Chapter 74 The only Rolls-Royce in the world! Bring Liu Yiyi home to see his parents!

the next day.

Jingle bell jingle bell jingle bell jingle bell.

The alarm clock at 06:43 is on time Lin Xian wakes up.

Watching the time on the phone.

Lin Xian couldn’t help admiring his wit.


A good day will not end because you wake up and see 42.

“But why don’t you get up so early when you don’t go to work?

“The appointment with Lu Qiangdong is 10 o’clock. Let’s sleep a little longer.

It was another retreat.

Nearly nine o’clock, Lin Xian got up and went to the cafeteria of Guotai Hotel for dinner.

Come back and pack up.

Waiting for Liu Qiangdong in the room.

10: 00.

Boom boom boom!

The knock on the door sounded on time.

It’s exactly the same as written in my letter.

Lin Xian got up and went to open the door.


“Mr. Lin, hello! We have been waiting for this day for a long time!”

Standing outside the door was a middle-aged man with a nice smile, very kind and strong.

Behind him.

There was also a woman who was about the same age as Lin Xian.

Hold a 1-2 year old child in his arms.

Lin Xian smiled and shook hands with Liu Qiangdong.

Look behind you:

“Who is this ”

Lin Xian knows that Lu Qiangdong is a winner in life emotionally.

His first girlfriend, with a distinguished family background, is of great help to his career.

The current wife is the “milk tea girl” who became popular all over the Internet because of a photo.

It is also youthful and beautiful.

About 20 years younger than him.

Needless to say, the child with thick eyebrows and big eyes in his arms, at first glance, is Lu Qiangdong’s child.

Lu Qiangdong stepped aside and quickly introduced:

“Mr. Lin, this is an insider and a child.”

The already feminine “milk tea girl” smiled gratefully at Lin Xian and bowed deeply:

“Mr. Lin Xian, we have been waiting for a day, we have been waiting for a long time!”

“For a long time, we didn’t even know the name of the benefactor. It was just at the front desk downstairs that we learned your name.”

Lu Qiangdong hurriedly added:

“Although your letter says that I will do it myself. But I think you have such a great kindness to our family, I should still bring the whole family to thank you!”

Lu Qiangdong is a person of great sentimentality.

In the habits of Longguo people.

Taking your wife and children to the door to thank you is the most sincere way of thanking you.

Lin Xian stepped aside:

“You guys come in first.”

The suites in Guotai Hotel are very large.


It is not the same as the general express hotels.

The living room and bedroom are separated here, just like a family house.

After the three of them sat down in the living room, Lu Qiangdong began to talk endlessly about his gratitude to Lin Xian:

“When I received your letter, I didn’t write a name on the letter, so I appeared in my office directly. No one knows how the letter appeared. Of course, this is not the point. Mr. Lin, you are also paying a lot of money to save us. Scheming, you must have your difficulties, I am very grateful!”

“After receiving the letter, I also kept an eye on it. You also know that Internet companies like ours do everything on thin ice. Sometimes it’s really inevitable that things go wrong after drinking.”

“That night, I definitely couldn’t get rid of the wine, but my wife thought of a good way for me. I took the vomiting medicine before drinking. I vomited once in a while, and vomited up once in a while, and all the wine I drank was vomited out.”

“Later, I pretended to be drunk. Haha, I didn’t expect everything, and everything is exactly the same as Mr. Lin said!”

Speaking of the past.

Lu Qiangdong was grateful and gritted his teeth.

My own life is only one step away from destruction!

The “Little Milk Tea Sister” over there teased the child and smiled and added:

“Mr. Lin, you don’t even know, after my wife returned to China, I would like to thank you almost every day!”

“But your letter did not leave us any information. We wanted to thank you, but we couldn’t find you! Later, we considered that you might have your difficulties, so we waited with expectation until today, and finally met You!”

Lu Qiangdong nodded like a chicken pecking rice, reaching out and holding Lin Xian’s hands tightly:

“You are really our benefactor. We never expected it to be you! We were still watching your news on TV a few days ago. It was a brave act and handed in cultural relics. This kind of spiritual quality of yours is really true. It is to make you admire the most!”

