Chapter 52 42 Everywhere


Lin Xian touched the steering wheel, but did not speak…

He suddenly reacted–

All day long!

Start in the morning!

The number 42 kept appearing next to him, and he couldn’t get rid of it!

When I get up in the morning.

The time on the phone screen is 6:42.

When I go to the specialty store to buy shoes, the size of the shoes is 42.

The plot shown in the movie is 42.

The number plates selected at random add up to 42.

He thought of one thing!

“Wang Hao! Where’s your badge?”

“Don’t put it on the tooling… let the company go…”

“What’s your job number?”

“42! Oh~~~ You were surprised that my work number is the same as your license plate. Maybe this is a coincidence. It’s a fuss. You scared me to death!”

Wang Hao naturally did not know the cosmological constant calculated by Einstein.

So only when Lin Xian is mad.

But Lin Xian felt a tingling scalp…

Since receiving the letter this morning, he has been surrounded by 42!

This number appears frequently, what does it mean?

Why is the cosmological constant 42?

Lin Xian thinks…the answer to this question may only be known by two people.

One is Einstein from the past.

One is the future self.

However, neither of them can answer Lin Xian’s question.

………………………………………….. ..

“Wang Hao, wait for me in the car.”

Lin Xian unfastened the seat belt, walked out of the car door, closed the car door, and came to the side of the road.

He took out his mobile phone and opened the secret album with a three-fold password.

In this album, there is only one photo, which is the [Letter from the Future] in the morning.

This was the first letter he received from the future. There were too many elements in it, so I took a picture and kept it.

Lin Xian zoomed in on the picture and looked at the last paragraph.

[By the way, you’d better grasp the three formulas Einstein gave you as soon as possible. Especially the third formula, 42 is everywhere! 】

“42 everywhere…”

Lin Xian had a whim and counted the words of this passage.

“Sure enough… Counting punctuation marks, it happens to be 42 words.”

Lin Xian had a cold back.

He felt that there seemed to be some power controlling this world…

“No, these should be coincidences.”

Wake up time, shoe size, license plate number, and even sales job number, these can all be avoided.

As for the paragraph in the letter, how many words are written, isn’t it the author’s decision?

Lin Xian didn’t understand it for the time being, and could only determine that all of this was a coincidence.

However, he was careful.

After I go back tonight, I must immediately study the three formulas left by Einstein.

There must be some great secret in it…

………………………………………….. ……….

After getting in the car.

Wang Hao is still talking about Lin Xian.

“Isn’t it just the license plate number? What a coincidence, it’s a big deal! A fuss!”

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

The red beast set sail again and rushed to the gathering place of the night market.

………………………………………….. ……….

At the barbecue stall, Wang Hao and Lin Xian missed them very much when they talked about their youth. They laughed constantly between the drinks.

But drinking and drinking…

Waiting for the two to enter a slightly drunken state…

The topic inevitably came to Liu Yiyi.

“Lin Xian… You said Liu Yiyi, hey! What good is going to be a country? Our Dragon Kingdom is so strong now! Which day will it not be stronger than the United States?”

“Especially in the past two years, what do you think the chaos is going on outside! It’s better to let Longguo! You say, don’t you?”

Lin Xian and Wang Hao touched a glass of beer and drank them all in one fell swoop:

“No one can expect the future. If the shooting in Chigago doesn’t happen, it will be better for people to return to China now than we are.”

After Wang Hao finished drinking, he smacked his lips and asked curiously:

“You have such a good relationship with Liu Yiyi, you flirt with each other all day long. You don’t know that it has been 5 years since they died. Isn’t that interesting?”

“When did you two disconnect?”

Lin Xian opened a bottle of beer and handed it to Wang Hao. He picked up another bottle and laughed helplessly:

“Let’s tell you, I really thought about it this afternoon. It seems that after the college entrance examination, I talked very little, and I didn’t talk much during the summer vacation. Then after school starts… Basically, it’s like QQ space and replying to comments. Yes. I didn’t contact afterwards.”

“This is too sudden. Something has to happen before the relationship becomes weaker?”

Lin Xian felt the same way.

“It seems… it seems that after a certain day, it feels that the distance between the two is far away…”

But he thought about it and couldn’t think of what day or what happened.

“Oh! Don’t ask me anymore. Who remembers the past so many years? Isn’t the boy at that age playing games and watching anime in his head? Come and drink!”

Wang Hao nodded while clinking glasses with Lin Xian.


Seventeen or eighteen-year-old boys are all thinking about playing.

If you ask them about the game data, the one by one is clearer than the other.

Nothing is as important as the game.


Wang Hao drank it dry and sighed:

“At that time… if someone could persuade Liu Yiyi not to go to study in the U.S., it would be great…”


[Thank you very much for your 588 rewards! ! ! This is the second reward the author has received! Very emotional! It must be more at night! 】*

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