Chapter 24 The mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, the more she looks, the more she likes it!


After the two sat down in the study, Dai Shuangcheng made a pot of tea and poured one for each.

Lin Xian took a sip.

The fragrance enters the throat.

“Mr. Lin, how’s the tea, does it suit your appetite?”

Lin Xian nodded.

“Tea is good.”

When entertaining customers before, Lin Xian also tasted a lot of tea for several thousand yuan a catty.

But the taste of that kind of tea is far from the current taste.

Think about it and know.

Where does Dai Shuangcheng come to entertain guests with tea? How can it be Fanpin?

“Hahaha, it suits your taste. There are not many young people who like to drink tea now. Come, I’ll refill you one more cup.”

The two chatted while drinking tea.

After a while, Dai Shuangcheng took the initiative to enter the topic.

He took out a bank card from under the table and pushed it in front of Lin Xian.

There is also a sticky note on it with a 6-digit password.

“Mr. Lin, this is a little bit of the heart from the underworld and the insider. Don’t see it outside.”

Lin Xian stretched out his hand to take it, but Dai Shuangcheng suddenly stretched out his hand and said:

“Mr. Lin, I know you want to refuse, but please listen to me to finish.”

“I got a girl in my later years and I am regarded as a jewel in my palm. I love it. If that day is not for Mr. Lin’s rescue, the little girl has made a mistake… Your aunt and I will not be able to survive. NS.”

“You saved not only Chu Chan, but also our entire family. Compared with your kindness to us, this thank you gift is nothing at all. I hope you don’t refuse it!”

Lin Xian who said this was stunned.

I want to refuse?

Why should I refuse!

Lin Xian smiled helplessly.

The reason why he chose to save Dai Chuchan was not because of money and personal connections. This was his reasonable reward, and he certainly wouldn’t refuse.

However, since Dai Shuangcheng said so, he should be polite.

“President Dai, then I won’t refuse.”

Dai Shuangcheng is a loyal person. The more loyal he is, the more he understands the importance of kindness. If Lin Xian refuses to accept the money, Dai Shuangcheng will be very embarrassed.

But if Lin Xian accepts it happily, it just proves that Lin Xian is also a sensible person with a clear sense of grievances and grievances. Such a person is more suitable to be a friend.

Lin Xian put away the bank card, and Dai Shuangcheng touched a cup of tea.

Then the two chatted and laughed happily, and continued to chat until Dai Chuchan pushed the door in:

“Dad, senior, come and eat! Mom is ready to do it!”

The two put down their tea cups and followed Dai Chuchan to the restaurant.

………………………………………….. ….

There are already 6 dishes on the table, and Aunt Li Ruoying is busy bringing soup from the kitchen.

It is enough to see how much she attaches importance to this meal.

“Mr. Lin, please sit down. Don’t dislike it.”

Lin Xian and Dai Shuangcheng sat down together and smiled slightly:

“Thank you Auntie for her hospitality, it’s so rich.”

In today’s society, banqueting guests at home and cooking in person can be said to be the highest standard of hospitality.

Generally, if the sentiment is not reached, they are all sent at the restaurant table. Who wants to spend the time buying vegetables, washing vegetables, cooking, and washing dishes?

At this time, Aunt Li Ruoying brought out another fish:

“Come, come~ fish! Xiaolin, you have to eat more of this fish! Auntie is best at making fish, but neither of these two people like to eat fish. My craft is going to waste!”

What Li Ruoying brought up was a piece of steamed sea bass, with a fresh fragrance and a hint of sweetness, which all smelled very delicious.

“Okay, okay, don’t bother, let’s have dinner!”

After the four people were seated, the meal was very easy-going.

Dai Shuangcheng also opened a bottle of Moutai with a strange packaging, and poured it on the two of them:

“No one at home usually accompanies me to drink, this is not finally accompanied today! Haha, you and I have a few drinks, let Chu Chan send you back in the afternoon.”

The meal was a pleasant one, like a family of four.

I have to say that Aunt Li’s cooking skills are really good, especially the fish, Lin Xian especially likes to eat.

I saw that the fish I made was finally eaten by someone! Don’t mention Li Ruoying too excited!

Directly change the fish dishes to Lin Xian:

“How about the fish? Delicious, Xiaolin! These two people are really boring. Every time I make fish, I don’t eat a bite. It’s all wasted!”

“Come on, Auntie will turn over for you, and you have eaten this half of the fish too!”

When Li Ruoying saw Lin Xian eating the fish she made, she really liked it the more she watched it, and frequently served Lin Xian with dishes:

“This Auntie Bamboo Shoot is also good!”

“Taste this stewed chicken, it sucks!”

“Oh, my family really lacks your appetite. Her father and Chu Chan eat like cats every day, so I don’t have any interest in cooking!”


Dai Chuchan whispered:

“Mom! You can let Senior Lin Xian eat it yourself! People are not without hands!”

Seeing that my mother is so passionate about Lin Xian, it’s like…just like…just like meeting my son-in-law!

She is a little embarrassed!

“Chu Cicada! What are you talking about? I’m not sensible! The table is so big that Xiao Lin can’t reach it, and you don’t know how to pinch it!”

“Mom, now I encourage public chopsticks and spoons, so you don’t want to add food to others.”

“What nonsense! It’s my own!”


“I mean we are all okay! Oh, stop arguing! Lin Xian~ Give the bowl to Auntie, and Auntie will give you a bowl of rice. There is still more in the pot!”


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