Chapter 99 A clue to the devil! The true identity of Lei Haolong!

Lin Xian sat up straight.

Plug the laptop into a power source.

Then he picked up his coffee and started to read Lei Haolong’s “Secret Diary” with great interest.

In this world


It’s more exciting than peeking at other people’s diaries!

After plugging in the power source.

The 42% power icon in the lower right corner has disappeared and turned into an animation of charging.

Lin Xian also focused on Lei Haolong’s diary.

In fact, this is not a diary.

It’s more like a handwritten article of thoughts, essays, and the like.

The full text is as follows:

[The biggest legacy of my life is that I transferred to Canada at the end of my freshman year][This transfer makes me regret it)

【My life is a process of one step wrong and wrong step. All of this must start with the girl in the first grade class. 】

[That is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. She is not only beautiful, but also gentle, kind, and kind. The motivation that urges me to come to the classroom early every day is to be able to see her at a glance, which makes me feel very happy and happy. 】

[No one knows how much I like her, and I never dared to speak out about this relationship. But whenever I think of her or see her, I can’t help but laugh. Perhaps this is ignorant juvenile love. 1

[I thought that our lives would overlap in future lives. But after I transferred to Canada…-everything changed)

[The entry of a transfer student disrupted all my future plans! I originally planned to go to the Liu family to propose marriage in the name of the family after I finished my studies, but I didn’t expect that everything changed because of this person’s transfer.)

[The goddess I admired so much in my heart was abducted by him, not only the heart was abducted, but the person was also abducted. She ran so far, too far away from me, not only the heart can’t be found, but the person can’t be found.

[She shouldn’t be such a woman, she shouldn’t be his woman!][He should have been just a poor ghost who took my position, but because of various opportunities, he has become more and more developed! More and more prestige! According to this trend, he will definitely take away what should belong to me soon Everything! Marry my goddess home!][I hate myself! Why did I want to transfer in the first place? I hate him even more! Why should I take everything from me so unreasonably!][I don’t envy his status, I don’t envy his reputation, I don’t envy his splendor, but I, Jiang, can have my goddess!][This man must have a problem! Why is our life full of regrets, but his life is so perfect, without any regrets?][He must have the ability that we ordinary humans do not have! Or a traveler, or can know the information of the future! He is invincible! He is not so noble! If I can also have his ability, I will do it Better than him! stronger!][One day, I will expose his hypocritical face in front of everyone’s eyes! Take away his power! Take back everything I should have!][It seems a little detour, but these are my true feelings. This is the most regrettable thing in my life. ]

That’s it for the entire document.

Lin Xian checked it carefully. There are no hidden text, no white text, no hidden comments, etc. in this document.

It’s very simple.

Only this one is the cry of the groaning defeated dog.

“Think too much, Lei Haolong…

Lin Xian changed the battery of the wireless mouse while complaining:

“Even if you don’t transfer school, Liu Yiyi will look down on you.”

Looking at this grievance diary, Lin Xian felt very speechless.

Lei Haolong lives completely in his own world!

Who gave him the confidence that made him think that transferring to another school was the biggest regret in his life?

Even if he doesn’t transfer school, Liu Yiyi is absolutely impossible to be with him.

Liu Yiyi has said it before.

In the year-long classmates, the two did not say a word or communicate, and Liu Yiyi, like other girls, did not like this strange boy who always smirked in the corner.

Really, it doesn’t make sense to have to like him, right?

Teenage girl.

Do you like being handsome,

Do you like tall ones,

If you don’t like playing basketball,

If you don’t like learning

Although superficial is a bit superficial.

But Lei Haolong doesn’t touch you either. Even if a girl wants to like you, she must have a reason, right?

“The ridiculous losing dog is completely affectionate.

This diary.

Lin Xian is not only sympathetic.

Instead, I feel sick.

