Chapter 72 Blood on the sheets

Liu Lu looked at the envelope with doubts on his face.

Opposite this man.

He knew it naturally.

Donghai City is a young man who has seen righteousness and bravely, the finale of “A Dream of Red Mansions” turned in, the honorary president of the Forbidden City

He is this section, the most popular man in the country–

Lin Xian.


Does this man have anything to do with mathematics?

I have never heard of him making any achievements in mathematics…

Liu Lu looked up.

The man was sitting there with Erlang’s legs crossed, with a smug smile on his face.


Too mysterious

Liu Lu is a rigorous academic school, he doesn’t think so much, since the other party is so confident, just verify it?

“Okay, lend me your pen.”

Liu Lu went out and took a stack of manuscript papers, then took the yellow pencil in Lin Xian’s hand and began to check the calculations.

5 years time.

He started from the general theory of relativity, from the formula in the “Naughty Einstein” painting, to derive Einstein’s constant.

This is a universal constant.

With it, you can even calculate the past and the future.

It can even calculate everything accidentally!

Break all accidents into inevitable inevitability!

His research is too mysterious, no one in the Long Academy of Sciences admits him.

The state does not approve him.

Therefore, he can only do the draft paper arithmetic at present.

Without the support of experimental data, theory and practical application can only stagnate

30 minutes passed.

Liu Lu struggled with writing there.

sweating a lot.

There is only the last step left in his derivation, and the final score can be obtained!

“This complex polynomial, as long as you bring in the formula I have completed, it can become very simple!”

Liu Lu gets more and more excited!

Start talking to yourself!

This is the result of his 5 years of hard work day and night!

Liu Lu began to simplify the mathematical formula that was complicated and incomprehensible!

Under his derivation, that complicated formula became simpler and simpler.

Become a calculus that college students can understand

Becomes a derivative equation that high school students can understand

It has become a fractional division formula that junior high school students can understand!

It has become addition, subtraction, multiplication and division that elementary school students can understand!

All this, Lin Xian vividly remembers!

Although he could only understand the last steps of all the derivation process, he had seen all these steps in the [World Mathematics Masters] before the change of history.

The last step is addition, subtraction, multiplication and division!

Liu Lu is about to write the final count!

Lin Xian did not look at the paper or pen.

Rather, he is not turning his eyes on Liu Lu’s throat.


He wants to see

Who is it that took his throat away!




The yellow pencil in Liu Lu’s hand writes the final result!

“I figured it out! The end result is one-”



Liu Lu suddenly covered his throat!

Open your eyes!


Lin Xian did not move.

He watched all this calmly.

It is an irreversible fact that Liu Lu’s voice was taken away, and it is useless to help him now.

It would be better to observe carefully!

Find out who the enemy is!

Who is preventing Liu Lu from calculating 42!


Liu Lu threw away the pencil and pinched his throat with both hands!

His face flushed!

It seems to be strangling himself.

Lin Xian clenched his fists and started to wrinkle


The situation is more than I thought.

That kind of mysterious power is not just to take Liu Lu’s voice

This is to take his life!

Grunt. Grunt. Grunt.

At this time-

The mutation happened!

The yellow pencil that Liu Lu threw out fell on the table.

The table is not level.

After the pencil rolled towards Lin Xian a few times, it began to roll back.

The speed of rolling back is getting faster and faster.

Just roll off the desktop!


The pencil fell to the ground.

It happened to fall at the foot of Liu Lu!

Liu Luzheng pinched his neck, “vomit vomit!” in his mouth.

His right foot is directly on the pencil!


With the pencil rolling, Liu Lu slipped straight back!

Falling heavily to the ground!

His head hit the back mian tea rack, and the teapot fell directly from the tea rack–


Smashed heavily on Liu Lu’s head!

The lid of the teapot collapsed, and the warm tea inside splashed Liu Lu’s face!


Liu Lu yelled when he was scalded!

But with this call, the voice in his throat finally yelled out!

His hands finally regained control!


illustrationLiu Lu’s face flushed, and he was breathing heavily in his freshman year.

“I, my, my hand

Liu Lu’s eyes widened.

He found

I can’t say the whole thing by myself!

But he knew in his heart.

My own hand just now was completely out of my control!

