Chapter 85 Lin Xian’s [Death Insurance] (Do not skip the decryption chapter)

This safe is really expensive.

It cost Lin Xian 80,000 yuan!

However, you get what you pay for, this thing is about resurrection after death, so it’s not sloppy.

Put the safe in the trunk of the Rolls-Royce Wise Shadow.

Lin Xian got in the car and drove towards the company

In fact, it doesn’t matter if Lin Xian doesn’t go to work now. It’s lonely to go to work.

He just wanted to call Chen Qing of the Fuxing Group and ask him to directly acquire Lao Zhang’s small design company.

but …

Think about it.

Lin Xian feels that it is better to keep himself as an “ordinary person”.

One more identity, one more insurance.

Because he doesn’t even know who his enemy is now!


That’s right…

Lin Xian scratched his head.

Now for him, the biggest problem is one-

[I don’t know who the enemy is? I don’t know what I am fighting with?]

This feeling made him very irritable.

“At least let me know what I’m fighting with” right?”

Want to say that your enemy is 42?

It’s not reliable.

After all, 42 helped myself several times.

But at the same time I have scared myself many times!

Want to say that your enemy is a “god” who has mastered extraordinary power?

But this is just a guess between himself and Liu Lu, there is no evidence or signs at all!

till this moment.

The only clue-one

It’s Lei Haolong!

There are two possibilities for Lei Haolong’s identity:

【1, jealous of oneself, envious of one’s own lemon essence. 】

[2. Your opponent, the opponent you will fight in the future, the demon of your own mouth in the future. 】

Which of these two possibilities are, Lin Xian is still unclear.


This puzzle will definitely be revealed at the Donghai City Commendation Ceremony


Lin Xian’s phone rang.

It happened to be a red light in front. Lin Xian picked it up and found that it was a WeChat sent by Liu Lu:

Liu Lu: Lin Xian, our laboratory has been remodeled and the equipment is complete. Would you like to visit it?

Liu Lu: [Location]

The second piece of information is the location coordinates sent by Liu Lu, which can be directly navigated.

Lin Xian clicked and found that the location was near the Imperial Capital Airport, in a certain university.

“Perhaps Liu Lu rented a university laboratory directly. That’s fine. The ready-made premises, as well as ready-made tutors and graduate students, are great.

Lin Xian gave Liu Lu back a good one.

He planned to visit the Imperial Capital again in the two days to see Liu Lu to see if there was any progress in his 42 research.

I still have 1 billion in my pocket, so I can’t throw it at him!

Now as long as Liu Lu says that spending money can make progress quickly, then Lin Xian can’t wait to sell Fuxing Group!

80 billion dollars hit him directly!

Even if the research time can only be shortened by one week, Lin Xian is willing.

“Of course it’s just a joke. Fuxing Group is the hope of Longguo’s electric car revival, and I can’t sell it.”

“If you increase investment, you can really shorten Liu Lu’s time for research, and just think of ways to make money.


Rolls-Royce Huiying drove fast on the road and quickly reached the office building.

Lin Xian got on the elevator from the underground parking lot.

Go directly to the company on the 22nd floor.

It took half an hour to listen to reports from subordinates.

I have to say that Dai Chuchan’s father, Dai Shuangcheng, still gave himself a lot of face.

They are a very good talking party and rarely request changes to the design drafts submitted by the company.

“Leader Lin, the Shuangcheng Company is a really good party! It has never been difficult for us, and it is easy to talk. It basically passed two or three revisions for us.”

“Haha, we also know that this must be the face of Leader Lin and Mr. Zhang. If it weren’t for the two of you who rescued Dai Shuangcheng’s daughter, how could they have taken such care of us!”

“Yes, yes, given us so much business, we no longer have to go to the outside to give gifts, accompany wine, and solicit business!”The ten team members under Lin Xian all spoke highly of Shuangcheng Group.

Lin Xian carefully read the report materials.

Put down the folder, looked at the group members in front of you, and said seriously:

“Chairman Dai of Shuangcheng Group gives us a lot of face, but in terms of quality, he must be more attentive, more pleasant, and better than other companies.”

