Chapter 256 The man who stole the brain! Answers to 5 unsolved mysteries!

Hear Lin Xian’s question.

Dai Chuchan scratched his head awkwardly:

“That, I only know that in the original history, Einstein’s brain was stolen by a doctor.”

“Einstein died in [Princeton University Hospital]. After the doctor stole his brain, he soaked his brain in formalin and put it in the hospital for research.”

“He intended to discover the secret that he is smarter than ordinary people by studying Einstein’s brain. But it seems that nothing has been studied in the end.”

Lin Xian smiled.

Yes, Dai Chuchan is right.

This is something that many people know in the original world.

Einstein’s brain was indeed stolen by the doctor:

Early morning on April 18, 1955.

Einstein died at Princeton University Hospital in the United States.

Before he died, he mumbled a few words in German, but the nurse on duty did not understand German, and the last words of the talented physicist disappeared.

Thomas Harvey, please remember this name.

He himself is not Einstein’s attending physician, and his job is a famous creator.

He happened to be on duty that day.

So on the grounds of “autopsy”, he quietly stole the brain from Einstein’s body.


He soaked his brain in formalin and placed it in a hospital laboratory for research.

Einstein’s brain was divided into 240 pieces by Harvey, and the location of each piece in the brain was recorded and labeled in detail.

Harvey also made 12 sets of 200 slides containing an index of tissue samples. 180

But for more than 20 years, Harvey did not contribute to the research results.

The brain of Einstein, a genius, seems to be no different from the brain of ordinary people. People only know that Einstein’s brain is only 1230 grams.

This weight is also lighter than the average weight of the male brain of the same age.

Getting Einstein’s brain does not seem to be a lucky gift for Harvey.

It’s more like a curse.

Because of his behavior of hiding Einstein’s brain privately, Harvey was later dismissed from the hospital and his family broke up.

Moreover, he never recovered his position in the medical world

Lin Xian didn’t elaborate too much to Dai Chuchan.

Because this period of history has been “changed”, it has no reference significance.

In this time and space.

Einstein’s life has been changed. He did not die in 1955, and Thomas Harvey had no chance to steal his brain.

Even where Einstein died and whether he died or not is an unsolved mystery.

After listening to Lin Xian’s explanation.

Dai Chuchan wakes up like a dream:

“I understand Senior Lin Xian!

Lin Xian smiled and nodded.


History really has a certain inevitability.

Then Einstein did not escape the closed loop of time and space.

In the past, his brain was stolen by the doctor.

Then this time and space may not escape this fate.

Lin Xian pointed to the unsolved mysteries on the A4 paper and said:

“The following are all my guesses. It’s ridiculous and unreasonable. But as the teacher said–”

“If an answer can solve all the puzzles that are related to each other, even if it is absurd, it is correct!”

Lin Xian began to tell Dai Chuchan his reasoning:

[Suppose first that Einstein lies in the coffin that was dug out!][For unknown reasons, Einstein has always survived the world. Or he himself was dead, and the rage used some medical devices to keep his brain alive. 】

You mean, it is very possible that in this time and space, Einstein’s brain was also stolen!”

[Then, in order to read the contents of the brain, Einstein’s brain was “unloaded” in a rage and stuffed into the brain of Li Jing’s son. 】

[Then transfer Li Jing’s son out through the secret channel!]

After listening to Lin Xian’s “absurd reasoning”.

Dai Chuchan exclaimed God:

“Does this series of operations work? Can things like brain transplantation really succeed?

“As you said, this is ridiculous! And how could the brain of an old man decades ago fit into the head of a little baby?”

“Did Einstein also become a child? You mean that the last child who was introduced was Einstein??”

Lin Xian smiled helplessly:

“Don’t ask so much why, I can’t explain everything clearly. After all, all the reasoning just now is based on absurdity.”

“But it is undeniable that if the facts are as I said, then all these unsolved mysteries can be explained clearly by this answer!”

Lin Xian picked up the pen.

Start answering these unsolved mysteries one by one on paper!

1. Einstein was not cremated in the crematorium, why did he have his ashes?

Answer: The cabe of the baby sent for cremation belonged to Einstein, and the brain inside belonged to Li Jing’s son.

2. In the coffin dug out by young rage and arrogance, who is it?

Answer: Einstein.

3.Who was the little baby who was pushed out of the operating room just now?

Answer: Einstein’s body, Li Jing’s son’s brain.

4. Li Jing’s son has a big tumor in his brain, why should he hide this child?

Answer: In order to find a carrier for Einstein’s brain, read the information inside.

5. In the operating room of Princeton University Hospital, there must be a secret passage, but where does it lead?

Answer: A laboratory that specializes in Einstein’s brain.


Lin Xian threw the pen into the pen holder and handed the A4 paper to Dai Chuchan:

“You see, this is an answer that can run through all the puzzles. Although we have no basis, it has a high chance of being the correct answer!”

“Then what should we do?”

Dai Chuchan suggested:

“Should we steal the corpse of that little baby, or take some tissues out, and do a DNA comparison to identify something?’

Lin Xian waved his hand:

“It makes no sense. And there is no time.”

“It will take too long to complete all this and wait for the results to come out. [The Devil] will be born on August 17, and we must witness the scene.”

“And now the most important thing is not Einstein’s life and death, what is important is one-[Devil] Who is it, where is it, what kind of form it is, and what kind of causal law weapon is mastered!”

With that, Lin Xian took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

The call status is always displayed above.

The talk time is more than 6 hours.

Lin Xian took off the Bluetooth headset on his ears and canceled the “mute” button on the phone screen.

“Yiyi, did you hear everything we said?”

Immediately, Liu Yiyi’s voice came through the phone:

“I heard it all, and I wrote it all in the letter.”

“Since you met Li Jing, all the encounters and speculations, I have written in the letter, and my hands hurt when I write it!”

Lin Xian smiled:

“That’s good.”

“You can rest early today. Before we act tomorrow, we will wake you up and continue writing.”

After that, Lin Xian hung up the phone.

Then charge the phone and Bluetooth headset.

That’s right

This is the complete plan of the three of them!

Liu Yiyi’s envelope is ready, and the letter paper has been writing and completely recording all Lin Xian’s itineraries and guesses.

After I know the truth at the end

Dozens of pages of letter paper were sent back in the past.

Lin Xian in the past can know the whole process from departure to witnessing the birth of [Devil]!

With this “detailed guide”, are you still worried about killing [the devil]?

“certainly …

Lin Xian clenched his fists, confidently looking at the neon lights outside the window:

“The key to all this”

“It’s that we must follow [Rage] and find where [Demon] is!

“Chu Chan, you should rest soon.”

Dai Chuchan yawned greatly.

Lin Xian rubbed her hair:

“Early tomorrow morning, we will go to Chinatown.”

“There are a lot of great [craftsmen] there!”

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