Chapter 55 The United States is extremely arrogant! There is no one in Long Guo Mathematics! (15 month ticket plus more)


Lin Xian took out the [Letter from the Future] from the drawer.

Patting my head, I can’t help but sigh:

“Hey! It’s a drinking accident! Why did I forget such an important thing!”

The shock just now made Lin Xian completely awake from alcohol.

Only then did he realize that under the situation of alcohol just now, he almost caused a catastrophe!

This [Letter from the Future] is very clear:

[Please remember, the two biggest factors affecting the correct development of history and leading to changes in the world line are:][1. Let the people who should die live, and let the people who should live die. 】

[2, let us (that is, you and me) know the matter of traveling through time and space prematurely, which will affect our outlook on life and values. 】


The letter I wrote just now, I stepped on two landmines perfectly!

First of all, I explained the specific time of the shooting at the Chicago Grand Theater.

According to his secondary character at his age, coupled with Liu Yiyi’s “Mother” character, he would definitely report this to the relevant department.

As long as security is strengthened, such shootings will not happen.

At that time, it will cause the first factor to change the world line——

[Let the people who should have died live. 】

There are 37 people including Liu Yiyi.

The life trajectory of these 37 people in the next 5 years will greatly change the original world history.


I let the 18-year-old Lin Xian understand that time and space travel in this world.

At that time, my mind was not mature enough, and it was very likely that I would be misled by this information, go astray, and embark on another path.

This triggers the second factor of the world line change-

[Let yourself know about traveling through time and space prematurely]


Lin Xian breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, someone stopped him when he was drunk.

And that person.

Eight achievements are “the future self.”

Lin Xian has no evidence, but he can feel that feeling.

Pick up the letter written on the table.

Use a lighter to ignite.


The flame burned quickly.

“This letter can’t be used. If you send this letter back in the past, the consequences will be disastrous. If I go astray from now on, I will say if I can live until now.”

Lin Xian is really worried…

If this letter is sent out and your own existence is wiped out, you will lose a lot!


After the flame filled the envelope, Lin Xian threw it into the big ashtray.

He doesn’t smoke.

This ashtray is specially bought to burn things.

Lin Xian rested his chin and thought…

“Is there any way…Is it possible to keep me from knowing about time and space travel, and then let Liu Yiyi survive without affecting the Zhijiage shooting case?”

Lin Xian stunned himself.

A good memory is not as good as a bad pen. Lin Xian took out a piece of paper and began to write according to the thoughts in his mind:

[Attention points to save Liu Yiyi by using the space-time mailbox:][1. I can’t let the past me know about time travel. 】

[2. It cannot stop the shooting of Zhijiage. For the sake of historical correctness, some people must die. 】

[3. Let Liu Yiyi survive. 】


Lin Xian closed his pen cap and looked at the three points of attention in front of him.

“It seems… this question is a bit difficult.”

After thinking for a long time, Lin Xian couldn’t think of any answer for the time being.

It’s sleepy so late.

“Go to bed first and think about it tomorrow.”


Lin Xian turned off the light in the study and went back to the bedroom to sleep.

The habit of modern young people, regardless of how sleepy they are, they must play with their phones while lying in bed.

Lin Xian brushed a short video and got a piece of news:

“In the International Mathematical Olympiad, the Dragon National Team won another championship! Achieve three consecutive championships! 》

“I won the championship again. Our middle school students are so strong.”

In the field of World Mathematical Olympiad, the championship is basically taken by Longmi and the two countries, especially in recent years, Longguo has completed three consecutive championships.

And the funny thing is…

Occasionally, the American team wins, but their representative players are all dragon descendants with black hair and yellow skin…

I have to say that the descendants of Yan and Huang are very talented in math competitions.

Lin Xian himself has no interest in the Olympiad, so he slid directly to the next video.

Unexpectedly, this video is still related to Olympiad!

In this video, some U.S. netizens’ comments on the results of the Olympiad are shown:

“Long Kingdom can only make Olympiad robots! There is no mathematical genius at all!”

“Long Guo people can only do questions, exams, and have no achievements in the field of mathematics!”

“I just asked Longguo people, have you trained any world-class mathematician after winning so many Olympiad titles?”

“OH~ Newton, Gauss, Euler, Riemann, Descartes, Leibniz, and Lagrange are not from the Dragon Kingdom! Strange, isn’t the Dragon Kingdom very good at mathematics?”

“The people of Longguo are problem-making machines! The top geniuses and top-level research in the field of mathematics rely on the Americans!”

In the comment area of ​​this short video, angry Longguo people commented on hundreds of thousands!

They are not satisfied!

Why did the United States win the Olympic Mathematics Championship, say that it is a good education.

And Longguo won the Olympic Mathematics championship, so it was a “problem-making robot” and “factory-style teaching”?

Lin Xian opened Weibo and found that this topic has rushed to the second most searched topic. It seems that the discussion is very hot.

“Such a hot search ranks second… Then what is the first?”

Lin Xian was a little curious, he clicked on the top hot search——

“Olympic lost!” The United States wants to host the [World Mathematics Masters] to show its prestige! 》

The hot search also included an external network connection. After clicking it, Lin Xian’s phone was directly exploded by a barrage card…

The video screen can not be drawn, and the netizens of the Long Kingdom and the United States have greeted each other with verbal abuse, and the entire screen is painted white:

“American dogs! Don’t bark here if you can’t lose! Have the ability to beat us!”

“A strong youth is a strong country. Our middle school students in Long Country are so strong. Are the top masters afraid that you will not succeed?”

“Stupid Longguo! Don’t just say it! Show evidence! Name a deafening mathematician!”

“Yangyang 1.4 billion Great Dragon Kingdom! What about 5000 years of history! Do you have any world-famous mathematicians?”

“Is [Poincaré Conjecture] proved by the people of the Long Kingdom? [Hodge hypothesis] was the people of the Long Kingdom conquered? The people of the Long Kingdom can do nothing but test questions!”

“Long Country people don’t live in the fairy tales of Mathematical Olympiad. They are really capable. Go and prove the [Goldbach Conjecture]!”


[Thanks to 188****4801 for the two reminders! thank you very much! 】

[Thanks to Jace for the 100-point reward! thank you very much! 】

[Thanks to StrikeFreedon for the 100-point reward! thank you very much! 】*

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