Leshiram exists side by side with Zekrom. In legend, both are incarnations of the same dragon.

Neither can defeat the other, but when Leshiram and Zekrom stand on opposite sides, they will both perish together, unable to tell the winner.

After dying together, Leshiram entered the dormant Contest Condition and turned into the stone in front of Ye Si, the Light Stone.

Ye Si looked at the Light Stone in front of him, and his heart couldn't help but surge.

That is a legendary Pokémon. If you can really capture Leshiram, your combat power will definitely be greatly improved.

Ye Si took a deep breath to calm down her inner excitement, walked up quickly, and observed the Light Stone carefully.

The stone in front of me is dark and has a few grooves around it. It looks unremarkable.

If Ye Si hadn't known that this was a Light Stone, he would have simply ignored it as an ordinary broken stone.

"Xiaoye, what are you looking at?"

Liu Lao, who was observing the stone wall with a magnifying glass, suddenly found Ye Si squatting on the ground, staring closely at a round stone on the ground.

"This stone... looks a little strange."

Ye Si pointed at the Light Stone on the Ground. Mr. Liu frowned and walked towards the Light Stone that Ye Si pointed at.

"It's nothing strange. It should be just a polished stone."

Mr. Liu squatted on the ground, carefully observed the Light Stone, and shook his head.

No wonder Mr. Liu couldn't see it. If Ye Si didn't know it was a Light Stone, he would probably think it was just a broken stone.

But even so, Ye Si frowned slightly. As the Light Stone transformed by Laxilam, this stone was too ordinary.

Ye Si frowned and put his hand on the Light Stone, trying to turn the Light Stone over and continue observing.

Suddenly, the moment Ye Si pressed his palm, an extremely powerful energy burst out from the stone, and the air wave knocked everyone around to the ground.

The first person to bear the brunt was Mr. Liu, who was instantly blown to the ground by the air wave. He rolled twice on the ground and lay on the ground looking at the Light Stone in Ye Si's hand in shock.

The others were not much better, they were all knocked to the ground by the air wave, and one unlucky child hit the wall directly and fainted.

Ye Si was in the center and didn't feel anything, but she felt the energy contained in the Light Stone the most.

Ye Si raised his head with difficulty and glanced at the white dragon, but what he met was the white dragon's eyes full of murderous intent.

Ye Si shook his head and looked around. There was a Dawn point in the distance, which was extremely conspicuous in the dark environment.

The energy in the Light Stone is extremely powerful. It comes from the power of Leshiram. The power of Leshiram is stronger than all the Pokémon Ye Si has ever seen.

Just as Ye Si was about to let go of his hand, he felt a strong suction coming from the Light Stone, pulling Ye Si's consciousness in, and Ye Si slowly fell to the ground.

When Yilongren's eyes met, a trace of surprise flashed in the white dragon's eyes. Ye Si's eyes were cool and clear, without any turbidity.

"This is an energy space. Your consciousness is just pulled in, your body is still outside."

Ye Si was breathing heavily. The dragon pressure just now pressed on Ye Si. It is estimated that Ye Si would be crushed into a meat pie after a few more minutes of pressure.

"It seems you didn't lie."

Human being, this is not the place you should be, why are you here?"

Ye Si answered truthfully. Judging from the mischievous normal wind of the white dragon just now, Ye Si did not feel any malice.

"Then can you tell me where this is?"

"you are lying."

The strong light stimulated Ye Si's eyes. Ye Si felt a little uncomfortable in her eyes and wanted to let go of her hand and turn around to avoid the light.

Finally Ye Si walked to the side of the Dawn spot, but it was not a spot of light, but a giant white dragon lying on the ground, sleeping soundly.

The white dragon stared at Ye Si, watching how Ye Si was trying hard to resist the dragon's pressure and not let himself be overwhelmed.

Suddenly, the dragon was collected by the white dragon. The white dragon nodded with satisfaction, while Ye Si staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Ye Si slowly got up from the ground and looked around. It was so dark that he couldn't even see the ground under his feet.

"Where is this..."]."

The powerful voice of the white dragon sounded, and the dragon's eyes with vertical pupils stared closely at Ye Si.

"Light Stone? That stone is only so big, how can it possibly hold anything?"

A flame ignited on the Light Stone. Although Ye Si pressed his hand on the Light Stone, he did not feel the heat, only the feeling of warmth.

At this time, the white dragon seemed to feel someone approaching. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at Ye Si, who was trying not to be crushed to the ground.

Suddenly, a dragon pressure even more powerful than before erupted from the white dragon. Ye Si instantly felt that hundreds of boulders were hanging on his body. The normal pressure made Ye Si almost lie on the ground.

Ye Si was also stunned by the powerful power emanating from the Light Stone in front of him. Although he knew that Laxiram was very powerful, he did not expect that the dormant Laxiram also had such power.

The energy in the Light Stone surged out again, and a soaring fire rose into the sky. The orange-red light instantly filled the hall, as if a Flash bomb had been thrown, causing everyone to close their eyes.

"Is this...is this Leshiram?"

Ye Si looked at the white dragon in front of him, his voice trembled, and the huge dragon power radiated from the white dragon, making Ye Si feel the pressure of arrogance.

Ye Si looked at the Dawn point in the distance. There was nowhere to go around, so he could only move towards the Dawn point.

"The Light Stone I found at a certain ruins, and I don't know what happened, turned up here.'

I don't know how long it took, Ye Si slowly opened his eyes, but there was darkness in front of him.

After walking for about ten minutes, the Dawn point became larger and larger, which meant that Ye Si was getting closer to the Dawn point.

A smile flashed in the white dragon's eyes, he put away the dragon pressure emanating from his body, and gently blew a breath towards Ye Si.

"This is where I sleep, which is what you call the Light Stone. This is the inside of the Light Stone.

Ye Si was stunned. The Light Stone was only the size of his own head. How could it fit a giant white dragon and himself?

Ye Si suddenly felt the pressure on her body lighten. She raised her head and looked at the white dragon. In an instant, a strong wind hit her and blew Ye Si to the ground.

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