Lei Haolong attributed his greatest regret in his life to the transfer of school, which was to avoid reality, forcibly find reasons for himself, and finally anger himself.

“You and I haven’t been classmates for a day. What do you care about me?”

If it’s not for fear of missing any key information.

Lin Xian was so disgusted that this document was deleted and shredded.

The smell of carving silk is too strong!

Lin Xian patiently watched it again.

In the whole article, I distilled a feeling that is–


It’s full, between the lines, it’s all jealous!

Lei Haolong is not as noble as what he wrote himself.

In reality, he is not only jealous of Liu Yiyi, but also jealous of all the power, fame and status he has obtained.

And also want to expose 20 myself.Then steal your abilities

“This person really played the role of the villain.”

Seeing this, Lin Xian understood thoroughly.

[The future self, from this diary and the actual behavior of Lei Haolong, inferred that Lei Haolong is a demon. 】

This is a preconceived thought.

Normal people who read this diary will believe that [Lei Haolong may be a demon], and then proceed from this perspective to reason, speculate, and find evidence

Then combined with what Lei Haolong did.

Of course, I guessed the answer [Lei Haolong is a demon].

“If it weren’t for the 42 phenomenon that exploded just now, I would definitely think the same way.

Lin Xian couldn’t help shaking his head.

Recall the four pencils in a row in the drawer just now, and the whole display of printed fonts is upwards.

Lin Xian still has lingering fears.

He understands.

Although from this diary, you can easily deduce the obvious answer [Lei Haolong is a demon].

But it’s a pity.

This answer is wrong.

Of course, this cannot be blamed on the future Lin Xian’s wrong speculation.

If the previous series of incidents had not occurred, Lin Xian would definitely think [Lei Haolong is the devil] based on Lei Haolong’s high-profile provocative look.

but now.

Lin Xian already knows very well, [Lei Haolong is not a demon].

Then, only from this perspective, and then review this diary, can you discover some details that you will not be aware of in the future.

“According to, … …

Lin Xian rested his chin in thought.

The future self must have not considered enough and missed something.

But what is missing?

Although this diary reveals Lei Haolong’s ambitions–

Want to steal Liu Yiyi, want to steal Lin Xian’s special shu ability.


The problem is

“The problem lies in these things. He can just think about it. Is it necessary to write it down?”


Lin Xian slapped the table!

The problem is here!

As the famous saying goes, “A serious person, who writes a diary!”.

There is absolutely no need to write Lei Haolong’s glyph quotations.

Everyone has dark, jealous, and resentful sides in their hearts.

But everyone thought about it and broke up.

Who can write the Eight Classics seriously?

“And the most important thing is that I have written everything, why does Lei Haolong delete it specifically?”

Lin Xian wanted to go.

I found the so-called “blind spot” right here–

[1. There is no need to write this diary at all!][2, even if it is written, there is no need to delete it!][3. Even if it is deleted, there is no need to try to empty the recycle bin!]

A good memory is not as good as a bad pen.

Lin Xian took out a piece of A4 paper and wrote these three interlocking doubts on the paper.

The more I look at it, the more unreasonable it feels!

“It’s not like what a normal person would do.

That’s right.

This is abnormal!

No matter which step is normal!

“In the future, I definitely didn’t realize this [abnormal], so I made a wrong judgment, thinking that Lei Haolong is a demon.”

Lin Xian put down the pen and paper, leaned on the couch, and thought with his arms around him.

[This is not the behavior of a normal person. 】

[Normal people don’t write diaries. 】

[I would never write so many foreign wines, and then delete them instantly. 】

“too weird ”

Lin Xian right-clicked the “New Microsoft Word Document” to view the properties.

A series of information comes out:

Document creation time: June 14, 2021 21:23

Document modification time: 21:37, June 14, 2021

Document deletion time: June 14, 2021 21:39

“Sure enough, this document was written by Lei Haolong on the spot and then deleted immediately. What’s the point of doing this?”

