Urban Pokemon: I Am The Ability Master

Chapter 174 Artificial Shell Smash! The Silvery White Inside The Egg! 【34】

Seeing two Metagross protecting a Pokémon egg, Ye Si didn't even have time to feel surprise or surprise...

I saw the clearly visible cracks on this egg!

After all, Ye Si has had the experience of incubating Riolu before, so Ye Si has some experience in this.

He could see that the cracks on the egg did not mean that the Pokémon inside was about to hatch, but that...

This egg was damaged by external force!

From the traces around here, combined with the scenes he saw when he came here, Ye Si can guess a little bit.

Perhaps it was the aftermath of the battle, or perhaps the Contest Condition reached its limit, and Metagross inadvertently neglected it.

This egg, which was obviously protected by two Metagross, finally encountered an irresistible external force at a certain moment!

Neither Metagross noticed anything unusual about Ye Si.

But after they are out of danger, they will definitely check the status of Pokémon eggs as soon as possible.

Ye Si didn't have time to think about the two metagross without gender and how they gave birth to this egg...

He has to be careful that the two Metagross who are about to go on a rampage will hurt innocent people!

"Witt!" "Witt!"

That is to say, when Ye Si silently took two steps back, the two Metagross also discovered the crack on the egg.

The atmosphere was a little stagnant for a while.

Fortunately, although Metagross is a ferocious and cruel Pokémon, it also has the clear-cut values ​​​​of right and wrong that most Pokémon have.

They did not transfer their anger to Ye Si, who had just rescued them and had not touched the eggs.


Metagross·Attack...let's call the stronger Metagross this way for now!

Its red eyes were filled with anger as it looked at the location where the Pokémon hunter disappeared...

In front of the 'X' shaped metal symbol on its face, a dazzling white energy quickly gathered!

The next second, the strong light Lash Out fell towards the forest burned by the fire in the distance, causing a roar!

In the midst of raging rage, this Metagross actually rose from Level 59 to Level 60, and then mastered the "Destructive Death Light"!

This is also the first time Ye Si has seen this situation of leveling up at critical moments through daily accumulation.

After all, his Pokémon are all upgraded through the experience system, and there is no such premise of daily accumulation.

After calming down a little, the two Metagross looked at the cracked Pokémon eggs, with a touch of sadness in their red eyes.

The emotions possessed by Pokémon groups are never worse than those of humans!

Ye Si couldn't help but sigh quietly.

This is the egg of a quasi-god Pokémon!

Even if he didn't hold too strong thoughts about the egg, it still felt like a pity!

For such a powerful Pokémon, raising offspring will be more difficult than for ordinary Pokémon...

This is determined by natural selection!

Quasi-god Pokémon have such a high status not only because of their power, but also because of the scarcity of their populations!


At this time, Metagross Shou looked at Ye Si, with pleading in his red eyes.

"Don't want to give up...Would you like me to confirm again?"

In just a moment, Ye Si understood its meaning.

Pokémon eggs can actually be understood as enlarged versions of eggs.

And many people should also know that the structure of eggs...

It allows it to evenly distribute the external force to the entire shell when it withstands external force that is not enough to directly damage the eggshell, thereby reducing the risk of breakage!

Many famous buildings have designs that refer to this structure.

But if you want to evenly distribute external forces, first the eggshell must be intact...

On this egg born by two Metagross, the fine cracks started from the obvious depression mark on the upper end and spread directly to the entire eggshell!

In this case, whether the two Metagross directly used their sharp claws to move the eggs, or used cold force to lift the eggs...

Under the nervous gazes of the two Metagross, Ye Si quietly confirmed the condition of the egg shell.

This is actually the only option before us!

Ye Si could vaguely see the inside of the eggshell through the sunlight.

A touch of silvery white three!.

But before he could say more, his expression was startled.

Ye Si's eyes lit up, he knew what this meant.



"To be able to react... Even if the Beldum in this egg is not mature, it must have been formed!"

After consulting the two Metagross for their opinions, Ye Si took a deep breath and placed her palms on the eggshell nervously and tremblingly.

With an apologetic expression, Ye Si looked at the two Metagross aside.

"Feel sorry!"


"let me try!"

There, there is already clear liquid oozing out!

The gap in the eggshell gradually becomes larger.

If you are not careful, it is very likely that the egg will be completely damaged and the last glimmer of hope will be dashed!

0Request flowers…

They can only turn to Ye Si, the only human present who can better control their power!

Metagross Gong also cast an expectant gaze.

It may be slightly different from gestation with the eggshell intact, but at least it can ensure that the little Beldum will not die!

To put it simply, little Beldum during this period might have easily died in the outside world...

His hand has been gently holding the side of the egg...

Moreover, the inner membrane of the eggshell has been broken...

Only if the eggshell is damaged but the most important inner membrane is intact, then as long as you are careful, you can still allow the baby Beldum to gestate normally inside.

The first thing Ye Si looked at was the location where the eggshell was dented by external force.

Following the crack lines in the sunken area, he carefully picked off small pieces of eggshell.

But it has already begun to possess the ability to leave the eggshell and survive in the outside world!


After a slight hesitation, Ye Si walked up to the front of the Pokémon egg and squatted down.

So, the egg just moved?

From the size of a little finger to half a fist...

This situation is a bit similar to childbirth!

As long as you take careful care of it, you can eliminate the negative effects caused by leaving the Pokémon egg prematurely!

If there is indeed a possibility of salvation, he doesn't mind lending a helping hand!

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