Chapter 82 The law of time and space correction! Lin Xian understands it! (Don’t jump in the decryption chapter)

Wang Hao was taken aback.

Gaze with Lin Xian.

I found that the opponent’s eyes were full of complaints!

He hurriedly waved his hand:

“No! It’s definitely not my fault! Lin Xian, we two counted together just now. There are indeed 41 people in this room!”

Lin Xian was also a bit speechless.


He just confirmed many times that only 41 classmates came in this room.

Counted it several times and it was correct.

Can it still be under everyone’s eyelids, out of thin air-it is impossible to make a person?

But Lei Haolong must still stare at himself with a “smile” at this time.

So Lin Xian didn’t say a word.

No extra expressions were made either.

Wang Hao saw Lin Xian not speaking.

I thought I was mad at myself.

In addition, I drank a lot of wine, directly! With a bang, he patted the table and stood up:

“I’m assured by you! There are 41 people in this room! If it can get one more person out of thin air, I will be there! Give you this table!”

The waiter became quarrelsome at first glance.

Explained hurriedly:

“No, no, Mr. Wang! You misunderstood.”

“There are indeed 41 people in your room, but the lady just said to drink two bowls. So.”

The waiter cautiously did not continue.

When ordering the meal earlier, she made it clear to Wang Hao that the price of the table includes a ginseng and cordyceps soup per person.

If 41 people come, 41 copies will be given.

But if you want more, you have to charge an extra 32 yuan.

It’s good for the first time.

But when the waiter came to the table just now and asked if there are any taboos, chronic diseases, and not being able to eat ginseng, cordyceps and other major tonics–

A beautiful woman raised her hand and said:

“I want two servings! Please give me two servings, I especially need nutrition now!”

It stands to reason that this is not a big deal.

But after all, Wang Hao is the one who orders and pays. Besides, there are changes in the dishes. She must come and tell Wang Hao.

Wang Hao was taken aback, full of enthusiasm and a lot of blood. It turned out to be the big thing:

“Oh, it’s okay. If someone wants to drink it, please! Then we will have 42 bowls. Go ahead and prepare!”

The waiter nodded, exited the banquet hall, and closed the door.


The entire banquet hall became closed again.


Only 41 former classmates


Wang Hao smiled and spread his hands at Lin Xian.

Meaning, it’s none of my business.

Then Wang Hao walked to the two tables of girls and laughed:

“Hahahaha, let me take a look, which beauty has such a good appetite? Would you dare to drink two servings of that expensive soup? Remember to pay double Banfeiha!”

Wang Hao’s joke made the girls tremble with laughter.

Li Jing stood up with her stomach straight and punched Wang Hao:

“What about Wang Hao? With my special status today, I am not allowed to drink an extra bowl of tonic soup?!”

Wang Hao was dumbfounded:

“Oh, what special status do you have?”

Li Jing smiled and didn’t answer, she just straightened her fat belly even more ostentatiously.

The girls at the table collectively booed:

“Squad leader!! Li Jing is pregnant!! With so much fat, he must be a big fat boy!’

“Hahahaha! Look at Wang Hao’s expression!

“Li Jing is pregnant! This is the first one in our class!”

“I thought that Mr. Liu Yineng was going to Xiao Lin Xian, but I didn’t expect to be preempted by Li Jing!


Wang Hao was like being struck by five thunders!

Even the scared wine is half awake!

In fact, in modern society, it is not uncommon for unmarried women to become pregnant.

butThey are all just one year after graduating from college at this age!

There is no one married in the class, and Li Jing already has a child, can he be shocked!

But after the shock, there are more surprises!

Wang Hao hurriedly helped Li Jing and let her sit on a stool:

“Oh yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo, you are pregnant with a dragon seed now, you can’t move your fetal gas!”

“Don’t say it’s two bowls, it’s 10 bowls! We have to give it to you too! Let go of it for a while! I’ll give you my share too!!

Wang Hao’s acting skills drew another laugh.

Only then did he understand.

No wonder the girl was surprised and exclaimed.

