Urban Pokemon: I Am The Ability Master

Chapter 167 The Great Hatred From Metagross! 【44】

The Trainers present were always paying attention to Ye Si's expression and reaction.

Noticing the flash of surprise on Ye Si's face, they all looked in the direction Ye Si was looking.

Immediately, the same surprised expression appeared on their faces.

However, along with the surprise was a touch of solemnity.

A metal life form like Magnezone...

Blue background, discus-shaped body [red eyes and an X-shaped metal cross on the face...

This is none other than a quasi-god Pokémon - Metagross!


Metagross can also assist magnetic flying like Zeraora.

The Metagross that was in the Flying Contest Condition in front of him was raising its Beldum-like limbs horizontally.

Looking at the direction in which it is flying, it is not difficult to guess that its target is exactly where everyone is staying.

"What's going on today?"

"A Magnezone just came, how come a Metagross came in such a blink of an eye?"

"Metagross is probably stronger than the Magnezone just now!"

After recognizing Metagross's identity, the Trainers stationed in this small town looked at each other in silence.

There are no gymnasiums in the town, except because this is a small town and there are not too many Trainers passing by...

At the same time, it is also because such a small town with no important location usually does not suffer such strong attacks!

But just today, they encountered the second invincible Pokémon!

After being easily ravaged by Magnezone, they didn't think they could deal with the oncoming Metagross...

"If it's him...it shouldn't be a big problem, right?"

Invariably, all the trainers present focused their attention on Ye Si.

They all still vividly remember the scene where Zeraora defeated Magnezone with one blow!

Recalling the situation at that time, everyone felt at ease again.

In the past, they would have gone to the Elite Trainer in charge of this area for help at this time!

"What a pity...it's not Flash quality Metagross...~..."

Ye Si didn't know what the Trainers around him were thinking. He looked at Metagross flying in the distance with a little disappointment.

He likes a lot of quasi-god Pokémon...

Only Metagross, a quasi-god, feels more special!

You have to say he likes it...

In fact, he only likes Flash-quality Metagross!

Normal Metagross has a blue-green body, but Flash Metagross is pure silver!

In terms of appearance alone, from a Ye Si aesthetic perspective, Flash Metagross is undoubtedly Max-level in handsomeness!

"System, look at its panel!"

Get rid of all the strange thoughts in your mind, Ye Si said in his mind.

Compared to this, he now wants to know what is happening with the chasing Metagross and the escaping Magnezone.

[Name]: Metagross


[Ability]:Eternally pure body

[Level]: Level 59 (quasi-Elite)

A Metagross that has entered the level of quasi-king by virtue of its quasi-god racial advantages!

It's no wonder that only Level 54 Magnezone can escape without stopping.

Under everyone's gaze, Metagross came to Magnezone's Sky, and a pair of red eyes locked Magnezone, who had lost his fighting ability, firmly Lock On.

The Trainers around me were all excited.

"Could this Metagross be Magnezone's companion? Is he here to fight for it?"

Someone couldn't help but whisper.

Ye Si shook his head.

Having chased Magnezone all the way from outside the town to here, he knew that this was not the case.

And under the speculation of all parties, Metagross began to take action.


In the low, mechanical voice of Normal, a dazzling white energy light group quickly gathered in front of the silver metal 'X' symbol on its face!

Metagross has never been a good-tempered Pokémon!

Among Pokémon, cross-race love is not a rare thing...

Not only is it a matter of gratitude, they must definitely report this matter.

Ye Si and the Trainers around him sighed secretly.

The Trainers around Ye Si were a little nervous...


"Oh my god...Elite?!"

"Maybe...I can follow this Metagross to its territory to have a look!"

(Zhao Haohao) After the bombing, it did not do any damage to the town. Finally, it glanced coldly at Magnezone and turned around and left.

They have bad tempers and cruel personalities, and their strong sense of territoriality will make them attack intruders without hesitation!

Even though they have lost their ability to fight, they still need to be bombarded...

Seeing Ye Si riding the dragon to follow the leaving Metagross, the surrounding Trainers became a little anxious.

His mind changed quickly, and Ye Si made up his mind.

In order for Magnezone to evolve from Magneton, it must find an area with a special magnetic field.

"Urgent situation!"

『Flash Cannon』!

Ye Si looked at Metagross, who was about to disappear from sight, and simply took out the ID card he got from Lai Zhengxiang and Ding Gaoyi and brightened it.

Ye Si guessed in her heart.

Watching the white energy light group fall down, it smashes the ring-eyed Magnezone into the air...

It seems that this Magnezone must have done something that Metagross cannot tolerate!

After seeing the identification card that Ye Si had taken out, there were only gasps of air at the scene. .

Get him down, where can he find a guide?

And this kind of area is exactly the habitat that Metagross likes!

Ye Si still feels that the information is not enough to support the conclusion.

If it doesn't take action, Ye Si won't take action either.

`But if you just invaded the territory, even if you stayed for a while, it wouldn’t be a big chase by Norman, right?”

How much hatred and resentment is this?

"Isn't this Magnezone invading this Metagross's territory?"

For example, playing with emotions, starting with chaos and finally giving up?

It is not impossible for Magnezone to accidentally enter and conflict between the two parties.......

"This... little brother, wait a moment!"

But they didn’t even know who the young man was who helped solve the problem!

The Trainer's departure manual specifically states that this is an extremely dangerous Pokémon!

However, Metagross's target of attack is not them, but Magnezone, who has lost his fighting ability!

This Metagross is purely for Magnezone.

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