Urban Pokemon: I Am The Ability Master

Chapter 156 The Turmoil In Lai Zhengxiang’S Heart! Slaking Shows Off His Power! 【14】

When the huge Sandslash and Slaking's completely disproportionate claws and fists collide...

The situation was not at all as Lai Zhengxiang expected. Slaking flew out upside down, or was pressed into the ground...

The fist that looked small, but was actually not small at all, just resisted the claws that were half the size of a car!

The ground under Slaking's feet has instantly collapsed due to the transfer of power!

But Lai Zhengxiang could clearly see that Slaking did not show any signs of discomfort!

In this competition of strength, the giant Nanshan King did not gain half the advantage!

Under normal circumstances, Lai Zhengxiang would have seen Ye Si come up with such an excellent Pokémon as Slaking after Eruption Dragon, Swampert and Lucario...

He will definitely be a little surprised!

The situation just now was special, and his surprise did not appear because of worry and anxiety.

At this time, combined with the scene in front of me, the surprise becomes even more intense!

At this moment, Lai Zhengxiang's heart can only be described as a stormy sea!

The power of Slaking is very powerful.

This is something that all good trainers know!

But if he wants to defend the huge Sandslash in front of him, which is no less powerful than Steelix...

This Slaking still has to be close to his Steelix in terms of level, right?

"Where did this freak come from?"

Lai Zhengxiang looked at Ye Si with shock.

He is able to achieve such achievements now, and he is also a leader among his generation!

At Ye Si's age, Lai Zhengxiang is also known as a genius!

But the young man in front of me is no longer just a matter of being better than he was back then...

This would have caused Qianlang, who was at his peak, to be slapped to death on the beach!

"If this Slaking is not hindered by [Sloth] Ability, can it compete with my Steelix?"

Lai Zhengxiang couldn't help but said in his heart.

He didn't know that there was such a system in this world.

Because of [Hercules] Ability, Slaking's level is actually not as high as he thought...

And also because of [Hercules] Ability, Slaking will not be hindered by [Love] Ability!

"Steelix, the attack continues!"

After all, Lai Zhengxiang was still worried that Slaking would suddenly be affected by [Lazy] Ability and enter the Lazy Contest Condition, so he directly spoke loudly to Steelix.

Steelix swung up from the ground like a long snake, and drove its huge body towards the huge Sandslash as before!

『Double Edge』!

Don't look at this Steelix being shot away by the huge Sandslash...

But even Sandslash would be a little overwhelmed by such a huge attack!

"Slaking, pull it off!"

That is to say, at the same time that Lai Zhengxiang gave the order, Ye Si's order also sounded.

"Hey g!"

With his fist against the huge Sandslash's claw, Slaking reached out his other hand and directly grasped the huge Sandslash's claw with both hands!

Then, it was in Lai Zhengxiang's horrified eyes again...

He dragged the huge Sandslash down into the mine with great force!

Slaking may itself be the size of the palm of the giant Sandslash...

So much so that when the scene in front of him happened, the visual weirdness it brought to him was extremely strong!

Anyway, Lai Zhengxiang feels that at his age, he has never been hit by one accident after another like today for a long time!


The huge Sandslash hit the ground hard, and the big Earthquake trembled.

The reckless Steelix had also arrived at this time.

Tackle the huge Sandslash firmly, Steelix and Slaking are like a combo punch!

When Steelix Tackles the giant Sandslash, he lets go at the right time.

All the forward momentum was transferred to the huge Sandslash, which rolled backwards in a somewhat embarrassed manner!

In fact, with its size, it can't even turn around a few times in the mine...

Once again, a huge Sandslash is embedded in the mud wall of the mine!

The entire mud wall was already riddled with holes from the spikes on its back!


Being attacked one after another, the giant Sandslash was also filled with anger.

Falling from the mud wall, the claws on both palms of the giant Sandslash were covered in faint white energy!

Cross your claws in front of you, and it will rush forward without any regard for defense, and stroke with all your strength with your claws!

"Crazy Fury Swipes"!

"Steelix, use the entanglement after the sharp stone attack!"

No matter how turbulent his heart is, Lai Zhengxiang still performs steadily.


After receiving the order, Steelix shook his body, and dozens of sharp Rocks condensed out of thin air around him!

Under its control, the tips of these Rocks all point in the direction of the huge Sandslash.

The next second, all the normal arrows shot out, forming a rain of Rock arrows and covering the huge Sandslash!

The sound of 980 rocks breaking was heard in the air. This was a huge Sandslash that directly smashed the rocks flying towards it...

But there were still rocks that successfully landed on its body, hitting it so hard that its forward movement could only be slowed down!


With another low roar, Steelix saw the opportunity and quickly approached the giant Sandslash, its snake-like body wrapping around him!

The huge Sandslash was tied up tightly, and his powerful arms and sharp claws couldn't move!

"The rest is up to you!"

Lai Zhengxiang turned to look at Ye Si.

The huge Sandslash restrained by Steelix is ​​now a perfect target!

Lai Zhengxiang left the most critical output to Ye Si and Slaking, which can be regarded as a recognition of Slaking's strength.

Of course, Ye Si is extremely skeptical...

Lai Zhengxiang is actually just worried that if Slaking is responsible for the restrictions, Slaking may fall off the chain!


Steelix is ​​responsible for limiting, and Slaking is responsible for output, so at least it can be saved when Slaking goes on strike!

Thoughts were racing through his mind, but Ye Si's reaction was not slow.

"Slaking, we use virtue!"

Ye Si waved his fist forward and said loudly. .

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