Chapter 237 The devil awakens! Instant killing rage! Causal weapons exposed! (Reward plus more)

00: 42

The moment I saw the phone screen.

Lin Xian froze in place.

Cold hands and feet

What a bad thing!

In the self-talk of [Rage] just now~, the amount of information is very large!

When Lin Xian analyzed who was the [devil] from the words, it was too late…


Who would have thought that there are two big-headed babies hidden in this broken hospital?

Who would have thought that Einstein would grow up inexplicably?

Who can think of

This little baby with the size of a volleyball ball, arms and legs as fragile as chopsticks, turned out to be the [devil] who destroyed the world?

Everything is too fantasy.

By the time Lin Xian reasoned out the result, the time had passed 00:42 on August 17th.

This is a major mistake of my own!

Lin Xian gritted his teeth angrily!

Before him, he obviously had the opportunity to kill this little baby with a single knife.

You don’t even need a knife.

It only takes a squeeze, and perhaps this fragile baby can be squeezed to death.

but …

At least don’t worry about being buried alive.

Taking advantage of this opportunity of crackling noise everywhere, Lin Xian got up and adjusted his posture.

Turned over.

Let your face lie in the middle of the gap in the device.

In this way, you can follow this narrow gap and see the situation on the other side.

Know yourself and the enemy, never end in a hundred battles.

Now it’s the final match point of the big showdown

As long as you can find a chance to kill that little baby, you can completely save the world!

so ……

Be careful, be careful, be careful!

Cherish this hard-won opportunity!




The surrounding vibration gradually weakened.

The entire laboratory once again returned to the silent state of the beginning.

It seemed that this was just a small tremor, which lasted about 1 minute.

Through the narrow gap between this device.

Lin Xian saw the scene on the other side of “a wall”.


I saw the expression of [Rage] was very excited.

His face almost got into the crib.

It’s not difficult to guess from what he looks like. It must be the baby inside who woke up. From this point of view, the brain transplant operation was very successful.

What a medical miracle!

“Little baby, look at me. Who are you? Tell me are you Einstein? Do you have any memory?,

[Rage] Rub your hands and look at the crib with a happy face.

As long as this little bastard wakes up, it means that his operation has been successful!

It doesn’t matter who this child realizes.

In short, Einstein’s memory is preserved, and I can continue to question him in the future!

“dad ?”

Suddenly a cry of milk and milk came out from the crib

I still use Chinese!

“Oh! My God! My God!”

[Rage] Excitedly scratching his hair:

“Oh my God! You, you can talk! You are only a few days old, and you will be called Dad! This shows that you have a memory!”

“And you still speak Chinese. This shows that you have received the knowledge in Einstein’s brain! Einstein can speak Chinese, so should you be Einstein now?”

“Quick answer! Are you called Einstein? Albert Einstein!”


[Rage] Howling fiercely.

There was no answer from the baby.

“dad ?”

“Are you daddy?”

The little baby still repeats the call.

It still has no teeth, so it sounds a bit ventilated and the pronunciation is unclear.

But after all, I have listened to Chinese for so many years.

Lin Xian can clearly hear what the baby is saying.

Children just a few days old can communicate with others in Chinese so smoothly

Think carefully!

Lin Xian also believes what [Rage] said, this is definitely not a normal baby!

Even a child prodigy.

It is absolutely impossible to learn Chinese within a few days of birth!

This is definitely Einstein’s memory!

only …

Whether this is Einstein’s consciousness or whether Einstein is controlling the baby, it is difficult to say

“Yes, yes! I’m Dad! Good~~ I’m Dad!!”

[Rage] Grinning.

Attempt to pet a baby:

“Good boy, tell dad, do you remember who was that [who disturbed history]?”

…0 Seeking flowers………

“He lives in Donghai City and his house number is 802. This is what you told Dad before! Now tell Dad where 802 is? What is his name?”

The moment his finger touched the baby!

The mutation happened!

[Rage] Wide-eyed!

He only felt a pair of invisible hands holding his heart…

It seems that he can be pinched to death at any time!

This unspeakable sense of fear.

Make him afraid to move!

“No, you don’t”

From Lin Xian’s angle, you can’t see the situation in the crib.

He only saw that the red-shaped immature hands of the little baby picked them up and swayed in the air like a cocoon.



[Like playing the piano)

[Like playing Guzheng][Like disassembling the entangled headphone cable)

[It’s like typing on the keyboard, constantly pulling and pulling][Finally! The little baby seems to have found a “line”. 】

[His immature little hand pulls the thread tightly, then wraps it around his hand and pulls it fiercely!]


The elderly [Rage] suddenly let out a scream!


The hair on his body began to grow violently, his chin began to lean forward, and his lips began to thicken!


His howling voice became wild!

In Lin Xian’s shocked gaze, [Rage] has become an ancient ape man with black hair!


The change hasn’t stopped!

In the cry, the ape man quickly lost his standing joints, fell on all fours, and became a chimpanzee!

There is no human appearance at all!

“Ming woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo woo hoo hoo oh

The gorilla lying on the ground makes oozing animal sounds.

[Rage] The original clothes on his body have been torn.

The gorilla yelled while lying on the ground.

It was another few seconds of effort.

The hair becomes a carapace and the body becomes slender!

The gorilla has become a large brown lizard!

The lizard stretched out four short legs.

The body and tail become shorter, and the head becomes larger.

Become an ugly little crocodile!

But the knowledgeable Lin Xian knows very well

This is not a crocodile!

This kind of creature is called an axolotl!

This is the ancestor of all terrestrial life on earth!

Elementary school students know that the earliest life on earth appeared in the ocean.

As the living environment changes.

In order to adapt to terrestrial life, a kind of marine life evolved limbs, so it climbed up to live on land and became the ancestor of all terrestrial organisms.

This ancestor’s name is called Yushi Axolotl!

It is also the earliest amphibian on earth. (Pictures in this chapter)


His cry No, it should be said now.

Its call can no longer be continuous.

The vocal cords of lower animals are far less developed than mammals.

This fish and rock newt continues to degenerate.

In the blink of an eye, it degenerated into a hard-shelled fish,

Degenerate into a soft fish,

Degenerate into a small group of jellyfish-like worms,

Degenerate into a shrimp-sized creature,

Degenerate into a single-celled organism invisible to the naked eye,

Degenerate into

A carbon-based organic amino acid that can only be seen under a microscope.

This time of tens of seconds.

Let Lin Xian cool from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet!


Right in front of his eyes, under the open gaze

[Rage] As a person, I have gone against the evolutionary history of the earth’s life in the past 35 years!

Just tens of seconds!

3.5 billion years have passed!

And it degenerates in reverse time!

Lin Xian can’t believe his eyes

Is this the real world?

how did you do that?

This is terrifying.

[Causality Weapon] Is it!?

[Thanks to Huang Sheng for his huge reward of 30,000 points! The author continues to add more!]

(This chapter contains pictures, click the “illustration” button at the bottom right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)


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