Chapter 7 Limit down to daily limit! Demon stock!


Under Lin Xian’s witness, Li Ge cleared Changhe Hi-Tech at the limit.

Lost 10%, which is 30,000, and the principal is still 270,000.

“Brother Li, since the market is not good today, don’t buy it.”

However, as a qualified old leek, Li shook his head stubbornly:

“If I don’t buy it, then the 30,000 will be really lost! I have to pay back quickly!”

Li Ge opened the list of gains and took a look, and selected a stock called “COFCO Chemical”.

In such a harsh environment where the 1,000-share limit fell, the stock did not fall, but rose by 2%.

Li Ge looked like “Wise eyes know Bole” and patted his phone:

“Lin Xian, believe you Brother Li, this stock is absolutely fine!”

“You think, in such a bad market environment, he can rise by 2%. If the market gets better after a while, he won’t directly rise by the 10% daily limit!”

“When it reaches its daily limit, my 270,000 will almost become 300,000 again. This is my tactic as an old stock investor!”

Even now, Lin Xian couldn’t say anything. He just watched Li Ge’s operation on his mobile phone. With a 2% increase, he bought the stock of “COFCO Chemical”.

Not 20 seconds after the purchase, the stock of “COFCO Chemical” suddenly surged, reaching a 4% increase!

In the blink of an eye, Brother Li earned 2 points.

“Hey, what’s up? Your brother has a vicious look at me, right?”

Lin Xian smiled and patted Brother Li on the shoulder:

“I wish you daily limit this afternoon and earn it back.”

After that, he went to work on his own.

Yesterday, I took a day off and piled up a lot of work. Today, Vice President Lao Zhang gave himself a few big orders and he has to work hard.

Even though he has 800,000 deposits, Lin Xian feels that when a monk hits the clock one day.

Just stay in this company for a day and get the job done.

Everyone ordered a takeaway together at noon.

The local noon news is playing on the big screen of the office, and the picture is exactly the interview with Lin Xian in the morning.

The host also dubbed the description:

“Lin Xian, a hero who is righteous and brave, said that he hopes that everyone will not pay too much attention to themselves. In reality, there are many people who need help. I hope everyone can lend a helping hand in life.”

“At the same time, the person in charge of the relevant department said that the commendation and awards meeting for Mr. Lin Xian’s bravery will be held in the near future, and the station will broadcast the whole process at that time.”

Vice President Lao Zhang watched the news with a look of anticipation, but in the end he took a bite of his chicken leg and returned in defeat!

“Fuck! Why did the morning news broadcast still have my footage, and the noon news cut me off?”

“Lin Xian! When the commendation meeting comes, don’t forget to mention our company!”

………………………………………….. ….

At work in the afternoon, everything was calm.

Of course…except for Brother Li’s heart-piercing wailing…


Lin Xian heard the sound and looked at Brother Li’s phone screen.

I saw that COFCO Chemical, which had a very good gain in the morning, is now as strong as splitting bamboo, all the way -2%, -3%, -5%, -6%…to the lower limit!

“What’s going on, Brother Li.”

“I don’t know either! Isn’t it a good rise in the morning? Isn’t this cheating?”

While talking, COFCO Chemical has fallen by -8%…

Li Ge bought it up 2%, and now it’s down 8%. Once he came and went, he lost another 10%.

Now the principal of 270,000 has shrunk to more than 240,000.

Another 30,000 diapers are gone…

Then, what caused Li Ge to collapse is still to come!

“Oh my God! Something went wrong! Changjiang Hi-Tech just issued an announcement saying that it will merge with other companies, which is a big plus!”

In the stock market, good news that is conducive to the rise of stocks is called good news.

Corporate mergers are generally good news.

I saw the stock of Changjiang Hi-Tech, which instantly pulled up a big straight line!

Pull up directly from the down limit to the up limit! ! !

The whole process, less than 10 seconds!

“It’s the daily limit!! Hey, Lin Xian!!! The Changjiang Hi-Tech’s daily limit is up!!!”

“If I don’t sell, I will have earned 10% now!!!”

This is the end of the matter, Lin Xian can only sigh to comfort Brother Li.

The leeks in the stock market are like this.

If Li took the Yangtze River Hi-Tech in the morning and didn’t sell it, and persisted until now, not only would he return his 30,000 compensation, but he would also earn 30,000.


Lin Xian smiled when Brother Li couldn’t see it.

For myself, this is very valuable news.

If you buy Changjiang Hi-Tech at the down limit…

When the Yangtze River Hi-Tech daily limit is reached in the afternoon, you can make a big profit of 20% when you come and go!

You can earn 20% in one day!

Although not as profitable as lottery tickets, the money earned in the stock market is safe.

When he got off work that day, Brother Li sighed and dared not get off work. He lost 60,000 yuan today and he must kneel on the washboard when he goes home.

Hey… Kneeling on the washboard is still a trivial matter. At present, the pressure of raising two children is so great, and the loss of 60,000 yuan, the wife must kill him.

Lin Xian comforted Brother Li and went home from work.

After returning home to eat, Lin Xian turned on the lamp in the study, took out the letter paper, and started writing.

[Dear me yesterday. 】

【Hello. 】

[Now, I want to tell you a way to make money, you can remember it clearly! 】


[Thanks to the lonely zzz boss for the 100-point reward! 】

[Thanks for the monthly pass of 188****2752! 】*

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