Urban Pokemon: I Am The Ability Master

Chapter 186 The Terrifying ‘Venom Rain’! Being Sentimental? 【34】

Huge Swalot isn't moving very fast

But it only takes a dozen breaths for it to devour every building!

Especially after devouring a tall building, it never set its sights on low buildings again...

Well, it always feels like the huge Swalot hides a heart that robs the rich and gives to the poor!

Because of this, the giant Swalot moves forward faster!

Newton couldn't control this mythical beast that controlled the natural world, nor could he control the huge Swalot's belly...

No one knows why Swalot can swallow so many things. There doesn't seem to be much change in appearance, and no one dares to ask!

Since it is a town, the natural area is not too large...

The Trainers stationed there really can't tell whether this Swalot will swallow up the tall buildings in the entire town before support arrives!

But now, looking at Swalot's two red eyes...

They have tried to attack Swalot and failed, but they feel that now is no longer the time to consider this!

They seem to be in trouble!

They have experienced Swalot's defensive power, but they have never seen it attack...

But just looking at the size of this huge Swalot, all the Trainers present subconsciously swallowed their saliva.

If nothing else, if it opens its mouth and rushes over...

I guess it’s useless just to run faster than your teammates!

Huge Swalot’s big mouth is no joke!

The small red bean-like eyes stared at the dozen 'big ants' in front of him. There was no emotion or anger on the face of the giant Swalot.

It did not open a huge mouth that could swallow them up in the Swallow Building, as the Trainers stationed there thought.

But before they could breathe a sigh of relief, the huge Swalot's body swelled up!

On the surface of its own skin, there is venom emitting purple light.

Like a venom rain falling from Soaring in the sky, the giant Swalot sprays the venom on its body in the direction of the stationed Trainers!

Looking at this scene, everyone's faces were green.

There is absolutely nowhere to hide!

"Duck-billed Fire Dragon, "Fire Vortex" "w!"

In desperate situations, your brain will eventually have some clarity, and Trainer will quickly react.

The duck-billed fire dragon spit out swirling flames towards Soaring in the sky, successfully blocking part of the 'venom rain' and burning it directly!

The rest of the Trainers followed the same example, and they all used the Pokémon around them to show their magical powers, and used various means to intercept these "venom rains" containing Toxic.

Perhaps the huge Swalot did not expect that they could escape with their lives from this blow...

It sprayed out venom and turned around to eat a tall building!

The stationed Trainers were naturally relieved about this.

Except for their Sky, no one intercepted the 'venom rain' from other places.

When it falls on the ground and building walls, even if it is a cement structure, it will still be accompanied by the rise of steaming white smoke, and pits will be corroded instantly!

In some places where the 'venom rain' is relatively dense, some buildings even 'evaporate' directly!!

The venom spit up from the pores by the giant Swalot is probably not much less corrosive than the gastric acid in its stomach that is said to corrode everything!

As for the Toxic contained in it...

After the 'venom rain' stopped falling, wisps of purple 'mist' were steaming from the ground.

The stationed Trainers all knew that these 'mists' contained Toxic, and deliberately avoided them.

But just the lighter and thinner air near Absorb, with no color visible, made Trainers like them feel waves of dizziness!

"Next...what should we do?"

The stationed Trainers supported each other and looked at each other in silence.

Don't stop me...

All nearby residents have been evacuated...

"The Trainer above seems a bit young?"

Who can withstand this?!

It seems to be an Eruption dragon? Are there any seniors nearby who are Breeders or Eruption dragons?"

If the sacrifice is meaningful, even if they grit their teeth, someone will definitely stand up and stand up!

it is more than words!

A thick pillar of flame was sprayed by the Eruption dragon flying from the sky and enveloped the huge Swalot!

Together with the Pokémon around you, approach the giant Swalot without hesitation!

The nature is different!

Now they don't need to make painful choices here!

Stop it...

It is nothing more than causing this small town to suffer serious economic losses!

The team leader who was at the front looked back, and everyone just smiled knowingly.


In an instant, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

But what if this young man passing by had an accident because of this huge Swalot?

But as far as this huge Swalot is concerned...

"Over there...it seems like someone is coming?"

The atmosphere was falling into silence, when suddenly someone spoke.

"Has support arrived?"

In the end, it’s all self-indulgence?!

The rest of the people were stunned, paying more careful attention to the Eruption dragon that was approaching quickly.

They have just been building themselves up in their hearts for a long time, and they have done a very heroic job.

However, before they could get close to the huge Swalot, which was a hundred meters away...

Everyone subconsciously looked in the direction pointed by the person who made the sound, and their eyes lit up.

All the stationed Trainers felt overjoyed.

Not only did they violate their duties, most of the tall buildings in this town can no longer be saved!

His face darkened, and without any hesitation, the team leader stationed in the Trainer rushed out and ran in the direction of the giant Swalot.

No one was much slower than him, and all the other stationed Trainers followed him one by one...

Could this be just a young man who happened to be passing by?

Seeing the huge Swalot that they couldn't break through no matter how hard they fought, they reacted violently, and all the stationed Trainers stopped subconsciously, with weird expressions on their faces.

Even if they don't stop this giant Swalot, at least there won't be any casualties!

Their so-called guardianship responsibility has become a joke!

But someone frowned slightly again.

On the other side of the huge Swalot opposite them, there was a black spot in the sky that was growing rapidly!

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