Chapter 28 Store 300 years of history! Reappear the day!


Lin Xian walked around the ginkgo grove.

There are probably more than 100 ginkgo trees here.

Take out the phone and search, and see how stout it is, Lin Xian is sure–

These trees are nearly 300 years old.

Obviously, Cao Xueqin received her letter, so she planted this ginkgo tree.

“So… after 40 episodes of “Dream of Red Mansions”, which tree is it buried under?”

Cao Xueqin is also afraid of being discovered.

That’s why I hid wood in the forest and planted so many ginkgo trees.

Lin Xian leaned against a tree, resting his chin in thought.



Since Cao Xueqin can come up with such a cautious method, she will definitely leave a corresponding mark on herself!

This is an agreement spanning 300 years.

What’s the mark… Can it span 300 years?

Lin Xian looked at the ginkgo tree–

“found it!”

On the ginkgo tree behind, Lin Xian found that a large character was engraved on the bark——


The word “king” is very large and carved very deeply, and it has penetrated into the bark of the tree.

Therefore, as the ginkgo trunk thickens, the lettering will also grow larger.

As long as the tree does not die.

This lettering will always exist.

It’s just getting shallower and shallower.

Lin Xian looked at the ginkgo tree next to him, and sure enough, the tree was also engraved with a word:


Look at the ginkgo trees around.

Looked carefully and found that every tree was engraved with a word!






“It seems that all are last names.”

Lin Xian had an epiphany!

On these 100 ginkgo trees, the “Hundred Family Names” are engraved!

Each ginkgo tree trunk is engraved with a surname.

“Zhao Qian Sun Li, Zhou Wu Zheng Wang.

Feng Chen Chu Wei, Jiang Shen Han Yang.

Zhu Qin You Xu, He Lu Shi Zhang.


Almost all surnames can be found in this woods.

Finally, Lin Xian found his surname on a tree in the corner:


And just in this “Lin”, on the tree directly opposite, “Cao” is engraved.

The seemingly unintentional arrangement.

In fact, it is profound!

Lin Xian smiled slightly, touching the trunk with “Lin” in one hand and the trunk with “Cao” in the other.

“With so many surnames, only these two words are directly opposite.”

“This must be the message Cao Xueqin left me.”

On the envelope sent to Cao Xueqin, the name of Lin Xian was written on the sender.

Lin Xian guessed…

There must be something buried between these two trees!

Lin Xian sighed secretly.

It is indeed a genius who can write such a masterpiece of “A Dream of Red Mansions”.

Using the ginkgo forest and the surnames of the common families, a cryptographic array spanning 300 years has been set up…

It’s still a password matrix that only oneself can understand…


After determining the location, Lin Xian did not immediately dig.

In broad daylight.

It’s too conspicuous.

Lin Xian walked out of Shuangquan Temple, came to a nearby town, and found a hotel to stay.

Then I went out and bought a large suitcase, an engineer shovel, and a helmet with lights.

After everything is done.

He came to the ginkgo grove again.

Wait here…

Wait till the evening…

In the distance, the lights of Shuangquan Temple had also dimmed.

It completely turned into a piece of tranquility here.

The location of the ginkgo grove is very remote, no one will come all afternoon.

“It’s safe here, it’s time to dig.”

Lin Xian put on his helmet and turned on the weak light.

Aim at the middle of the two ginkgo trees and start digging.




It seemed that it had just rained the other day, so the soil was very moist and it was easy to dig.




Click! !

A crisp sound!

“Digged something!”

Lin Xian carefully poke out the soil and found that what he had dug was a small wooden box.

The wooden box is not too big, about the length of the keyboard.

Lin Xian began to dig the dirt beside him, and finally dug out the small wooden box!

“It’s not very heavy, there should be a few books in it.”

He didn’t choose to open it on the spot, but put the wooden box into a suitcase, then filled in the dug up soil and stepped on it.


According to the next plan, Lin Xian took his suitcase to a public toilet, washed his hands, and sat there for 3 hours playing with his mobile phone.

Its daybreak.

One after another, the morning jogs began to go up the mountain.

Lin Xian mixed in the crowd and walked out of Shijingshan inconspicuously.

“Slid away~”


Actually, Lin Xian doesn’t worry about being caught by the camera.

This thing was dug out underground. According to the law, it is a cultural relic and must be handed over to the country.

Lin Xian is a good young man who abides by laws and regulations. He never thought of embezzling this thing.

Although this thing can easily be bought through the black market for tens of millions or hundreds of millions.

But Lin Xian is not short of this money.

He makes use of the space-time mailbox and earns inexhaustible decent money. It is not uncommon for him to make money illegally.

What Lin Xian lacks most now is——


And, the right to speak.

Money can be earned slowly, but status and the right to speak cannot be bought back for any amount of money.

There is no corresponding reputation and status support.

No amount of money can be spent on waste paper!

And now, it is an excellent opportunity to gain fame and status.



After Lin Xian came to the hotel.

Put on your gloves and open the small wooden box——

Inside is a damp linoleum wrapped in many layers.

Open the wet linoleum, the inside is dry cowhide, open the dry cowhide——

A thick pile of black ink rice paper that has been sealed for nearly 300 years!

Reappear the day!


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