I want to strangle myself to death!

If it weren’t for the pot of tea splashed on his face, he wouldn’t be able to take back control of his body!

What is it for me

“What kind of power is this?”

Liu Lu’s historical materialistic values ​​are fragmented.

Could it be…

The end of science is really theology?

Liu Lu stared at the pencil on the ground.

Just now, I stepped on this pencil, so オ was able to slip and be rescued.

And that pencil, the moment it really calculated 42, was thrown out by himself.

Now he has slipped to Lin Xian’s feet.

Lin Xian saw that Liu Lu was fine.

Smiled slightly.

He got up, picked up the yellow pencil on the ground, walked over, and handed it to Liu Lu to see:

“Look at this line of English letters, take a closer look.”

Liu Lu looked at the pencil, and the side Lin Xian showed him was printed with a-


This is an extremely ordinary yellow pencil!

(There is a picture in the upper right corner)

Every Long Guo student has used it since childhood!

You can see it everywhere in stationery stores!

Liu Lu was shocked.

The pencil used by the Logistics Department of Long Science Academy is also of this brand, but he has never noticed this line of fonts.


Is this accidental?

Do not.

Liu Lu shook his head.

According to the Eins constant he calculated.

In this world, there is no accident at all.

Accidental is inevitable!

Liu Lu looked up at Lin Xian, his eyes were full of curiosity

He knows.

This man

Know a lot of things you don’t know!

“What do these 42 pencils mean?”

Lin Xian put the pencil into Liu Lu’s white coat pocket.

Slowly said:

“This shows that our previous guess is correct.”

“There is a mysterious power to kill you and prevent you from touching the truth.”

“But 42 protected you!”

Liu Lu looked down at the yellow pencil in his pocket, thoughtfully.

“Do we know each other before?”



Lin Xian shook his head:

“I don’t know this time and space.

“But, no matter what time and space it is, I will come to you.”

“We will always meet”

Hearing these words, Liu Lu raised his head and looked at the tall man in front of him.


There was a throbbing

After Liu Lu calmed down.

Sitting there thinking for a long time.

As the number one child prodigy of the Dragon Kingdom, he is undoubtedly a genius.

So this series of things, he can quickly conclude.

No matter what 42 is.

But in the end, there is a mysterious power, as if it can travel through time and space, as if it can kill itself in the air.

This is for a rigorous mathematician.

It is equivalent to crushing the values ​​of a lifetime.

He turned the HB4200 pencil in his hand.

look up:

“Lin Lin Xian, I want to thoroughly understand this kind of thing.”

“But but I do not only count the expenses..

Lin Xian directly reached out and interrupted him.

As a “comer”.

He knew exactly what Liu Lu wanted to say.

So Lin Xian cuts directly to the topic:

“Three days later, I will give you 2 billion Dragon Coins. You resign from here to set up your own laboratory and specialize in 42.”

“I believe that at your speed, results can be obtained in one month. I will give you one and a half months after including the time to prepare the laboratory.

Liu Lu suddenly looked up!

Open your eyes!

He knew that the man in front of him would never lie!



Why do not all academicians and all deans support their own research?

The country also feels that its research is useless.

Even Professor Ding Yi, who loves him well, thinks his research is mysterious.

But this man.

But I am willing to give myself 2 billion!

“Why do you believe me?”

Lin Xian ignored him and continued:

“My condition is that after you have researched the results, they must not be released to the public! Especially not let foreigners know! Laboratories cannot hire foreign personnel. All core data and overall data must be mastered by you alone!”

“Moreover, the final answer is that you are the first to know, and only me is the second to know! As for when it will be announced to the world, I have the final say.”

The gratitude in Liu Lu’s heart hasn’t gone down yet.

He looked at Lin Xian in front of him.

It’s like looking at the sun again!


Liu Lu said decisively, a flame was burning in his eyes!

Nothing can be done”

Lin Xian scratched his head.

He is ready to deal with Liu Lu’s saying “science knows no borders”

But Liu Lu didn’t expect to say.

But decisively agreed to himself.

It seems…

The order of appearance of people is important, and the timing of appearance is also very important.


This time, Lin Xian did not appear after Liu Lu received a $125 million bonus.

Instead, he appeared when he needed help the most and was least sure.