It turned out that Li Jing disclosed her pregnancy!

Liu Yiyi sat next to Li Jing, gently stroking Li Jing’s slightly raised belly, his face full of Jiang Mu:

“Oh~~~~ I really envy you! If I can give Lin Xian a big fat boy, his mother will love me very much!”

When Li Jing heard this, her heart was also sweet, her eyes turned into crescent moons:

“I am envious of your good figure! I am only 4 months pregnant, and my belly has just begun to show a little bit. After I get there, my belly is bigger and it is uncomfortable to walk and sleep!

“Hey, but I am also very happy to be able to give birth to Lei Haolong! I really like him! I don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl~ It’s better to be a boy!”

Then Li Jing told everyone.

The marriage between her and Lei Haolong will be put on the agenda soon, and the wedding will be held within one month at most.

After all, get on the train first and then make up the ticket.

Wearing a wedding dress with a big belly is not good!

“Wang Hao, you must come when the time comes! I think you don’t go back to the U.S. if you come this time, and wait until we get married before leaving!”

“Hahahaha, OK OK, no problem! Since you are all done in one step, I think we can do the wedding directly tomorrow!”


After talking to the girl for a while, Wang Hao returned to his seat.

The boys at the table laughed:

“Hahaha! Wang Hao! Hurry up and eat the table! There really is one more person out of thin air! Are you convinced?”

“Yeah! Hahahaha! It’s just that you counted wrong! Counting the kid in the belly, isn’t there just 42 people in this room?”

“Eat! Hurry up! No, there is some cucumber dipping sauce, just eat it for you!”

Wang Hao stunned in an instant, and quickly conceded:

“This, this, this are all accidents! Strictly speaking, if this child is not born, he can’t be counted as a person!”

“Oh, you can’t say that, Lei Haolong, don’t be angry with me, I didn’t mean that. In short, I punished 3 cups! This time it was a tie!

After all, Wang Hao didn’t wait for everyone’s approval.

Tons of direct! Tons! Tons! Three cups!

Forcibly draw!

When everyone saw him like this, they just laughed off and stopped embarrassing him.

Lin Xian was unmoved on the surface.

You should eat vegetables, drink water, and drink water.

But inside…

It’s already surging!


His heart is now only fuck!

Just the word TM!

Why every class reunion, no matter how careful, no matter what time and place, no matter who changes to attend–

Can’t escape the cage of 42???

If it weren’t for Lei Haolong, this camera was staring at him.

Lin Xian is probably going to be scolded!






How many things were wrong in this classmate gathering?

How many hints are there that I am not aware of?

Why is this reunion of classmates after five years of graduation, like a 42 cage, unable to escape?

Lin Xian glanced at it with the left light.

Lei Haolong next to him didn’t look at himself right now.

Instead, he was smiling while chatting with Wang Qiang on the opposite side.

Lin Xian pretended to be a little drunk.

He didn’t speak much, and squinted his eyes half-closed.

But my heart is madly calculating.

No matter how the time, place, and people of the classmates meet.

Ultimately the number of people in this room.It will always become a constant 42!

There must be a problem!

[1. Or there is a problem with the class reunion itself. 】

[2, or there is a problem with the people attending the party. 】

But now, Lin Xian still knows little about the 42 phenomenon.

He can’t analyze it at all–

42 What do you want to express?

All of this must wait a month later, after Liu Lu’s research results come out, before there is an answer!

Liu Lu also sent a message to himself today.

It is said that the location of the laboratory and the researcher have been recruited, the equipment has been purchased, and it is about to be air shipped from abroad, and the whole laboratory has also begun to be renovated.

In short, everything is going well, let Lin Xian rest assured to wait for the result.


What Lei Haolong said just now.

Didn’t make Lin Xian so nervous.

Judging from the deduction made by Lei Haolong just now, he is quite clever, but the conclusion is completely wrong.

I am neither a traverser from the future.

And there is no way to know the future information.

His Gold Finger can only write to the past, change the past, and change the present.

