Chapter 87 The East China Sea Commendation Ceremony opens! The future messenger arrives! (The big show begins!)


Lin Xian was a little surprised.

He just asked casually.

Unexpectedly, the research ~ there really is a breakthrough!

“What breakthrough -? Tell me quickly.

When talking about academic issues, Liu Lu’s eyes lighted up, and he didn’t stammer anymore:

“It’s mainly a theoretical breakthrough. The time you came to me before, I just figured out 42. As for why 42 and 42 represent, I don’t know anything at all.

“In this period, the laboratory did not start, and I was waiting for equipment. I had nothing to do, so I began to ponder this theory and continue to dig it. In the end, I found that I still have to start from Einstein’s mass-energy conversion formula and general relativity. ,Come–”

Lin Xian interrupted him quickly.

When this person stammered, he couldn’t make a word for a long time.

Speaking of academic issues, I don’t stammer, but wow, wow, I can’t understand a lot of nonsense.

Lin Xian made a pause gesture and said impatiently:

“You don’t need to tell me so many theories. Just be practical and tell me directly! What does the cosmic function, 42, represent!”

Liu Lu nodded and slowly said:

“The cosmic function represents all existence and change, interlacing time and space, material transformation, energy transfer, and even all uncertain accidents, all are inevitable!”

Lin Xian frowned:

“You said it simpler.”

Liu Lu thought about it a little bit and concluded:

“IF (X) =n! *

Lin Xian clutched his forehead.


I thought it was a new theoretical breakthrough.

This familiar dialogue, in fact, Liu Lu had already told Lin Xian at the [World Mathematics Masters] before the change of history.

Of course, after history changed, Liu Lu naturally lost that part of his memory.

Lin Xian guessed that before the change of history, it was to prepare for the [World Mathematics Masters], so Liu Lu worked overtime to do research. He calculated the cosmological constant one month in advance, and then introduced many theories.

But in this time and space.

Because Liu Yiyi’s cousin “walked through the back door”, the entire history has changed, and the [World Mathematics Masters] was not held at all.

Therefore, Liu Lu did not have any psychological pressure, and his research slowly took a long time, until now he discovered these theories.

Lin Xian patted Liu Lu on the shoulder and shook his head:

“Liu Lu, next do you want to tell me that when 42 appears, it must represent time and space fluctuations, and 42’s will is correct, 42 may be a power rather than a certain person? Finally, tell me what science is At the end is theology.


Liu Luzhi felt five thunders!

One word is not bad!

Lin Xian actually summed up all his new theories!

He obviously hasn’t said a word yet!

How did Lin Xian know?

It scared the child directly!

“Why do you know this, I

Lin Xian interrupted him again:

“These theories, you have told me before, they are not new theories anymore.”

Liu Lu shook his head firmly:

“I never told you! I just reasoned out yesterday!”

“Well, Liu Lu. Let me put it another way.

Lin Xian thought about it:

“You in this time and space did not tell me. But you in other time and space have already told me these theories. Can you understand this?,

Do you want to say that?”

. It’s just a few days ago.”

Liu Lu nodded, seemingly understanding.

For people who are engaged in mathematics and physics, it is difficult to believe the idea of ​​time travel, but it is not difficult to understand.

I was enthusiastic about the results I wanted to show off to Lin Xian, but I didn’t get the recognition

Liu Lu’s mood was a little lost in an instant:

“Then you still come to find me”

Liu Lu snorted:

“You go directly to me in time and space and let him tell you the result, don’t you?”


This product is still making a child’s temper!

Seeing Liu Lu’s expression, Lin Xian actually felt a little “pity and cherish jade”!

Is it too much?

think carefully

Lin Xian really felt that he was too much!

The information that changes time and space is poor, and only he knows it.

How could he use this information gap to discourage Liu Lu’s enthusiasm?

this is not fair!

So Lin Xian patted Liu Lu on the shoulder in a hurry, and comforted:

“We in every time and space will always meet at a certain moment. No matter how history and the future change, our encounter is inevitable!”

“Liu Lu, do you know why I am looking for you?”

Liu Lu raised his head and looked at Lin Xian who was a head taller than himself:


Lin Xian smiled slightly.

