Chapter 39 The puzzle revealed


In the exclamation of Kalman and Jenny, the 60-year-old safe opened!


With a crisp sound, the thick iron door of the self-destruct safe popped open.

“Oh! FU*k! My God! It’s on!!! It’s on!!! It’s on!!!”

“It’s the real Lin Xian!!! We found the real Lin Xian!!! 1 billion property! I want to buy all the world! Hahahahahaha!”

Kalman and Jenny are happily non-human.

After dancing and dancing, they immediately leaned over, stood next to Lin Xian, and looked inside the safe——


“This! This, this, this is too dangerous!”

I saw that the self-destructive safe was filled with various organs, the mechanical structure was complicated and sophisticated, and it was completely incomprehensible.

In the middle, there are several sealed glass boxes filled with concentrated sulfuric acid!

In the middle of the 4 glass boxes, a thick letter is sandwiched.

Numerous mechanical sensors are attached to the surrounding of the safe. As long as they are damaged, the lever structure will immediately smash the glass box!

Then the letter was submerged by concentrated sulfuric acid, instantly turning it into a piece of coke!

(Concentrated sulfuric acid has super oxidizing properties and can directly carbonize paper and wood)

………………………………………….. …….

I thought of running around with this stuff every day…

Kalman couldn’t help breaking into a cold sweat.

“Forget it… after all, it’s my great-great-grandfather, so I won’t say any dirty words.”

“Well, good or bad, it left us with an inheritance of 1 billion, which is regarded as a mental loss expense.”

Lin Xian refers to the concentrated sulfuric acid inside:

“How did you bring this thing on the plane? How did you pass the security check?”

Kalman drew the embassy’s letter of introduction from the bag:

“We, the Einstein family, are more powerful in country D. These problems are not difficult to solve.”

“And we didn’t come by plane. We came to Long Country by boat in 2006 and have never left.”

“But this time I can finally go home! Although the food of Long Country is delicious, we still want to go home and inherit the inheritance!”

Jenny nodded in agreement, and then she stuffed the letter with Einstein’s ancestral instruction into Lin Xian’s hand.

Also referring to the letter in the safe:

“Mr. Lin Xian, these two letters belong to you. We have completed our great-great-grandfather’s mission.”

“Can you take the letter now? Then return the safe to us? This is evidence that we went back to inherit the inheritance.”

Lin Xian nodded, taking what he needs, it’s useless if he wants this safe full of concentrated sulfuric acid.

After taking out the letter, Kalman and Jenny left with the safe!

“Eh eh eh! You are leaving now!”

Lin Xian tried to yell these two unscrupulous children and grandchildren.


The two people eager to inherit the inheritance rushed to the elevator and went downstairs…


“I think… Einstein designed such a troublesome password, not to guard against outsiders, but to guard against his children and grandchildren!”

“If it hadn’t been for this billion-dollar legacy…this group of ineffective offspring would definitely not help him do this.”

Lin Xian shook his head helplessly.

It was Einstein’s foresight.

………………………………………….. ….

Taking two letters, Lin Xian returned to his room.


Lock the door.

He had to take a good look at what secret Einstein was trying to convey to himself when devising such a troublesome chess game.

There are two letters in front of me.

One is the ancestral instruction written by Einstein to future generations.

The other is a reply letter from Einstein to himself.

Lin Xian hasn’t opened the reply yet, but the envelope is clearly written–

[Dear Mr. Lin Xian]

And it’s still Chinese characters!

It really surprised Lin Xian.

In history, Einstein was a “foreign language idiot”, and it was very difficult to learn a foreign language.

Unexpectedly, he would take the initiative to learn Chinese.

“Which one do you look at first?”

Lin Xian feels that the answers to most of his questions should be in that [ancestral training].

So Lin Xian picked up the opened letter.

The original envelope has worn out a long time ago, but the new one was bought recently.

The letter paper inside has been plastic-sealed, so it can be kept for a long time.

“Mistaken decision… it turned out to be D Mandarin…”

Lin Xian couldn’t understand.

I had to download a [photo translation] software on my mobile phone.

Turn on the camera and face the letter paper, it will automatically translate D into Chinese and display it on the phone screen.

[My descendants. 】

[If there is no guess, this letter should be opened on December 31, 2005. You who read the letter at this time should be my great-great-grandson or great-great-grandson. 】

[I have a task to give to you (or you), don’t try to ask any why, you just need to know-after completing the task, you can inherit my 1 billion inheritance from the XX Foundation! 】

[Oh, by 2006, maybe it’s not 1 billion, maybe double it? Maybe multiple times? Moreover, there are also a series of patent inheritance documents. 】

【First of all, you must learn Chinese and master it proficiently. This will be the first test of inheritance. 】

[Then, think of a way to bring this self-destructive safe to Long Country, and start looking for a person named Lin Xian. 】

[I don’t know his age, address, gender, and everything…but you remember an important clue-who Lin Xian often appears in newspapers, TV, news reports, you go to him. 】

[It’s okay to find the wrong one, but don’t miss anyone named “Lin Xian”. 】

[The real Lin Xian, he will open this safe with a password, and then your task will be completed. Take the opened safe and go to the XX Foundation to receive all my inheritance! 】

【PS. Don’t try to crack it exhaustively. This safe has only 999 attempts in total. When the password is entered for the 1000th time, the mechanism will be triggered and self-destruct. 】

[PS again. Every Mr. Lin Xian has only 2 chances to try. If the password is wrong both times, there is no doubt that he is not the correct Lin Xian. 】

[Signature: Albert Einstein][Time: February 23, 1961]


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