Urban Pokemon: I Am The Ability Master

Chapter 281 Lily Advances To The Semi-Finals

Crobat, flying in the air, easily dodged the attack, condensed energy in his body at will, and counted the stars formed by the energy to hit Delphox on the ground.

Although Delphox was not as nimble as Crobat, he was not far behind. He stopped waving the staff in his hand and dodged to the side.


Several big holes were made on the ground by Crobat's "Swift", but Delphox had already dodged it and casually threw a "Fire Vortex" at Crobat.

Ye Si looked at the battle on the field. Foxes and bats are both relatively flexible species. If Rival's flexibility cannot be restricted, it may become a war of attrition.

Lily on the court also thought of this, but Lily didn't intend to limit Rival's flexibility, but instead planned to take advantage of it.

"Delphox, use ""510" Lucky Chant" on yourself, and then shoot "Fire" directly above.

Lily gave Delphox a strange instruction, but Delphox did not disobey. A layer of light emerged from the magic wand, and the light formed characters and flew into Delphox's body.

Ye Si raised his eyebrows, "Lucky Chant" as the name suggests, is to increase the luck value. Why does Delphox need the lucky value.

Opposite Delphox, No. 4 and Crobat also looked confused as to what Delphox and Lily were planning to do.

After using "Lucky Chant", Delphox pointed the magic wand in his hand at Soaring in the sky, and balls of energy were concentrated on it. "Then ten fireballs were shot towards Soaring in the sky.

"Are you setting off fireworks? Isn't it too early for Celebrate to win?"

No. 4 frowned. Those fireballs were obviously not aimed at Crobat. Could it be that Lily was setting off fireworks?

"Really? Delphox, use "Fire Vortex"."

Lily smiled slightly, Delphox waved the magic wand in his hand, and a rotating column of flames burned towards Crobat.

"Smiling so sinisterly... Crobat, choose ten points away from that flame pillar."

No. 4 frowned. Although he didn't know what Lily was thinking, it was better to stay away from Delphox's attack.

Crobat exploded backwards, and the "Fire Vortex" flew past, nothing unusual.

No. 4 smiled bitterly. He had to admit defeat. Crobat was already injured and could no longer continue fighting.

Crobat endured the pain of his wings being burned, and flapped his remaining three wings in the air, but he could no longer maintain his balance, and in the end he could only fall weakly towards the Ground...0

By coincidence, Crobat was flapping his wings, so he didn't fall directly downwards, but instead fell into the flame pit.

Crobat was about to use the "Air Cutter", but for some reason, the hair on Crobat's body stood up. His intuition told Crobat that it would be dangerous if he continued to stay here.

No. 4 breathed a sigh of relief. If nothing else, it is very difficult to cultivate a good Pokémon. If Crobat fell into it, it would probably be gone immediately.

"Swagger, Crobat uses "Air Cutter"."

Crobat fell to the ground, and two staff members took No. 4 and Crobat to the Pokémon Center. Lily walked towards the end of the field.

"Well done, Lily, especially the last 'flame' attack. Rival didn't expect you to be able to attack the fireball with such precision.

"I surrender."

Even if the battle can continue, as long as Delphox gives up maintaining 1.5 "Light Screen", Crobat will immediately fall into the flames.

"Crobat, how did you..."

Lily raised her eyebrows and looked towards No. 4. If Lily hadn't let Delphox take action in time, Crobat would have fallen into the fire pit.

After the referee announced the victory, several staff members came up with water Pokémon and extinguished the flames. Then Delphox unlocked the Light Screen.

Those fireballs did not hit Crobat, and all of them bombarded the ground. Although they were just ordinary "fires", so many "fires" added together were quite powerful.

The fireballs kept flying upward, but they never went out, which showed that Delphox had been providing energy for these fireballs.

Crobat's claws condensed energy, preparing to attack Delphox on the Ground.

“Boom boom boom boom——

It was Lily's Delphox who took action. Under Lily's instructions, Delphox used "Light Screen" at that moment to prevent Crobat from falling.

"Crobat, flap your wings quickly and fly!"

Crobat flapped its wings hard in the air, but it was all in vain. Instead, it got closer and closer to the flame.

Seeing that Crobat was burned by the flames, No. 4 quickly looked at Crobat. Crobat had four wings, but now only three wings were left. The other wing was completely charred black, and it seemed that it could not be used temporarily.

No. 4's face darkened, and he was a little annoyed. Nothing happened. He could only say that he was deceived by Lily.

Ye Si sat in the audience, frowning. The fireball Lily threw just now was definitely not meaningless. Therefore, Ye Si had been paying attention to the fireball shot at Soaring in the sky.

"Crobat, are you okay?"

"What? Aren't you going to admit defeat yet?"

At Crobat's position just now, dozens of fireballs fell towards that position. Crobat also hesitated while dodging and was caught by the flames.

There are already several large pits on the ground, and 3000-degree flames are burning on the ground, forming flame pits.

Crobat hesitated for a moment, gave up the attack, trusted his instincts, and retreated behind him again, leaving his position.

These fireballs have flown to a limit point and can no longer rise, and they are smashing towards the battle venue on the Ground.

As soon as Lily walked to the backstage, Ye Si greeted her from inside. Lily's attack just now really shocked Ye Si. .

At this critical moment, a wall of white light appeared sideways between the flames and Crobat, and Crobat just fell onto the wall.

Seeing that Crobat gave up attacking Delphox, No. 4 looked towards Crobat's position. Then he was stunned and did not continue what he was about to say.

"Delphox, use "Light Screen".

Watching Crobat fall into the flames, No. 4's heart was in his throat. Delphox's flames have a high temperature of 3000 degrees. If he fell into it, how could he still survive?

"Then, player No. 3 won this battle. Congratulations to player No. 3 for qualifying for the semi-finals."

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