Lin Xian hurriedly waved his hands to stop the endless alternating flattery between the two.

The two held back for three years before they saw themselves.I’m afraid I won’t be able to vent this kind of emotion without spending half a day.

But this mind took it by himself.

Too much thanks is fine.

“Mr. Lu, don’t say thank you. I can only say that good people should be rewarded.

“The reason why I helped you is not accidental. When you were in a national disaster, you were not afraid to open the warehouse door. This kind of spirit, I also admire!”

“So, I am grateful. I don’t need to say too much. I just hope that you can continue to contribute to the country in accordance with the three requirements I mentioned.”

Speaking of this, Lu Qiangdong really remembered what he was doing here.

He took out a black bank card from his pocket.

Put it on the coffee table in front of Lin Xian:

“Mr. Lin, I have been taken care of by you. This is a little care, and it is also the reward you deserve for your technology investment.

Lin Xian nodded.

And did not refuse.

After all, this is a good thing from the beginning.

Tomorrow he will hand over to Liu Lu.

The 2 billion cow 13 has been blown out, and I can’t get the money tomorrow. How does Liu Lu think about himself?

Lin Xian picked up the black bank card.

It was found that there was a small piece of paper stuck on it, and the six digits on it should be the password.

He shook his bank card and looked at Lu Qiangdong:

“In the past three years, how much has Goudong’s market value increased?”

Heard this.

Lu Qiangdong smiled embarrassedly:

“Mr. Lin, I am afraid I will disappoint you.”

“Even if you told me such advanced planning, in the end, I still have limited ability. In the past three years, the market value of Goudong has only increased by 100 billion.”

Lin Xian was a little puzzled.

It shouldn’t be so little.

With such a big air outlet for live-streaming goods, I have revealed it to Lu Qiangdong.

Now just a small net red.

The turnover of bringing goods in one night is tens of millions.

If Goudong starts to lay out this industry in 2018, the market value will definitely catch up with Ali!

Seeing Lin Xian’s doubts, Lu Qiangdong explained:

“Mr. Lin, after seeing the advice you gave me, I think what you said is very reasonable! So all the income is invested in the expansion of logistics and the development of chips from scratch.

“Especially the development of chips, you also know that this is a super project that burns money! But I think you are right, our country cannot always rely on foreign chips, in case they suddenly don’t sell them. Where are we? We must have our own chip industry!”

“Since everyone is unwilling to burn money in this area, then I should burn it even more! I don’t burn, you don’t burn, and when the country and the people really need it, who can take out the chips?”

Talk about your own decision-making.

Lu Qiangdong’s eyes are full of pride!


The “Little Milk Tea Sister” on the side also looked at her lover, her eyes full of light.

This is the reason why she still wants to marry this man, facing the obstacles of 20 years old across domains, facing the world’s incomprehension, and swearing.

The great knight is for the country and the people.

A man who can be his own father at this age makes people truly feel the responsibility of a man!

Think about what others think and do what others don’t!

She firmly believes.

This man must be someone who can achieve a big vision.

Facts have proved that her vision is not wrong.

Lu Qiangdong said this.

Lin Xian also understood.

At that time in 2018, all the chips of domestic electronic products were purchased from abroad.

Who would have thought that the chip will still be caught by someone’s neck?

Therefore, in that era, all the funds invested in the chip industry, it can be said that Goudong broke the hearts of all investors.

The market loses confidence.

It is difficult for the stock price to rise.

Lu Qiangdong told Lin Xian that the stock price only started to rise last year.

Everyone knows the special situation of last year. Hearing Lin Xian’s words, the expanded Goudong Logistics has provided daily necessities for the people of the whole country in time.

Foreign countries restrict the sale of high-end chips to Longguo, but the “premeditated” dog Dong has already developed chips that can reach 80% of foreign performance in 3 years!

This is for general electronic products.

That’s enough!

Therefore, this year’s share price has only begun to rise this year.

As for Lin Xian’s “live delivery”

Lu Qiangdong apologized:

“I tried, and I found that I couldn’t regulate this market. It was too big, too messy, fake and shoddy, shoddy, over-promotion, and so on.

