Urban Pokemon: I Am The Ability Master

Chapter 147 Lai Zhengxiang’S Accident Hit The Lemon-Eating Crowd! 【15】

Normal-type "Slash" does not have a strong effect on Rock + Ground-type Graveler.

But when the Eruption dragon's claws fell on Graveler, the huge tonnage of Graveler, which had the same density as Rock, was still lifted away by the huge force!

Ding! You got [[Hard Head] Ability Fragment] X1!"

"Ding! You got [Exchange Coin] X200!"

Under the huge strength gap, Graveler was directly knocked down.

The system's electronic beep sounded in Ye Si's ears.

“There has indeed been great progress!”

Recalling the actions of Eruption Dragon, Ye Si couldn't help but have a look of satisfaction on his face.

The strength of Eruption Dragon has not increased...

But its combat effectiveness has undoubtedly been significantly improved in the trial space!

His Eruption dragon fought against the same Eruption dragon in the trial space...

But what the system copied was like another perfect version of Eruption Dragon!

Fighting 'yourself' is not so much about honing your fighting skills as it is about discovering your own shortcomings in the process!

As long as its own shortcomings are as few as possible, Eruption Dragon will be able to maximize its strength when facing various Rivals in the future!

"Graveler has lost the ability to fight! The winner of this round is the challenger's Eruption Dragon!"

The referee on the sidelines waved the small flag in his hand.

"Defeat Graveler in one strike! This..."

"The level of this Eruption dragon is a bit high!"

"No wonder the Eruption dragon with extremely unfavorable attributes is sent to the Rock gym..."

"Those who can get four Badges will definitely not be aimless!"

"You said that if he uses this Eruption Dragon to challenge the grass-type gym, he won't be able to challenge the highest difficulty level, right?"

The referee announced the result, and Graveler on the battlefield did not get up again. There was a burst of discussion on the sidelines of the battlefield.


The result was already expected, and there was not much surprise on Lai Zhengxiang's face.

Putting Graveler away with the Poké Ball, he looked at the Eruption dragon with interest.

He didn't have a system, but just by observing the actions of Eruption Dragon just now, it was not difficult to estimate Eruption's general strength.

The estimated strength was undoubtedly a surprise to him as the gym leader!

The person standing in front of him was not one of his peers!

But a young man in his early twenties!

With such strength and age, let alone today...

Even in the entire history of the Trainer profession, there probably aren't many that can compete with it, right?

"It's been a long time since I've seen such an outstanding young man. Let me see where you stand..."

Lai Zhengxiang pondered for a moment, then stretched his hand into the fourth box beside him.

The Poké Ball in the fourth box contains elite-level Pokémon!

Seeing this scene, Ye Si felt no emotion at all.

He is already used to it!

Sending out Pokémon with corresponding strength based on the number of Badges is, after all, just an established rule.

There are such rules because the number of Badges can reflect the strength of the challenger to a certain extent!

But there are always exceptions to any rule, and there are actually many trainers like Ye Si who break the rules.

However, Ye Si broke it even more fiercely.

But when Lai Zhengxiang actually held the Poké Ball from the fourth box in his hand, Ye Si had no idea, but the people on the sidelines became agitated again.

"If I read it correctly... the owner of the museum is holding the Poké Ball from the fourth box?"

"The museum owner never deliberately makes things difficult for challengers. His doing this only shows that this Eruption dragon deserves to be treated like this!"

"Hiss~ But the Attribute of this Eruption dragon is very disadvantageous!"

"You can let the gym owner do this under such circumstances. How strong can this Eruption dragon be?"

Most of the people who can surround here are the staff of the gym, and they have some understanding of the character of Yori Zheng as the gym leader.

If they were just guessing about the strength of Ye Si Eruption Dragon before, then Lai Zhengxiang’s move was a ‘stone hammer’!

Thinking of this possibility, the people on the sidelines looked at Ye Si even more shocked.

It’s okay to win the fifth Gym Badge at this age...

Look at this, he is already capable of winning the eighth Badge now?

Everyone who has been or is currently frustrated by the Gym Challenge seems to be in for a lemon~

"This is the Pokémon I'm going to use in the second round!"

No matter what the people on the sidelines thought, the challenge on the battlefield continued, and Lai Zhengxiang also threw the Poké Ball in his hand.

The Poké Ball opened and a white light flashed...

A Pokémon with a body like a large rock-covered rock ball and a head and limbs like a turtle appeared on the battlefield!

[Name]: Golem

[Attribute]: Rock+ Ground


[Level]: Level 45 (Elite)

This happens to be the evolved form of Graveler from the previous game!

But in terms of body tonnage, strength, and defense, the evolved Golem is much stronger!

The hard rock armor on its body cannot be broken even by explosives!

However, if it is during the molting period, when their rock armor falls off and their bodies are covered in white, their bodies will be very soft!

Just like other Pokémon that shed their skin, this is their most vulnerable period.

It is said that when their shells fall into the soil, they will enrich the soil, so farmers collect them.

"...`Spray (Wang Lihao) Fire Dragon, "Flamethrower"!"

When the referee signaled that the second round could begin, Ye Si was still the first to give the order.


Amidst the deep roar, flames brewed in the Eruption Dragon's mouth, and flames leaked from its mouth from time to time.

The next second, a thick pillar of flame burned the air and bombarded the Golem!

Ground Type is a restraint on Fire Type, yes...

But only one way!

Fire Type Attack Smack Down on Ground Type Pokémon, the power will not be weakened!

Therefore, the Fire Type attack of the Eruption Dragon will not weaken the Rock+Ground Type Golem by three-quarters...

And just because of one half of Rock Type!

With the leader level being one level ahead of the elite level, the power of Eruption Dragon's attack is not something that this Golem can ignore!

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