This document, from creation to completion, took more than ten minutes.

Then it only took 2 minutes from writing to deleting.

2 minutes.

What is enough for?”If it’s a [computer idiot], the purpose of this

Lin Xian put himself in there to substitute.

Began to think about Lei Haolong’s arduous purpose


He opened his eyes!

“I thought about it!”

“[Lei Haolong’s purpose in writing this diary is not to simply express his inner feelings!]”

“[In order to copy a large section of text to a web page, so I typed the draft in the document in advance!]”

You can’t go wrong!

This is a habit that everyone will have!

Generally speaking.


We need to fill in a lot of text on a web page, such as writing a resume, or writing a job report, and writing an annual summary.

Generally no one will type directly on a webpage, right?

Because it is dangerous.

One accidentally closed the webpage and all your typing was wasted.

Or, if you finish writing, click Submit. As a result, the login timed out and all the written materials were wasted.

Not to mention common computer failures such as power outages, crashes, and network disconnections.

So, in order to avoid wasting effort.

When most people need to fill in a large section of text on a web page.

Will first create a new document on the desktop, and then type and write materials in it.

After all is finished.

Then copy and paste all the text into the web page and submit.

This is safe, trouble-free, and efficient!




Lin Xian’s heartbeat speeds up.

He discovered a [blind spot] that he would not have discovered in the future!

This is a [Blind Spot] that can only be inferred on the premise that [Lei Haolong is not a devil]!

“Perhaps this is the key to changing the future and finding out the true face of the devil!”

If Lei Haolong is not a demon.

The devil must be someone else!

And this other person is probably the mysterious figure behind Lei Haolong!

Lin Xian opened “New Microsoft Word Document” again.

Read it with purpose.

Finally found out what was wrong!

“Just this sentence!”

“It seems a little detour, but these are my true feelings. This is the most regrettable thing in my life.”

Lin Xian repeatedly flicked this sentence with the mouse pointer.

“There is a problem with this sentence! This is not like writing a diary at all!”


“On the contrary, it is more like two people having a conversation! Moreover, Lei Haolong is answering other people’s questions!”

Lin Xian’s thinking is clear!

This is not a diary.

Instead, it’s more like a resume to introduce yourself!

Or, it’s an answer sheet that answers other people’s questions and tells them that they regret most!

Lin Xian closed his eyes and began to simulate Lei Haolong’s mentality when he wrote this.


At that time, a person asked Lei Haolong a question on the webpage or chat tool one-

[Excuse me, what is the biggest regret in your life? Please tell us. 】


Lei Haolong just wrote so much.

Later, I might feel that what I wrote was trembling, too much nonsense, and off the topic, so I added a sentence at the end, “It seems to be a little too far, but these are all my true feelings.

It’s like chatting with someone!

The purpose is clear!

A smile came up to the corner of Lin Xian’s mouth.

Understand now.

Understood completely!

Lin Xian has fully understood what Lei Haolong experienced on the night of June 14, 2021

He took out a letter of A4 paper and pencil, and began to deduct what happened that night.

The flow of things is like this:

[On the evening of June 14, 2021, at Lei Haolong’s home. 】

[At around 21 o’clock in the evening, Lei Haolong accidentally logged into a website. This website must be mysterious, attractive, or have some magical power. 】

[If you want to register for the website, or become a member of the website, you must answer a question-what is the most regrettable thing in your life?][Lei Haolong decided to answer this question. But it was a pity that it was too long to talk about this kind of thing. He worried that the webpage was closed, stuck, invalidated, timed out, etc. during his typing process. Therefore, he did not choose to type directly on the web page, but went back to the computer desktop, right-clicked, created a new text file, and created a new “New Microsoft Word Document”][Because I just write casually and don’t intend to save it for a long time, Lei Haolong didn’t even change the file name, and he wrote the biggest regret of his life directly in it. 】[At 21:37 in the evening, Lei Haolong finished writing a few hundred words, expressing his anger and jealousy towards Lin Xian, and clearly wrote the biggest regret in his life. 】

[At 21:38 in the evening, Lei Haolong copied all the text in the document, then pasted it on the mysterious webpage, and clicked submit. 】

[At 21:39 in the evening, Lei Haolong deleted “New Microsoft Word Document” from the desktop and emptied the recycle bin. 】


Lin Xian turned the pencil in his hand, admiring his IQ.

