Urban Pokemon: I Am The Ability Master

Chapter 261 The Mysterious House In The Swamp

"Strange house and mysterious Pokémon? It seems interesting. Can you tell me more about it?"

Ye Si raised her eyebrows slightly, and became interested in the strange house the coffee shop owner mentioned, and asked the owner.

The shop owner thought for a moment and said: "Well, let me think about it... It seems that it was two or three months ago. A Trainer from other places saw the swamp when passing by it. There’s a house in there.”

The shop owner took a breath and continued: "Driven by curiosity, the Trainer entered the swamp and walked towards the house, where he encountered a Pokémon he had never seen before."

"A Pokémon I've never seen before? What Pokémon is it?"

Ye Si frowned. All Pokémon in the world have been discovered. No matter what kind of Pokémon you are looking for, you can basically find it.

Are there any Pokémon that have not been discovered yet?

"What kind of Pokémon... That Trainer said he saw a Pokémon with a bull-headed snake body, long limbs, and this pair of wings on its back."

The shop owner described the mysterious Pokémon, and Ye Si fell into deep thought, but no matter what Ye Si thought, she couldn't think of a Pokémon that matched this appearance.

"If there really is such a Pokémon, then I would like to see it then."

Ye Si was intrigued by the mysterious Pokémon mentioned by the shop owner, and after the competition was over, Ye Si planned to go and have a look.

"Actually, you may not be able to find the hut even if you go there. After that, several Trainers went looking for it, but they couldn't even find the strange hut."

The shopkeeper reminded Ye Si, and Ye Si nodded.

"This is your mocha coffee, please use it slowly."


After Ye Si finished drinking coffee, it was almost twelve o'clock. Ye Si found a restaurant and prepared to go back to the hotel after eating.

"Ye Si? Are you back?"

As soon as Ye Si walked to the door of the hotel, Lily walked out of it.

"Well, where do you plan to go?"

Ye Si was playing with Lily Silk. Lily Silk was holding a long box in her hand, not knowing what was inside.

"I have an elder here, and I'm going to visit him. Oh, by the way, the game ends tonight, and there will be another draw before seven o'clock. Remember to go there.

After Lily finished speaking, she hurriedly ran out with the box, probably it was a gift or something.

Ye Si didn't pay much attention to it. She returned to her room and took a comfortable nap. In the afternoon, she was going to check out the Pokémon the shopkeeper mentioned.

Time passed quickly. Ye Si went to the library to check Pokémon information, but could not find any Pokémon that matched the characteristics. After dinner, it was almost seven o'clock.

Ye Si came to the competition venue, and now there are about half of the people left. There are sixty-five participants, one has a bye, and there are now thirty-three people.

But now with the addition of Ye Si, there were only thirty-two people on the venue. Ye Si looked at the crowd, but did not see Lily.

"Strange, where is Lily?"

Ye Si frowned and looked at everyone. Lan Lugou was all there, but Lily was not found.

"Everyone, come here and prepare to draw lots."

Ye Si shook his head, maybe he was late for something, and hoped that Lily could arrive before the draw ended.

A row of people lined up to draw lots. Ye Si stood at the back, but Lan Lugou stood at the front.

Host nodded and recorded Ye Si's information.

"Why did you come here so late?"

You don't need to think about it to know what Lily will draw, but she still goes through the scene symbolically, and Lily takes out the ball No. 26 from the box.

It was time to draw lots at Ye Si. Ye Si did not ask any questions and prepared to draw lots.

"Hmph, don't let me meet you in the competition, otherwise your Pokémon probably won't have to be sent to the Pokémon Center."

"I'm going to have a fight tomorrow. What kind of Rival will it be?"

"Wouldn't you know this kind of thing if you go see 2.6 tomorrow?"

Host looked at the ball in Lan Lugou's hand in surprise. He didn't expect that the first one would get a bye.

Lan Lugou walked towards Ye Si and was about to say something, but was blocked by Ye Si's words and froze in place.

Ye Si and Lily made the gym. Ye Si glanced at Soaring in the sky and sighed.

Seeing that everyone else was looking over, Lan Lugou didn't feel like having a seizure in public, so he left a wolfish tone and walked towards the door. 0

Seeing that nothing happened, the others withdrew their gaze and continued to draw the lottery.

By the time Ye Si arrived at the competition venue, it was already past nine-twenty, but now it was the turn of No. 3 and No. 4. After this is over, there will be three more battles before it is Ye Si's turn. .

After a bad night, Ye Si got up from the bed sleepily. It was already half past eight.

Although they have to arrive at the competition venue before nine o'clock, they won't compete immediately after arriving anyway. There are still five battles ahead of Ye Si.

Ye Si took out a ball at random and looked at the ball in his hand. It said 11 on it.

"Stop barking and get out!"

After recording Lan Lugou's information, Lan Lugou walked towards the gate of the venue. As he was leaving, Lan Lugou accidentally glanced at Ye Si.

Ye Si raised her eyebrows slightly, not knowing what Lily was doing and panting.

After Ye Si finished smoking, he glanced at Host's notebook on the table. There was only one number left on it, which was 26.

But this time Lan Lugou's father was not here. Lan Lugou reached out and grabbed a ball from the box, with a bye written on it.

Lily smiled pretending to be mysterious and did not reveal the information to Ye Si.

Ye Si reached out to the box. Ye Si and Lily Si were the last two to draw lots, and there were only two balls left in it.

After simply washing up, Ye Si walked out of the hotel, had a leisurely breakfast, and walked towards the competition venue.

"Is the first one a bye?"

Other participating trainers also noticed this and looked over.

"Nothing, I went to get a secret weapon."

"11, record it."


Lily smiled, now knowing what Rival said, Ye Si was a little too impatient.

"Oh, this isn't..."

Ye Si also nodded, and the two of them walked towards the hotel.

"I'm just a little curious. Let's go back first. We have to get up early to participate in the competition tomorrow."

Suddenly, Lily ran in from outside panting and lined up behind Ye Si.

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