Pushing him to the south, facing the tall laboratory building and the labs in the distance, he waved his hand:

“Because you are a man who even fears God!”

“In this world, only you can penetrate the truth! Work out the truth of the world! With a mortal body, you can compare with the gods!”

“So, no matter where you are, no matter who you are, I will definitely come to you!”

At this moment.

Liu Lu’s eyes widened and his mouth was stunned.

He looked at several large laboratories in the distance, and with a wave of his big hand, it seemed that Lin Xian had laid down for himself!

Lin Xian’s tall figure was reflected in a handsome look in the sunset.

Liu Lu sees it


There was a throbbing!

After chatting with Liu Lu for a while.

Lin Xian visited the laboratory.

Liu Lu introduced that all the equipment here is the world’s top, and there are also super cutting-edge devices such as neutron meters, field machines, and heavy-duty simulators.

“Professor Ding Yi helped to fix these. If it weren’t for the country, and these things were blocked by the United States, we wouldn’t be able to buy these three big equipment. It would cost you 1.4 billion.”

Lin Xian waved his hand.

Instructed Liu Lu not to care about the money issue:

“I still have 1 billion. You can use it first. If it is not enough, please feel free to contact me.”

Liu Lu shook his head:

“No, no, it’s enough, now we need to wait.

Lin Xian nodded and understood.

Now it is not money that restricts the speed of 42 research.

It is experimental data.

Prior to Liu Lu’s research has been focused on theory, even if there are all kinds of guesses, there is no practical way to verify it.

Without verification, you won’t know which direction is right.

But that has become history.

With the blessing of the most cutting-edge laboratory in the world, one month later, Lin Xian will be able to uncover the final mystery of 42!

Liu Lu took Lin Xian to continue walking, and introduced several academicians of the Chinese Academy of Dragon Sciences to Lin Xian.

. Number of experiments..According to statistics, ability to continue is not a question of money.

Liu Lu told Lin Xian that Professor Ding Yi helped him a lot. He not only introduced him to academicians who would like to work, but also asked his friends to recommend doctoral students here.

Lin Xian couldn’t help feeling.

The great knight is for the country and the people.

In addition to being unable to help Liu Lu with funds, Professor Ding Yi really did his best in other aspects.

“Professor Ding Yi is really a good person.”

Lin Xian exclaimed sincerely.

Although in the eyes of Professor Ding Yi, Lin Xian is just a stranger who has never met before.

But before history changed, on the way to participate in the [World Mathematics Masters], Professor Ding Yi told Lin Xian a lot of past events.

For example, the teachers of Ding Yi were all faced with the temptation of money and status before returning to China.

In that era of poverty in the Dragon Kingdom.

The annual salary that foreign countries give to the scientists of the Dragon Kingdom is enough to earn a lifetime in China!


Face the needs of zu country.

They still abandon fame and fortune, return to China to support, and shine in ordinary positions!

Those great heroes, scientists who made contributions to the country, Ding Yi worked as a researcher under them when he was young.

Therefore, Professor Ding Yi’s national sentiment is very strong, and when it comes to the United States, it is unreasonable anger! Spur!

All in all, he is a person whom Lin Xian respects.

“I really hope that in this time and space, I will also have the opportunity to meet Professor Ding Yi again.”

After visiting everything in the laboratory.

it’s getting dark.

Lin Xian stayed in the guest room of Dinan University Guest House for one night, planning to go to Didu New District the next day.

Two days ago, Lu Qiangdong sent a text message to Lin Xian and once again warmly invited Lin Xian to visit the Goudong headquarters.

A rare opportunity.

Lin Xian is going to visit tomorrow

“Turn off the lights and go to sleep.

“Fortunately, I didn’t die today, and tomorrow is a new one.”

On the second day, Lu Qiangdong sent a car directly and came to Dinan University to pick up Lin Xian in person.

The world’s top Maybach commercial vehicle parked at the entrance of the guest house, the electric door opened, and the energetic Lu Qiangdong laughed and jumped out of the car and hugged Lin Xian:

“Hahahahaha! Mr. Lin, long time no see, I really miss it!”

Lin Xian also hugged him politely.

He has always had a good impression of Gou Dong and Lu Qiangdong.