I’m getting closer and closer to debunking the “true face of the enemy”!

As long as you figure out which website Lei Haolong logged in and who he is communicating with, maybe he can find out the true face of the “devil”!

“I didn’t expect to go around such a big circle.

Lin Xian started looking for browser records on his computer.

All the URLs that have been logged in will be displayed here.

result …

The browser record is empty.

“Well, well, obviously, after Lei Haolong emptied the recycle bin, he cleared the browser record.”

“This is difficult to do.”

Lin Xian scratched his head.

Restoring browser records is different from restoring files in the recycle bin and is more difficult.

Because now the anti-virus software installed on the computer is generally 362.

For [computer idiots], when is the computer stuck, or the network speed is slow, and want to clear the cache?

Just click on the 362 security guard directly, and then one-key physical examination, one-key acceleration, and one-key cleaning

In short.

What is no brain one button, no brain next step

Then, here comes the problem.

Although the 362 antivirus software is regarded as the “king of all poisons” and “the king of rogues”, it is indeed somewhat level in terms of cleaning up privacy.

When clearing the browser history, the 362 software will repeatedly erase the information to prevent recovery.

This trick is very useful.

At least at the level of Lin Xian, it is impossible to recover the browser records that have been cleaned by 362.

And, theoretically speaking.

There is no way to completely restore the browsing history by any means

“How should this be good?

Lin Xian couldn’t help but feel a little distressed.

The truth of the matter has come to the door, this feeling of being cleared one step short, it is really tickle!




Lin Xian thought of a solution!

“Lei Haolong’s [Wireless Router] must store all the web addresses visited. The average family never has the habit of clearing the cache of [Wireless Router].”

“Perhaps, there is a breakthrough point!”

Lin Xian already has preliminary plans–

Tonight! I took Liu Yiyi and used “caring for classmates” as an excuse to visit Lei Haolong’s house to condolences to Li Jing!

Then, while Liu Yiyi and Li Jing were chatting!

Lin Xian wants to find a way to get the URL access records in [Wireless Router]!

“Okay, it’s not early. Go to bed first!”

Lin Xian feels very happy when he thinks that he will be able to expose the true face of the enemy immediately and no longer have to fight in confusion.

After burning all the reasoning paper in the ashtray, he covered it with a blanket, lay on the recliner, and fell asleep

the next day.

The alarm clock at 06:43 awakened Lin Xian on time.

Lin Xian rubbed his eyes and didn’t intend to get up.

After all, he only slept for less than 2 hours

Everyone slept very late yesterday.

I can sleep a lot today.

In order to avoid [Death Insurance] coming into effect in advance.

Lin Xian stayed drowsy, opened the QQ mailbox, and changed the scheduled sending time of the to-be-sent emails to 12 noon on July 18th.

It will be 12 o’clock tomorrow noon.

After all, this is the [death insurance] that can bring oneself back to life, but it can’t be careless!

After confirming that the timing modification is complete, Lin Xian puts down the phone and goes to sleep again

After all three of them got up and washed up, it was already 4 o’clock in the afternoon.

Liu Yiyi and Dai Chuchan yawned while cooking.

I can tell.

The two of them also talked late yesterday before going to bed.

“Senior Lin Xian, did you sleep well last night? Hee hee, I will go home to live today, and you can sleep in your soft bed!”

During the meal, Dai Chuchan was eating a toast sandwich while communicating with Lin Xian.

