Urban Pokemon: I Am The Ability Master

Chapter 247: Capture The Thief First And Capture The King First!

When Ye Si saw this panel, Ye Si was startled. This Raticate had reached level 29, which was already the peak of the intermediate level.

However, this Raticate seems to have the potential to rise, but its potential is only intermediate, which limits the potential of this Raticate to rise.

But given time, if you cultivate it well, you might be able to break through your limits and reach a higher level.

However, even if you break through your own limits, you will probably only be able to reach advanced levels, not even elites.

In Ye Si's opinion, such a Pokémon was not worth mentioning, but Ye Si suddenly thought that it might be a good choice to give this Pokémon to Kizhe.

After all, Kizori is not a professional trainer. It is a bit difficult for him to train a Pokémon to an advanced level, and this Raticate always lacks a "four-zero" opportunity to break through before it reaches an advanced level.

I gave him a Poké Ball just now, and it came in handy now. There was no problem for Ye Si in defeating this Raticate. The next step was whether Kizori was willing to accept this Pokémon.

"I'm going to take action next, you hide aside first, and then come out after I've dealt with those Rattata and Raticate."

After giving instructions to Oreki, Ye Si walked out of the corner and looked at Rattata in the middle.


As soon as Ye Si appeared, the Rattata noticed Ye Si and looked at Ye Si with red eyes, revealing bloodthirsty light.

"Pokémon with Dark Type, just attack other wild Pokémon. If you dare to attack humans, you are looking for death."

Ye Si looked at the Rattata in front of him coldly. With such a number of Rattata, one Pokémon should not be able to deal with them. Except for the Poké Ball he had already taken out, Ye Si took out another Poké Ball.

"Come out, Scizor, Zyraora."

Ye Si threw the two Poké Balls in his hands and landed on the ground, forming the figures of Scizor and Zelaora.

Originally, Ye Si planned to throw Slaking out, but as a fighting venue, this might be a bit cramped for Slaking, so Ye Si had no choice but to give up asking for leave.

Ye Si summoned two Pokémon at once, which was undoubtedly a kind of Taunt in Rattata's eyes, with a bright red light in his eyes.


The next second, all the Rattata rushed towards Ye Si. Scizor and Zelaora saw that the situation was not good and stood in front of Ye Si.

"Zelaora, use "Plasma Fists"."

Ye Si gave the order, and arcs of electricity shot out from Zieraora's body like crazy. The Rattata closest to Zieraora was actually directly hit by the arc shot from Zheeraora's body.

The lotus body fell to the ground charred black.

Scizor raised the giant pliers in his hand, and with the "Double Team" beside him, he used a "Scissors Cross Fist" to attack Raticate behind Mu Zhe.

[Name]: Raticate


Zeeraora grabbed Raticate's body from behind. Seeing that the situation was not good, Raticate used "Hyper Fang" again and bit Zearaora's arm. .

Zyraora is a level 60 Elite, but that Raticate is only level 29. How can an intermediate level fight against an Elite?

[Level]: Level 23 (Intermediate)

Ye Si no longer wants to drag it on. Rattata should live in this cave all year round. There is a strange smell in it. It was okay at first, but now the smell is getting stronger.

[Potential]: Intermediate

"Come on, Scizor, don't let Raticate hurt Kizori."

Scizor and "Double Team" stand aside. As long as a Rattata breaks through Zyraora's defense, they will immediately go up and use "Double Strike" to chop the Rattata to the ground.

"Zeraora continues to use "Plasma Fists" and Scizor, and uses "Double Team" and "Double Strike" to assist Zeraora."


The level 29 Raticate saw all this, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, and he yelled, seemingly calling his companions.

Ye Si turned on the system and started looking at those Raticate panels.

"But this, this, this..."

As soon as Ye Si finished speaking, Scizor and "4.0 Double Team" were already fighting with the Raticates. Every time the pliers in their hands were waved, one or two Raticates fell to the ground.

But there are seventy or eighty Raticates around level 23. If you want to destroy all the Raticates, it may take a long time.

"Hyper Fang" accurately hit Zeraora, but it was just an afterimage. The real Zeraora had already arrived behind Raticate.

Although the level gap was huge, the Raticate seemed to be unable to feel it as it hit Zelaora with a "Hyper Fang".

Not only Rattata who was hit by lightning, but also Lada who was electrocuted would fall to the ground.

"Capture the thief first, capture the king first, Scizor, drag the dozens of Raticate, Zyraora, and capture the highest-level Raticate alive."

Ye Si frowned slightly. What he was checking just now was the highest-level Raticate there. It seemed that these were the subordinates of the level 29 Raticate.


The lightning perfectly bombarded the Rattata group, continuously emitting arcs in the Rattata, and the Rattata hit by the arc would fall to the ground covered in charred black.


Scizor has already started fighting, and Zyraora is not to be outdone, rushing towards the level 29 Raticate.

Zyraora's "Plasma Fists" hit the Rattata group, and half of the Rattata fell instantly, but the other Rattata were already rushing forward without fear of death.

But the Rattata who fell to the ground failed to intimidate the other Rattata. The other Rattata's eyes glowed red and they continued to rush forward.

The speed of clearing Rattata in this way is very fast. In less than a minute, there is no Rattata on the ground, and only a level 29 broaching machine is left standing there.

The Raticate running in front did not react, and was instantly defeated by five or six Scizor. The other Raticate hid aside and stared at Scizor cautiously.

Zeraora's "Plasma Fists" blasted towards the Rattata, and violent lightning swept towards the Rattata in an instant.

Zeraora used "Plasma Fists" again, and lightning continued to wreak havoc in the Rattata group, and the Rattata fell to the ground one by one.

I saw Mu Zhe running out of the corner, and behind him were a group of intermediate Raticates, chasing after Mu Zhe. 0

Muzhe, who was standing around the corner and peeking, suddenly shouted. Ye Si frowned slightly and looked behind him.

[Ability]: Escape + Perseverance

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