Note that it is not changing the future.

Lin Xian cannot change the future.

Everything that happens after today is an unpredictable future, and Lin Xian cannot intervene and change.

Take the electric car of Fuxing Group.

Lin Xian did change all the history from 2008 to July 9, 2021, allowing the Long Guo electric vehicle industry to develop at a rapid pace and killing the Serra.

But this must mean that in the future, Sla will not be able to catch up from behind?

Obviously, it cannot be so judged.

Because the future is unknown, for everyone (current time and space), it is unknown.

It is not ruled out that an extremely small possibility is that Tella suddenly got a very good technology one day, swept the global market again, and killed the Fuxing Group.

So, to be precise, the theory is like this–

[The space-time mailbox can only change the past, then change the present, and then affect the future. 】

It is an influence, not a change.

Therefore, although Lei Haolong’s speculation sounds very accurate.

But think about it carefully.

In fact, it is completely wrong.

Thinking of this, Lin Xian is not so worried.

Although he did not relax his vigilance against Lei Haolong, at least, this person did not really understand his killer copper.

Don’t look at what he said categorically.

In fact, it is only half-knowledgeable, it is completely brain supplement, and there is no evidence.

“But this person must be investigated clearly.”

Lin Xian thought to himself.

If Lei Haolong is really the “demon” that will destroy the world (not sure) that the future self said.

Then I will find a way to obliterate it!

Kill him.

No need for guns.

No swords are needed.

He has one of the most powerful weapons in the world-

Time weapon, and causal weapon.

You only need to use a pen to completely erase Lei Haolong from the world!


In order to prevent the historical world line from being greatly affected and deviating from the normal track.

The time to obliterate Lei Haolong can’t be too long

For example, 2 days ago? 1 day ago? Such a time is good.

It will only affect the two-day history, and will not produce excessively large and long butterfly effects.

It was like saving the twins that day.

The one-day time difference has minimal impact on history, and the impact on the future is not within the scope of consideration.

As for the impact on the future after Lei Haolong is obliterated

Ha ha.

This thing in the future is for change!

If it is not to change the future, to change the world in ruins.

So what are they busy doing?

Hey Hey hey!

Wait a moment!

Lin Xian opened his eyes instantly!

The whole body is full of enthusiasm!

He seems to have discovered some blind spot!

It seems to have realized some great principles!

If it weren’t for Lei Haolong by his side, he would definitely jump up excitedly!

Is it…

This is the 42 phenomenon this time, the message that I want to pass to myself??

“Sir, your ginseng and cordyceps soup.”

Two waiters walked over, one pushing the food cart, and the other putting the small crock in front of everyone.

Lin Xian took a spoon with a spoon.

Suck it into your mouth.

A warm current spreads in the body

It neutralizes the alcohol in the stomach.

Let his thinking become clearer and more agile!


The last crock was placed in front of Wang Hao.

The waiter bowed deeply:

“Mr. Wang, the 42 servings of ginseng and cordyceps soup you want have already been served. Please feel free to contact us if you need it?”

Wang Hao nodded.

The two waiters exited the banquet hall.


Door closed

Lin Xian lowered his head, sipping the big tonic soup one sip at a time.

But thinking fast in his head.

Today, now, is this moment.

This is a closed room with 42 “people”.

There are 42 bowls of soup on the table.

Lin Xian and Lei Haolong, two students with the same student number of 42, are still sitting together.

Is this a coincidence?

Is all this accidental?

Lin Xian didn’t believe he was killed!

All of this is inevitable!

All this, these two classmates reunions, it seems that someone deliberately arranged a round for themselves!


Just to convey some kind of information to myself–

Lin Xian opened his eyes.

A thought flashed through my mind:

[The Law of Time and Space Correction]!

He didn’t know why he thought of this word.

But it just makes no sense.

This word that he didn’t even understand himself appeared in his mind.

Combined with what I just wanted to obliterate Lei Haolong

Plus the warning from the previous [letter from the future]

Lin Xian is like getting through Ren Tong’s two veins, he just understood this rule in an instant!