“I can’t stop this industry. But I can at least do it, don’t let the dog dong make the people mess, we only sell qualified products!”

Lin Xian nodded.

Also good.

This is like his style.


“so “Lin Xian shook his bank card.

“This card, there are 1 billion?”

According to the agreement of the two, 1% of the market value increase belongs to the share of Lin Xian Technology’s shareholding.

Lu Qiangdong smiled and shook his head:

“Mr. Lin, there are 2 billion in the card. The other 1 billion is my personal thanks to you.”

“Since you said that the project that requires money contributes to the country and the world. Then count me as one! I also invest 1 billion!

Lin Xian was slightly surprised.

Sure enough, I didn’t see the wrong person!

“Since you have this intention, then I will convey it to the Chinese Academy of Sciences for you.”

After chatting for a while, everyone left contact information with each other, and Lin Xian sent their family to the door of the hotel.

“Mr. Lin, goodbye! Welcome to the Goudong headquarters to chat with us!

Lin Xian smiled and waved goodbye.

The great knight is for the country and the people.

To be able to say this sentence means that the couple’s character is decent.

In the future, if there are some large-scale projects, such as the construction of a 40 billion particle collider, it must be possible for the Godong Group to assist in the construction.

After returning to the room.

Lin Xian looked at the black bank card on the table:

“Unexpectedly, the task was overfulfilled.”

“I originally made 2 billion in three days, but I accidentally made 3 billion!’

“Then you can go to Liu Lu for business now.,


Go one day early.

The puzzle of 42 will be solved a day earlier!

Lin Xian went out to take a taxi and went straight to the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

With the previous experience.

This time I’m familiar with the road.

After arriving at Long Science Academy, Lin Xian called Liu Lu, and Liu Lu directly led him to his laboratory.


Lin Xian threw the black bank card in front of Liu Road:

“There are 2 billion in it. I will quit my job immediately, and then I will start to set up laboratories, recruit staff, and start research 42.”

Liu Lu held a thermos cup in his hand.


Look at the bank card, look at Lin Xian.

Although I was psychologically prepared.

But these 2 billion will come after all!

Still caught him off guard.

“What are you for? What should I do?

Lin Xian interrupted him directly:

“It’s okay, stop talking nonsense.”

“I will give you all the funds you need, and even in the future, I will build a particle collider for you.

“But! You must remember one sentence, this is what I told you before–”

“Science knows no borders, but scientists must have their own country!”

Unexpectedly, Liu Lu didn’t say goodbye in the slightest.

Instead, he nodded in approval:

“I’m like Rui, if Goudong, we would have a mobile phone.

Lin Xian smiled and nodded.

Ruzi can be taught too.

This is the impact of the butterfly effect.

In the unaltered history before, no company in the huge Dragon Kingdom was willing to burn money and smash chips.

Therefore, once someone else issues a restriction on the sale of chips.

Longguo was choked all over the country.

But now it’s different. The dog that had been prepared for a long time was ordered to face the danger and directly carried the banner of domestic chip!

This thing.

It also greatly affected Liu Lu’s values.

Lin Xian sat up and patted Liu Lu on the shoulder:

“Come on! Today is July 7. I will give you the time to prepare the equipment laboratory. Before the end of August, 42 must be fully understood for me!

Liu Lu nodded firmly!

The burner is in flames in the eyes!

Lin Xian believes in himself so much.

He will not let Lin Xian down!

This is the only person in this world who recognizes his own research results, the only one who invests in himself, and the only one who understands himself!

Looking at Lin Xian, who is tall and reliable.

Liu Lu’s heart

There was an inexplicable throbbing

“Huh…When he walked out of the Long Academy of Sciences, Lin Xian stretched his waist, feeling extremely relaxed.

The 42 thing is temporarily resolved.

The next step is to focus on my own business.

The point is Liu Yiyi.

Secondly, go to the class reunion and thoroughly investigate Lei Haolong!

Find out the secrets of Lei Haolong, the relationship with 42, and whether it is the devil in his mouth in the future


On Liu Yiyi’s side, her parents didn’t agree with the two being together, and tried to stop them.