Lin Xian smiled:

“Fortunately, I haven’t never slept before. It is because I often stay up late to work overtime, so I bought a chair that can sit and lie down.”

He noticed

Dai Chuchan’s left ring finger is still wearing the male wedding ring

This topic is too dangerous.

So Lin Xian didn’t ask anything.

He took a sip of egg lump soup, then looked at the TV, which was broadcasting news:

“A serious traffic accident occurred on the road in front of the People’s Hall at around 10 pm yesterday! The famous Donghai City young entrepreneur Mr. Lei Haolong was injured in a car accident and died after being rescued. The body’s farewell ceremony will be held the day after tomorrow. The Third People’s Hospital of Donghai City was held”

Lin Xian took a bite of the sandwich.

Did not speak.

It seems that Party J and the hospital have reached an agreement.

Because I really don’t understand the cause of death, it is impossible to announce to the public that it is a supernatural event.

so …

They can only avoid the serious, say that they died in a car accident.

As for the severed head

It can only be explained that when it was carried to the hospital, there was only a layer of skin left, and the bones inside had been broken long ago!

In any case, people are already dead, and they are still killed by accidents. If the possibility of homicide is ruled out, this is the only way to report.

Lin Xian yelled Liu Yiyi and said:

“Yiyi, let’s go to Lei Haolong’s house to see Li Jing at night, she must be very emotional now.

Liu Yiyi frowned slightly.

But after thinking about it, he nodded.

She thinks it should be the same.

Although Lei Haolong is very annoying, but Li Jing is the common classmate of the two of them after all.

Besides, the deceased is the big one.

At this time, as a pregnant woman, Li Jing really needs others to comfort her.

“Okay, that’s it. Originally, sister Chu Chan and I said we were going to the shopping mall and the night market. Let’s cancel the night market. After visiting the mall, sister Chu Chan’s driver came to pick her up, and we went to visit Li Jing. ”

Lin Xian and Dai Chuchan nodded.

This matter is so settled.

After eating and cleaning up, the three of them went downstairs and took a taxi to the largest shopping mall in Donghai City.

As for why the taxi…

no way.

Lin Xian, the only Rolls-Royce in the world, is different from ordinary Rolls-Royce, it only has 2 seats!

That’s right

Strictly speaking, Rolls Royce is not a commercial car.

Because it has only two doors and two seats.

Lin Xian and the three of them had to take a taxi.

Women go shopping, basically just go shopping and not buy

Lin Xian followed them, helped them carry bags and drinks, and let them go to the fitting room to try on clothes

These two energetic sisters ran up and down, abruptly making Lin Xian tired!

Lin Xian couldn’t help feeling.

Fortunately, modern society pays attention to monogamy, which is basically to protect men!

Go shopping with two women is so tired.

If you have three wives and four

It is estimated that he would have died young!


Lin Xian feels that he deserves to be the protagonist’s life.

Although it’s not like a certain eyeglasses pupil wherever he went, there were murders, but when the three of them went to the Burberry store, things still happened!

“Yeah!!! My child!!! Where’s my child!!!”

When a young woman came out from the fitting room trying on clothes, she exclaimed!

Children matter!

It scared all the waiters directly!

Everyone gathered together:

“I was playing in the door just now, we all saw it!”

“A child can’t run far, don’t worry! We will help you find it!

“Manager Liu! Quickly adjust the monitoring! See where the kid went!”

The waiters in the shop became a mess in an instant.

Lin Xian has been sitting in the waiting chair.

Just now, he did see a child around 3 or 4 years old playing next to him

but …

After all, he is a child, he is skinny and bears, and he has unlimited physical strength. Lin Xian didn’t care too much when he ran around.

In a blink of an eye, it is indeed gone!

“Probably not

Although I have seen countless incidents of human traffickers stealing children in the news, Lin Xian still doesn’t want to believe that this kind of thing will happen to him!

