Chapter 4 A sensation in the city!


Lin Xian’s plan was already thought out in the taxi.

Write a letter to your past self, tell him the time and place of the tragedy, and let it stop.

Just witnessing the misfortune of a family, Lin Xian feels that since he has the ability to help them, it is a matter of effort and cannot be ignored.

[Dear me in the past:]

【Hello! 】

[Speaking from the timeline, you should have received my letter. I don’t need to emphasize the matter of identity verification, right? 】

[Forget it… life is a matter of life, so I can’t help but make a mistake, I will prove it to you again. I am the future you. Let me tell you a little secret that only the two of us know: In elementary school…Chinese teacher…comment…][Now you believe it? Let me talk about business. At 4 pm on June 6, 2021, a tragedy occurred on the narrow bridge 200 meters south of Shengli Road in the east of the city. Two little girls aged 5 and 6 drowned. 】

[The water there is not deep to you, it only reaches your chest, according to our character, now that we know this matter, we will definitely not just ignore it. Go early when the time comes to prevent the tragedy from happening. 】

[Signature: Tomorrow’s you]


After writing, Lin Xian folded the letter paper, put it in the envelope, and stuck a stamp.

Then wrote on the envelope:

Recipient: Lin Xian.

Address: Unit 802, Unit 4, Building 3, Binhuwan Community, Donghai City.

Delivery time: June 5, 2021.

After writing, Lin Xian dropped the envelope into the small red mailbox.


With a soft sound, the representative letter was thrown in.

Lin Xian was suddenly curious…

When will the “postman” come to receive the letter?

He raised the small toy mailbox and shook it vigorously.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

There was a sound of envelopes hitting the iron sheet.

“The letter is still…that means the letter was not sent immediately.”

“Anyway, I wrote the delivery date one day in advance, and I will definitely receive it.”

Then Lin Xian washed and went to bed…

At this time, Lin Xian found that he had more memories that didn’t exist in his mind.

In these memories, I received a letter yesterday morning, and it was lying on the desk.

After opening it, the letter tells myself the number of this issue of Double Color Ball…

Then I went to five different lottery shops to buy a bet, and deliberately mistyped the last number…

These memories that I haven’t had in the morning have become clearer and clearer, and gradually merged with my original memory.

“It turns out… the memory after the change does not flood into my mind at once, but slowly merges with the original memory.”

“It’s kind of humane.”

If these memories suddenly flooded into my mind, it would inevitably cause headaches or brain hemorrhage, and slowly, there would be no harm to the body.


At 11:30 in the evening, after finishing the short video, Lin Xian went to the toilet and was about to go to bed.

Walk in again when passing by the study.

Pick up the red postbox and shake it vigorously!

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

“Fuck… how come the letter is still there? When will this ‘postman’ come to pick up the letter?”

It’s too late, Lin Xian put aside his curiosity and went back to bed honestly…


The next day, Lin Xian was woken up by the alarm clock.

I took a leave of absence yesterday, and it’s time to go to work today.

After getting up, I went to the toilet first.

“Huh? Did I wash my clothes yesterday?”

Lin Xian stared blankly at the clothes drying in the bathroom…

“Forget it, maybe the memory hasn’t been merged yet.”

Lin Xian guessed that yesterday’s letter to the past must have changed history.

According to his own personality, he will certainly not die.

These dirty clothes were probably washed at home after I went to the river yesterday to save people.

“After the memories are merged in the evening, you will know what happened yesterday.”

After washing, eating, and dressing, he walked into the study again, picked up the red mailbox, and shook it vigorously!


There was no sound.

“Well, it seems that the time for the’postman’ to get the letter is in the middle of the night. He is really dedicated.”

After Lin Xian packed up, he went out to catch the subway to work.

On the subway, he searched the local news, and he really saw the news about his success in saving people.

“Two girls fell into the water on the narrow bridge on Shengli Road! The passing guy sees righteousness! 》

“Feng is alive in the world!” The handsome guy rescued two girls who fell into the water! After saving people, leave in a hurry! 》

“Hiding deep in merit and fame! The behavior of this handsome guy is worth learning from all of us! 》

“Shock! This young and energetic man did such a thing to the wet girl! 》

“Fuck! Unscrupulous media!”

The last piece of news was undoubtedly sent by U and C’s shock department. Lin Xian changed hands and clicked the report button.

Just save people.

Lin Xian had no intention of being famous.

After getting off the subway, Lin Xian walked directly to the office building where the company is located.

I heard noisy noises all over the way.

The noisy is the same as the vegetable market.

“What’s the matter? What happened?”

One walked past the corner of the building.

Lin Xian was shocked!

As far as you can see! Hundreds of people!

TV reporter!

Children holding flowers!

Countless crowds!

Crackling flash!

“Dear viewers in front of the TV! This is where Lin Xian, a hero of righteousness and bravery, works. Soon after, we will see his true face!”

“Mr. Lin Xian hasn’t come yet? Our school specially organizes children to present flowers to the heroes!”

“Fortunately, Mr. Lin Xian was recognized by his colleagues. Otherwise, he would really become an unsung hero! We are thankful that we can’t find anyone!”

“Ahem. Since Mr. Lin Xian hasn’t come yet, as his direct leader, I will say a few words first. Comrade Lin Xian, he works very hard at ordinary times! People are also very good! Under my leadership , Repeatedly won…”


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