In order to be with herself, the 18-year-old Liu Yiyi gave up all the superior life and lived a hard life with herself.

How can I let her down?

In the next few days, he will focus on making money, improving social status, and building his own power.

It will not take a month.

You can have enough capital yourself.

At that time, pulling Liu Yiyi, with the words of the matchmaker’s parents’ orders, vigorously! We are marrying Liu Yiyi home!

“By the way, the class reunion is also held in Hangzhou anyway, I can take Liu Yiyi home to see my parents first!”

In previous memory.

Because the two are “poor couples”, they did not return home during the winter and summer vacations when they were in school. They all stayed in Donghai City to work and earn tuition and living expenses.

Even during the Chinese New Year, I never went back.

Liu Yiyi has broken with the family, so naturally she can’t return to that rich and luxurious home.

So Lin Xian never returned home in order to accompany her.

Fortunately, Lin Xian’s parents are also more open-minded.

“Since I have talked with other girls, I have to be responsible to them!”

“Whenever you have time, just bring the girl to the house and have a look!”

“We are all young, and you don’t need to wait for you now, let’s work hard for you first!”

But now, he is a little rich.

It’s also time to take Liu Yiyi home and let his parents meet.

Jingle bell–jingle bell–jingle bell–

Lin Xian’s phone rang.

The caller ID is Director Wu.

It seems that what he arranged for him has been completed.

The original “Preface of the Lanting Pavilion” must be sold at a good price.

Lin Xian answered the phone.

“Hello, Director Wu.”

“Lin Xian, I held a small auction for your “Lan Ting Collection Preface”. The people who shouted were familiar domestic collectors. The last buyer was Mr. Li Yuqin, and the final price was 1.1 billion yuan. satisfied?”

1.1 billion.

It is not too high indeed.

If, as curator Wu said, first spread out the popularity, in the public auction, it is estimated that the price will be sold for an additional 200 million.

However, I didn’t bother to bother about it.

For myself, time is money.

With these capital, waiting for half a month after the auction, I can use the space-time mailbox to double it several times!

“Okay, it’s the price.”

“Lin Xian, where are you now? Mr. Li and I are in the Forbidden City, because you are in a hurry for money, I said that cash transfer is necessary. So we have to wait for you to come.”

“Okay, I will go now.

Lin Xian hangs up.

Had a taxi.

“Master, the Forbidden City Management Office.”

Along the way, Lin Xian was thinking.

Why does Li Yuqin’s name seem to have been heard somewhere?

But he didn’t think about it.

Some time ago, at the press conference of the Forbidden City, so many people shook hands and took photos with him, and he really couldn’t remember.

Perhaps, it was a fate at that time.

Go to the Forbidden City Management Office.

As soon as he walked in, Director Wu and a smiling middle-aged man were waiting for him.

“Oh! Say that Cao Cao is here! Come, Lin Xian, let me introduce to you, this is a famous patriotic collector, Mr. Li Yuqin.”

“Mr. Li, this is Lin Xian I just told you. You must have heard about Mr. Lin Xian.”

Li Yuqin is extraordinary, and he should be around 55 years old.

After he saw Lin Xian, he still shook hands politely:


“Mr. Lin Xian, I have long admired my name! I’m not in the imperial capital usually, and the industry is on the side of Xianggang.”

“But, your reputation has been spread to Xianggang! Although I don’t pay much attention to the Internet, my wife and daughter show me your short videos every day. Hahaha, you may not know me, But I am familiar with you haha”

Director Wu greeted the two of them to go inside.

“Come on, come into the house and say.”

Then he patted Lin Xian on the shoulder and smiled:

“Mr. Li was also a well-known patriotic businessman in his early years. He did a lot of great things for our country! At that time, you were still young, and you may not know it well. Later, when he got older, Mr. Li stopped in the business sea and his interest was changed to collecting calligraphy and painting. ”

After the three came to the office, they drank tea and chatted, and finally talked about this “Preface to the Collection of Orchid Pavilion”.