“Business contacts are all mutual. We can’t just cut corners and perfunctory things just because people are taking care of us. But I think everyone is doing pretty well. In the future, we will continue to maintain this state of work. I will apply for you to Mr. Zhang. Bonus.”

Everyone was affirmed by Lin Xian.

They all smiled:

“Thank you Team Leader Lin!”

“Group Leader Lin is kind to us!”

“There is a bonus! Yeah!”

“What Mr. Zhang listens most is the words of Team Leader Lin. I think it’s reliable!”

After arranging the work for the next week, Lin Xian talked to Lao Zhang for a few words and mentioned the bonus.

Vice President Zhang is busy and said that there is no problem!

Lin Xian, the team, is responsible for 80% of the company’s performance sources, and of course it should be rewarded!

After bidding farewell to Lao Zhang, Lin Xian drove to the stationery store again and added some letter paper, pencils, pens, stamps, etc.

The ones bought in the previous paragraph are almost used up.

On the way home after shopping.

Lin Xian’s cell phone rang.

Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell–

Lin Xian looked at the electric display.

Yo, rare guest!

The chairman of the East China Sea Chamber of Commerce, the underground emperor of the East China Sea, and the father of Dai Chuchan–

Dai Shuangcheng!

Lin Xian answered the call:

“Chairman Dai, don’t come here unharmed!”

Dai Shuangcheng laughed loudly over there:

“Everything is fine~ Thanks to your service, everything is fine! Lin Xian, today I have good news to tell you in advance! The city has just been finalized, and it hasn’t been announced yet!”

“Really, then I would like to thank you for shooting and thanking Chairman Dai. What is it?”

“Hahaha, it’s like this. The city has just decided to hold the [Donghai City Commendation Conference] this Friday, July 16th. The list of winners has also been confirmed. You have been selected as the [Top 10 Outstanding Donghai City] Youth] La!”

Lin Xian smiled slightly.

In fact, he doesn’t really care about this false name.

But after all, this is the recognition of the people of the East China Sea, and Dai Shuangcheng is also kind, so I called myself to announce the good news.

Lin Xian turned at the left turn signal, frowning slightly.

When Lei Haolong saw himself twice, he always emphasized that “Donghai City Commendation Conference must come!

This shows that he must do something at the commendation meeting.

Not surprisingly

Should it be to discredit yourself?

Or is it a high-level statement?

In any case, Lei Haolong’s true identity and power represented are the most curious points of Lin Xian.

“Perhaps this commendation meeting is when I really lifted the veil of the “enemy”!”

Lin Xian has a hunch.

At this commendation meeting, something big will happen!

Perhaps another 42 phenomenon.


I will once again witness the live battle between “God” and 42

“It’s better to go home and prepare [death insurance] now.”

“I always feel that this commendation conference is in serious danger.”

“Maybe, I will also be involved.


The green light is on.

Lin Xian put down the phone.Step on the accelerator to accelerate

Around 5 pm, Lin Xian returned home.

Looking at the object prepared in front of him, he smiled slightly:

“Okay. [Death Insurance], it’s time to start work!

Lin Xian’s plan is like this–

Nowadays, the enemy is in the dark and it is impossible to guard against.

Therefore, one must consider the possibility of being accidentally killed, killed, killed in battle, and killed by the law of cause and effect.

If you die because of an accident, then this big game is over.

So we must guarantee one-

[Even if I die, I can resurrect it again!]

“In this case, you need someone to help me complete the resurrection. Just like I resurrected Liu Yiyi, write to me in the past.”

“And this person who can be trusted, there is no doubt that there is only Liu Yiyi!

Lin Xian picked up the red pen and drew a circle on the calendar.

Today is Monday, July 12th.

Lin Xian drew a red circle on this date.

“[Today is the day I decided to establish death insurance, so July 12 is my resurrection point, which is equivalent to the archive point. w々]”

“[Once I die bizarrely one day, Liu Yiyi will send a letter to me on July 12th, asking me not to do something and avoid death.]”

