Urban Pokemon: I Am The Ability Master

Chapter 254 Delphoxvs Flash Metang

"Flash Metang is the same level as my Delphox, so it looks like your Pokémon is not bad either.

Lily stared at the Flash Metang in front of her. This Flash Metang was no weaker than her Delphox, and her expression was a little more cautious.

"So, do you want to start now?"

Ye Si looked at Lily's Delphox. The fire element restrained the steel element, so this battle was slightly unfavorable to his side.

"Go ahead, Delphox, use 'Ember' on Flash Metang."

Delphox used "Ember" and fired several fireballs at Flash Metang, but he did not use his ultimate move as soon as he came up. "It seems that Lily wanted to test her strength.

"Flash Metang, use "Agility" to avoid attacks."

Flash Metang used "Agility", his movement speed increased dramatically, and he instantly avoided the incoming "Fireball".

"Well done, Flash Metang, relying on "Agility" to get close to Delphox in one go."

For Pokémon like Delphox, Normal is at a disadvantage in melee combat, and Flash Metang is good at melee combat. Ye Si's command is currently the most suitable tactic.

"Huge gold, huge gold..."

Flash Metang shouted and quickly approached Delphox using "Agility".

"Don't even think about succeeding, Delphox, use [Flame Vortex] to block 460 Flash Metang."

Lily can naturally see that Flash Metang is good at melee combat. If it is melee combat, Delphox will be at a disadvantage and must prevent Flash Metang from getting close.

Delphox waved his magic circle, and a rotating pillar of fire was shot at the rushing Flash Metang. If Flash Metang continued to rush forward, he would be hit by the flames.

"Flash Metang, avoid."

Liu Yun frowned slightly and immediately ordered Flash Metang to avoid it. After all, if he were to resist the opponent's flames and rush forward, Flash Metang would probably fall before defeating the opponent.

Flash Metang paused and used "Agility" to dodge to the right again, barely avoiding the "Flame Vortex".

Although he dodged it, Flash Metang's right arm was very close to the "Flame Vortex" and was now burned red.

"Stop attacking, Delphox, Ye Si, let's stop here, your Flash Metang has been injured."

Lily also noticed that Flash Metang was burned by the flames, and quickly asked Delphox, who wanted to pursue, to stop attacking.

"Okay, although I still have the energy to fight, I'd better stop here (cafj). I lost this battle."

Ye Si nodded and stopped fighting. As for Flash Metang's injury, it was only red-hot and would cool down after a while.

Although Ye Si has admitted defeat, if Flash Metang can get close to Delphox, it will be Ye Si's victory.

"Speaking of which, in the village we went to before, when did those trees start to be planted?"

Ye Si took back Flash Metang, took out the map and looked at tomorrow's journey, and suddenly remembered that when he was in that village, there was no sign of the forest on the map.

"That forest, let me think about it...the last time I passed by here, it was still flat land. It should have been two or three months ago."

Lily thought about her past memories, pondered for a moment, and replied to Ye Si.

Ye Si raised her eyebrows slightly and asked Lily: "Have you been to that place before?"

"Just passing by."

Lily shook her head, as if she didn't want to mention the past.

Ye Si didn't ask further questions. After all, everyone has their own secrets.

The two of them had something to eat and chatted for a while. It was already getting late, so they got into their respective tents and prepared for Rest.

"That's true, then just go slowly."


Ye Si was startled and looked at Lily suspiciously, not understanding why he had to arrive before night.

Ye Si and Lily were walking on the roadside. Suddenly, there was a loud noise behind them. Ye Si and Lily looked behind.

The journey was shorter than it looked on the map. It only took two hours. Ye Si and Lily were already close to the town. It would only take about ten minutes to walk there.

As soon as Ye Si opened the zipper of the tent, he saw Lily Si had already gotten up and was packing up her tent.

On the road behind Ye Si and Lily, a young man about the same age as Ye Si fell to the ground, with a Zebstrika standing next to him.

[Name]: Zebstrika

"Damn it, this broken horse dared to throw me. I think you are tired of living. Come out, Krokorok.

"Are we going to draw lots tonight? It doesn't matter. Anyway, we can get there in about three hours' walk.

"Well... Good morning, Lily, are you up so early?"

Ye Si took out the card from her backpack. On the back of the card, it was written that she must arrive at the competition location before 7 pm to draw lots, and the competition will officially begin tomorrow.


The young man who fell on the ground got up from the ground, took out a Poké Ball, threw it forward, and a crocodile Pokémon appeared from the Poké Ball.

[Attribute]: Ground+Evil

"Before tonight?"

[Name]: Krokorok

The night passed quickly, and the sky was already bright. Ye Si slowly got up from the bed and opened the zipper of the tent.

Lily nodded, she still had plenty of time, there was no need to arrive so early.

Ye Si and Lily simply washed up and walked towards the town.

Ye Si raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at the two Pokémon, and used the viewing function.

The tent for two people is on a flat grassland. If there are any Pokémon nearby, there is no need to worry about any danger.

[Special Ability]: Herbivory

"I just got up not long ago, and I'm going to the town soon. We have to get there before tonight.

Seeing this, Ye Si didn't know what Zebstrika's herbivorous ability was, but now was not the time to complain. .


[Level]: Level 28 (Intermediate)

[Level]: Level 39 (advanced)

Ye Si climbed out of the tent, stretched out, and began to pack the tent. However, this tent was easy to pack, just fold it up and put it in your backpack.

Lily looked at Ye Si in surprise. Ye Si suddenly remembered that she had kept the registration card in her backpack since she got it.

[Potential]: Advanced

[Potential]: Elite

"Didn't you see the card you signed up for?"

[Ability]: Electric engine

Ye Si is not worried about this. It's only morning anyway, and it's only three hours' walk from the competition venue. How could she be late?

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