Otherwise, he would not write to Lu Qiangdong, who was in the past, to help him avoid immortals jumping and make arrangements in advance.

Today’s Lu Qiangdong not only continues to implement the previous phalanx, vigorously develops logistics and warehousing, the country is in distress, and unconditionally opens the warehouse to the extreme.


Under the “guidance” of Lin Xian, the domestic chip field was deployed ahead of schedule in 18 years.

At the time of the neck of the United States of America Karon.

Dog Dong is a blockbuster!

Directly came out a substitute product that can reach 80% of the performance of foreign core chips!


For a time, all domestic mobile phone brands, Huawei, Rice, VIVI, POOP, etc., all announced that they will always cancel cooperation with foreign chips in the future, and all will use Dongdong domestic chips!

This action has greatly improved the national confidence!

And Gou Dong has also become the key support of the country, and Lu Qiangdong’s scenery is full.

But he knows the good news, and every day he wonders when Lin Xian will come to the humble house.

This is not.

Finally came to Pan~

“Mr. Lin, please get in the car!”

Lu Qiangdong gave in and let Lin Xian get in the car first, and then followed by himself.

The thick electric door of the Maybach electric car closesThere was a hum.

Drive to the newest headquarters in Chaodidu New District

All day long, Lu Qiangdong led Lin Xian to visit Goudong’s chip industry.

In order to support Goudong to develop Rechips and strengthen the country and the people, the country specially drew a large area for Jingdong in the new area to build Rechips factory!

for free!

Free water and electricity!

Full tax exemption!

The purpose is to let Goudong have no burden to develop new chips, and strive to make domestic chips catch up with foreign countries as soon as possible!

Speaking of this, Lu Qiangdong was also moved and sweated:

“Mr. Lin, you may not know something. I grew up eating a hundred schools of food, and took the 800 yuan collected by the village to go to university. If it weren’t for the school’s bursary scholarship system, I might not even insist on my studies. Come down!”

Lin Xian listened, smiled and said nothing.

Are he and Liu Yiyi different?

Otherwise, why is he willing to be an unsung hero for the country’s rejuvenation, let Goudong develop the showpiece, and let the Fuxing Group develop electric vehicles?

“Thank the country.”

“Yes, that’s right!”

Lu Qiangdong clenched his fists, his eyes bursting with flames:

“Thank the country!”

“So, I definitely can’t live up to the expectations of the country, let alone the guidance of Mr. Lin’s vision to me. Mr. Lin, you come here–“”

With that, Lu Qiangdong and Lin Xian brought him into a secret laboratory.

Showed Lin Xian the latest progress in the research of core tablets:

“Mr. Lin, through our unremitting efforts and the strong support of the country, now we can finally develop a domestic chip that reaches 95% of the foreign level!”

Lin Xian couldn’t believe it for a while.

“95%? Isn’t it almost tied?”

“You guys are working hard. In 3 years, you can catch up to 95% of the performance. This is already a miracle of domestic chips!

Hear Lin Xian approve of himself.

Lu Qiangdong was happy in his heart!

After all, if Lin Xian didn’t write a letter and let himself lay out the chips in advance, how could he have the current achievements?

“This is what Mr. Lin pointed out back then! Don’t worry, now the entire country’s scientific research institutes are supporting Goudong. As long as we give us another year or two, we can definitely match the world’s top level!”

Lin Xian nodded in relief.

When I think that Long Country finally doesn’t have to behave, begging foreign countries to sell our chips and catch our necks, my heart is still very happy.

Then, Lu Qiangdong continued:

“Mr. Lin, my plan is like this. We plan to release this latest microchip conference next week. Could you please attend then?”

Lin Xian scratched his head:

“What am I going to do?”

Lu Qiangdong’s eyes became serious:

“Mr. Lin, over the years, I have endured too many reputations that I should not bear. For example, they call me the father of domestic chips!”

“But the two of us know in their hearts that I was not optimistic about the prospects of the chip industry back then. It was you who wrote to me to let me know how to return! Therefore, the famous name of the father of domestic chips, I am going to be at the press conference. Change it to you!!

Lin Xian smiled after hearing this.

It turned out to be this kind of thing.