Lin Xian nodded.

This theory is completely correct.

The logic is reasonable.

Form a closed loop.


Since I can use the space-time mailbox to write a letter to rescue Liu Yiyi.

Then Liu Yiyi can definitely use faith to save his dead self.



Lin Xian snapped his fingers.

Take out the pen and paper and start thinking about the next step.

“However, there is a difficulty in this plan, that is, it cannot tell Liu Yiyi about the space-time mailbox.

This is Lin Xian’s decision after thinking for a long time.

Although he firmly believes that Liu Yiyi will not betray him, and will not mess around with the mailbox.


There are too many secrets in the postbox.

Perhaps the appearance of 42 is related to “using the postbox”, Lin Xian is not willing to let Liu Yiyi get involved in that kind of fright.

One more thing.

If Liu Yiyi knows this, she will inevitably worry about herself.

It’s still trivial to be unable to sleep or worry about being afraid.

The main problem is–

Easy to expose!

Liu Yiyi is a very simple girl without a city government.

She couldn’t do Lin Xian’s. Even though she was flustered, she could still smile slightly on the surface, calmly and calmly.

Liu Yiyi is very pure, showing what he thinks in his heart.

If you let her know about the time and space mailbox,

Lin Xian is 200% sure that Lei Haolong can definitely talk out of Liu Yiyi’s mouth!

“Hey, there is no way, Liu Yiyi is too kind.”

“This has something to do with her growing up environment. She is a princess who grew up in the castle. She has never seen any trace of darkness or evil, so her heart is pure enough.”


Understand [Liu Yiyi can’t let Liu Yiyi know the space-time mailbox] The premise of this matter!

Lin Xian’s [Death Insurance] plan is coming out!

A good memory is not as good as a bad pen.

He started to think and write on the paper…

His plan is like this.

【Death insurance function process】

[1. Use the QQ mailbox to write a regularly sent e-mail. This e-mail contains the password of the safe. The e-mail will be sent to Liu Yiyi’s QQ mailbox on time after 24 hours. 】

[2. There are two letters in the safe. One was for Liu Yiyi, telling her the function of the space-time mailbox and the way to resurrect herself. The other letter was written by Lin Xian in advance and mailed to himself on July 12. 】

[3. If you don’t die tomorrow. Then extend the sending time of the timed mail for another 24 hours. If the day after tomorrow is still not dead, then extend it for another 24 hours][4, if one day suddenly died. At most 24 hours later, Liu Yiyi will receive an email in his QQ mailbox with the password for the safe. 】


Lin Xian closed the cap.

Look at this plan with satisfaction.

“Then, Liu Yiyi must be very sad to know the news of my death, but after receiving the mail, she will definitely check it in the safe. As soon as she read the letter I wrote to her, she understood everything, and naturally she would send it out for me. .””Then, on the morning of July 12th, I would receive a letter. At that time, I planned to engage in [Death Insurance], so I naturally understood the meaning of this [Future Letter] and could avoid death.

so perfect!

Lin Xian can’t wait to slap himself twice!

How can he be so smart?

Isn’t it so smart that it doesn’t give the “enemy” a way out?

“Now I can’t even die, and I can resurrect indefinitely and read files. What do “they” win against me?”

Although Lin Xian doesn’t know who the enemy is.

But Lin Xian still feels that he can come up with this wonderful idea, it is really a Tianxiu!


The most important part of this [Death Insurance] is Liu Yiyi.

Lin Xian trusted her.

Even in this world, there are only two women left who will not betray and hurt themselves.

It must be his mother and Liu Yiyi.

“Okay, just do it! Start writing now!”

Lin Xian picked up the pen and paper and began to formally write a letter.

The first letter.

It was written for Liu Yiyi.

Put it in the safe.