And in front of him, rescued him from the hand of “God”.

Face this kind of self.

Liu Lu naturally talked a lot.

“Okay, let’s say so, see you in three days.

“Three days later, I will come to you with 2 billion.”


Lin Xian and Liu Lu left their contact information, Lin Xian walked away with a backpack

The rhetoric has been promised.

You have to make money quickly!

After Lin Xian left.

Liu Lu looked at a messy drawing room.

See the envelope on the table.

Go over and pick it up.

This is the envelope that Lin Xian stuffed the answer into before calculating Einstein’s constant by himself.


Tear open the envelope, take out the letter paper inside, and open it

In the middle of the letter, there is a big 42 written on it.

Liu Lu’s hands trembled.

Turning to look at the direction Lin Xian is leaving


Throbbing again!

Lin Xian’s next stop.

It’s Panjiayuan!

The most famous antique trading center in the entire imperial capital!

How can the preface of the Lanting Collection of Longguo Culture’s Gubao be leaked by the little cherry blossoms?

It doesn’t matter if they have already picked it up and the auction has now started.

In this world.


You can grab yourself by grabbing things!

“You today can’t beat me yesterday!”

Oneself who can control time.

Never lose to others on “leakage detection”!

Get in a taxi.

Lin Xian turned on the phone and started paying attention to this matter.

Not too much.

I was shocked at a glance!

After one day yesterday, plus one day today, the heat of this matter has fermented to the first place in the entire network!

The first one in the hot search on Weibo is # 花花国 must pay back the national treasure!

The second hot search is #Strongly condemn the auction and refuse to participate in Long Guo!

Lin Xian scratched his head.

The first hot search is understandable.

What does the second hot search mean?

After clicking in, there is a news link directly:

In the news, the host held the bulletin in his hand and looked serious:

“We do not express our opinion on the leakage of the “Lanting Collection Preface” by the people of the Sakura Country from the antique market. However, the auction of the guilty treasure of the Dragon Country Culture does not allow the Dragon Country people to enter the market! We severely condemn it!”

“Next, please see the live report sent by the XXTV reporter in Sakura Country.

The picture turns.


When you arrive at the cherry blossom country, this landmark should be an auction venue.

A group of Dragon Kingdom people squeezed outside, shouting anti-yi!

“Anti-yi! Why not let us in! We all came with money, and the auction must treat every customer fairly!”

“We are all eligible to participate in the auction! The capital verification has been passed, so why not let us in!

“Auction the cultural treasures of our Dragon Kingdom! Why not let us Dragon Kingdom people come in?”

It can be seen that everyone is very excited and angry!

Looking at the news, Lin Xian smiled calmly:

“Don’t let Longguo people participate in the auction, do you think I can’t get it?”

In this world, everyone is racing against the event.

Only Lin Xian is the final judge.

When he arrived near Panjiayuan, Lin Xian found a hotel to stay.

Then enter the Panjiayuan Antique Market.

There are so many people here!

Under normal circumstances, there are definitely not so many people, but as soon as this incident happened, they all ran to steal it!

“The guest officer, come and take a look~~ Qianlong’s urinal!! Longye, go back and use it for the children, so you will be admitted to a good university!”

“I have Kangxi’s diapers! Seriously authentic! Not only do they have dragon liquid on them, but they must also have dragon papa! Give the child a match, and then get promoted and make a fortune!”

“Wu Zetian’s ear-picking sentence to understand! Just this one! If you don’t miss it, it will be picked up by others in a while!”

“Zhu Yuanzhang’s nail clipper! Just dug out! Most people don’t know its value, hey, it’s cheaper in the end by those leak detection experts!”

The seller next to him was extremely excited.

Business here has never been better!

Very stupid people and a lot of money!

As for those customers, they all come with the mentality of “getting rich overnight”, and regardless of whether they understand it or whether they are really telling them, they just buy and buy when they see good things!

Waiting to pick up the leak.

Lin Xian didn’t even glance at these leeks, and continued to walk inside.

If you really want to have such a good leak, can you take your turn?

The shrewd one who buys never sells.

Lin Xian continued to walk inside, and finally, saw the place where people gathered the most–

The third alley is the innermost.