Lin Xian summed it up.

The content of the law can be divided into two:

[1. The reason for maintaining the stability and correctness of history and not destroying the historical process. The purpose is to ensure the survival of oneself (Lin Xian) himself. 】

This is easy to understand.

If Lin Xian writes to someone a long time ago, the letter will trigger some historical changes and cause his grandfather to be killed by bandits before he gets married.

So, wait for Lin Xian to wake up the next day

Ha ha.

He won’t wake up at all the next day!

There will be no such person as Lin Xian in this world!

Liu Yiyi might sit at the same table with other boys.

Dai Chuchan might be rescued by other men.

His current apartment will be occupied by other tenants.


Lin Xian.

Including the existence of Lin Xian’s father.

All will be erased from this world!

This really happened.

That means losing everything!

Therefore, in order to ensure the stability of history.

Be sure to observe the two warnings in the [Letter from the Future]:

1. Make sure that the damned person will die. Make sure that the one who deserves to live will survive.

2. Don’t let yourself (Lin Xian) know the things that travel through time and space prematurely, affect values ​​and go astray.

After this first rule is derived.

The second rule summarized by Lin Xian is one-

[2. Changing the past will not change the future, but will only affect the future. And the future itself is unknown, it can and must be changed!]

This is better understood.

It can be analyzed from the electric car case that Lin Xian just thought about.

Even if Lin Xian wrote a letter to change the past, let the Fuxing Group overtake the corner and crush the special S pull.

But it does not prevent [future] Special Sra suddenly got the super-energy battery and directly completed the go-ahead!

Even if Lin Xian rescued two little girls from the river, let them survive.

But it does not prevent [in the future] the two of them may be killed in a car accident.

Even if he saved Dai Chuchan who was kidnapped.

But it does not hinder, [Future] She will still be taken away by bad guys at the door of the MX bar.

Even if you are yourself, let Liu Yiyi come back to life.

It does not hinder, [Future] Liu Yiyi will be again.


Thought of this.

Lin Xian’s heart stopped beating for half

Will not.

It only took Lin Xian 0.5 seconds to pass this idea.

He will not let Liu Yiyi die.

Even if she is dead, she has the ability to save her!



Lin Xian thought of a bad possibility…

What if I die?

His soup spoon hangs in the air,

Looking at the cordyceps in the soup that has been cooked and is unable to float.


He is not a superman.

What if he died before Liu Yiyi?

This is not alarmist.

What if Lei Haolong was really an enemy, or he was going to fight a mysterious force and was eventually killed?

Thought of this.

Lin Xian couldn’t help feeling a bit cold on his back.

But immediately.

A cavity of blood rushed to my heart again!

“Haha, I thought of it.”

Lin Xian was delighted!

Benefited from the [Law of Time and Space Modification] Being comprehended by myself in the “42 cage”.

He discovered a way that he would never die, never fail, read the file even if he failed, and resurrect even if he died!

“From today, I will bind Liu Yiyi’s life with mine.

“[If I die before Liu Yiyi, let Liu Yiyi write to me in the past, telling me not to do this.]”

“[If Liu Yiyi dies before me, I will write to the past me to stop this.]”

“[As long as Liu Yiyi and I do not die at the same time, we will always have this insurance!]”

Thought of this.

Lin Xian was inexplicably excited!

eternal life!

This is an immortal life that will not die and not fear failure!

Although it can’t achieve immortality in the true sense.

But the discovery of this matter.

Let Lin Xian dare to try more possibilities!

Even if such an attempt is life-threatening!

Because even if you die, you can let Liu Yiyi send a letter to the past, so that you don’t do this, and then you won’t die!

“After I am not afraid of death, I can try more! Find enemies faster! Defeat them faster!”

Lin Xian became more excited as he thought about it.

The alcohol in the body seems to boil because of the rise in body temperature![The Law of Time and Space Correction)

I really realized a good thing!

Starting from its two contents, it unexpectedly came up with a way to live forever in disguised form! It is also a way to win forever!

