Chapter 261 Final Chapter: The Last Lin Xian! The Last Battle!

August 9, 2021.

early morning.

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell–

Lin Xian habitually patted the bedside table with his right hand.

But it took a blank shot.

Only then found out that he was sleeping on the sofa.

“Forgot to forget. Dai Chuchan and Yiyi slept in that room.

Yesterday, at the same time I received death insurance.

Liu Yiyi and Dai Chuchan also obtained [Full Time and Space Memory].

Become his right-hand man.

Although the two beauties solved the century-old problem of “White Moonlight and Cinnabar Nevus” on their own.


how to say.

It takes a process to accept the lives of three people.

After all, this is a major challenge to the Three Views.

Lin Xian needs psychological preparation.

Great psychological preparation!

so …

Yesterday Lin Xian slept on the sofa by himself.

“How to deal with this kind of thing, let’s think about it after saving the world, otherwise, how can I have this 977 mind?”

Lin Xian got up directly.


Then habitually enter the study room–


Another letter!!


Lin Xian was a little shocked.

These few days

The letter from the future is a bit too concentrated, right!?

He counted his fingers:

“First on August 7, I received the “Letter from the Future” and told me 5 facts that must be correct.”

“Then on August 8, I received the [Death Insurance] and got another fact that must be correct.”

“The last is today, August 9th, and I received another thick letter. What does this mean?”


Lin Xian rested his chin to think, and quickly came up with the answer:

this means

[The future self failed again. 】

“This battle is really hard to fight. How many Lin Xian died? Hundreds or thousands?”

But anyway.

As long as there is a letter sent back, it means that there is harvest and intelligence.

up until now.

Lin Xian won a total of 8 [must be correct facts].

The truth can be said to be ready to come out.

I don’t know what information will the caee give myself in this urgent letter?

Lin Xian stepped forward.

Pick up the letter on the desk.

“So heavy. And so thick! This is the thickest letter I have ever seen!,

Lin Xian shook the envelope.

It was found that there were not only a lot of letter paper, but also some odd and small objects.

“Let’s open it first

Lin Xian sat down.

Open the envelope carefully.

He knows his character well and will never write a letter aimlessly.

After opening.

Lin Xian first fumbled out a toy similar to a finger.

“Fake fingers? What is this for?”

Lin Xian looked over and over.

I found that this fake finger is very delicate.

The various lines inside are intricate.

“It looks very advanced, let’s put it away first, maybe it is an important tool.,

Subsequently, Lin Xian poured out all the letter paper in the envelope.


This is simply the longest letter I have ever seen!

There are more than a dozen pieces of letter paper!

“Wrote such a long letter to me. It seems that I will be broke in the future too.”

But after opening it, Lin Xian discovered that this letter was not his own handwriting.

[Dear Lin Xian from the past]


[I am Liu Yiyi. You shouldn’t be too surprised to see that this letter was written by me. 】

[Because according to the plan of the three of you, today you are going to the U.S. with Dai Chuchan, and my task in the past was to stay in the study and write letters. 】

【This letter is very long, but please read it patiently. If you can really see this letter, it means that our time and space have failed, but our plan has succeeded!][This letter will record in detail every step of your strategy after your arrival in the U.S., every conclusion you draw, every information you guessed, and even the best result. It will also contain real information about the devil. 】

Lin Xian read each word carefully.

He is very clear.

The seemingly unremarkable words were actually bought by the three people in the last time and space with their lives.

The letter clearly recorded their every move after they arrived in the United States.

Lin Xian has an immersive feeling.

After reading a dozen pages of letter paper, he also understood everything.

“It turns out that this thing is called [Bionic Finger]. With him, you can easily enter [Rage]’s office.”

“It’s a good thing! According to Lin Xian’s guess in the letter, [the devil] is in the underground laboratory, then after I arrive in the U.S., I don’t have to go to Li Jing, just go directly to the laboratory of [Rage].

Lin Xian picked up the last piece of letter paper.

This letter paper is weird.

It is different from other stacked letter paper.

This letter paper is placed separately.

And the folding is very random, there are half sentences on it that are not finished.

This is not in line with my rigorous character.

Can this happen

Just explain

“[This letter must have been urgently sent back at a critical moment. It is very likely that soon after the letter is sent, we will all be killed by the devil in the future.]”

Thought of this.

Lin Xian couldn’t help but feel a chill in his back.

“The weapon of causality is really terrifying.”

“[Devil] can kill me and Dai Chuchan, I am not surprised, after all, we must be very close to it at the time.

“But even Liu Yiyi, who is far away in the Dragon Kingdom, can kill him at will. As a baby, how did you know that Liu Yiyi is related to us?”

at this point

Lin Xian couldn’t figure it out.

Can’t think of how [the devil] learned about the existence of Liu Yiyi.

“Forget it, first sum up the most critical information in my heart.”

The letter had clearly and surely told him the truth about [the devil].

Demon status: Li Jing’s son + Einstein’s brain.

Demon Address: The secret laboratory underground in the Fury Office.

The birth time of the devil: August 17th at 00:42.

The way to destroy the devil: kill the baby before birth.

The safest way to eliminate the devil: [Prevent brain transplantation] [Steal Einstein]!

“thank you all.”

Lin Xian sighed and stroked the flustered folds on the letter paper.

Until today.

I don’t know how many deaths and lives were sacrificed in exchange for this precious answer.

“Thank you, thank you everyone who works hard for humanity and for this world.”

“This fate of infinite reincarnation will end here.”

Lin Xian stood up.

Open the curtains of the study.

Looking at the busy and vibrant traffic outside the window, clenched his fists.

“This will be the last battle.

“And I will be the last Lin Xian!”,

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