Urban Pokemon: I Am The Ability Master

Chapter 111: Trapped In A Cocoon! Abnormal Situation! 【15】

Following Gogoat, Ye Si and his party gradually went deep into the depths of the forest.

It can be clearly felt that the surrounding environment has become extremely quiet from a certain moment.

The trees here are extremely tall and dense, and less sunlight can fall through the gaps in the Leafage.

Some low-level Pokémon that could still be encountered from time to time in the periphery have basically disappeared here.

Not all Pokémon are as mild-tempered as Gogoat...

Some Pokémon will basically develop territorial awareness when they reach advanced strength or above!

The Gogoat in front led Ye Si around, and directly entered the territory of some high-level Pokémon!

It's stupid

Involving Ye Si and the others here was clearly premeditated!

As it lives in this forest, it obviously has a clear understanding of the territorial divisions of various Pokémon.

Every time it enters a territory, it dives in and provokes the corresponding lord into jumping away!

Then, these angry 'lords' happened to be faced by Ye Si...20...

Killing people with a borrowed knife and substituting others with one hand is a very smooth game!

"Lucario, "Freezing Punch"!"

Looking at the oncoming Nidoking, Ye Si spoke without hesitation.


Lucario dodged and came to the front of Ye Si from his side, and swung out his fist covered with white frost!

This Nidoking is only of high-level strength, and it is no match for Lucario, who is a quasi-master of the gym!

How aggressive it was when it rushed up, how embarrassed it was when it flew backwards

The huge body smashed several trees one after another, and Nidoking lay down on the grass in the forest.

"Ding! You have obtained [[Struggle Heart] Ability Fragments] X1!"

"Ding! You got [Exchange Coin] X300!"

"Ding! Fire Dinosaur gains experience! Level +1! Reached Lv34!"

The battle was resolved effortlessly, and Ye Si's progress hardly slowed down.

Gogoat, who was running in front, glanced back, his eyes almost popping out of his head.

A few big guys were casually dispatched in the middle, and the distance between Ye Si and Gogoat continued to shorten.

"It feels like Gogoat is actively slowing down..."

Having chased it all the way, Ye Si still has a keen sense of this.

"Does this area and even itself have to be careful?"

Ye Si couldn't help but look up and look around.

In a darker environment, the trees here cannot be considered prosperous.

Because the trunks of these trees are entangled with large tracts of parasitic and entangled vines!

Through the gaps between tree trunks, Ye Si quickly discovered the area with the most luxuriant vines in this area.

There, Ye Si could faintly glimpse some yellow-green shadows!

It looks like an extremely enlarged version of a pitcher plant, and its large pockets are dotted with spots.


This is Victreebel territory!

"No wonder I can still smell a strange aroma!"

Ye Si suddenly realized.

The aroma emitted by Victreebel can lure some small Pokémon into this area.

The vines all over this area are the natural cover for Victreebel, who usually uses his long whip to attack!

Considering the number of them living in groups, it’s not surprising that Gogoat is afraid of them!

"Gai hoo!"

Just when Ye Si was asking these questions, Gogoat in front of him let out a scream.

Along the way, I tried to use these little tricks to get rid of Ye Si, but I overturned first!

Two tough long whips suddenly whipped up on the ground, and with the speed of lightning, Gogoat was entangled in a jingle bell!

The Deerling held in its mouth is basically a head addition...

"Swampert! Lucario!"

At the same time, Ye Si shouted loudly.

Around them, there were also invisible long whip movements.

Swampert and Lucario had always been aware of the surrounding environment, and Gogoat was the first to overturn the car, so their reaction was not slow.

The fire dinosaur walking in front looked a little embarrassed.

But Lucario just stepped hard on the ground with the sole of his foot, and the flames made those whips retreat!

As for Swampert...

Now that the Grass Type attack was fully justified, when the long whip came, he simply stretched out his hand and grabbed them all in his hand!

Not to mention, holding these long whips, Swampert began to pull hard!

[Grass Eating] Ability is not a star-absorbing method, and will not absorb the Grass Type energy in Grass Type Pokémon during direct contact.

But when these Victreebels attack, in order to cause enough damage to the prey, the surface of the whip is covered with green Grass Type energy!

Swampert itself is a power type, and its level is ahead, and through the [Grass Eating] Ability, it absorbs the Grass Type energy to obtain a temporary increase...

Even though there are so many Victreebels here, they can't pull back the whip!

These Victreebels are probably confused inside.

I don’t know how long I have been here, but I have never met such a player!

After struggling to break the whip, Victreebel chose to retract the whip frantically.

Then Ye Si saw...

The bag-like Victreebels no longer hung on the tree, they all fell down and jumped away without looking back...

It's really scary to encounter such a prey that wants to kill you at every turn!

On Gogoat's side, Victreebel who took action also jumped away.

In order to run faster, they also broke the long whip directly, and the Gogoat on the ground was still tied tightly.

"Oh! You can't run away?"

Ye Si came to it with great interest, and Ye Si looked at it with interest.

Gogoat is quite tough, at least on the surface, and he looks like he will kill anyone at will.

But Ye Si's eyes were attracted by something else.

At the end of the vine forest, he saw the dazzling sunshine!

Outside the forest is a relatively open space!

Reached the edge of the forest?

Not really!

Ye Si is very sure that he is still in the innermost part of this forest!

There are continuous trees all the way ahead, even this vine forest is no exception.

When such an open space suddenly appears, it is inevitable that people will not think too much about it.

"Let's take a look!"

Ye Si said without even bothering to tease Gogoat who was caught by him after running all the way.

Swampert casually grabbed one of Gogoat's horns and dragged him behind him.


Isn’t it shameless?

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