Urban Pokemon: I Am The Ability Master

Chapter 165 Magnezone Appears! 【24】

With the deduction of a total of 10,000 exchange coins, the "Hidden Power Ice" skill learning machine and several previously exchanged "learning machines" appeared in Ye Si's hands.

Although the price is so expensive, Ye Si feels it is worth it.

As long as Zeraora learns these [skill machines], its hidden combat power can be increased a little.

That is to say, the battle with Ding Gaoyi Kuailong is now over...

If Zeraora had mastered "Hidden Power·Ice" before, Ding Gaoyi's Kuailong would have been on his knees!

"When I save more exchange coins, I will equip everyone with awakening power!"

Ye Si secretly thought.

"Hidden Power" that can independently select Attribute is undoubtedly very practical.

For example, equip the Normal Type Slaking with "Awakening Power·Super Power" to deal with the Fighting type Pokémon that restrains it...

Equip Steel + Bug Type Scizor with "Hidden Power·Water" to deal with Fire Type Pokémon...

Equip Water + Ground Type Swampert with "Hidden Power·Fire" to deal with Grass Type Pokémon...

There are also all kinds of weird combinations that can best match Pokémon!

This means that while leaving some exchange coins as backup, Ye Si does not have enough exchange coins now, otherwise he would probably have replaced them all by now!

And it’s different from the fact that the replacement and exposure of the Pokémon Ability in his hand may cause some trouble...

Even if the "Hidden Power" Attribute cast by his Pokémon conflicts with his own Attribute, no one will have any special thoughts.

Because "Hidden Power" can correspond to sixteen kinds of Attributes, it is common knowledge that all trainers know.

At most, people can sigh with emotion at Ye Si’s good luck!

There are still many people in this world who know how to train Pokémon to master "Hidden Power"...

But they can only let the Pokémon master it, but they can't decide what Attribute the corresponding "Hidden Power" will be used to cast!

Even in most cases, it may be affected by Attribute affinity...

The "Hidden Power" mastered by these trained Pokémon is basically one of its own Attributes!


There are many skills that you naturally master as you grow up, and there are some that are more powerful than "Hidden Power"!

It’s completely tasteless to eat and a pity to throw away!

This is why it is rare to see a Pokémon casting "Hidden Power" on the battlefield!

If anyone knew that Ye Si could direct Pokémon to master the "Hidden Power" of the corresponding Attribute, they would probably be jealous!


Just as he was about to release Zeraora, Ye Si heard a vigilant growl from the Eruption dragon.

Reacting quickly, Ye Si looked down along the line of sight of Eruption Dragon. Ye Si saw a silvery ray of sunlight reflecting among the dense trees!

"Is it a Pokémon?"

Tusi thought as he squinted his eyes because of the high speed at which the silver figure was moving through the forest.

Before he could guess what kind of Pokémon it was, the Pokémon rushed out of the forest and revealed its true face in front of Ye Si.

With an oval-shaped body similar to a UFO and a yellow antenna on its head, this three-eyed Pokémon has three large U-shaped Magnets under its abdomen.

This is a Magnezone!

"System, look at its panel!"

[Name]: Magnezone



[Level]: Level 54 (library owner)

"I actually encountered a Gym Leader-level Pokémon here...

"But why is this Magnezone running like this in a panic?"

The Eruption dragon followed closely behind, and Sky passed by the people who had not yet recovered.

Fly to a position slightly higher than the top of the tree, then continue flying forward on your own!

But Magnezone seems not to have seen Ye Si and the Eruption dragon in the sky...

A yellow Energy Ball formed by the aggregation of twisted current points far away in the direction of Ye Si and the Eruption dragon!

『Zap Cannon』!

Riding on the back of the Eruption dragon, seeing Magnezone getting closer and closer, Ye Si couldn't help but have doubts in her heart. .

Its reaction is completely animal-like instinct!

Seeing the Magnezone panel clearly, Ye Si looked somewhat surprised.

Eruption Dragon understood, and roared, its wings flapped more frequently, and it also accelerated to follow Magnezone!

The damage that can be caused by rushing into such a small town that doesn't even have a gym is amazing!

"Ho! 2.1"

Instinctively, Ye Si looked around.

After a while, its speed actually increased again, and the distance between it and Magnezone continued to shrink!

I could only watch helplessly as Magnezone threw it away a long distance.

As if it finally noticed Ye Si and Eruption Dragon behind it, Magnezone did not look back, and the large series of Ⓤ-shaped Magnets on the back of its body lifted up...

If this was a wild Pokémon without a Trainer...

Ye Si patted it on the shoulder..0

"Eruption Dragon!"

The Eruption dragon never let down its guard from the beginning to the end.

As a very proud Pokémon, Eruption Dragon obviously cannot accept this fact.

"Is it a wild Pokémon or is there a Trainer nearby?"

"The town is ahead!"

No trace of Trainer was seen.

Just looking at Magnezone's shot, Ye Si can already confirm that this is a wild Pokémon without a Trainer!

Looking up at the shadow of the town at the end of his sight in the distance, Ye Si's face couldn't help but darken.

But the first thing now is to avoid Magnezone's sudden attack!

But at this time, Magnezone also entered the small town, causing a chaos of war as expected!

Even with Ye Si still on his back, Eruption Dragon still carried him steadily and easily dodged the oncoming Spark ball with a slight sideways movement!

But the Eruption dragon's speed dropped a bit due to this effect.


Almost as soon as Magnezone made a move, its dodge action started!

The next second, Energy Balls shot towards Eruption Dragon and Ye Si like cannonballs!


He didn't care about the ban on riding in the town, so he had to take down this Magnezone first!

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