Chapter 50 What do you want me to be brave?


After flipping through a few more pieces of news, Lin Xian thoroughly understood.

Shortly after Liu Yiyi went to school in Zhijiage, a shooting broke out in the Zhijia Opera Theater.

Thirty-seven people died, including students from Chigago University.

And Liu Yiyi is one of them.

“Hey…Long Country is so peaceful, why do you have to study abroad?”

“Honestly go to school in Longguo, it will definitely not happen.”

Lin Xian closed his cell phone and looked at the TV in the VIP area, feeling a little frustrated in his heart.

Even if a person keeps a dog for two years, he will still be sad after he dies.

Not to mention being a living person.

Sitting at the same table for two years and getting along day and night, I feel a little emotional.

What’s more, Liu Yiyi is still a very special existence for Lin Xian…

………………………………………….. …….

The TV in the Ferrari VIP area is playing the movie “The Year in a Hurry”.

This is a youth campus movie.

It was very famous back then, and the box office was also good.

Now, the scene of the actor fighting with others is being shown on TV.

This scene brought back Lin Xian’s memories.

His thoughts went back to the time when he used to be in high school–



Year 2014.

Lin Xian is a sophomore with integrity.

Because of the dispute on the basketball court, the energetic boys started fighting.

The children in the city were spoiled and spoiled and naturally couldn’t beat the strong Lin Xian. Two troublemakers were beaten to the head by Lin Xian and went to the infirmary.

And Lin Xian.

He was unscathed…Standing in the director’s office.

“Lin Xian! Why are you not serious about it! Your parents spend money for you to go to school, not for you to fight!”

Facing the dean’s reprimand, Lin Xian copied his pocket and looked out the window without any sophistry.

Although it is indeed the other party who picks up the matter first.

But he beat the other two into panda heads, and with such a heavy hand, there is nothing to say.

Lin Xian’s academic performance is very good, the dean will not embarrass him too much, he will be sent back after two reprimands.

This is a tacit “acting” for the two of them.

Bang! !

The office door was knocked open.

Liu Yiyi took Wang Hao and rushed in!

Wang Hao was also wrapped in gauze on his hands.

“Director Liu! You shouldn’t scold Lin Xian! Obviously they did it first! If Lin Xian hadn’t rescued him in time, Wang Hao would have been beaten to death!”

Wang Hao quickly raised his hand in front of Director Liu:

“Look, Director Liu! If it weren’t for Lin Xian to protect me, my arms would be discounted!”

Liu Yiyi stopped in front of Lin Xian!

very angry!

More angry than when I was wronged!

“Director Liu, you must make those two students apologize to Lin Xian! You can’t wrong the good guys!”

Director Liu sighed.

Pick up the teacup and have a cup of tea.

Liu Yiyi, academic performance has always been the first in grade.

Wang Hao is the eternal second in grade.

These two students are the top of the top, and they are the hope for the school to hit Qingbei next year.

Why can’t these two smart kids understand their intentions?

If the trouble continues like this, it will inevitably cause troubles, and both parties will call the parents and even report the crime.

Lin Xian was not injured anyway.

After a few reprimands, he let him go back. How much can he be wronged?

But Liu Yiyi’s attitude is very tyrannical!

He stood in front of Lin Xian, not giving way!

“Director Liu, Lin Xian did nothing wrong!”

“If a student doesn’t even dare to come forward when he sees his classmates being bullied, will there be hope in this society when they grow up?”

“It is precisely because there are so many people like Lin Xian in our country, who see injustices and act bravely! It makes our society so peaceful!”

Director Liu waved her hand and interrupted her:

“All in all, fighting is wrong! No one is right or wrong! I will criticize!”

“Okay, class is about to start, you guys take Lin Xian back.”

Liu Yiyi felt that this matter could not be forgotten!

“Director Liu! You—”

“All right, Yiyi, let’s go back.”

Lin Xian stopped Liu Yiyi, took her out of the door, and nodded to Director Liu by the way.

After closing the door.

Liu Yiyi was so angry that he shook off Lin Xian’s hand:

“Lin Xian! Obviously they are wrong! Why do you want to be criticized here? It’s not fair!”

Lin Xian spreads his hands:

“I didn’t suffer any injuries. Those two people were beaten into panda heads. What happened to me when I was quarreled.”

“I don’t want to see you being wronged!”

“I’m not wronged. Okay, go back soon, it’s going to go to class.”

………………………………………….. ……

This is a big break, and there is still some time before class.

Sitting on the chair, Liu Yiyi couldn’t swallow this breath, so he poked Lin Xian:

“Lin Xian, are you afraid of trouble and being called a parent, that’s why you swallowed your anger?”

Lin Xian looked at the book but didn’t speak.

Liu Yiyi felt that he was right, and continued:

“Lin Xian, you don’t have to be afraid of things. My parents told me that as long as it is something that you think is right, you must stick to it!”

“When I was in junior high school, I had a similar experience. At that time, I was wronged and couldn’t cry. The head teacher directly called the parents of both parties over.”

“Then my mother dressed up carefully, she put on her best clothes, her Patek Philippe watch and Cartier diamond ring, took the driver and my security guard, and drove my dad’s most expensive Mercedes Benz to school and talk to her mom. Meet.”

Lin Xian fluttered and smiled: “You are fighting father and mother.”

Liu Yiyi hit Lin Xian and motioned him not to interrupt:

“The other side’s mother saw my mother dressed up, and she lost her mentality first, and her momentum was low. She couldn’t speak well, and then my mother dropped a wad of medical expenses and took me away.”

“I want to tell you Lin Xian, what about calling a parent? You don’t have to be afraid to call a parent. Even if your parents come, they will never beat you! They will definitely be against you!”

“You have to be like me! Be brave!”

Lin Xian listened and laughed:

“Liu Yiyi, do you know? At this time, your parents may be drinking afternoon tea, but my parents are very busy in the small shop. They are still good in the village. Those who stay in the village, now They are all harvesting wheat in the fields.”

“My dad spoils me the most. He will definitely turn to me when he comes. But you know what, my dad’s visit from the county means that the store is going to be closed for one day, and my mom can’t stay idle, so he will definitely run away Helping others to harvest wheat in the field. Too hard to earn those dozens of dollars…”

“Liu Yiyi, you are brave because there are people behind you. You have old parents, security guards, drivers, and Mercedes-Benz. But what do I have? What do you want me to be brave?”

What do I have…what do you want me to be brave…

Lin Xian’s eyes revealed the sensibility and helplessness that this age shouldn’t have.

Wealth, power, status…

Why doesn’t he want to own it?

It’s just that at his age, he can only be involuntary, his parents are so hard, he can only be sensible.

Bang! !

Liu Yiyi slammed the table and stood up directly!

Shocked Wang Hao at the back table!

Wang Hao squatted and looked at the pair of mandarin ducks in front of him in panic:

“Why…what’s the matter with you? Don’t make a noise…”

Liu Yiyi looked at Lin Xian seriously, and said every word:

“Lin Xian, you have me!”

After all, Liu Yiyi ran out of the classroom without looking back…


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