Lin Xian was a little angry instantly!

The human trafficker is Lin Xian’s most annoying person!

none of them!

Even if Lei Haolong is with them, he can be regarded as the cutest person!

What the trafficker stole was not just a child, he also caused endless suffering to two families and three generations!

For any parent, children are their most precious flesh and blood, so many parents are willing to use their lives to protect their children.

In the eyes of human traffickers, children are just a commodity worth tens of thousands of dollars.

They steal and sell at will!


“My child, my child!! My child, help me find it soon, please!”The young woman was frightened and her face turned pale, and she knelt down and asked for help!

When Lin Xian, Liu Yiyi, and Dai Chuchan saw this, they all put down their clothes and ran out to look for their children.

Losing a child is not a trivial matter. Anyone who encounters such a conscience will never let it go!

“Chu Chan, Yiyi, you two are looking for this floor, I will go to the next floor to find, and by the way, go to the service desk and let them broadcast!”

After Lin Xian finished speaking, he hurriedly ran and jumped downstairs to the service counter.

At this time, there is no demeanor.

If it’s really a child running around and getting lost, it’s okay, if you really don’t abduct it, every minute is very important!

After explaining the characteristics of the child’s clothes and hats with the service staff at the service desk, the service staff quickly turned off the music on all floors of the mall and used all the speakers to simultaneously broadcast:

“Attention, staff and customers! A little boy wearing a red baseball cap and sky blue children’s sportswear got lost. Please witness the child’s customer and contact our staff as soon as possible! Thank you for your cooperation!”

“Attention, all staff and customers! A little boy wearing a red baseball cap and sky blue children’s sportswear was lost. Please witness the child’s customer and contact our staff as soon as possible! Thank you for your cooperation!

At the same time, the duty manager also called the security captain:

“Close all exits immediately! Only the main entrance on the north side of the first floor is left! All security guards are on standby at the north gate! Strictly check every customer with children!”

The staff in the mall are very well-trained.

In normal exercises, this is also an emergency plan that they must master.

Customers in the mall also have no complaints about this.

after all

Who has no children!

Everyone felt the pain of losing a child. Those who heard it were sad, and those who saw it wept.

Talk about traffickers.

That’s really a rat crossing the street, everyone shouts and beats!

Therefore, the customers in the mall also spontaneously began to look for the little boy in red hat and blue coat.

Half an hour later

At the door of Burberry.

The three people running profusely in sweat, their faces pale.

Lin Xian, Dai Chuchan, and Liu Yiyi are all good-hearted people, especially when they encounter things like losing a child, they dare not relax for a moment!


it is a pity

After such a long time, there is no clue

“Wow!!! Wow wow!! The child is lost and I am not alive anymore! How could I explain to the child’s father!!”

In Burberry’s shop, the woman was crying so badly.

Both Dai Chuchan and Liu Yiyi are women, with a natural aura of maternity, which makes them empathize with this kind of thing from the bottom of their hearts.

The eye sockets are also gradually moistening.

A good family may be ruined like this

Lin Xian walked to the Burberry bar:

“Is the surveillance video available?”

The staff nodded, stepped aside, and let Lin Xian look at the computer screen:

“Hey, we are too busy and negligent at work, nor are we, me, nor us.”

The staff member cried as he talked.

Lin Xian realized the seriousness of the problem

To make them cry so sad, this is definitely not a simple lost case!

He looks at the computer screen

“Sure enough”

The surveillance at the entrance of the Burberry shop showed that it was the moment when the boy in the red hat and blue shirt ran out of the Burberry shop.

A man who was tightly wrapped and wearing a mask, picked up the child and ran!

Also cover the child’s face with a towel!

Then, I ran out of the camera area

Soon after.

The police SIR arrives.

The experienced police SIR judged that the trafficker should have gone to the toilet to change the child’s clothes.

