“Huh…it’s finally here.

Ye Si wiped the sweat from his head. Now that Ye Si has entered the city, Ye Si plans to stay here for a day and leave tomorrow.

Ye Si went to the hotel and found a room. After walking for an hour, Ye Si felt a little tired, so she lay on the bed and fell asleep.


"Asshole, don't let me catch you!"

Ye Si was lying in bed Rest. Suddenly, a loud roar came from outside, waking Ye Si up from her sleep.

"Hmm...what time is it..."

Ye Si Struggled up from the bed and looked at the alarm clock on the bedside table. It was already half past four in the afternoon.

Ye Si got up from the bed, walked to the window, and looked out of the window.

Under the Ye Si Hotel, an uncle who looked like a chef was standing angrily, and a Darumaka was carrying a cake and running towards the distance.

"It's Darumaka again...it seems to be the one I met at noon."

Ye Si also saw what was going on. Darumaka probably went to the cake shop and stole a piece of cake, and then the chef of the cake shop became angry.

“You’ve taken so much bread and you’re still hungry?”

Ye Si has been taken away more than a dozen pieces of bread by two Darumakas. Darumakas are not big and they should not consume much food.

Ye Si shook his head and didn't think much about it. Maybe Darumaka was just storing food, or simply wanted to eat cake.

Ye Si took a shower in the hotel and felt much better all over, and the fatigue from walking was gone.

"It's five o'clock, let's go have a meal first."

Ye Si changed her clothes and just came out of the bathroom. She saw that the time was already five ten. She took her clothes to the dry cleaners downstairs and walked towards a nearby restaurant.

Ye Si found this restaurant casually. There were not many people there yet. Ye Si found a seat against the wall and sat down. There were two people eating at the table in front of Ye Si.

Ye Si ordered two dishes and started eating. The two people in front of Ye Si were chatting, and Ye Si suddenly heard some interesting information.

Passerby A: "The cakes in that cake shop just now were stolen by those two Darumakas, and the boss is still angry."

Passerby B: "Those two Darumaka started stealing things more than a month ago. It's not uncommon now, but I heard about something recently.

Passerby A: "What did you hear?"

Passerby B: "Isn't the bell tower we have here stopped ringing? Now we are too lazy to repair it. I heard that the bell tower will be demolished directly.


The store clerk in Tory City is also a little angry. It seems that these two Darumaka have provoked a lot of people.

Ye Si only felt a strong force coming, and he was knocked to the ground. The red object climbed up from Ye Si and fled quickly.

Ye Si was stunned and asked the clerk: "Then your relationship should be good, so why did Darumaka steal food?"

"That's not the case. These two Darumaka have a close relationship with this town. They already existed when the town was established. They were not like this before.

"Then you just let them steal food here?"

The clerk in the store came out, saw Ye Si getting up from the ground, and stepped forward to ask.

"Guest, are you okay?"


"More than a month ago, the clock tower seemed to have broken down, and Darmanitan was missing. Only two Darumaka were left, and these two fire mahogany tumblers started stealing food.

"That one just now was... the red-hot (cabg) man?"

Ye Si fell into deep thought. If he remembered correctly, Darmanitan should be the evolved form of Darumaka, and it seems to evolve at level 35.

"Can you tell me more about it?"

Passerby B: "Yeah, after all, we won't build the bell tower. Keeping it takes up space, so it's better to demolish it.

"After all, Darumaka stole something, so it is normal for Darumaka to be condemned by people."

The clerk shook his head and smiled bitterly. It seems that these two Darumaka cannot be captured.

Ye Si raised his eyebrows. There should be a lot of people in the entire town. They couldn't even catch two Darumaka?

Two passers-by stood up and walked outside the hotel. Although they heard some interesting things from the passers-by, Ye Si didn't pay much attention to them.

The clerk sighed, hesitated for a moment, and said: "Now in the town, these two Darumaka have a very bad reputation. Some people have even begun to condemn these two Darumaka."

"If you want to know, let me tell you that when the town was established, in addition to these two Darumaka, there were ten Mimo baboons who were also together.

"Two Darumaka, one went to the cake shop, and the other went to the supermarket to get food..."

"The town has been established for about seven or eight years, and during these days, Darmanitan and these two Darumaka have been accompanying the people here."

Ye Si had just walked to the door of Tory City when suddenly a red object rushed out of the supermarket and hit Ye Si.

After Ye Si finished eating, he was going to buy some portable food. After all, his food had been taken away by Darumaka. If he didn't add something, he wouldn't be able to encounter acquaintances' restaurants at any time during his travels.

"Yes, I really want people to catch it and teach it a lesson."

Ye Si nodded. If a Thief stole his things, Ye Si would also be angry. .

Passerby A: "That clock tower has been there for many years, so it's quite old. Now it's going to be demolished?"

After all, Ye Si can't control things like demolishing the clock tower.

Ye Si also became a little interested. Now that he thinks about it, Darumaka is a relatively kind Pokémon and shouldn't steal food.

Ye Si walked out of the hotel and saw a directional sign on the roadside. Ye Si looked at the directional sign and walked towards Tory City.

Ye Si stood up from the ground, rubbed her aching butt, and looked at the red object, which turned out to be a Darumaka.

Ye Si frowned and looked again in the direction of Darumaka's escape. Darumaka had disappeared.

Passerby A: "I'm full and ready to go."

Ye Si frowned and looked at Darumaka who was walking away. In the hand of the tumbler, there was a plastic bag, which should be food.

"I'm fine. Did that Darumaka just come here to grab food?"

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