Urban Pokemon: I Am The Ability Master

Chapter 206 Really? Expedition Team! Just Wait And See! 【14】

The young man stepping out of the forest is naturally Ye Si.

Originally, he was taking Absol and Flash Metang deeper into the jungle, but he heard the noise on the way.

As we walked all the way here, we saw large swaths of wild Pokémon escaping from this direction!

After all, he was confident in his heart, and Ye Si walked over to this side after thinking for a moment.

I didn't expect to see such a team in such an inaccessible place!

When these people looked at Ye Si warily, Ye Si also looked at them.

Mountaineering clothing and mountaineering bags, this team looks like it should be a team with similar scientific expedition purposes...

Speaking of this, Ye Si remembered the scene when he first saw Zeraora.

The group of people who wanted to capture Zeraora at that time seemed to have entered the mountains under the guise of scientific investigation.

"However, these people in front of me should be a real inspection team..."

After looking it over, Ye Si actually came to a conclusion in his mind.

Different from the 523 group of people we met before who were all combat units under the guise, the team in front of us consisted of men, women, old and young.

Especially the old man and woman who were surrounded and protected were obviously not combat units!

The only ones who can be called combat units are the dozen or so middle-aged Trainers in the outer circle who appear to be the team's escorts.

Of course, the most important thing is...

Ye Si took a look around the system and found that the level and strength of their Pokémon did not seem to be capable of causing trouble!


Just because they are regular scientific researchers, they will be more cautious about incoming wild Pokémon!

The group of people who were looking at Ye Si warily also breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously when they saw Ye Si's young face clearly.

Meeting people of the same race in such desolate mountains and ridges will make people feel more relaxed after all.

Ye Si looks so young and doesn't look like a threat to the team.

Only the middle-aged man following Sceptile still looked closely at Ye Si.

He noticed the two Pokémon next to Ye Si!

A disaster beast, (cadc) a strange-colored Metang...

Meeting in such a big mountain again, he would not think that Ye Si is just an ordinary young man!

The other Trainers around him and the scholars surrounded in the middle did not react much slowly, and their eyes gradually became a little horrified.

"That young man is followed by Absol?"

"Not just Absol, but also a Metang who doesn't look like Mikey!"

"Who is he?"

The protected scholars were just shocked for a while, but the remaining Trainers were also as vigilant as the Sceptile Trainer.

No one can tell whether Ye Si is an enemy or a friend!

Unlike those scholars, these full-time guard Trainers have encountered more situations!

For example, the deep mountains far away from human society where we are now, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a place outside the law to a certain extent...

In a place like this, sometimes the most terrifying thing is not the threat from wild Pokémon!

"Where do little brothers come from?"

After hesitating for a moment, he was still the middle-aged Trainer who owned Sceptile and broke the silence.

It seems that he should be the leader of this group of Trainers.

"I really just happened to be passing by. Since nothing happened, I left first..."

Ye Si didn't say anything, smiled softly, turned around and prepared to leave.

As he said, nothing happened and there was no need for him to be here.

Didn't you see that this group of people were nervous?

Seeing Ye Si turning around and leaving without any hesitation, all the Trainers were stunned and their expressions relaxed a little.

"Wait a moment!"

However, at this time, an old but energetic voice sounded.

If it weren’t for the fact that all the Trainers present were a little stunned, they obviously didn’t expect this appearance.

Just wait and see?


However, he seems to have little use for this kind of protection.

Ye Si was also a little surprised and said with interest.

Raising an eyebrow, Ye Si looked back.

"Why don't you join our team and walk ten sections with us?"

They say they are taking care of each other, but in fact, what the old man means in his words is to protect them!

Since the old man in front of him said that they had angered the lord here, how could he let them leave?

Frankly speaking, his mood is very subtle now!

"I know that your strength, little brother, is certainly not weak, but after all, you are weak and weak..."

"Ahem! When we were on our way, my student accidentally provoked the Pokémon that is the lord of this area..."

Just as he was about to refuse, Ye Si was stunned when the words came to his lips.

The one who spoke out was an old man among the protected group.

"Oh? Can I know the reason?"

As he spoke, the old man's expression became serious.

It seems that he is looking for high-level Pokémon!

As soon as these words came out, the faces of those Trainers who were particularly afraid of Ye Si changed.

If he encounters any Pokémon that he can't compete with now, even if he goes with this team, it won't help!

"During this time, everyone in this area may be affected by its Frustration!"

"Before we leave this area, let's walk together so we can take care of each other!"

This is...….….

Ye Si looked slightly strange.

Stopping where he was, Ye Si asked.

Ye Si also knew that the old man in front of him had good intentions...

Ye Si almost thought he was mistaken, what did these people want to do?

"Old man, are you okay?"

The old man pondered for a moment and replied.

Want to protect me?

A wild Pokémon living in a place like this would only think that all humans are in the same group!

"You should have seen it when you came here. The Pokémon that left here were driven by the lord of this place to cause trouble for us..."

What the old man said is correct.

The old man seemed to be choosing his words to avoid arousing the rebellious psychology of the young man Ye Si.

Facing Ye Si's questioning gaze, the old man's face showed a hint of embarrassment.

While the old man was talking, a young Stephanie beside him also lowered his head in shame.

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