The three Pokémon returned to Ye Si's hands. Ye Si put the Poké Ball into the pocket on his waist and turned away.

Laislam, who was behind Ye Si, saw that Ye Si retreated from the difficulty, slowly landed on the Ground, lay down on the Ground and continued to sleep.

Ye Si returned to where he came from and looked back at the light spot in the distance. Ye Si had already fully realized how powerful Laxiram was.

Next time, I will definitely succeed in taming Lesram.

With this thought in mind, Ye Si continued to walk forward, slowly disappearing from this dark space.

Perhaps seeing Ye Si's thoughts before leaving, Laislam in the distance raised his eyelids, glanced at the direction where Ye Si disappeared, and then closed his eyes again.

"It's interesting. It's really interesting. He has strong perseverance. What will it be like next time you see him? "Four Eighty"

Black's space fell into silence...

Ye Si slowly opened her eyes and looked up to see the moss-covered ceiling.

"Xiaoye, are you okay? How is your health?"

Next to Ye Si, Mr. Liu's voice suddenly sounded. Ye Si turned around and saw Mr. Liu looking at him with a worried look.

"You're in good health, everything should be fine."

Ye Si slowly got up from the ground and moved her body. In Laislam's space, Ye Si was sore all over from being pressed by Laislam's dragon pressure, but now there is no problem with her body.

Suddenly, a feeling of dizziness came, and Ye Si swayed and almost fell to the ground.

"Xiaoye, don't be too pushy, you should take a rest first."

Mr. Liu next to him saw that Ye Si almost fell to the ground, so he quickly helped Ye Si to the wall and asked Ye Si to sit down against the wall.

Ye Si then thought about it, what would happen even if others knew about it? Laisram was so strong, there was no way they could successfully capture him.


Seeing that no one said anything, Mr. Liu nodded with satisfaction, told the next plan, then turned and walked outside.

What if there is a being in the ruins besides Laisram who is stronger than Ye Si?

After walking for more than ten minutes, everyone reached the outside of the ruins. Their tense nerves relaxed and they all breathed a sigh of relief. Although there is a powerful person like Ye Si, Ye Si is not omnipotent.

Ye Si stood up from the ground, pondered for a moment, and told all the Trainers present about the situation of Light Stone.

"That's not the legendary one..."

"Xiaoye, what happened when you fainted just now?"

"Since Leshiram has already said that we don't want to be disturbed, let's leave the Light Stone here and let Leshiram continue to sleep here. When we go back, I will have people guard this place. "

Ye Si recalled the scene in Laislam's space. Laislam said that his consciousness was only pulled into the space, and his body did not enter.

"This is Laisram's dormant..."

But the three people haven't taken action yet, and Ye Si can't do anything right now. She just remembers the looks of the three people, just in case these guys don't know their looks when they steal the Light Stone.

So everyone is working hard. If they are suddenly attacked by a powerful Pokémon, they may die without knowing how. .

Ye Si took out the Poké Ball, threw it to the ground, and summoned Zyraora. She saw that Zyraora was in low spirits and her expression was in a trance, but she was not physically injured.

"Not only that, Lesram is a bit disgusting with humanity now. If possible, I hope everyone will not touch the Light Stone, otherwise there will be consequences. Don't blame me for not warning you."

It is understandable that Ye Si does not have any pain in her body, but what about Zyraora who was seriously injured in the Laislam space? Will Zyraora's serious injuries be brought out?

Of course, Ye Mei noticed that there were three people in the corner, staring closely at the Light Stone in the middle of the hall, with a trace of greed in their eyes.

When Ye Si finished talking about the situation in the Light Stone, the people present were talking a lot, and they were all discussing the legend of Laisram. Even Mr. Liu stared at the Light Stone and fell into deep thought.

Ye Si breathed a long sigh of relief. She would not be harmed in that space. Now it seems that Zyraora is just a little depressed. She should be fine after a while.

But I am afraid that not only Mr. Liu, but also other people present have discovered something unusual about the stone. It is impossible to get away with it.

"If this is the case, please listen to me."

Ye Si put Zelaora away. The people nearby saw that Ye Si suddenly summoned an Elite-level Pokémon and then put it back. Everyone looked at a loss and didn't know what Ye Si wanted to do.

Ye Si frowned slightly. If these three people wanted to steal the Light Stone, Ye Si would never hold back.

Mr. Liu's status here is very high. As soon as he finished speaking, other people's eyes turned to Mr. Liu.

Ye Si glanced at Mr. Liu and hesitated. If he wanted to come back and continue to capture Laislam, it would be best if as few people knew about it as possible.

Ye Si shook his head. As time passed, the dizziness disappeared a lot, and Ye Si's consciousness gradually became clearer.

Unless they want something hard, then Ye Si can just let Slaking knock them to the ground and hammer them until they are half dead.

Ye Si ignored these people. With so many people now, even if they wanted to steal the Light Stone, they would have to do it when there were fewer people.

"This should be the end. Let's stop exploring the ruins here. It's too late now. Let's take a rest after going out and leave here tomorrow."

"By the way, you just said that Lathram didn't want others to disturb him?"

When Mr. Liu saw that Ye Si suddenly summoned the Elite Pokémon just now, and then put it back, he was a little confused as he didn't know what Ye Si was doing.

Ye Si nodded, and while speaking, he glanced at the three greedy-eyed guys in the corner, but they did not look at Ye Si, and continued to stare at the Light Stone in the center of the hall, seeming to be discussing something.

Liu Lao also woke up from his meditation at this time and asked Ye Si about Laisram...0

Others followed Liu 3.3 and walked outside, but in the crowd, there were three people discussing while looking back at Light Stone.

Mr. Liu had a great say. Everyone present nodded in agreement. Even the three people in the corner didn't say much, but the greed in their eyes meant that they had not given up yet.

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