It’s ridiculous, I haven’t gotten married, and I haven’t had any children. Now I am the father of all kinds of XX and the godfather of Xx.

But for this proposal, Lin Xian shook his head:


“Why?” Lu Qiangdong didn’t understand.

Lin Xian shook his head with serious eyes again:

“At least, it’s not the time yet. I will tell you when the opportunity is right.”


During the class reunion, Lei Haolong’s words made Lin Xian realize that he was a bit too high-profile before.

Before confirming Lei Haolong’s true purpose.

Lin Xian is going to stay behind the scenes temporarily and keep a low profile.

The false name of the father of XX is not worth it for the time being. Anyway, he serves the country and the people.

When I was on the 42 bus, my future self told myself:

“Because when you were rescuing Liu Yiyi, you also awakened a demon, a demon who should have died at the Chiga Opera House.”

Lin Xian is not sure whether the demon he said in the future is Lei Haolong.

He just has no responsibility to guess that it might be Lei Haolong.

But it may not be.

Because of what Lei Haolong said, anyone who is envious and jealous will doubt himself–

“Why is Lin Xian so lucky? He must have super powers!”

“He is a traverser! So he can make arrangements in advance!”

“His phone has mutated, and you can check future news.”

This kind of citric acid’s own argument is very common on the Internet today.

After all, I became popular all over the country so quickly

There are so many popular people!

There are also many people who are jealous and jealous.


At the [Donghai City Commendation Conference] to be held the day after tomorrow, it can be completely revealed whether Lei Haolong is a “devil” or not.

If one-

Lei Haolong is really the so-called “devil”.

Well, don’t think about it.

Let’s kill it!

After visiting the chip factory, Lu Qiangdong took Lin Xian to the headquarters for a tour.

When online.

Called all the senior executives of Goudong to come out and accompany Lin Xian to dinner, but put Lin Xian in the position of the guest of honor, and it was up to the sky!

“Mr. Lu, drink less, drinking is a mistake.”

Lin Xian’s joke made Liu Qiangdong laugh:

“A drink and a pleasure! A drink and a pleasure!”


That night, Lu Qiangdong arranged accommodation.

On the second day, Lin Xian took a plane back to Donghai City after some repairs.

The main purpose of this trip is to see the progress of Liu Lu.

Although the “new breakthroughs” obtained are all “old tunes” for Lin Xian, it at least proves that Liu Lu’s research line is still very reliable.


Return to home in Donghai City.

Lin Xian began to write his speech for tomorrow night.

According to the agenda of the [Donghai City Commendation Conference], each “Outstanding Youth” winner must deliver a speech.

This is a large-scale meeting witnessed by nearly 10,000 viewers and live broadcast simultaneously on the city’s TV network!

Can’t lose people

After changing the writing and rehearsing and practicing several times, it was already very late.

To have a good spirit tomorrow.

Lin Xian washes and goes to bed early

It was another night of good dreams.

the next day.

Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell–


Lin Xian raised his right hand and patted towards the bedside table.

The alarm clock stopped.

Lin Xian opened one eye and looked at the phone screen–

Friday, July 16

06: 43

“At 8 o’clock tonight is the time for the Donghai City Commendation Conference.”The mystery of Lei Haolong, the face of the “enemy”, will finally be revealed!”

Lin Xian didn’t go back to sleep again.

He washes and brushes his teeth for breakfast early.

Then go back to the study, open the laptop, and log in to the QQ mailbox.

In [to be sent].

Find the timed email that hasn’t been sent yet.

If he does not change the time, this “suicide mail” addressed to Liu Yiyi will be sent to Liu Yiyi at 12 noon today.

And he didn’t die.

That would be a joke!

Lin Xian clicks [Modify Scheduled Sending Time]

Modify the regular sending time of this email to –

At 12 noon on July 17.

It will be 12 o’clock tomorrow noon.

Then Lin Xian took out his pen and letter paper and prepared to update the letter he was going to send back in the past and resurrect himself.

“Since I have been alive and well in the past few days and haven’t died, let me mention [Archive Point] to the front to save the past I’m crazy about it.”

“I want to write a letter to me this morning. If I die, I will ask Ji Liu Yiyi to send this letter back. This way I will understand this morning that I must have died at the commendation meeting tonight! You can avoid death.

