Urban Pokemon: I Am The Ability Master

Chapter 188 God Descends To Earth! Leap Forward In Strength! 【14】

Even if he did not see the confrontation between the stationed Trainers and the giant Swalot, it did not prevent Ye Si from judging something from the appearance of the giant Swalot.

The two strongest Pokémon he has, Slaking and Zeraora...

Slaking's pure physical power will definitely be weakened by the giant Swalot's limp body!

Even if Slaking's power level is higher than that of this giant Swalot, he will probably be disgusted if he touches it.

Fortunately, Ye Si’s Zeraora does not lack remote output capabilities!


It's more like an Electric Type attack that directly acts on the inside of Rival's body. It's probably the attack that's least likely to be weakened, right?

Now, he and Eruption Dragon had better run away!

Even if it's huge, Swalot doesn't have a chance to use its skills, it's so big...

Ye Si herself is also afraid of being accidentally injured by Zelao-Ra!

The Trainers stationed here watching from a distance don’t know Ye Si’s thoughts.

Seeing Ye Si riding the Eruption dragon to close the distance from the huge Swalot, they were all startled instinctively.

"Doesn't even this seemingly strong young man think he can't handle this huge Swalot?"

The faces of the stationed Trainers, who were initially relieved, gradually turned ugly.

However, no one blamed "Ye Si's evacuation..."

After all, it was not his duty to intercept this giant Swalot from the beginning!

But several of the stationed Trainers couldn't help but clenched their hands, showing unwillingness and powerlessness towards their own lack of strength.


The roar of the huge Swalot had not reached here until this moment.

All the stationed Trainers fell into a brief silence as they looked at its open mouth.

The previous huge Swalot focused most of its energy on devouring buildings...

Even when 'taunted' by them, they only spray venom from their pores and sprinkle it around like 'venom rain'.

But just like this, this area has been completely destroyed!

It is now so furious that it even stopped devouring buildings and opened its mouth to launch an attack...

After a sudden raging, the town will be half destroyed, right?

The whole scene is a bit like the monsters in Ultraman running rampant in the city!

Just looking at it...

But they couldn't wait for the person to stop this huge Swalot to appear!

They had the duty to protect the town and bowed their heads in shame.

From the corner of his eye, the man who led the team caught a glimpse of a reflection in the sky in the distance.

The Poké Ball thrown by Ye Si must not be visible clearly from such a long distance.

But under sunlight, it is possible to capture the reflection of sunlight from the smooth surface of the Poké Ball!

"what is that?"

There was a vague premonition in his heart, and the man couldn't help but murmur to himself as he raised his head.

The Trainers stationed around him subconsciously followed his gaze...

But all they could see in that direction was the huge Swalot with its mouth wide open to launch an attack, and nothing else.

Just when they were about to ask, their questions stopped on their lips, and their mouths just opened wider and wider...

The next scene will be remembered by them for the rest of their lives!

I saw a faint flash of white light on the horizon, and a Pokémon with yellow fur appeared that seemed a bit small in front of the huge Swalot!

Blue-white thunder appeared, covering the Pokémon's body.

Even from such a long distance, the stationed Trainers couldn't judge the strength of that Pokémon's aura...

But they saw that at that moment, there was an obvious pause in the huge Swalot's body!

And that's the next second...

The blue-white thunder around Pokémon suddenly expanded, covering the entire space like a world-destroying thunder!

Zeraora and its "Discharge"!

Countless buildings that were already in pieces were shattered, and the entire area was even more completely destroyed...

But the stationed Trainers have nothing to worry about. After all, after this area was destroyed by the giant Swalot, they will have to tear it down and rebuild it in the future!

What's more, their minds are now even more blank!

The huge Swalot is naturally also within the shrouded area...

They watched as the blue-white thunder immediately enveloped the huge Swalot, sending terrifying electric current into its body and frantically taking away its physical strength!

Swalot is obviously huge. Compared to Zeraora, Swalot is the size of a giant. Normal...

But no matter which angle you look at it at this moment, it looks extremely small in front of Zeraora!

0Please ask for flowers......

On the contrary, Zeraora, who is completely out of proportion to the huge Swalot, is like the God of Thunder coming to the world at this moment!

Roar!! Roar!!

Waves of roars mixed with pain came, which also made them come back to their senses a little.

"Is this the true strength of this young man?"

The leader of the team recalled the scene of Ye Si riding the Eruption dragon and escaping, and couldn't help but swallowed.

The Trainers stationed around him were not much better, and they all nodded along indifferently.

This young man is really too powerful!

The almost world-destroying Normal thunder in front of us really makes people unable to resist even the slightest bit!


The terrifying thunder was gradually taken back into Zeraora's body.

The ground below has a layer of faint traces of burnt blackness!

But the biggest change was when he opened his mouth to attack, but in the end it was a huge Swalot that was scorched on the outside and tender on the inside, with bursts of white smoke coming out of his body!

Zeraora moves very quickly, and its mouth can only be opened...

"Ding! You got [[Sludge] Ability Fragments] X1!"

"Ding! You got [Exchange Coin] X1000!"

"Ding! Your Pokémon gains experience!"








Eruption Dragon Lv57--Lv58!

Flash MetangLv30--Lv38!

A decent system electronic beep sounded in Ye Si's ears.

Both Slaking and Scizor have successfully passed the Lv60 threshold!

But the lowest level Flash Metang is really going up in level!

But these are not the key

What Ye Si was more concerned about was the last system prompt that sounded in his ears.


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