Li Yuqin said bluntly:

“This “The Preface to the Collection of Orchid Pavilion” is the pinnacle of the calligraphy of the Dragon Kingdom. Even if I take out all of my collection, it is not as good as this one! I am really grateful that Mr. Lin can bear the pain of giving up his love.”

Curator Wu followed up and said:

“Mr. Lin, Mr. Li is a patriotic collector. The sheep beast among the twelve beasts was photographed overseas by Mr. Li himself, and he returned to donate to the country.”

“Moreover, this “Preface to the Collection of Orchid Pavilion” Mr. Li also agreed to donate it to the National Palace Museum for free after his death.

Upon hearing this, Lin Xian was also in awe.

He smiled faintly and looked at Li Yuqin nodding:

“When Director Wu said that, I was relieved. This “Preface to the Collection of Orchid Pavilion” is a national treasure, and in any case it cannot fall into the hands of foreigners.

With that said, the deal is settled.

But afterwards, Li Yuqin and Director Wu looked at each other, and they all felt hesitant to talk.

Lin Xian saw the expressions of the two of them, and knew that something must have been done yet.

“Curator Wu, Mr. Li, it doesn’t matter if you have something to say.

Li Yuqin looked at Lin Xian and smiled heartily:

“Since Mr. Lin is also a refreshing person, then I’ll just say it straight.”

“Mr. Lin, in recent years, in order to recover the national treasures for the country, I sold a lot of business and recovered a lot of national treasures. To be honest, you said that your 1.1 billion yuan, I really did not collect it, I only collected 10 pieces. 100 million.”

Lin Xian just wanted to say, 1 billion is 1 billion.

Anyway, for Lin Xian, in the future, using the space-time mailbox will not make enough money.

Not bad at this point of principal.

Coupled with the spirit of Li Yuqin, there is no need to make a patriotic discount.

But Li Yuqin reached out to stop Lin Xian:

“Mr. Lin, I have made you reluctantly give up this “Lanting Collection Preface”. I am already very guilty. How can I discount you?”

“That’s what I think. I have a good car. It is the only model in the world customized by Rolls-Royce, Rolls-Royce. Yes. Because the styling is too young, I have never opened it, just put it as a collection.

“At that time, the manufacturing price of this car was 180 million yuan. It has been put for two years, and it can’t be bought for any price. I also asked Mr. Lin to take a loss, so I took advantage of it and took this car to that 1 One hundred million!”

Hear the words Huiying!

Lin Xian finally understood why the name Li Yuqin was so familiar!

This is the news that shocked the world last year!

If you search for “the only Rolls-Royce” on the search engine now, there must be Li Yuqin in the news!

In May 2020, Rolls-Royce released a new model-Rolls-Royce Sweptail. Although the naming method follows the Rolls-Royce family setting, Huiying itself is a fully customized work, and only one set is produced!

As a rare and precious product, Rolls-Royce Huiying rarely shows up, so it is not easy to see its true body.

(Picture of Rolls-Royce Huiying, in the upper right or lower right corner)

The outline of the front face is outlined with brushed aluminum and hand-grinded to create a mirror effect, which looks extremely luxurious. The iconic Parthenon grille is paired with retro-style round headlights, which gives people a sense of anger. The Celebrity Goddess car logo is made of a relatively rare matte texture material, and it also has a luminous effect at night.

The side of the body adopts a two-door Coupe shape, and the two-seater design can leave ample storage space for the rear row. At the same time, the unique carriage-style doors of the Rolls-Royce family will continue to be used.

The styling of the tail gives people a unique feeling. It adopts the swept rear design of some customized Rolls-Royce models in the 1930s, and incorporates the style of yacht styling, giving rise to a sense of luxury. The roof is made of full glass, creating a perfect panoramic canopy effect!

In terms of the interior, the overall layout is not much different from the Phantom, but in terms of materials, Rolls-Royce is more luxurious. It uses a large area of ​​tinned ebony wood and walnut wood that retains natural texture. Champagne and wine glasses on the armrests further emphasize the luxurious atmosphere of the car.

Don’t always think that Rolls Royce is a classic business car,

This is the real way to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger!

