"You just let him go on purpose, but you seem to have angered Hypno, so I won't let you go easily.

The old man reached out and touched the air, and a Poké Ball appeared in the old man's hand. The old man smiled slightly and threw the Poké Ball forward.

A ray of light shot out of the Poké Ball, and a strange Pokémon slowly appeared. It had the head of a bull and the body of a snake, with four human arms on it, but it was longer than a normal human's arms. It had a pair of bird wings behind it.

"Huh, I thought it was something, but it turns out it's just Tauros' head, Ekans' body, Pidgeot's wings, and Machamp's four arms combined together."

Ye Si looked at the monster in front of him. Creating a Pokémon was just a matter of fusing the characteristics of some Pokémon together and turning it into a brand new Pokémon.

"But it looks quite scary."

Lily glanced at the monster Pokémon. The shape of this Pokémon was really weird. If a child saw it, it would probably scare them to tears.

"Well, it's true that it's not a created Pokémon, but that's not the point. The point is, can you defeat it?"

The old man smiled slightly and said: "If you can't defeat him, you may be trapped here for the rest of your life, unless someone outside discovers you."

The old man said such terrifying words with a kind smile and a kind tone, which made Ye Si and Lily couldn't help but have goosebumps on their bodies.

Swampert slowly walked up to Ye Si, staring at the monster in front of him, showing a defensive look.

"It seems that you only have one Pokémon, so let's go one-on-one and decide the outcome in one round."

The old man looked at Swampert in front of him. Although Swampert was not small, compared to that monster Pokémon, Swampert was still a little inferior.

One-on-one, this should give you an advantage in size.

Ye Si raised his eyebrows slightly. If he wanted to fight, he had to check the opponent's Pokémon first.


[Attribute]: None

[Ability]: None

[Level]:Level 75[Elite]

Damn it, Swampert, back up. "

The old man stretched out his finger and pointed it towards the Pokémon in the air. Objects like shackles appeared on the surface of the Pokémon's body. The shackles were very wide. Although they were on the Pokémon, they would not restrict the Pokémon's movements.

Swampert also knew that this was an opportunity. He gathered a ball of energy in his mouth and shot a water column towards the monster with a sound of breaking through the air.

After using "Agility", the monster's speed increased wildly and rushed towards Swampert.

The monster's four fists hit the ground. The ground was made of energy, and ripples instantly appeared, but it did not cause any damage to the ground.

"Haha, don't try to summon new Pokémon. The only one you can use now is Swampert. How can other Pokémon be used if they have been dragged in under hypnosis?"

"Then it seems that I can only use Swampert. Lily, please go and watch from the side. Now that you don't have Pokémon, you can't intervene in this battle."

"Who said I only have one Pokémon? Come on out, Charizard々々."

Ye Si looked dull. Although Rival was an Elite level Pokémon and had a low chance of winning, if he couldn't defeat the opponent, he would be trapped here.

"It's not certain who will win. It's not my style to admit defeat before the fight begins. And if I admit defeat, I'll be trapped in this space."

After both sides' attacks were neutralized, the monster prepared to launch a fierce attack again. The wings behind it condensed energy, and then the energy flowed throughout the body, using "Agility".

After the old man restrained the Pokémon's strength, the monster flashed and came to Swampert in an instant.

"That should be enough, young man, let's get ready to fight."

Ye Si raised his eyebrows slightly. The monster's attacks were all missed and hit the ground. This revealed a large gap. Swampert could seize this opportunity and attack the monster. (Li's)

The strong wind collided with the water column and exploded instantly. Then the strong wind tightly entangled the water column, forming a waterspout between the two Pokémon.

"Now, Swampert, use Mud Shot."

Seeing that the old man planned to go one-on-one, and it was a Swampert, Ye Si naturally would not put his Pokémon at a disadvantage, so he took out a Poké Ball from his body and gently threw it forward.

The monster's four arms did not retract, but the two wings behind it flapped, and the energy flew out. Using "Gust", ten strong winds blew towards the water column.

The old man raised his eyebrows. Ye Si was not afraid of his monster-like Pokémon. Instead, he asked Lily to hide aside and planned to use Swampert to fight.

The old man smiled slightly and told the reason why Charizard could not be summoned. Ye Si's hand that was about to reach for the pocket again stopped.

Although the opponent attacked first, Swampert was no idler and retreated backwards to avoid the monster's attack.



"Well, do you think you can defeat me with Swampert?"

Ye Si was stunned. Why didn't the Charizard inside come out? Did he get the wrong Poké Ball?

Ye Si was startled, and then his face darkened. He didn't expect that the other party would hit him as soon as he asked, and quickly told Swampert to stay away from the monster in front of him.

The Poké Ball fell to the ground and after rolling twice, there was no movement.

After the strong wind entangled the water column, it slowly dissipated, and the water column no longer existed, turning into a water curtain and hitting the ground, turning into droplets of water.

Lily, who was on the other side, also took out a Poké Ball and tried to summon her own Pokémon, but failed as expected.

The monster gathered a layer of energy on its four strong arms, used "Machamp", and hit Swampert with all its strength.

Since there is no point in giving in, there is still no way out [Ye Si Song Neng No Retreat.

Although the monster's aura is still at the Elite level, it is now strong on the outside but capable on the inside, and its ability is no longer Elite level.

Lily nodded, knowing the powerful relationship, and hid aside to watch the battle between the two Pokémon.

"Forget it, to be fair, I will limit this Pokémon's ability. Although the aura is still Elite level, its strength should be almost the same as your Swampert."

Ye Si stared at the monster-like Pokémon. If Swampert fought with this monster, it would be bad for Lily. After all, Lily had no power to protect herself now.

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