you during that time, right?"

With this sentence, his tone increased, and through the window, four red dots shot directly on Lin Xiao's forehead.

At the same moment, Xu Hao took out his pistol and pointed his black muzzle at Qin Yong.

The two sides are ready to go with their swords.

The battle will start at any time!

Lin Xiao was calm and drank the porridge slowly, without being threatened by death at all, and felt fear, "Patriarch Qin, will you end up doing this to me like this?"

"What's the end?" Qin Yong sneered.

After the last sip, Lin Xiao took out a white napkin, wiped the corners of his mouth gracefully, and spit out four words.

"Nine races are all destroyed."

I like the city town of War God, please collect it: (ltnovel.com) The literature of the city town of War God has the fastest update speed.

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