Chapter 47 Puzzle! Letters from the future! (1000 evaluation votes plus more)


The special car arranged by Curator Wu was already waiting downstairs.

After Lin Xian got on the bus, he went straight to the Imperial Capital Airport.

On the plane, Lin Xian counted this trip to the imperial capital, which was really rewarding…

First of all, in terms of reputation and status, the only honorary curator of the Forbidden City in the country is unmatched.

Then, in terms of personal connections, although he didn’t have a deep friendship with the big figures in the imperial capital, he was familiar with each other, and laid a good foundation for the future.

Finally, the money aspect…

To be honest, the calligraphy and painting of this suitcase are completely unexpected!

Lin Xian came to the imperial capital this time for the purpose of confirming the function of the post box and handing in cultural relics by the way, without any intention of making money.

As a result, this fortune came, and it couldn’t be stopped!

He was stuffed with 100 million calligraphy and painting by those old men!

“Let’s put it at home first, and then sell it later when you need money. If you sell it right away… let those old men know, how sad.”

Lin Xian put on his blindfold and rested on the plane.

………………………………………….. ….

The plane arrives at 6 o’clock and Donghai Airport arrives at 9 o’clock. There are a lot of people at the airport. Lin Xian waited a long time to get a taxi. It was already 11:30 when he got home.

Lin Xian returned home and put the suitcase in the study without taking out the calligraphy and painting.

After washing, she stretched out on the bed:

“Not a scooter is too inconvenient. It just happens that the holidays haven’t arrived yet, so let’s buy a car tomorrow!”

Lin Xian took a week off, and there are still a few days of chic time.

When waiting for a taxi at the airport today, Lin Xian made up his mind to buy a car!

A day’s rushing is so exhausting, Lin Xian fell asleep.

………………………………………….. …..

the next day.

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell——

The familiar alarm clock went off.

Lin Xian stretched out his right hand and patted the bedside table!


The alarm clock stops.

Lin Xian raised his head and glanced at the phone screen. The time was 6:42.

“Hey… I forgot to cancel the alarm clock and don’t go to work. Why do I wake up so early?”

Then I fell asleep.


When Lin Xian woke up naturally, it was already ten o’clock in the morning. After getting up to wash, Lin Xian came to the study room——

“Huh????? What’s the matter?”

I saw an envelope on my desk!

Lin Xian’s eyes widened…

He is pretty sure!

I slept when I went home last night and didn’t even enter the study at all!

Not to mention writing here!

“Where did this letter come from?”

Lin Xian picked up the envelope and looked at the information written on it.

[Recipient: Lin Xian. 】

[Address: Unit 802, Unit 4, Building 3, Binhuwan Community, Donghai City. 】

[Delivery time: June 16, 2021. 】

“June 16… isn’t that today!?”

Lin Xian suddenly realized——

This is a letter from the future!

It is very likely that the future self, a letter to the present self!

“Interesting! This is the first time I’m a recipient. Okay… the postbox doesn’t count.”

Lin Xian opened the envelope and unfolded the letter paper inside.

This handwriting should be correct by myself.

Although a bit more mature than the current strokes, Lin Xian can recognize it at a glance. Even the habit of writing letters is the same.

[My dear me in the past. 】

【Hello. 】

[You must have guessed who I am, how about the space-time mailbox? Have you mastered the basic usage? Next, I want to tell you a very important thing. 】

【Notice! Tonight, you will write a very important letter and send it back to the past. Please be cautious. If you change the past rashly and the world line changes, the future development will become unpredictable. It is very likely to rewrite the entire future… or even… obliterate ourselves! 】

[Please remember, the two biggest factors affecting the correct development of history and leading to changes in the world line are:][1. Let the people who should die live, and let the people who should live die. 】

[2, let us (that is, you and me) know the matter of traveling through time and space prematurely, which will affect our outlook on life and values. 】

[This is not difficult to understand, right? If it’s you, you can definitely understand the logic I’m talking about. Well, during the next period of time, please continue to enjoy the good time brought by the space-time mailbox and master its full functions as soon as possible. 】

[Next time I write to you, this is the last time I am writing to you… At that time, I will tell you the truth about everything: my identity, the purpose of sending you the mailbox, and what you and I bear Great mission…][By the way, you’d better grasp the three formulas Einstein gave you as soon as possible. Especially the third formula, 42 is everywhere! 】

[Signature: You who are more in the future]


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