[Dear Yiyi]


[When you read this letter, I must be dead. No need to be sad for it, no need to think about avenging me, avenging me, or finding a murderer for me, it’s meaningless. Because this is a game I have set up a long time ago, with your help, I can come back from the dead!][Yiyi, for your safety, I have many things that I haven’t told you. In the cabinet at the bottom right of my desk, there is a red postbox. That is not an ordinary postbox, it is a magic postbox, a postbox that can bring me back to life. 1

Come alive and lie beside you][First of all, go to take off the picture frame on the wall of the study, and then Mian put a small key, that key can open the cabinet in the lower right corner of the desk. 】

[Then, take out the red post box and drop the second letter from the safe into the red post box. 】

[It’s that simple, put everything in place, and you don’t need to worry about the rest. Don’t disclose this to anyone, lock the doors and windows, go to bed early at home, and wait for my resurrection!)

[Signature: Lin Xian who always loves you. 】

After writing, Lin Xian read it again.

It feels that there is no logical error.

Lin Xian is not worried about Liu Yiyi at all.

As long as you can accurately convey the information to.

With Liu Yiyi’s love for herself, even if she asks God to worship Buddha, she is willing to try it, let alone simply send a letter.

Think of the mind in an empathy.

If Lin Xian was Liu Yiyi, he would not hesitate to do what the letter says in the same situation.

“Okay. Then there is no problem with this letter. Then it’s time to write to me on July 12.

Lin Xian first folds the letter written to Liu Yiyi and puts it in a new envelope.

Picking up a thick and black signature pen, he wrote on the envelope:

[Yiyi!! Read this letter first!! – Lin Xian]

The font is big, blind people can see it!

Then turn the envelope over.

Write the same on the other side:

[Yiyi!! Read this letter first!!– Lin Xian]

“In this way, no matter which side Liu Yiyi sees first when taking the letter, he can see this line of words.”

Then Lin Xian put the letter aside and wrote a letter carefully.

[Me on July 12]


[When you see this letter, it means that the future me, that is, you, has died before July 16. This is not difficult for you to understand, because at this time, you have already realized the law of time and space modification, and also thought of establishing death insurance. 】

[The most likely time to let us die is before and after the Tokai City Commendation Conference. So when thinking about the cause of death, please think from this perspective. If we can survive the commendation meeting, I will renew this letter and establish the next archive point (for example, July 17). 】

[So, if you can read this letter, it indicates that my death time must be on or before the commendation meeting. 】

[Unfortunately, our memories can only be transferred and merged from the past to the future, but we cannot merge the memories of the future into the past. Therefore, I can’t tell you what, when and where I died. You can only think with your own mind. 】

[If you really can’t remember and don’t know how to avoid it, then don’t go to the commendation meeting. Go directly and fly high, or even go to the Imperial Capital Guotai Hotel to hide, which is the safest place. Then, set up the archive point and death insurance again there. 】

[Well, we don’t need to say so much about ourselves and ourselves, you all understand. Please be sure to think carefully about why we died and how to avoid death. Whether the future you (me) can survive successfully depends on you now!][Signature: You who will die in the next 5 days]

After writing.

Lin Xian also took a closer look.

“There should be no problem. After all, this letter was written for me to read. I have such a smart IQ, I can understand what happened at a glance.”

Lin Xian nodded.

Fold it directly into the envelope.

He is still very relieved of himself.

This is called self-confidence!

After dipping the envelope and stamping it.

Lin Xian wrote on the envelope:

[Recipient: Lin Xian.

[Address: Unit 802, Unit 4, Building 3, Binhuwan Community, Donghai City. 】

[Delivery time: July 12, 2021. 】

After writing, Lin Xian took out the tape again and sealed the letter tightly!

“It’s so tight, even if you’re a fool, you know to read another letter first!”

After all, it is about resurrection.

Lin Xian is cautious, cautious, cautious!

Both letters are in the safe.

Maybe Liu Yiyi will look at which one first

This one is sealed with tape, and most people don’t stubbornly, but go to see the other one first.

Lin Xian also put this letter aside.

clap hands.

“The next plan is to verify the stability of the QQ mailbox.”

Although Lin Xian trusts the mailbox products of such big companies.

