Urban Pokemon: I Am The Ability Master

Chapter 151: Will The Lies On The Battlefield Come True? 【55】

Everyone on the sidelines held their breath and looked at the two Pokémon on the battlefield seriously.

The bangira produced by Lai Zhengxiang is undoubtedly powerful!

That kind of level is basically the goal that many people pursue throughout their lives!

As for Ye Si's Swampert, he can only be sure that his strength will not be weak.

They all wanted to see what kind of strength this Pokémon that Ye Si brought out when facing Bangira was!

"Yah ho!"

Huge purple energy dragon claws condensed on the palms, and Bangira also rushed towards Swampert.

Everyone could only see the two faint figures in Sandstorm quickly approaching each other!

In the center of the battlefield, the two sides encountered...

Swampert waved his arm covered in faint white light!

Bangira's claws also tore through the air and moved forward!

The fists and claws connected, and the bodies of both parties were stunned.

Then everyone went backwards!

After all, Swampert still suffered a loss in level and quality at 20, and had to retreat further.


This ultimately shows that Swampert and Bangira are on the same level!

No weaker than the previous Eruption Dragon!

Lai Zhengxiang's eyes lit up and he was a little surprised.

It’s no wonder that he shamelessly took out all of his Breeder’s Pokémon!

As for the people on the sidelines, they were speechless after gasping for air.

Compared with Ye Si, they all feel that they are unnecessary in this world.

The few young people with eight Badges had no chance at all.

Just the two Pokémon Eruption Dragon and Swampert...

This is enough to support Ye Si as she approaches the final stage of the National Trainer Competition!

At their level, they would all be pressed to the ground and rubbed!

"Swampert, "Mud Shot"!"

The battle on the field continued, and Ye Si's instructions sounded again.

Since the melee strength is slightly inferior, then give up the melee combat!

Although Swampert's special attack is not excellent, its two Attributes can restrain Rock+Dark Type's Bangira!


Swampert opened his mouth, and balls of mud-colored mud that had been injected with Ground Type energy were ejected from it!

It has fins on its head that are equivalent to radars, and the mud balls it sprays out seem to have eyes. Normal, it falls accurately towards Bangira in Sandstorm!

"Banjira, get out of the way!"

Lai Zhengxiang also said loudly.

"Yah ho!"

In response, Bangila took heavy steps, trying his best to avoid the oncoming mud ball while shaking the ground on the battlefield.

It went well at first...

But Lai Zhengxiang discovered that Swampert's "Mud Shot" is endless?

If this posture continues, Bangira, who is not agile, will only be slowly consumed by Swampert. All the Contest Condition!

"Bangira, use Chip Away to get closer to it!"

After thinking for a moment, Lai Zhengxiang gave the order.

Ye Si wants to avoid the strongest point of Bangila. As the company that visits Bangila, Lai Zhengxiang naturally has to find a way to bring this point into full play!

He never thought about letting Bangira use "Dig" to get close to Swampert.

Swampert is different from the previous Eruption dragon!

It can master "Earthquake"!

And you will probably master it naturally when you reach this level of strength!

Ground Type's attack itself is one of Bangira's weaknesses...

If Swampert remembers "Earthquake" when using "Dig" again, then there is no need to continue this battle!

"Yah ho!"

It is a Pokémon that easily goes crazy. "Bangira was already a little impatient with Swampert.

After receiving Lai Zhengxiang's instructions, the paws of its hands lit up with a faint white light!

Stepping forward, Bangira waved his hands at the oncoming mud balls to tear them into pieces, and at the same time, he was also approaching Swampert!

Even if he was occasionally hit by mud balls a few times along the way, it only made Bangila move faster amidst the roar!

"Want to close the distance? That's not possible!"

Ye Si whispered softly and made ten slashes with his arms in front of him.

“Swampert, ‘Muddy Water’!”


Swampert stopped spitting out mud balls, and instead spit out a huge flow of turbid water from his mouth!

Different from Water Type skills such as "Water Gun" and "Hydro Pump"......

"Muddy Water" is not a formed column of water!

The water sprayed out by Swampert fell directly onto the ground on the battlefield, spreading like a flood towards Bangira!

Bangira can tear up all the mud balls with its claws⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Is it possible that it can tear this mighty flood into pieces?

"Bangira, "Dark Pulse"!"

But Lai Zhengxiang also has ways to deal with it.

Anyway, we can’t let Banjila get close to Swampert against this turbid water!

If you really do this, I'm afraid that even if Bangila comes to Swampert, the Contest Condition will have been greatly consumed!

At that time, even if Swampert was at a disadvantage in close combat with it, he could still forcefully exchange injuries with it and win the final battle!

"Yah ho!"

Bangila stopped, a brown and black energy ball exuding an evil aura was condensed in his mouth, and then he spat it out!

The brown and black energy groups flew in the air, spreading out ripples like waves, and collided with the turbid water flow!

Neither side is a Pokémon that specializes in special attacks.

Compared to Pokémon at the same level who are good at special attacks, the whole scene feels like novices pecking each other...

But no one on the sidelines thought so.

They only felt the power of a strong collision rushing toward them!

"Swampert, use "Earthquake"!"

Seeing that "Muddy Water" was resolved, Ye Si came back even more ruthlessly.


After receiving the order, Swampert also pressed his palm on the ground on the battlefield.

The earth trembled slightly!

"As expected, I have mastered "Earthquake"!"

Lai Zhengxiang's eyes narrowed when he saw this scene.

Just as he was about to warn Bangila about the situation that might come from the Ground, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Swampert, stop!"

At the same time, Ye Si also frowned slightly.

The battle fields in the gym are specially constructed!

Basically, both sides can mess around without worrying about damaging the gym.

But just now Swampert cast "Earthquake", and he felt like the whole gym was shaking with it!

Swampert also stopped after receiving Ye Si's instructions.


The Ground is still trembling!

This is...….…

Really Earthquake?.

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