Urban Pokemon: I Am The Ability Master

Chapter 277 The Quarterfinals Begin

"It seems that after a one-on-one battle between the two sides, their Pokémon fell down at the same time. Forget it, it seems you don't know either, so I'll go back first.

Lily shook her head, said nothing more, and returned to her room.

Ye Si thought for a moment. If there are only eight people left, the next step should be the quarterfinals.

Shaking his head, Ye Si closed the door of the room. Anyway, no one could defeat Ye Si in this competition.

Time passed, and it was almost the next day. Last night, other people were also informed that they would use electronic equipment to draw lots today, instead of manually drawing lots.

In today's top eight competition, those who can enter the top eight are not weaklings. Lily has to get up early and go to the competition venue to prepare.

At seven o'clock in the morning, after Lily briefly washed herself, she opened the door and just walked out, she saw Ye Si coming out of the door, but she was still wearing pajamas, her eyes were bleary, and she looked like she had just woken up.

"Good morning, Ye Si, why did you come out in your pajamas?"

Lily looked at Ye Si in surprise. Normally, 20 people would come out after changing their clothes, but Ye Si came out in pajamas.

"Uh... I forgot to change. I'll go change my clothes first."

Ye Si glanced at the clothes on her body, with an embarrassed look on her face. She was no longer sleepy. She ran to the room and changed clothes before coming out.

"By the way, did you get up so early?"

Lily glanced at Ye Si. Ye Si usually liked to get up later after going to bed, but it was a bit rare to get up so early.

"It's nothing, I just want to get up early. Are you planning to go to the competition venue now?"

Ye Si looked at the time and saw that it was only 7:10. The game didn't start until 9 o'clock. Why did Lily go so early?

"I'm going to have breakfast and go early: prepare the competition venue. Why don't you go with me? After all, it's not easy for someone to enter the quarterfinals.

Lily nodded, and Ye Si thought for a moment. Anyway, he had nothing to do, otherwise he would go to the competition venue with Lily.

"I understand, let's go together."

Ye Si nodded and walked outside with Lily.

[Name]: Venus flytrap

The second game also started immediately. No. 1 took out Meganium, and No. 2 took out Venus flytrap. Both sides were grass-type Pokémon.

If the Pokémon is slightly injured after the game, you can choose not to send it to the Pokémon Center and just get some recovery medicine for the Pokémon yourself.

Ye Si looked at No. 1 and No. 2 who had finished the battle, and then glanced at Lily. .

Treating and fighting at the same time, Meganium and Venus flytrap became a war of attrition, and the final result was to see who couldn't hold on first.

"Water Gun" successfully hit Onix, which caused Onix pain. However, the pain did not make Onix flinch. Instead, it angered Onix and stalked Bibarel.

Ye Si sat backstage, looking at the screen in front of her. Lots were being drawn at the competition venue outside, but it had been manipulated.

However, Bibarel is a Normal + water type, and the water type just restrains Onix's Ground type and Rock type. Onix is ​​at a disadvantage from the Attribute point of view.

As expected, Steelix was defeated after a battle because his body was scarred and his movements were slow. He did not have time to avoid Torkoal's "Flamethrower".

"The battle between No. 1 and No. 2 is over, it's your turn soon, Lily.

[Level]: Level 45 (Elite)

Onix used "Iron Tail" and hit Bibarel hard, but with Bibarel's flexibility, how could he be hit by Onix?

However, Steelix's record is not bad, and Torkoal also has a lot of scars on his body. He can reverse Attribute and injure Torkoal, so Steelix is ​​not bad either.

As soon as the battle started, Bibarel fiercely attacked Onix with the "Aqua Jet". Onix avoided its sharp edge and dodged the attack.

Ye Si took a rough look at the panels of both sides, and found that Meganium's level was slightly higher than Venus flytrap, but both sides were grass-type, so this level could not bring too much advantage.

After Onix avoided the attack, Bibarel quickly pursued him and fired a "Water Gun" at Onix, leaving Onix no time to react.

In the end, Meganium relied on its relatively high level to defeat the Venus flytrap, but then fell down as the chrysanthemum narrowly won.

[Name]: Torkoal

[Level]: Level 47 (Elite)

The two sides fought one to one, and at the beginning of the third game, No. 1 took out Bibarel, and No. 2 took out 960, but it was an Onix with level 44, and the two Pokémon were exactly the same.

The game was about to start, and Lily hurried back. It seemed that she had made a lot of preparations.

Ye Si was sitting in the backstage room resting during the game, while Lily said she wanted to prepare her Pokémon for the game, and then she ran off somewhere.

Ye Si and Lily came to a breakfast shop to have breakfast. Then Lily went to buy some pills, saying they were for Pokémon, mainly to recover from injuries.

[Level]: Level 47 (Elite)

Ye Si took a cursory look at the panels of the two Pokémon. They were both at about the same level, with the Fire type restraining the Steel type. If nothing else, Torkoal should win.

[Name]: Meganium

Soon, the results of the draw came out, and it was the same as what was written on the note, Lily Si was in the second game and Ye Si was in the fourth game.

After buying the medicine, Ye Si and Lily came to the competition venue. Ye Si thought they were the first to come, but there were already three or four people in front of Ye Si and Lily.

The two Pokémon started fighting, and Venus flytrap used "Ingrain" as soon as it came up. Although it couldn't move, it could constantly repair its own injuries.

[Level]: Level 46 (Elite)

Easily avoiding Onix's attacks, and constantly using "Water Gun" and "Aqua Jet" to consume Onix, Onix will soon be unable to hold on.

The first game started, No. 1 played against No. 2, No. 1 took out a Steelix, and No. 2 took out a Torkoal.

Seeing that the situation was at a disadvantage, No. 2 had no choice but to admit defeat and take Onix back.

[Name]: Steelix

Meganium is not to be outdone. Meganium, who has the skill "Synthesis", can also heal itself. The two Pokémon continue to attack each other while healing their own wounds.

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