Chapter 264 Final Chapter: Reunion spanning 70 years! Lin Xian and Einstein!

Ten minutes later.

The doctor arrives.

They saw a pregnant woman tied to the sofa by Wuhuada, and they were taken aback!

Fortunately, Lin Xian has a good command of English.

Explain to the medical staff quickly:

“We are good friends. By doing this, we are afraid that she can’t help but move and affect the fetus.”

After speaking, refer to the tin foil all over the ground:

“You have seen it too, we are also helpless.”

After seeing tin foil and other products for sucking du.

The doctor quickly understood everything.

A few of them went into battle, carried Li Jing onto a stretcher, and escorted him to an ambulance all the way.

Very safe, nothing happened.

Lin Xian checked his watch, and it was just after 4 pm U.S. time.

There are still two or three hours before the time of premature delivery stated in the letter.

Very generous.

Enough for the hospital to prepare.

“Leave Chu Chan, we will also follow to the hospital.”

Dai Chuchan nodded and got into the ambulance with Lin Xian.

till this moment.

The first step of the plan has been completed.

All the actors are in place…

Just wait…

It’s [Rage]!

Princeton University Hospital.

Maternity ward.

“Lin Xian, am I going to stay here forever?”

Now Li Jing is completely awake, she doesn’t understand why Lin Xian wants her to lie here all the time.

Do not move.

“Are you so sure that I will give birth prematurely today?”

Lin Xian shook his head:

“It’s best not to give birth prematurely today. But let’s take precautions in case, right? I just asked Dai Chuchan to go through the procedures.”

“We’ll be transferred to the intensive care operating room right away, and you can stay there overnight.

Li Jing smiled helplessly:

“Lin Xian, you are too exaggerated.”

“Premature birth and amniotic fluid embolism are simply unpredictable. You are so sure of how you say it, just like you’ve seen it before.”

Lin Xian laughed and said nothing.

Haven’t you seen it before?

In the previous time and space, I don’t know how many times I have seen it.

The obstetrician doctor also said that Lin Xian was too nervous, which is obviously not yet the expected date of delivery.

But driven by money.

They prepared all the equipment and blood bags to deal with [Amniotic Fluid Embolism] early, and pushed Li Jing into the operating room.

Lin Xian asked Dai Chuchan to wait here.

I went for a stroll outside by myself, and by the way, I took an opportunity to ask about the news of [Rage].

“Dean David? I’m sorry, you won’t be able to see Dean David without an appointment.

“Please understand, sir, Dean David is very busy. He has a lot of research topics that you can’t see if you want to meet. If you really want to meet, you may as well leave the appointment information and your purpose here.”

“Dean David has always been conscientious. He usually lives in the office, even if we can’t disturb him easily.”

Although ate a closed door.

But Lin Xian’s goal has been achieved.

He didn’t plan to meet [Rage] now.

He lied about meeting, just to make sure he was in the hospital or not.

Sure enough, the same as the letter said.

[Rage] All meals and lodging are in the office.

These doctors and nurses certainly don’t know what [Rage] is doing.

But Lin Xian knew it clearly.

He must be staying in the underground laboratory now, staring at Einstein as a baby.

“I don’t know what [Rage] they said and talked about with Einstein for so many years.”

All Lin Xian can imagine is maybe to imprison Einstein, and then

What then?

Lin Xian didn’t think about it.

“When Einstein was an adult before, I could still understand that they wanted to get something out of Einstein’s mouth.”

“But now Einstein has become a baby, can he still communicate normally?”

do not care.

It’s useless to think so much now.

Let’s wait for [Rage] to come out of the office and go directly to find out!



Click and click!

There was a rush of footsteps.

Dai Chuchan ran over, panting, and took Lin Xian’s arm:

“Senior Lin Lin Xian! Something happened! Sister Li Jing really broke her amniotic fluid ahead of time! She is now being rescued!”

“Really! What the hell is going on with those doctors! We have clearly told them to look after Sister Li Jing!”

Lin Xian smiled and touched Dai Chuchan’s head:

“Why are you running so fast? You can call me.”

“Ah I ”

Dai Chuchan blushed instantly.

I was so nervous just now that I forgot about the phone call.

But this kind of life matters, no one is in a hurry!

“But I don’t blame the doctors in the hospital.”

Lin Xian took Dai Chuchan’s hand and walked to the delivery room:

“The letter also said that no matter what means is used to prevent it, this little baby will always be born prematurely at this point in time.”

“Perhaps history is indeed a certain [inevitability], this is also a question worthy of further investigation.

Lin Xian today.

Know exactly what will happen every minute.

So he is very calm.

Not panicking at all.

What’s more, Li Jing, who is bound to die, is not life-threatening because of the hospital’s perfect preparations.

What else to panic?

The two sat at the gate of the delivery room and waited.

Haven’t just been sitting for a few minutes–


The door of the delivery room and operating room was directly pushed open!

Wow, wow, wow–

Several doctors pushed a surgical cart fast forward.

On the operating cart, lying flat, a premature baby the size of a volleyball, with red skin and a very large head

“Senior Lin Xian! That’s not it””

Dai Chuchan stood up excitedly and pointed at the surgical cart that was going away.

Lin Xian nodded.

“Okay, the second phase of the plan is about to begin!”

“Chu Chan, you follow this surgical cart and go to the [smart robot operating room] to wait outside. I will go to the [Rage] office to be on standby now

“According to the letter, [Rage] will soon come out of the office and go to the operating room for surgery. I will take advantage of this time to steal Einstein!”

After speaking, Lin Xian tapped the communication headset on his ear.

“Keep in touch.

Afterwards, the two men divided into two groups.

Dai Chuchan followed directly behind the surgical cart and ran forward all the way.

Lin Xian separated from Dai Chuchan at the end of the hall and walked towards the depths of the corridor.

Lin Xian wore a mask and copied pockets, walking very slowly.

Such a critical moment must not be seen by [Rage]..

Not a few steps away.


Two people came over, one tall and one short!

The short one, with eyes, should be the assistant to the dean.

And another tall and thin old man with white hair, needless to say, is [Rage]!

This is the first time Lin Xian has met with [Rage]

Although it passed by.

But after all, I’m going to be a “thief” in someone’s office in a while.

There is inevitably some tension.

[Rage] Walking with the assistant like flying fast, they seem to be very anxious.

Lin Xian did not consciously speed up his pace.

Go to the office area inside–

“Hurry up!”

Lin Xian secretly calculated it.

[Rage] It takes about 3 minutes to get out of the office, to the aseptic changing room, to change clothes and to enter the operating room.

After 3 minutes, it is possible for him to pass through the secret passage and directly enter the underground laboratory.

In other words

I only have 3 minutes to complete the [Stealing Einstein] plan!

3 minutes

It is still very challenging to run back and forth.

After all, it is easy to steal a baby, but you have to go back the same way!


Lin Xian found the door number of [Dean’s Office].

The name of DAVID-GREEN is also written below.

Can’t go wrong, here it is!

Take a look around.

There is no one around.

Lin Xian directly took out [Bionic Finger], turned on the switch, and pressed the fingerprint lock.



The fingerprint lock is unlocked directly.

“It’s so easy to use. This is really a black technology.

Lin Xian walked into the office directly, closed the door gently, and looked at the clean and tidy office.

With a sigh of relief:


“Albert Einstein, I’m here to pick you up!”.

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