When I came to the men’s toilet on the floor, a toilet was blocked!

From the plumbing downstairs, open the lid and leave a large pile of dirt.

And one of the most shocking-

Just a red hat! Two blue sportswear up and down! And

The beautiful brown curly hair of the little boy

The mother fainted directly.

I couldn’t wake up anyway, I could only call the ambulance and rushed to the hospital

The security personnel and police SIR conducted an interrogation of all personnel and all locations and found nothing in the end

Everyone sighed helplessly.

It’s still too late.

These traffickers must have committed crimes by groups.

After grabbing the child, he pulled directly to the bathroom, shaved his hair, put on a wig, and changed into girl’s clothes.

Then hug out the door.

I thought it was a boy who was lost, and there were so many people in the mall. Who cares if this trafficker takes a girl out!

“Too wu! Too cunning!”

Watching the trafficker abduct the child, Liu Yiyi gritted his teeth in hatred!

Dai Chuchan also showed an angry expression that Lin Xian had never seen before.

future.They are all people who want to be mothers.

I’m so empathetic about this kind of thing.

Lin Xian shook his head.

Walk into the Burberry store again:

“Hello, can I take a look at that surveillance video again, please?”

Lin Xian silently noted the time of the crime.

At 5:27 pm, on the 3rd floor, in front of the Burberry store.

Lin Xian already had a plan in his mind.

Write to your past self!

Moreover, it is not only necessary to stop human traffickers from stealing children, but also to wipe out the entire gang! Find out more traffickers! Find more children!

This matter, Lin Xian does his part.

“Human traffickers, don’t deserve to be humans! Let me catch them and never tolerate them!”

I was in a good shopping mood, but was broken by a trafficker.

Liu Yiyi and Dai Chuchan were worried about the kidnapped child, so they could only hope to see if they could be stopped at the transportation hub.

If the trafficker is going to drive away by himself

Then it’s hard to catch

After Dai Chuchan’s driver picked him up.

Liu Yiyi and Lin Xian took a taxi to Yuhailanting Residential Building.

Just now Liu Yiyi had contacted Li Jing. 790 Li Jing was at home and had not been out. After learning the two people’s intentions, he also sent Liu Yiyi an address.

In the taxi.

Liu Yiyi’s heart is heavy

“Lin Xian If our child is taken away by a trafficker in the future, I really won’t have any face to meet you. I will definitely run out to find a child in my life, or I will find the child, or I will die looking for the child. On the way.”

Lin Xian embraced him:

“No, don’t worry. The little boy lost today will also be found.”

Liu Yiyi wiped his eyes:

“I hope, but I must find it.”

When the two arrived at Yuhailanting, it was already past 8 o’clock in the evening.

After pressing the door to talk.

Li Jing remotely opened the door to the two of them.

Lin Xian and Liu Yiyi got into the elevator, knocked on the door, and came to Li Jing’s house.

“Woo Ming Yi Yi Ming Ming”

As soon as he opened the door, Li Jing cried and hugged Liu Yiyi, the more he cried, the more sad.

“Li Jing, let the sorrows change smoothly. You have to greet yourself, after all, you still have Lei Haolong’s child in your stomach.”

Today I first saw the pain of losing a son, and now I feel the pain of losing a husband again

Liu Yiyi couldn’t help it for a while.

Then he cried out.

Lin Xian scratched his head

He wanted to ask about the WIFI password, but the atmosphere doesn’t seem appropriate.

“Forget it, I’ll find it myself”

Lin Xian took the two to sit on the sofa.

Let them cry slowly here.

Women are always more emotional.

Although Lin Xian also feels distressed for Li Jinghe, who was born without a father in his stomach, there are too many secrets in Lei Haolong’s body.

Before fully understanding his identity, Lin Xian felt that it was too early to sympathize with him.

The location of the wireless router is easy to find.

Every household is generally placed in a conspicuous position.