Lin Xian picked up the earthen jar.

Drink the soup, ginseng and cordyceps in one sip!


After returning to the East China Sea this time, I started to make this [Death Insurance] [Resurrection Coin].

There is no need to tell Liu Yiyi the truth.

Lin Xian has a way to allow Liu Yiyi to complete this [Death Insurance] without knowing it.

After this insurance preparation is completed

You can get rid of the current restraints!

Let it go!

Go to TMD42!

Go to TMD “God”!

Laozi asked Lord Dong to attack this time!!


Lin Xian put the earthen jar after drinking on the table, and there was a heavy bang.


Classmate reunion drink to the end

It has become a group of demons to mess with me.

The boys drank everything.

The girls are never finished talking

Until 12 o’clock in the evening.

This 5-year class reunion really ended

Most of the students are developing in Hangzhou, so they went home directly.

Those who live in other places are all staying in the rooms above the glitzy restaurant, and they will consider the question of going home tomorrow.

Wang Hao was so drunk, Lin Xian and a group of people carried him into the room.

The other boy in the same room is in good condition.

“Leave it to me, the monitor! I’ll take care of him!”


Lin Xian and Liu Yiyi returned to their own room.


.0 Seeking flowers…

Since the mistake of drinking a few times before.

Lin Xian has developed the habit of taking a shower after drinking.

This can make the mind clearer.

wide awake.

Will not do stupid things.

“Husband~~~~ I’ll go and rub your back!”

Liu Yiyi’s humble voice came from the crack of the door.

At the same time, she was peeping with Semi’s squinted eyes!

“You still don’t come, it’s not the place you rub every time.”

“Cut! You drink so much, don’t I feel sorry for you?’

“Fortunately, I didn’t drink much today.”

Lin Xian is telling the truth.

After being aware of Lei Haolong’s “improper heart”, Lin Xian deliberately did not drink in order to avoid gaffes after drinking.

So he is very sober now.

Liu Yiyi was lying on the bed, playing with her mobile phone and playing fighting sounds.

Lin Xian was washing his face and brushing his teeth, while recalling the [Time and Space Correction Law] that I just realized today:

[1. The reason for maintaining the stability and correctness of history and not destroying the historical process. The purpose is to ensure the survival of oneself (Lin Xian) himself. 】

[2. Changing the past will not change the future, but will only affect the future. And the future itself is unknown, it can and must be changed!]

These two basic rules.

It is the real treasure!

From these two points, we can infer many incredible and wonderful operations!

For example, when Lin Xian drank ginseng cordyceps soup, the god-level operation he thought of–

[Death insurance for immortality]

“Starting from these two rules, more practical things can be deduced, and if you have the opportunity, you must think about it!”

Lin Xian washed everything and put on pajamas.

“Oh my God

Liu Yiyi on the bed exclaimed!

“Oh my God!! Lin Xian, did you know that something big happened recently? A documentary on the Internet was filmed before. It was said that it was in some impoverished areas in southwest China. Now even the basic education is not universal, and the children are not going to school at all. !””I know.”

Lin Xian answered casually.

This is the news that has received the most attention on the Internet these days.

A program focused on people’s livelihood, a documentary about the poor mountainous areas in Southwest China was launched.

Many of the shots inside are touching tears…

Especially in terms of children’s education, there is no school in several mountains, and the children never go to school.

At that time, Lin Xian still sighed, when can I get out of the mountains without going to school.

But Liu Yiyi obviously didn’t mean to say this, she brought her phone together:

“Lin Xian! Red Star Rack Company, quietly donated 50 million to build a school in the southwest mountainous area! And there was no publicity at all, and finally it was exploded by the people in the disaster area!”

Sure enough…

A chill came to my heart.

He perceives a sixth sense from the left–


Slowly turn your head to the left

I saw a smiling head! It was against the car window glass! Look inside!

Lin Xian suppresses the impulse!

Hold your breath!

He saw it-one

The face of this weird smile–

It is Lei Haolong!


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