Chapter 45 Calligraphy and painting full of luggage (600 evaluation votes plus more)


Lin Xian hasn’t figured out what happened yet.

An old man behind directly pushed Liu Yanqing away, and then unfolded the picture scroll on the conference table with the same pride——

“Mr. Lin, meet for the first time! Be careful, it’s not a salute.”

“This is the work of the Qing Dynasty painter Qian Weicheng, called “Shengju Tu”! It was loved by Emperor Qianlong and used to decorate the inner court in autumn.”

Lin Xian looked at the screen.

The picture is full of colorful chrysanthemums in full bloom, very beautiful.

But what is more noticeable is that there are actually two signatures for this “Sheng Jutu”.

The lower part is the “Chen Qian Weicheng Respect Painting”, and the upper part is the imperial poem of Emperor Qianlong. The time is Ji Mao (1759) late autumn, and the painting should be completed in the same year.

It seems that what the old man said is right.

This was painted by Qianlong Emperor Qianlong.

Really a royal painting!

Although this painting is not priceless… but Lin Xian irresponsibly speculates that the auction value of this painting is at least tens of millions.

“Old sir, what are you…?”

Without saying a word, he was “tributed” to two famous paintings by two old men. Lin Xian is really sitting on pins and needles!

Killing the pig plate? This is! ?

At this time, curator Wu stood to the left of Lin Xian and directly rolled up the two paintings:

“I’ll help you roll up and place this painting first, and there will be more people going to see you off later!”

After the two paintings were rolled up by Curator Wu, another old man came forward and sent the rolled scroll forward–

Hula hula hula–

The round scroll rolls directly to the side of the table:

“Curator Lin, the first time I met, it was disrespectful! The two predecessors gave the paintings, I will show you a copy of my copybook!”

“This is “Apricot Flower Sticker” by Emperor Kangxi, I hope you like it!”

An old man next to him squeezed in, showing disdain:

“Old Song, are you embarrassed to take out the “Apricot Flower Sticker”? I’m really not afraid of Mr. Lin’s jokes! Get out of the way and let Mr. Lin take a look at my volume of “Songyang Hanbotu”…”



Subsequently, the entire conference room formed a strange pattern.

Just like the assembly line of the electronics factory.

On the right, a group of old people lined up, one by one, sending farewell gifts to Lin Xian.

Basically some calligraphy and painting.

What “Wu Shan Qiu Ji Tu”, “Brewing Tea Picture”, “Ming Ren Jin Fan Collection”…………

Many valuable calligraphy and paintings are displayed in front of Lin Xian like a slideshow.

Then, on the left, there is Director Wu.

Curator Wu is in charge of scrolling and then putting the scrolls away.

The stream achievement of the pipeline is like this:

The old people shop, Lin Xian appreciates the paintings, the curator Wu collects the paintings, and then the next old people shop…

There is no chance to even interrupt Lin Xian!

This made Lin Xian completely confused.

Fortunately, I calm down and sit and watch your performance.



Finally, to the last old gentleman.

This old gentleman has an extraordinarily tough figure, and his temperament has improved to the next level.

He smiled, full of majesty, and unfolded a picture in front of Lin Xian:

“Mr. Lin, just laughed.”

As soon as this painting was unfolded, everyone was shocked!

“Oh my God! Even Qi Baishi’s “Shanshui Twelve Kais” has been taken out!”

“You old thing! I just said why there are only eleven paintings circulating on the market. It turns out that the twelfth painting was hidden by you!”

“In 2011, the set of “Twelve Mountains and Waters” was sold for a high price of 400 million yuan! And this “Moonlight and People Quiet Time” was still signed by Mr. Qi Baishi! The value is higher! ”

“It’s so good! I know who has collected the remaining 11 pictures! He has been looking for the missing pair for a long time, and he wants to let him know that it is here with you, so he can’t be mad!”

The tough old man listened and laughed:

“What does it mean to hide in me? Of course I know who the remaining 11 paintings are. I deliberately pissed him off! I didn’t sell it to him!”

“Now, this painting is already owned by Mr. Lin. If he wants to find it, he has to go to Mr. Lin to ask for it!”

When the farce was over, Director Wu collected all the paintings, put them in a small suitcase, and patted them:

“Mr. Lin, I won’t show my shame in my shabby collection here. They all send you calligraphy and painting, I will give you a suitcase!”

“I’ve already packed it up for you. When you leave later, just pull it on the plane!”

Lin Xian glanced at the suitcase full of calligraphy and painting beside him…

I feel that Director Wu is so caring!

This is what he needs most!

He looked up and found that all the old gentlemen in the room were looking at him with a smile.

He didn’t speak, just smiled and looked at him lovingly.

That feels…

Don’t mention too much oozing!

Lin Xian moved his sitting posture a bit, and smiled forcefully:

“Um…Thank you seniors for being so worthy of me. I will definitely live up to your expectations in the future and hand in more cultural relics!”

This sentence caused a burst of laughter.

Cultural relics can be met and unquestionable, you can hand them in whenever you want.

After the laughter.

The living room suddenly became as silent as an ice cave!

No one knows what to say or how to speak.

Everyone bowed their heads, drinking water tactically, and was silent for a while, which was very embarrassing!

Lin Xian looked around and didn’t know what to say.

Are you going to take the suitcase now?

Doesn’t it seem a bit inappropriate?


It was Liu Yanqing who stood up, and he secretly cursed a group of unconvincing people, and smiled at Lin Xian:

“That… Mr. Lin. Actually we are here today…”

“Ahem…I have something to ask for!”


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