After all, the signal is good and the internet speed is fast.

Lei Haolong’s [Wireless Router] is placed on the TV cabinet.

Lin Xian walked over and found that it was the TP-LINK brand.


Lin Xian is familiar with this brand.

In the university textbook, there is a code snippet of this brand router, which was also explained by the teacher as an example.

This brand of routers are low-end in China

The main focus is also the low-end market.

But now for Lin Xian, the lower the end, the better!

That kind of high-end wireless router, with its own automatic cache cleaning function, on the contrary brought a lot of trouble to Lin Xian’s investigation.

Lin Xian picked up the router, and there was a post-it note at the bottom with the WIF password and the administrator password of the router.


Lin Xian feels like God helps me too!

It’s all effortless!

However, this method can be regarded as a standard configuration for the rich.

They don’t set up routers by themselves. Basically, they leave it to the people of the communication company to do it. In order to prevent forgetting the password, they use sticky notes to write it down.

Lin Xian uses the wifi password to connect to the wireless network first.

Then use the mobile browser to open

This is the administrator interface of the TP-LINK brand router.

Once the web page on the mobile phone is turned, let Lin Xian enter the administrator password.

This naturally does not bother him.It’s all written on post-it notes

After entering the administrator password, you will directly come to the administrator interface, and Lin Xian has obtained the highest authority of this router!

“It’s too easy. All that’s left is to download log files, cache files, and access records. Let’s analyze it slowly!”

Lin Xian put the [wireless router] in place.

It is no longer needed.

Then went to the living room and asked about the location of the toilet.

Li Jing, who was crying into tears, told herself to turn left, turn right, and turn left. Lin Xian didn’t hear clearly.

He can only find it by himself.

He thought it was easy to find, but found out

“This house is too big too!”

Lei Haolong’s large flat-storey mansion is 600 square meters, and various walkways go around, just like a maze!

In the end, Lin Xian found a toilet.

He sat on the toilet seat and started to download log files and access records from the [wireless router] with the authority of the administrator.

It’s easy, no hacking skills are required, and the functions are readily available.

The data download starts to appear on the phone interface:

[Data downloading 1%)

[Data downloading 2%)

[Data downloading 3%][Data downloading 16%)

[Data downloading 17%)

Lin Xian nodded his feet.

Very excited inside!

This is a [blind spot] that even the future self cannot discover!

As long as you know what website Lei Haolong is on and who he communicates with!


The true face of the enemy and the true identity of the devil must be clear!

[Data downloading 37%)

[Data downloading 38%]

“Almost fast~ After all the downloads are finished, I can search by date and find out which website Lei Haolong logged in on the evening of June 12!”

The number of the download progress bar kept changing, and Lin Xian couldn’t help humming a song.


Suddenly there was a sound of electricity being cut off.

The whole bathroom becomes dark

Even the buzzing sound of the exhaust fan gradually stopped.

The indicator light of the smart toilet also went out quickly.

“Is there a power outage?”

Lin Xian was a little surprised. This kind of high-end community also has power outages.

He looked down at the download progress bar on the phone–

[Data downloading 42%)

[Data downloading…

[Data downloading 42%)


As the screen jumped, the progress bar remained stagnant.


Lin Xian swallowed and spit.

Since the power is out, the wireless router outside must be out of power

Download data will naturally be interrupted.

He just woke up.


Since the early morning of this year, there have been a large number of 42 phenomena that surround yourself. What I want to express is not to tell myself right or wrong.

But warning myself





Lin Xian sat up directly from the toilet, turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone, opened the door of the bathroom, and walked outside!


While calling Liu Yiyi’s name, he fumbled and walked in the maze-like corridor.

This house is so big that I almost got lost when I was looking for the toilet just now.



He pushed open a vacant door

Lin Xian took a photo of the room with his mobile phone flash.

It is a black and white portrait on the tribute!


Lei Haolong

A healing smile.

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