The only Huiying in the world is equipped with a 6.7L twin-turbocharged V12 engine!

And the owner of this top Rolls-Royce in the world–

It is Xianggang’s wealthy businessman–

Li Yuqin!

In an instant, all the information was right, Lin Xian smiled knowingly and made a thought:

“Mr. Li, I’ve been admiring a big name for a long time. Don’t blame the younger generation for not knowing Taishan.

“Mr. Lin, please don’t be polite! This time I have touched you.”

“Ha ha ha ha ”

The three of them laughed a lot, and this “no one loses” purchase is considered a success.


Li Yuqin had already arranged something wrong.

The Rolls-Royce Huiying will now be loaded from Xianggang and transported to Donghai City. At that time, Lin Xian can directly return to Donghai to pick up the car.

Lin Xian couldn’t help sighing.

Sometimes fate is just such a coincidence.

When he first came, he was thinking about what car to buy.

He actually prefers Ferrari.

But because of Lei Haolong, Liu Yiyi was tired of the house and the black, and he also felt that Ferrari was LOW.

I can’t really buy a 30,000 yuan Ferrari

Actually Lin Xian also thought about it.

I am now more or less half a public figure–

To be brave for the sake of justice,

Honorary curator of the Forbidden City.

A Ferrari sports car that is open does not seem to be worthy of your own identity!

Look at the parking lot under the Guotai Hotel.

Those who can park here are the most powerful people today.

However, you can’t find any sports car here.

They are all very low-key Audi, Phaeton, Alpha, Maybach, Bentley, Rolls Royce.

Sports cars, after all, are things played by young and rich second generations.

It is better to be more stable if you have status.

“Rolls-Royce Wise Shadow, let’s get together and drive it alive.”180 million cars!

Lin Xian actually said that he was open to live, which made others know that he would vomit blood and die!

After coming out of the Forbidden City, Lin Xian went straight to Guotai Hotel to rest.

“Too tired. I have been running around all day.”

Today, I first met with Lu Qiangdong, then went to find Liu Lu, and finally went to the Forbidden City to settle the transaction of “The Preface of the Lanting Pavilion”.

very tired.

But the gain is also great.

Lin Xian looked at the phone, the balance in the banking software–

1.021.4 million.

“I’m already a billionaire.”

“But the distance makes Liu Yiyi’s parents convinced, it’s still a lot worse.”

Liu Yiyi’s father is the richest man in Hangzhou.

The starting value is at least tens of billions.

Thinking of meeting his parents, Lin Xian planned to tell Liu Yiyi of his plan.

Open WeChat.

Click on video chat–

Dangdang~~当~~~ Dangdang~~~


The other party is connecting one-

After the black screen, Liu Yiyi’s delicate and flawless face appeared on the screen:

“Husband! You finally remembered that you still have a girlfriend! You haven’t video with me for a few days!”

Lin Xian smiled slightly and waved to Liu Yiyi:

“This is not just finished. Good news, we are rich!”

“Blow on you!

“Really, I’m always rich now!”

“Which bank did you go to grab it?”

“I picked up a leak in the antique market. The genuine “Lanting Collection Preface” gave me a bargain and sold it for a lot of money.”

“Huh-you are writing a novel!”

Liu Yiyi made a face at the screen!

Lin Xian was amused and didn’t bother to explain. Anyway, when she picked her up to attend the class reunion on Friday, she naturally understood when she saw the car.


Look at the background over there, not in the dormitory, it should be practicing piano:

“Yiyi, are you practicing the piano?”

“Yeah, no, when our classmates come back, Donghai City will hold a commendation meeting. Time is tight!

“Are you alone? Where is the school girl who is dancing with you?”

“Huh? That school girl

Liu Yiyi in the screen looked to the side, then paused and said:

“She hasn’t come yet, so I will practice for a while.


Lin Xian took off his shoes, lay on the soft bed, and continued to video with Liu Yiyi:

“Yiyi, I think it over. When we go back to Hangzhou this week, I will take you home to see your parents.



Da da!


The phone screen turned around for a while, and fell directly to the ground!


Lin Xian couldn’t laugh or cry.