But after all, I haven’t used the timing sending function.

Give it a try.

Lin Xian turned on the laptop and connected to the wireless network.

Then I logged into my QQ mailbox, and the recipient filled in Liu Yiyi’s QQ number and wrote an email.

The title is [Love Questions and Answers]

The content is [Yiyi, what is the most important day in your life for you?]

Then Lin Xian clicks [Send regularly]

“What about time”

Lin Xian looked at the following table, it is 6:57 in the evening

“Okay. Then set the time for the regular sending to 7 o’clock.

After setting is complete.

Lin Xian clicked send.


A sound effect and icon animation.

The display setting is complete.


Lin Xian let out a sigh of relief, then shut down the laptop…

This kind of timed mail is stored on the server after setting.

Therefore, even if the computer is turned off, this email will be delivered to Liu Yiyi’s mailbox on time.

This is why Lin Xian doesn’t buy a mobile phone and uses timed text messaging.

The phone may break, lose power, or lose signal.

Too unstable.

But the QQ mailbox is a product of a large company, and there is absolutely no problem with stability, so you can use it with confidence.

Complete all steps.

Lin Xian lies on his back in the chair, embracing his arms, waiting silently

06: 58

06: 59

07: 00

Lin Xian stared at the clock.

he knows.

That email at this time

It should have been sent to Liu Yiyi’s mailbox.

Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell–

Lin Xian’s phone rang.

He took it and saw that the caller ID was Liu Yiyi.

Then there was a relaxed smile:

“Hey, Yiyi, what’s the matter?”

Liu Yiyi over there sounds very happy:

“Husband~~ Why do you think of such a manly thing today? Send me an email again! My wood is finally open!”

Lin Xian smiled slightly:

“I just sent you an email on a whim. I didn’t expect you to receive it so soon.”

“Of course!”

Liu Yiyi over there answered naturally:

“Didn’t I tell you this morning? In order to communicate with the tutor and revise the paper, we used QQ mailbox to communicate, so we opened the push, and I received it as soon as you sent the email!”

Lin Xian nodded.

It seems that there is no problem with this plan.

So he continued to ask:”Then you can answer my question. Come on, what is the most important day in your life?”

“It must be June 8, 2015!”

There is no hesitation in answering over there!

It seems that it just popped out of the mouth without thinking!

“Hehe, that was the day we were together! From that day on, our two lives merged together! We started to share the same future!”

“For me, this is of course the most important day in my life! I will never forget this day and all the things that happened that day!”

Lin Xian and Liu Yiyi chatted for a while, and learned that she was going to the cafeteria for dinner, and then went to the piano room to practice piano.

“Lin Xian, have you also been notified? The Donghai City commendation meeting will be held this Friday, July 16th at 8pm. You really have been selected as the [Top 10 Outstanding Youth in Donghai City]!”

“The news is pretty well-informed, I heard who said it.

Lin Xian asked casually.

He himself only received a call from Dai Shuangcheng in the morning, and he didn’t expect Liu Yiyi to know it now.

Liu Yiyi paused for a while and said:

“Oh~ such a big thing, it must have spread! You should concentrate on preparing your speech, I will go to the cafeteria to eat, and then go to practice the show~mua~”

After an empty mua~, Lin Xian hung up the phone.

“Oh well.

A smile climbed up to the corner of Lin Xian’s mouth.

This phone call resolved both problems.

Lin Xian walked to the corner, where there was a top-class safe that he bought for 80,000 yuan.

The password has 8 digits!

Lin Xian took the instructions and set the password to June 8, 2015

(Note: There are no Chinese characters for year, month and day, only numbers, but if you don’t write it like this, Feilu will be shielded as an asterisk, so please let everyone know.)

These 8 digits represent a date.

That is what Liu Yiyi said-for her, the most important day in her life.

Then Lin Xian put the two written letters into the safe.

Close the safe door.

Scrambled password


The passwords were all disrupted.

Lin Xian tried it, and it was firm enough to open.

“…Alright, the next step is to log in to the QQ mailbox and set up regular emails.