There stood a young man shouting:

“Everyone! Yesterday, the “Lanting Collection Preface” was bought from me! I’m so mad, I want to know that he is a native of Sakura, and I won’t sell it to him if he is killed!”

“Now, in order to keep the fertilizer from flowing out of the fields of outsiders, I have moved all the belongings of my house. Needless to say, they must be authentic! Whoever wants to pick it up will make a fortune!

There was a circle of people nearby.

Naturally, they came to make a fortune.

Someone bought tables, chairs, chopping boards, and even Xiaobawang game consoles.


Lin Xian shook his head helplessly.

…0 Seeking flowers………

I don’t know what to say.

Lin Xian looked at the nearby merchants, one by one with a sad face.

The flow of people was attracted away by the kid.

They don’t have a customer here.

Lin Xian randomly found a room and went in. The shopkeeper inside was an old man.

The old man saw that someone finally came to his shop, he was very happy!

“Guest! Take a look!”

But then he was taken aback:

“Oh! You are not that Lin, the honorary curator of the Forbidden City!”

“Oh my God! Director Lin! Come here! Can you comment on a few things! Can you take a photo? Let me hang it in the store? It’s my glory!”

Lin Xian smiled faintly:

“Uncle, it’s okay to take a group photo. Let’s talk later, I want to ask you a few questions.”

“Hey hey! Director Lin Da! Just ask, just ask!”illustration

For the boss.

The famous honorary curator of the Forbidden City can come to his own shop, and leave a picture on the wall, what a grade!

Blowing 13 has capital 1

Lin Xian pointed to the young guy eating and drinking outside:

“Yesterday, the Preface to the Collection of Orchid Pavilion was bought from him?,

Speaking of this.

The old man was so angry that his beard went straight!

“It’s really maddening me! The little grandson didn’t know the goods, so he sold “The Preface of The Lanting Pavilion” for 100,000 yuan!”

“It was sold to the people of Sakura, really a scum! Min clan scum! Our old shopkeeper ignored him!

With that said, the old man pointed to the computer next to him, which was playing the scene of the Sakura Country Auction in real time.

“You look at the song, it’s auctioned! The starting price is 1 billion Sakura yuan!”

Lin Xian estimates that 1 billion Sakura yuan is about 60 million yuan.

As a well-deserved first national treasure, the starting price is not high.

Lin Xian looked at the computer screen.

The organizer has very exaggerated words to describe this baby.

Sakura language is mixed, and there are some things that I can’t understand.

Dragon Kingdom XX Strongest XX Bandai XX National Treasure XX Super XX

The auction has not yet started.

But the barrage in the live broadcast room is all in Chinese!

“Asshole! Return our national treasure! Why not let us from the Dragon Kingdom enter the venue!”

“It’s over, it’s over, it’s the loss of another national treasure. Once this thing is bought by the people of Sakura, it will definitely not be returned to us.

“All the rich and powerful consortiums in the Sakura Country have gone! But the representatives of our country have all been blocked from the auction house!”

The anger of netizens can be felt across the screen.

Lin Xian knocked on the counter and continued to ask:

“When did the group of Sakura people come to pick up the leakage?”

“The young man came very late. He came with the box just after six o’clock. After a while, he was picked up by the group of Sakura people.”


Lin Xian nodded.

Knowing these key issues, I can basically let me finish the omissions yesterday.

After asking some details about the appearance and dress of the Sakura people, Lin Xian took a photo with the old man as scheduled, and left Pan’s home with satisfaction.

At this time, the phone rang, and there were a few pop-up news.

Lin Xian opened it and saw that it was really about “Lanting Collection Preface”.

Teng Teng News: “The original Lanting Collection Preface was finally sold for 120 Sakura yuan! 700 million yuan for the dragon!”

Net News: “The Preface of the Orchid Pavilion was photographed by Okamoto Kojiro, the richest man in the cherry blossom country! It will be displayed in a private museum!”

Renren News: “The auction will block the door to intercept the Dragon Kingdom people! We strongly condemn it!”


“700 million dragon yuan huh, the financial strength of the cherry blossom country is at this level? If you dare to let domestic collectors enter the auction, you must at least raise it to more than 1 billion!”

Wang Yizhi’s only calligraphy alive.

The only authenticity of the god of calligraphy.