I just met a parent. Are you so nervous?

But think about it.

Although the two have been in love for six years, their parents have never met once.

In the tradition of the Dragon Kingdom.

When it’s time to meet the parents

It means to talk about marriage and marrying!

Moreover, if the man’s mother gave the red envelope when she went to see the man’s parent, it means that she is the daughter-in-law in the photo!

Just wait for the marriage to be over!

“Oh! What did you say suddenly, my phone was so scared that I dropped!”

Liu Yiyi stooped to pick up the phone and picked it up again.

During the process of picking up the phone, the screen quickly flicked–

Lin Xian actually saw a figure in a white wedding dress!

The picture is fast

I didn’t see if it was hanging on a hanger or wearing it on a model.

But think about it

Liu Yiyi is the piano room where art students practice dance, so it’s not surprising to have this kind of clothes.

So Lin Xian didn’t care too much.

As for the dance classroom, there must be a lot of performance costumes.Liu Yiyi also put his phone on the piano again and video chat with Lin Xian:

“Hehe, Lin Xian, are you planning to marry me if you plan to take me back to see my parents?”

“Of course.

Lin Xian replied without hesitation:

“You have eloped with me for so many years, I won’t marry who you marry.”

“Besides, we are so old, your parents can wait a while, my parents might as well see you first.”

Liu Yiyi was of course very happy to hear that Lin Xian was going to marry herself.

Shaking his body:

“Okay, okay! Then I need to use the hidden private money to buy a beautiful dress!

“It is said that the ugly daughter-in-law always has to see the in-laws. The first time I go to your house, I have to dress up!”

“Oh, I’m still a little nervous when you say that! I went to your house, do you want to rush to clean the dishes? What if your parents don’t let me do it? You have to help me act out then! How awkward I would be just sitting!”

Lin Xian looked at this “playing fine” 760 here.

It’s a real treasure.

“Alright, alright, let’s continue practicing. I ran a lot today and I was a little tired.”

“Drink! Then take a rest, husband~mua~”




When Lin Xian presses to end the call, the screen happens to be the mua sent by Liu Yiyi~

“It’s a drama!”

Put on slippers, Lin Xian starts to wash

Ready to sleep.

at the same time.

Tunghai University, piano room.

“Yeah! Then take a rest, husband~mua~”

After Liu Yiyi hung up the video call.

Turning his head and said to Dai Chuchan:

“Oh, it’s fortunate that you booed to remind me just now, or else I’ll leak and sell you!”

Dai Chuchan next to him wore a gorgeous wedding tutu:

“Yeah, if you sell me out, there will be no way to surprise Senior Lin Xian when the performance comes!”

The two smiled at each other.

This is the little secret of the two!

Initially, Liu Yiyi gave Lin Xian a “surprise” during the commendation meeting.

It does not mean that I am going to play the piano.

But Dai Chuchan wanted to take this opportunity to express his life-saving grace to Lin Xian.

Therefore, Dai Chuchan asked Liu Yiyi to keep it secret to Lin Xian! Don’t say that she will be on this show with Liu Yiyi.

But Liu Yiyi

He was not a person who could hide the words, so he told Lin Xian in transit that this is a two-person collaboration program.

She plays the piano and another school girl dances.

However, she did not tell Lin Xian the name of the school girl.

That’s why I said, let Lin Xian look forward to the surprise that day!

-The girl he rescued from the kidnapping case used dance to celebrate him for being selected as the “Top 10 Outstanding Youth in Donghae City” and expressed his gratitude.

Lin Xian will definitely be happy!

At least, Liu Yiyi thinks so.

Dai Chuchan took off the wedding veil on his head and put it on the piano.

The two had rehearsed twice just now, and were a little tired, so they stopped to chat for a while.

“Senior Sister, is Senior Lin Xian taking you home to see your parents?”

“Yes! Hee hee!”

Speaking of this, Liu Yiyi is as happy as a child!

“Unexpectedly, the big wood in our house finally opened up. I will tell you in a low voice. Although I haven’t said it, I have been looking forward to this day for a long time!”

Dai Chuchan nodded to express understanding.