Lin Xian opened the safe, burned the letter covered with tape, and wrote a new one:

[Me in the morning of July 16]


[When you read this letter, it means that the future me, that is, you, has died before and after the commendation meeting on the evening of July 16. This is not difficult for you to understand, because at this time you have been proficient in using death insurance for several days. 】

.0 Seeking flowers…

[You and I know very well that at the commendation meeting tonight, Lei Haolong will definitely make a big move. I was worried that this would endanger our lives, so I wrote this letter in advance and kept a death insurance to make sure that I can be resurrected after I die. 】

[Since you have received this letter, it means that the death insurance has been activated and I have died due to various reasons. At this time, you need to start using your brain and think carefully! Why are we killed? Who is going to kill us?][Be sure to think carefully! With all the power you can use, the people you have helped, such as Donghai Daijia, Dog Dong Lu Qiangdong, Fuxing Chen Qing, and Curator Wu, are all your precious contacts. Please find a way to avoid death. Only if you survive tonight’s commendation ceremony, will I be resurrected in the future. 】

[Unfortunately, our memories can only be transferred and merged from the past to the future, but we cannot merge the memories of the future into the past. Therefore, because of what, when, and where I died, I can’t tell you, you can only think with your own mind. 】

[If you really can’t remember and don’t know how to avoid it, then don’t go to the commendation meeting. Go directly and fly high, or even go to the Imperial Capital Guotai Hotel to hide, which is the safest place. Then, set up the archive point and death insurance again there. 】

[Well, we don’t need to say so much about ourselves and ourselves, you all understand. Please be sure to think carefully about why we died and how to avoid death. Whether the future you (me) can survive successfully depends on you now!][Signature: Commendation to you who died at the meeting]

“All right.

Lin Xian folded the letter paper and stuffed it into the envelope.

With this clearer letter, you don’t have to think about things in the past, you just need to focus your eyes and suspicions on the [Donghai City Commendation Conference] and [Lei Haolong].

After putting the stamp, Lin Xian wrote it on the envelope.

[Recipient: Lin Xian. 】

[Address: Unit 802, Unit 4, Building 3, Binhuwan Community, Donghai City. 】

[Delivery time: July 16, 2021)

Then wrap it up with tape.

Put it in the safe again, under the letter addressed to Liu Yiyi.


Lin Xian rubbed his shoulders to sleep and began to simulate what would happen in the future in his brain.

If I am tonight (July 16), I will die at the commendation meeting–

Then, at noon tomorrow (July 17), Liu Yiyi will receive a regular email with a password reminder for the safe.

Liu Yiyi will rush home in a hurry, open the safe, and see the letter he wrote to her.

After reading the letter, Liu Yiyi is willing to try to resurrect himself regardless of whether he believes it or not.

She will follow the steps of the letter and drop the letter covered with tape into the space-time mailbox.


The past self, that is, the self on the morning of July 16, will receive this letter covered with tape.

With the reminder of this letter, if you are cautious and careful, you will definitely find a way to avoid death. If you can’t avoid it, then flee to the Guotai Hotel instead of attending the commendation meeting.

Then, watch the live broadcast of the commendation meeting to find out the cause of your possible death and the murderer from it.


Find clues to the “enemy”.finally.

People block and kill! Buddha block and kill Buddha!

“Dare to break ground on Lord Yan? Do you think you have a long life? Or do you think you have too many lives?”

05:30 PM–

Tunghai University, piano room.

After the last rehearsal, Liu Yiyi and Dai Chuchan began to change their clothes and pack their things.

The driver of Dai Chuchan’s family and the Alpha Commercial Vehicle had already been waiting at the entrance of the Qin Room. They will directly take the two to the [Donghai City Commendation Conference].

“Senior Yiyi, didn’t you forget anything?”

Liu Yiyi nodded and smiled:

“It’s finally on the stage! We have worked hard for half a month on the show, and finally we are going to perform on stage!”

The two are full of confidence!

Holding a small hand and carrying a backpack, I got into the Alpha Commercial Car at the entrance of the piano room.


The electric doors of commercial vehicles are closed to isolate all noise outside.

