Chapter 268 Final Chapter: Lin Xian kills [Rage]! Einstein’s revenge!

[Rage] With wide-eyed eyes, he said in English:

“You, are you Lin Xian in the top technology competition?”

But instead, he reacted.

Just now Lin Xian spoke in Chinese.

So he repeated it again in Chinese:

“Why are you here?”

Looking at the young man in front of him with a calm smile, [Rage] thought of the worst possibility–

This Lin Xian is the Linxian mentioned in the “Einstein Biography”, and at the same time the person who has been looking for [disturbing history]!

[Rage] The back of his head started to sweat

Obviously, since the other party can find this place, it means that he has a high probability of guessing right.

For this Lin Xian.

It’s not that he and [Arrogance] have never doubted.

But there are too many suspects for the two people, because the Chinese language is broad and profound, and the number of people who can be called Linxian in pinyin is countless.

Beginning in 1983, the two began to look for the “four or five zero” person who sent a letter to Einstein.

After screening thousands of people in the Dragon Kingdom, they couldn’t find the real Linxian.

too difficult

There is no time coordinate, no geographic coordinate, in the Long Country of 9.6 million square kilometers across the server and a total population of 1.4 billion, I want to find a person whose name is Linxian.

It’s so difficult!

Therefore, after the 21st century, the two gave up the act of finding a needle in a haystack.

Instead, he tried to force Einstein.

In an attempt to obtain a trace of “Linxian” time coordinates and intelligence from Einstein’s loyalty.

But no matter how severe the torture they use.

Einstein has been tight-lipped about this issue! He never reveals any information!

So more than ten years have passed.

The search for [the person who disturbs history] has been standing still.

After the game at the pinnacle of human technology.

[Arrogance] and [Rage] indeed doubted whether the teenager who announced the controllable nuclear program was the one they were looking for.

They had planned to wait until the party was over before they acted.

But I can’t think of it!

Lin Xian’s mobility was so strong that he didn’t give them any chance to breathe at all!

Put [Regret Mutual Aid Association] on the day of the party!

This is nothing

[Rage] Unexpectedly even life and death.

On July 30, the peak of human science and technology came to an end.

On the evening of August 1, the Regret Mutual Aid Association held a meeting.

As a result, it was only August 9th, and Lin Xian had already reached his hometown!

What speed is this?

How did he do it?!

【Rage】Go forward cautiously.

Instead of approaching Lin Xian in a straight line, he walked around behind the device and walked slowly towards the computer desk over there.

Now, he also asked directly.

“Long Kingdom people, are you [the one who disturbs history]?”

“it’s me.”

Lin Xian answered without hesitation.

In his eyes.

[Rage] is already a dead person.

He didn’t even bother to care about the small movements of [Rage].

[Rage] Walked to the computer desk and smiled slightly:

“Very good, you deliver it directly! Save me looking for you!”


He opened the drawer!

Take out a black pistol from inside.

Without any pause one-

Puff! Puff! Puff! Drink! Puff! Puff! Puff!

Seven gunshots!

The gun was pointed at Lin Xian, and all seven bullets were empty!

The equipment behind Lin Xian was pierced with electric sparks.

[Rage] I thought I had a chance to win, and the attack was successful.

But instead, I was stunned!

The young Longguo man in front of him stood there smiling like a god of death.

not moving at all


“Impossible!! !! ”

[Rage] Unable to believe this supernatural scene in front of me!

The two are no more than 3 meters away.

His shooting skills are very good, it is impossible to miss!

What’s more, judging from the bullet holes on the equipment behind, he clearly hit!

But the bullet!

It’s like passing through Lin Xian’s body out of thin air!

He opened his eyes and confirmed again and again

Lin Xian really didn’t have any traces of being shot!

“Shit! ”

[Rage] In a hurry, he pushed out the magazine, and took out a magazine full of bullets from the drawer to buckle in.

Puff! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

It’s another bullet from a magazine.

The fuse of the short-circuited device at the back tripped, and all the screens went out.

But Lin Xian standing in front of the device.

But still standing with a calm smile.


[Rage] My legs are completely soft, and I kneel directly on the ground!

Faced with this unknown fear

His worldview has completely collapsed!

“It’s useless ”

Lin Xian chuckled and shook his head:

“[I’m out of time].”

The knowledge that keeps pouring in my brain has now been completely received.

All this knowledge comes from Einstein.

Lin Xian is very clear now.

Over the years, although Einstein has been imprisoned and questioned, his mind has never stopped thinking.

He started at 42.

There is no need for a scratch paper, no writing on the blackboard, and some laws of 42 that just relied on 42, perfecting his [world line] theory, [relativity theory], and [space-time dimensionality theory] system.

And Lin Xian now has everything in his head.

They are all “masters” who have collected Einstein’s 140 years of research!

Today’s Lin Xian has gone beyond time and has risen to a new dimension.

All objects at low latitudes cannot cause damage to creatures at high latitudes.

The present phenomenon is the best explanation.


Lin Xian stretched out a finger.

Among the tens of billions of [World Lines], pick the one with [Rage], pinch one end, and slide to the other end–

“Ah, me”

[Rage] Looking at the changes in my body in shock..0

His thin body, Jiang’s shrinking muscles began to swell, his skin became smooth, his back began to straighten, and his height began to grow!

The close-fitting surgical gown was broken directly!

The old man in front of him turned into a young blond boy in a blink of an eye.

Just when [Rage] was ready to thank all this with joy.

Lin Xian let out a sneer and slammed him directly into the ice cave:

“I have been educated to respect the old and love the young since I was a child. Unlike your scum, I can’t deal with an elderly person.”

“But now you have become a young guy.

“I won’t be merciful with my hands!”

The world line in front of me quickly turned red.

The [Rage] who felt full of power just now suddenly burst out with a miserable cry!

“Ah ah ah ah ah ah!!”

“Don’t you like electric shocks very much? Maybe you can consider being friends with Yang Beast.”

A cut of the cable was rolled towards [Rage], and his whole body twitched and foamed at the mouth!

“The feeling of burning? It’s better to let the blood boil directly.

Lin Xian fluctuates the world line.

[Rage] The blood of the body boiled instantly!

This burning sensation from the inside out is far more painful than Luo Tieban’s skin!

In the next ten minutes.

Lin Xian repaid all the torture that Einstein had suffered tenfold to [Rage]!

Let him die!

Whenever [Rage] can’t hold on to death, Lin Xian will change the color of the world line and save him.

Repeated torture!

This is Lin Xian’s revenge for Einstein!


With a snap of Lin Xian’s fingers.

The screaming [Rage] on the ground, like his fragile world line, shattered into microscopic particles invisible to the naked eye and dissipated in the wind


“It’s cheap for you.

Einstein was tortured by them for 70 years.

Lin Xian just let him experience it for ten minutes.

Isn’t it cheap for him?

“Next, there will be the last one left.”

Lin Xian looked up.

Looked diagonally above the underground laboratory.

In the operating room above.

There is also a [life that shouldn’t exist].

Want to condense the entire time and space.

He is a necessary part.

Lin Xian walked into the secret elevator and pressed the 1 button.

The elevator rises slowly.


The elevator doors opened.

Lin Xian appeared in the [Smart Robot Operating Room].

He walked out of the hidden elevator door and came to the middle of the operating room.

This huge operating bed.

At this time, a baby with various catheters was lying down.

The skin is red.

The facial features are crumpled together.

The head is big.

This is

Li Jing and Lei Haolong’s son!

[Thanks to Huang Sheng for his huge reward of 20000 points!]

Tomorrow will be the finale!

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