The treasure that was placed under the pillow by Emperor Taizong of Tang 1500 years ago.

1 billion.

It’s not too much.

After Lin Xian finished eating and returned to the hotel, it was already more than 10 o’clock in the evening.

Sorry, I’m going to make this “Lanting Collection Preface”!

He took out the letter paper and pen and began to write:

[Dear me yesterday. 】

【Hello. 】

[I guess, when you read this letter, you should be looking for Ferrari’s car keys. Don’t bother, history has changed, and you didn’t buy a car in this era. 】

[Isn’t Liu Yiyi very happy to be resurrected? But you remember, send her to the subway station early and let her go back to school, we have more important things to do!]

illustration[After your memory is merged, you will know that you are in need of money now, and the most urgent thing is to give Liu Lu 2 billion so that he can continue to do research on 42. 】

[Remember what I said below!][After sending Liu Yiyi to the subway station, don’t be stubborn and show affection, but have to send someone to school. Immediately! Go home! Pack your things! Go to the airport! Fly to the imperial capital!][Be sure to rush to the Panjiayuan Antique Market in the Imperial Capital, opposite the XX antique shop in the third hutong, before 6 pm, go early, wait there, there will be a guy holding a box to sell calligraphy and painting. 】

[Don’t waste time, just negotiate the price with him and buy the whole box. Although we only need the “Preface to the Lanting Pavilion” inside, the box can prove that this is an ancestral cultural relic, not an unearthed cultural relic, and it does not need to be handed in. 】

[You don’t need to worry about the rest. Oh, by the way, you have to take time to visit the Long Academy of Sciences. How to meet and get acquainted with Liu Lu? I don’t need to teach you. 】

[Signature: Tomorrow’s you]

After writing, put it in the envelope and put a stamp on it.

If everything goes well, when you wake up tomorrow, “Lanting Collection Preface” will appear in your suitcase!

Lin Xian turned the envelope over and wrote:

[Recipient: Lin Xian][Address: Unit 802, Unit 4, Building 3, Binhuwan Community, Donghai City][Delivery time: July 4, 2021]

“After the letter is posted, it will appear on the desk in my study.

“When I discuss the topic of Ferrari with Liu Yiyi, I will go to the bookstore to find the key, and I will naturally find it at that time.”

Only when.

Lin Xian dropped the letter into the space-time mailbox.

Turn off the lights and sleep.

Wake up tomorrow.

Just 1 billion!

At the same time

The piano room of Tunghai University.

Ding Ding Ding~ 咚-

As the beautiful notes of the piano fell, Dai Chuchan’s ballet shoes were just right on the ground.

The piano dance song “The Wedding in Dream” is a perfect interpretation!

Pop, pop, pop!

Liu Yiyi applauded:

“It’s so beautiful~ I didn’t expect you to bring all the costumes. This is the first time I have seen a wedding tutu.”

Dai Chuchan smiled and handed the wedding veil to Liu Yiyi:

“I’m specially looking for someone to customize it! Since we are performing “The Wedding in a Dream”, it’s important to work hard on the costumes!”

Liu Yiyi took over the wedding veil.

For a while, I started to play, put it directly on my hair, and started to circle:

“Hahaha, it’s so beautiful, hehe, when I get married with Lin Xian, I will be able to put on a real wedding dress!”

Dai Chuchan looked at the spinning Liu Yiyi, and the white sand was flying, especially beautiful.

I couldn’t help but raise layers of envy.

“It’s so good.” Dai Chuchan couldn’t help but said emotionally.

“Hahaha~ what’s so good, I don’t know if Lin Xian has so much money to buy a wedding dress by the time! 80% of them want to rent one!”

Dai Chuchan smiled meaningfully:

“I envy you, your wedding can be held in reality.”

“And mine can only be in a dream”

Looking at Liu Yiyi rotating to the other end of the piano room.

Dai Chuchan leaned on the piano and blinked.

A drop of crystal tears slipped from the corner of the eye and tickled on the white ballet skirt

Spread into a dark water stain.

Just like


Woke up that morning, there was blood on the sheets

Dai Chuchan sighed, eyes full of envy.

“It would be great if the blood from that day belonged to mine.”

(This chapter contains pictures, click the “illustration” button at the bottom right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)


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