Lin Xian restarted the laptop.

Log in to the QQ mailbox.

Start writing mail.

Subject: [Give my favorite Yiyi]

Content: [Yiyi, the password for the safe in the study is the most important day of your life. There is a letter I wrote to you in it. This matter is very important, don’t let the second person know. 】

Then click Timed Send.

“Today is July 12th, and it is 8 o’clock, so it will be sent until 12 o’clock tomorrow morning.”

“In this case, no matter where Liu Yiyi is, she will definitely rush over when she sees this email and open the safe. This way, the letter can be sent on the same day, and I can be resurrected the next day.”

Lin Xian nodded.

I think it’s ok at this time.

The message was received at 12 noon, and there were still five or six hours before dark, enough for Liu Yiyi to rush home from anywhere in the East China Sea.

The shorter the time and the fewer variables, the safer it is.

So Lin Xian entered in the timing:

[Timed delivery: July 13th at 12:00AM]

It will be twelve o’clock at noon tomorrow.

Then click Set to complete.


A sound effect and icon animation.

Shows that this email has been completed regularly. When the time is up, it will be sent automatically.

“Okay! Everything is ready!”

Lin Xian completed all the work satisfactorily!

Stretched, went to the toilet, and washed his face.

after come back.

According to Lin Xian’s cautious character, it is time to start the replay.

He took out a blank paper again and restarted the derivation process one-

“So! Start now!”

Lin Xian quickly wrote on the paper–

Lin Xian, died at 10pm on July 12.

“Suppose, I was killed by Lei Haolong at 10 o’clock this evening. Of course, suppose

“So, what will happen next?”

Lin Xian began to think about derivation–

Soon after his death, Liu Yiyi will probably know the news tomorrow morning (July 13) no matter what channel he passes through.Liu Yiyi will naturally be in grief and cry.

But Liu Yiyi’s character and tenacity will not make her do stupid things.

She would definitely think about finding a murderer for Lin Xian! Let the law punish him! Give Lin Xian revenge!

Then, it was 12 noon on July 13th.


Liu Yiyi’s cell phone rang.

She saw that it was a push from the QQ mailbox, and the sender was Lin Xian!!

At this moment, Liu Yiyi must be very excited!

Although she doesn’t know what she will think, she will definitely open the mailbox as soon as possible to check this email.

Subject: [Give my favorite Yiyi]

Content: [Yiyi, the password for the safe in the study is the most important day in your life. There is a letter I wrote to you in it. This matter is very important. Don’t let the second person know. 】

Next step, don’t think about it.

Liu Yiyi will do everything possible to get home quickly.

Since Lin Xian said this matter is very important, don’t let the second person know, she will definitely not tell it to others.

She is kind to kind, but she is not stupid, and she can distinguish right and wrong.

After arriving at home, it is easy to find the black safe.

Password is the most important day in life

Liu Yiyi didn’t need to think about this answer at all.

She will directly follow the sequence and rotate the 8 password gears on the safe into a date–

June 8, 2015.



The safe opened.

There are two letters in it.

Liu Yiyi picked up the first letter naturally.

Because it says in huge fonts–

[Yiyi!! Read this letter first!! – Lin Xian]

After reading this letter.

Liu Yiyi was shocked!!

Because, although many things in the letter are incomprehensible.


The letter was written by Lin Xian himself, and she could recognize the handwriting (after all, after living together for so long), Lin Xian actually said that he could be resurrected!!

Liu Yiyi, who has received nine years of compulsory education, will definitely not believe such ridiculous things.

But for Lin Xian, she is definitely willing to give it a try.

After all, this is Lin Xian’s last words.

Besides, is there anything worse than it is now?

Then Liu Yiyi took out the small key from behind the picture frame according to the instructions of the letter, and inserted it into the cabinet at the bottom right of the desk.


The cabinet is open.

There really is a small red mailbox inside!

Liu Yiyi held it and looked at it, plainly like a toy.

But according to what Lin Xian said on the letter, he threw the tape-wrapped letter into the space-time mailbox.

