Urban Pokemon: I Am The Ability Master

Chapter 242 Disaster Of Rattata

"Traveling? What a coincidence, my son also went on a trip, and there happens to be a house here. Come in.

The old lady smiled kindly and let Ye Si in without doubting Ye Si.


Ye Si carried a backpack and entered Lao Danian's home. Although the house was not big, it was not small either.

In the living room of the old lady's house, there are two photos. One of them is of a family of three, but the picture should be of the old lady when she was young. The other picture only shows the current old lady and her son who is about the same age as Ye Si.

Ye Si entered the old lady's son's room. There was only a bed and a table, and the land was simple.

There was only this village nearby, and Ye Si had no other place to live. However, Ye Si was not a picky person, so she put down her backpack and sat down on the bed. "Five Five Three"

"Child, you haven't eaten yet. There's still some food here. If you don't mind, come and have a bite."

The old lady's voice sounded outside, and Liu Yun walked out of the room, just in time to see the old lady bringing two plates of simple side dishes to the table.

"Auntie, there are only some vegetables available to eat here. Just make do with them for now. There are so many rats recently that we can't even harvest vegetables in the fields."

"It's okay, these dishes are enough, but what about the mice you mentioned?"

Ye Si nodded, picked up the rice bowl on the table, took a bite of the food, and asked the old lady.

"About half a month ago, those guys named Rattata suddenly appeared in large numbers and were all over the mountain. Now they are running down the mountain to destroy the farmland."

The old man sighed and looked sad. It seemed that Rattata had brought a lot of trouble to the old lady.

"Those Rattata are so rampant that they are destroying farmland, so why not treat them?"

Ye Si recalled that when she was climbing the mountain, she had already seen three nests of Rattata while walking. The mountain was so big that she didn’t know how many Rattata there were.

"Hey, we have also tried to drive them away by raining a lot of rain near the farmland, but it was of no use because there are too many Rattata. I heard that several people were bitten by Rattata."

The old lady shook her head, recalling the many wrinkles on the faces of those who were attacked by Rattata.

"Have you already started harming humans?"

Outside the house, there were seven or eight Rattata running unscrupulously on the road, showing great arrogance and power trip.

"Yes, there were a few people in our village who said they were going to go up the mountain and burn down their lair. Now only two of them have come back, and one of them has not been found yet. What a crime, ugh..."

A few seconds later, Rattata, who was trying to escape, fell to the ground, his whole body charred and black, twitching constantly, and arcs of electricity appeared from time to time on his body. .

Ye Si took out two Pokémon balls from his pocket and used them to prove his identity.

Ye Si frowned slightly, put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, walked out of the house, and looked outside.

Seeing the hesitant look on the old lady's face, Ye Si quickly struck while the iron was hot and tried to impress the old lady.


"How about this? I'll go see if I can solve it first. If I can't solve it, there's no rush for your village to hire a trainer."

Although she still lacks a micro seal, Ye Si is not in a hurry. Anyway, Ye Si is very confident in her own strength, and getting another micro seal is not a problem.

"No, no, it's too dangerous there. Our village is going to invite the trainers in the city and let them deal with it. No need to trouble you."

Ye Si frowned slightly. If it was a vicious incident of Pokémon attacking humans, then he might be able to help them solve it.

Besides, this village was kind enough to take Ye Si in, and it was right for Ye Si to help others.

The old lady shook her head and sighed. This is a small village. Basically, everyone is acquaintances. Now that something happened to someone else, the old lady couldn't be happy.

"Are you going to hire those trainers? I happen to be a Pokémon trainer too, so let me handle it. After all, it's embarrassing to live in your house and eat and drink for free.

After the old lady finished speaking, she hurried out of the house. After Ye Si finished eating, she was just about to wash the dishes when there was a strange noise outside.

Ye Si reached for her pocket, grabbed a Poké Ball, and threw it. The Poké Ball turned into a light and shadow in the air and shot back to the Ground.


After making up his mind, Ye Si looked up at the old lady and said: "Old lady, I think I can help you solve this matter, but I may have to stay at your house for a longer time.

Lightning and Rattata's Misery Growl 4.1 fluctuated with each other. A few seconds later, the group of Rattata chewing on the corner had been scorched black by Zelaora's electricity and fell to the ground.


Ye Si frowned slightly, he didn't expect the Rattata here to be so rampant. If not treated, it would probably cause greater harm to the people in this village.

The doors of the surrounding houses were tightly closed, and some Rattata were gnawing at the edges of the houses outside, trying to drill holes in. The sound Ye Si heard just now was made by these guys.

The old lady sighed, nodded, and said: "Okay, but I can't decide on such a matter. I'll go to the village chief first and let him decide...0"

Ye Si was a little surprised. Rattata is not a very aggressive Pokémon. Normal will not attack others for no reason.


The light and shadow fell on the ground and turned into the figure of Zelaora. Contest Condition, who was beaten to the point of losing energy by Leshiram, has completely disappeared.

The electric arc is constantly jumping on the Rattata, and the lightning is also transmitted to other Rattata, forming a lightning chain in the Rattata.


Zyraora is extremely fast. After using "Quick Attack", she instantly rushed into the Rattata group, and all the lightning on her body exploded.

The Rattata who were running blindly on the road were frightened and fled away when they saw this scene, but would Zelaora let them escape?

Ye Si looked at Zeraora who was full of Contest Condition. Zeraora's body was constantly flashing with arcs of electricity. She used "Quick Attack" and rushed towards the group of Rattata.

Zyraor stretched out his arm, and lightning continued to condense in his hand. He used "Spark", and a thick arc of electricity was shot towards the Rattata.

Seeing Ye Si actively asking for help, the old lady shook her head and refused Ye Si's help.

The old lady was stunned and looked hesitant, not sure whether she should agree or not.

"Zelaora, destroy all those Rattata."

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