The engine starts.

After turning around.

The Alpha commercial vehicle moved forward slowly and drove out of the school gate.

Then turned on the national highway, brushed shoulders with the 42 bus, and drove towards the People’s Hall in the center of Donghai City.

06:30 PM

Lin Xian had put on his suit and tie, and went out to take the elevator downstairs.


In the underground parking lot, the proud Rolls-Royce Huiying made an unlocking sound.

Lin Xian pulled the car door and fastened his seat belt.


The powerful 6.7L twin-turbocharged V12 engine is low and roaring

The tire rolls.

The red streamer brought by the taillights dissipated in the dim basement

The vehicle drove out of the parking lot and came to the ground.

Then turn to the expressway, blend in with the traffic, and slowly drive to the People’s Hall of Donghai City

06:30 PM–

Luxury residential area in Donghai City.

At the end of the sunset, through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the giant, the 200-square-meter living room was stained with blood red.

“Haolong! You can’t leave us! What are you going to do!!

Li Jing cried with rain.

She sat on the ground, hugged Zhe Lei Haolong’s thighs, not letting him go out.

Lei Haolong adjusted his suit, tightened his tie, and smiled:

“I’m just going to the commendation meeting.”

Li Jing shook her head crazy!

It has been several days, and she has been asking Lei Haolong why he wrote his suicide note! And where did she hide the suicide note!

But Lei Haolong just kept smiling and never answered this question.

Just said lightly–

“When I die, you will know it naturally.”

Li Jing’s heart is about to collapse kui!!

The two are about to get married, and the child will be born in a few months. With such a blessed life, why write a suicide note!

So today, she hugged Lei Haolong tightly and wouldn’t let him leave!

“Lei Haolong! I still have your baby in my stomach, don’t mess around! Can’t you live your life well?”

Lei Haolong realized that if she didn’t give Li Jing a satisfactory answer today, she would probably not let herself go.

So, he knelt down, looked at Li Jing with a smile, and lied:

“Don’t worry, how could I be willing to you and the child? Look at you, cry and cry, I am going to accept the award! I am not going to die.”

Hearing Lei Haolong’s words, Li Jing’s hanging heart was also let go:

“Then what suicide note did you write a few days ago! It scared me to death…”

Lei Haolong rubbed Li Jing’s head and wiped away her tears with the belly of his index finger:

“Isn’t this just a precaution, it’s the same as buying life insurance and accident insurance. I’m just afraid of my sudden death, so I can explain it to you and your child!”

Li Jing heard it and felt that there was some truth to it

It is not surprising that many wealthy people have bought themselves high-priced personal accident insurance, and left a suicide note to distribute their inheritance early.

Then she let go of Lei Haolong’s legs and pouted:

“Lei Haolong, you have to come back alive tonight!”

Lei Haolong laughed loudly.

“Don’t worry, if I am not dead, I will come back tonight with the award certificate.


Lei Haolong opened the door and was about to walk outside-


Li Jing quickly got up and looked at Lei Haolong who was two steps away:

“That! What if you die at night?,

Lei Haolong’s body stopped for a while, then raised his head, showing a more excited smile:

“Hehehe, if I die~”

“That proves even more that I am correct!”


The thick anti-theft door closes.

Two people

Completely cut off…

07:00 PM–

Donghai City People’s Hall.

One floor underground.

Weak current well transformer room–

Hoo hoo hoo hoo

Countless tiny blue quantum particles appeared in the air!

Illuminate the entire transformer chamber into a blue ocean.

More and more quantum particles!

More and more gathering!

The visible and invisible states are constantly superimposed!


Wow one

The quantum state is stable.

A woman with a charming and proud figure appeared out of thin air!

The blue light fades

The entire transformer room was once again dim.

The only light was the blue light from the watch screen on her wrist.

as well as ……

On the ring finger of the left hand, the blue light reflected by the silver ring


She took a breath.

Turn your left wrist and look at your watch.


The watch made a beep and the numbers on it began to change.

“What, is there only this time?”


She twisted her hair backwards with her hand, opened her mouth to wrap her mouth together, and tied the rubber band on her wrist into a sassy ponytail.

“Hurry up, I still have a lot to do!”

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