Afterwards, put everything back in place.

The lock is locked, the hidden is hidden.

Lock the door

With tension and anxiety, Liu Yiyi could not sleep all night.

But in the end, I couldn’t bear the fatigue and fell asleep.

“Okay, it’s correct to this point.”

The process of Lin Xian’s derivation is written on A4 paper, one full sheet.

Then he took out a blank A4 paper.

Continue to derive the next process–

“After (Zhao Zhaohao), the letter Liu Yiyi dropped into the mailbox will appear on the desk on July 12 (the day before).”

“I will not wake up in this home on July 12, but at my parents’ home in Hangzhou.

“When I finished a series of tasks and returned to the rented house in Donghai City, it was already around 5 pm.”

Lin Xian began to deduce his behavior on paper one-

At 5 o’clock in the afternoon, the former Lin Xian returned home with a zhe safe and a large pile of stationery.

I saw a letter on the table!

It’s still covered with tape!

This is a big deal!

At this time, Lin Xian himself wanted to establish [Death Insurance].

So after opening this letter and reading itThe smart self must understand instantly–

[My future self died on or before the commendation ceremony!]


The self in the past would think, why did he die?

What things do you plan to do in the future will cause death?

Lin Xian believes

Follow your own cautious character

Eighty percent will go out and fly directly to the Royal Capital Guotai Hotel!

Have been hiding until the end of the commendation meeting.

And during this period, with his own mind, he must be able to deduce all the possibilities of his own death.

Then, the Lord strikes out!

-One exclusion!

God blocks and kills gods! Buddha blocks and kills Buddhas!

“Perfect!*! Too perfect!”

Lin Xian excitedly shot the table straight!

I even used the space-time mailbox to master the ability that God possesses–


Unbeaten forever!

Others have only one life, but he has countless lives to try one thing!

This is a force that only one’s own mind can control!

It must be suspected that everything can be deduced to avoid the known dead ends in the future!


“Although I who will die in the future, there is no way to pass the specific information of death back to the past. But as smart as I am, it is enough to know the information [will die]!”

After being excited.

Lin Xian quickly returned to Leng Lingjing.

He burned all the papers used for derivation one by one in a large ashtray.


“One more thing, if I wake up tomorrow and find that I am not dead.”

“In other words, if I am not dead on the morning of July 13th, I will log in to the QQ mailbox again and change the time when the mail is sent regularly to 12 noon on July 14.

“If on the morning of July 14th, I am still alive! I will also log in to the QQ mailbox, and change the time for sending regular emails to 12 noon on July 15. And so on.

In this case.

It can be guaranteed.

Only at noon the next day after his death would Liu Yiyi receive the mail, know about the mailbox, and complete the mailing.

If you never die.

Then this email will never be sent because Lin Xian keeps changing the date!

Liu Yiyi naturally knows nothing about everything.

This also achieved what Lin Xian wanted.

“It’s too subtle. This kind of show operation.”


Lin Xian really showed himself up!

“Wash and prepare for bed.

At the same time.

East China Sea luxury residential area, high-rise, in front of floor-to-ceiling windows.

Li Jing held up her slightly bulging belly, followed the video on TV, doing pregnancy exercises:

“Hey hey, hey, follow the procedure like this. Does it really stop pain when you give birth?”

Li Jing followed the coach in the video and took the action seriously.

She loves this man very much.

Naturally, they also love their babies.

So she didn’t dare to be vague about pregnancy, health, and diet.

Lei Haolong smiled after hearing this.

He did not look up.

But something is written on the coffee table.

“Hey, hey, hey!!! Ah”

Li Jing completed the last stretch and wiped the sweat demon on her forehead:

“Huh-finally done!”

Afterwards, she walked to Lei Haolong curiously and took his neck:

“Haolong, what are you writing here?

Lei Haolong smiled mysteriously.

Fold the letter paper to prevent Li Jing from seeing it.

Then he drew two pieces of paper and wiped Li Jing’s sweat:


“I’m writing a letter~~~”.

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