Urban Pokemon: I Am The Ability Master

Chapter 120 Is A Bit Bullying... [55]

As the white light of evolution lights up, the fire dinosaur's body is also undergoing subtle changes in the light.

As the body gradually expanded, behind the fire dinosaur, a pair of wings grew from small to large under everyone's eyes!

The horn-like protrusion on the head of the fire dinosaur also split into two!

When the light dissipated, the fire dinosaur had disappeared and was replaced by the Eruption dragon!

Occidental appearance, lighter orange skin than the fire dinosaur, cream color from the abdomen to the tip of the tail and soles of the feet


It raised its head to the sky with a low roar, and the two flames in the nostrils of Eruption Dragon Spit Up, and the wings behind it also unfolded with a soft pop.

With a slight slap, the force generated lifted the Eruption Dragon slightly off the ground!

"It's actually a fire dinosaur on the edge of evolution..."

"The most important thing about "Zero 43" is not that it has evolved successfully now?"

"Eruption Dragon! This is much more powerful than before it evolved!"

The spectators on the sidelines were dumbfounded. Under the successive blows, they felt a little more relieved.

"Exeggutor loses the ability to fight! The winning way this round is the challenger's fire...Eruption Dragon!"

Even the referee on the sidelines was stunned for a moment before announcing the result of the battle.

"As expected of a young man who dares to take the initiative to propose higher difficulties!"

Putting the Exeggutor away with the Poké Ball, Wen Wenbo looked at Ye Si with approval.

According to this posture, Ye Si won't have much problem if he wants to win this fourth Badge!

And the difficulty he faced in winning this fourth Badge is probably something even many Trainers with five or six Badges cannot do!

It seems that the next National Trainer Competition...

Something to watch!

Wen Wenbo had no doubt that Ye Si had the ability to collect eight Badges in less than a year!

While everyone was thinking differently, the Eruption dragon, which had calmed down a little from the excitement of evolution, landed in front of Ye Si.

Even though it is much larger now than when Ye Si first met it, when it stood in front of Ye Si, it still looked like a baby.

"You're awesome! Eruption Dragon!"

Ye Si reached out and hugged it.

He didn’t expect that one day he would be able to have the slut he always wanted in his previous life!

This is a Pokémon that is both handsome and powerful!


Eruption's dragon eyebrows are smiling.

Also being subdued when he was a little fire dragon, Master Zhi's old friend was out of his control for a long time...

But the situation with Ye Si is different!

Ye Si and his Eruption dragon obviously have a deeper bond, and his current control over Pokémon on Rival is much stronger than that of the newbie Zhi Ye in the original work!

And their interaction, not surprisingly, made everyone think deeply.

Being able to have such an intimate performance undoubtedly further confirms that Eruption Dragon was personally trained by Ye Si.

Of course, while this made many young ladies’ eyes sparkle, it also made many trainers who usually consider themselves geniuses feel heartbroken.

"Okay! Let's meet your first battle after your evolution!"

Ye Si raised his hand and patted the belly of Eruption Dragon.


With a deep roar, the Eruption dragon turned to face Wen Wenbai, and his fighting spirit instantly ignited!

Eruption is a Pokémon that is very competitive and loves fighting!

"This time, I might have to make it a little more difficult for you?"

During the communication between Ye Si and Eruption Dragon, Wen Wenbo was not idle either and had already chosen the last Pokémon to be sent on the field.

"More difficult?!"

Ye Si couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth.

He did not see which box Wen Wenbo took out the Poké Ball...

So, could Wen Wenbo be the elite-level Pokémon taken from the fourth box?

He came to challenge the gym by himself and raised the difficulty level by himself...

If you do this again, you will be out of line!

"This is the one I'm going to use in the last scene!"

As he spoke, Wen Wenyou threw the last Poké Ball.

A Pokémon that looks like a cross between a pineapple and a duck wearing a poncho and a green wide-brimmed hat that looks like a lotus leaf appears on the battlefield!

[Name]: Ludicolo


[Ability]: Travel freely

[Level]: Level 37 (advanced)

He guessed wrong, he is not at the elite level.0

"The so-called increased difficulty should refer to Ludicolo's Attribute, right?"

Ye Si looked slightly strange.

This Ludicolo’s Attribute is a bit tricky!

Baiyong Gym is a Grass Type Gym, and Ludicolo’s first Attribute is the water type!

The most common Attribute that counters Grass-type Pokémon is Fire!

As you can imagine, every Trainer who prepared a Fire Type lineup and came to get the Badge happily...

When I met it, I was thrown cold water on it!

This is a direct reversal of the Attribute restraint relationship!

"Perhaps... when the Gym Challenge comes later, the Pokémon you have to deal with won't be Pokémon with a single Attribute!

Ye Si couldn't help but think of the Exeggutor who had just drafted + super.

Trainers with more than five Badges face difficulty in improving not only due to Rival’s improved strength!

This complex and changeable Attribute combination will further test the challenger's adaptability!

The rigid single Attribute pass is probably not what the Gym Trainer wants!

"But...how does this increase the difficulty for my Eruption dragon?"

Ye Si suddenly laughed.

[Name]: Eruption Dragon


[Ability]: water storage

[Level]: Level 36 (quasi-elite)

[Potential]:5.5 Hall Leader

As time goes by, the Sunny Day environment created by the original Zhiyalu has come to an end...

Combined with Ludicolo Water + Grass Type, you are not afraid of Fire Type attacks...

Eruption Dragon's Fire Type, which can restrain the grass type, cannot be used as the main output method for the time being.

But after evolution, the Eruption dragon also has a second series of Flying series compared to the fire dinosaur!

From an offensive perspective, Eruption Dragon can still restrain Ludicolo!

As for Ludicolo Water Type's restraint against the Eruption Dragon...

Although [Water Storage] is not the most suitable ability for Eruption Dragon, it is perfect for the current situation!

Looking at the confident Wen Wenbai opposite, Ye Si was thinking...

Isn't it a bit too bullying?

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