If you really like a boy, you will definitely want to marry him!

And the first step to marry him is to get the approval of the “future mother-in-law” and get the red envelope.

See male parents.

This is what every girl in love looks forward to most!

“Then you are getting married soon?

Dai Chuchan asked cautiously.

Hey-hey …

Liu Yiyi was still immersed in the joy just now:

“It should be! Oh, I really want to be like you now, dressed in a wedding dress and dressed up! Just

“It’s just that my parents are in trouble. I think they are very sad. Their traditional family thinking is too serious. They have to let me break up with Lin Xian and find a right person.”

“You tell me, Lin Xian is such an excellent person, where can I find a second one! Especially during this period, he was brave and handed in cultural relics. I admire him!”

Speaking of Lin Xian, Liu Yiyi’s eyes are always full of light:

“Since high school, he has satisfied all my fantasies about Prince Charming

“When I was a little girl and liked handsome guys, he was very handsome!””When I like boys who are brave and responsible, he becomes very reliable again.”

“When I like to be a hot boy, he becomes very masculine again!”

“Later, when I liked a responsible boy, you see, he learned to act bravely again! He saved you from the kidnappers!”


After listening, Dai Chuchan smiled slightly:

“Senior sister, you may have made the wrong order. It is not what you like, what he becomes. It is what he becomes, what you like.”

“You are Aiwu Jiwu! Beauty is in the eyes of the lover!’

Liu Yiyi smiled:


“Come on, let’s continue the practice just now!”

Ding Ding Dong ~ Ding Dong ~ Ding Dong ~ Ding Ding Ding Dong ~ Ding Dong Ding Dong…

Elegant piano sound.

The beautiful melody of “The Wedding in a Dream”.

The girl’s gentle dance.

This beautiful scenery is like a dream and a painting.

The two people are responsible for their own parts, and they cooperate quite tacitly.

They can always beat the same beat.

Match the same note.

They have the same tenderness in their eyes.

Fingers and toes point the same dance steps.

In my mind,

Thinking of the same people

“Bye bye Yiyi-senpai!

“Bye bye Chu Cicada~”

The postgraduate dormitory is not in the same direction as the undergraduate dormitory.

After locking the door of the piano room, the two ran away from each other.

“Hey .

Dai Chuchan looked back after walking several tens of meters.

Looking at the figure jumping under the street lamp in the distance.

“Senior Yiyi, she must be very happy to be able to marry someone she likes.”

She shook her head.

Walk quickly towards your dormitory.


Haven’t reached the dormitory yet.

From afar, I saw a bunch of boys and girls clamoring together.

“Oh my God! What kind of luxury car is this! Isn’t it so handsome?”

“Porsche 911 is amazing, which son is here to pick up girls?”

“Did you not see it? It was opened by a big beauty!’

“Wow!! A beautiful girl with a Porsche 911, so handsome! Is this making a short video?”

“Is this sister an internet celebrity? Isn’t she too temperamental?

Dai Chuchan also leaned forward curiously.

On tiptoe–


Dai Chuchan was shocked.

Sitting in this red-colored sports car in front of me is an aunt who has a particularly good relationship with me, is close to my sister, and is only three years older than me!

Hear Dai Chuchan’s voice.

The wavy beauty in the cockpit took off her sunglasses and snorted:

“Chu Chan, get in the car.”

“Huh? Why are you going?”

“You’ll know when you get in the car.

Dai Chuchan scratched his head, not knowing which auntie was going to do, so he had to open the door of the co-pilot.


Depress the accelerator.

The Porsche 911 rushed out of the crowd with a thud.


After a few bends, he drove straight out of the school gate and drove towards the dark avenue

“Auntie! Where are you taking me? I have classes tomorrow!

“Your mother asked me to persuade you.

Dai Chuchan was taken aback.

Unknown so.

“What persuade me?”

The wavy beauty shook her head, took off her glasses, and put them in the car glasses case above the windshield.

Then turned his head and looked at Dai Chuchan seriously:

“Advise you not to do stupid things!”,

(This chapter contains pictures, click the “illustration” button at the bottom right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)


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