Chapter 232 Infernal Affairs sets information, the weird coffin in the photo!

When a doctor is doing a long operation, he cannot go to the bathroom halfway through.

The clothes they wear are sterile.

The entire operating room is also a sterile environment.

Once you go to the toilet, this sterile environment will be destroyed, the operation will be less affected, and the wound that will be exposed to the patient will be infected!

therefore …

The doctor’s surgical gown was stuffed with diapers.

So that the doctor can solve the physiological problems during the operation.

And the first thing out of the operating room is to go to the locker room, take off this series of “equipment”, take a shower, ~ change into clean clothes.


Just when Lin Xian didn’t have any clues.

The assistant to the dean who had run away suddenly appeared behind him.

Panting, obviously trotting over:

“Sir, I’m sorry, I went too eagerly just now. I have forgotten some things and I still need to communicate with you.”

“Do you have time now? It’s about how to deal with the body of Ms. Li Jing. I also hope you can help us contact the family members.

Lin Xian nodded.

This is also a good thing just said.

At present, there is no good way to crack the fingerprint lock in the office of [Rage].

It would be better to learn about [Rage] from the assistant’s mouth, and infer something from his daily habits and daily schedule.

Seeing Lin Xian’s promise, the assistant also breathed a sigh of relief:

“Okay Mr. Lin Xian, let’s go to the reception room and talk in detail.”

In the reception room.

Lin Xian did not call Li Jing’s parents directly.

He needs time to chat with the assistant.

“I’m sorry, although Ms. Li Jing and I are classmates, I still need to ask someone for the contact information of Li Jing’s parents. I’m afraid it will take some time.”

The assistant hurriedly waved his hands to express understanding:

“It’s okay, Mr. Lin, you can help us, we are already very grateful. I will go and pour you a cup of coffee, I will accompany you here and wait together.”

In the following time.

Lin Xian used WeChat to contact Wang Hao and asked about the phone number of Li Jing’s parents.


A direct call is definitely more efficient.

But at this time, Lin Xian needs to delay time.

“Cough cough, Mr. Assistant, your Dean David looks like a very dedicated person.

“After having performed such a long operation, I think I should thank him in person. It is impolite for someone to take the operation for the baby so much, at such an age, to perform the operation personally. I didn’t show any attitude. Isn’t it impolite?”

The assistant smiled slightly after hearing this:

“It doesn’t matter, Mr. Lin, you don’t need to worry too much. Our Dean David is a research-type talent, and we don’t care about these details.

Lin Xian smiled and continued to make a routine:

“What you said makes sense. It’s so late, and he will definitely have to rest. By the way, he rushed in so soon for this operation. Doesn’t he usually live in the hospital?”

The assistant didn’t realize that Lin Xian was talking, and said casually:

“Dean David is a very dedicated person. When there is no surgery, he always learns to write papers in the [office]. Only when someone else has a brain surgery that he can’t handle, he will be invited out of the mountain.

“There is a special bedroom in the office, so there is nothing wrong with staying here.

Lin Xian showed an expression of admiration:

“Does Dean David have no family?”

“Mr. Lin, this cough cough, although some of it involves personal privacy, it is not a secret. Dean David has devoted his entire life to brain research, and he does not have time to start a family.


Lin Xian chatted with his assistants sometimes.

But the topic always revolves around [Rage], that is, Dean David Green.

As you learn more.

Lin Xian felt that the bigger the problem with him!

According to the information found online.

[Arrogance] George Bill and [Rage] David Green, neither of them got married and had children.

Both of them are gray-haired old men.

There is still so much wealth accumulated in his hands.

But there is no one and a half daughters left!

This can’t help but make Lin Xian a little confused–

[In the past few decades, what business has made the two people so addicted? Even if they give up the family and devote all their time to it?]

Before coming to the United States, Lin Xian searched the Internet about the two people.

He remembered the group photo:

At that time [Arrogant] was sitting on a large wooden coffin, and the two of them looked very excited.

Is it…

[This coffin is not an ordinary coffin? What are the important things in it?]

The answer to all these mysteries

I’m afraid you can find the answer in [Rage]’s office!

Before Lin Xian left the hospital, the assistant repeatedly expressed his gratitude:

“Thank you for your help, Mr. Lin. I will definitely notify you in advance when the body is cremated.”

However, Lin Xian shook his head:

“You don’t need to notify me about cremation. This year is my birth year. Uh, our Dragon Kingdom pays attention to this. I won’t go to that kind of dark place. Please help me keep the urn first.”

It’s easy to fool the assistant with this fabricated reason.

It is no longer necessary to go to the crematorium, and the future self has confirmed that there is no value there.

Now my primary goal

Just enter the office of [Rage]!

Such an old man of fame and fortune.

Not every day to play golf, take grandchildren, and travel.

But to write papers in a small office

Lin Xian didn’t believe it if he was killed!

“Can’t I go to the university to write a paper? And such a doctor who likes to do research shouldn’t spend most of his time in the laboratory or research institute? What new results can be researched in the office alone?”

So Lin Xian concluded

Maybe in that shabby office, [There is a universe in it]!

After coming out of the hospital, Lin Xian took a taxi back to the hotel to rest.

After a full sleep.

Lin Xian came to the local Chinatown, which is the gathering place of Longguo people.

Then through various referrals.

I found some “craftsmen” who “receive money and do things for others”.

If we say that in Long Country, money can solve 99% of things.

So in the United States.

Money can solve at least 99.99% of things!

“It can even be said to be 100%.

“In this country where you can buy votes to run for the president, and you can spend money on air planes in space, you can say that anything can be solved with money.”

Lin Xian took money all the way to open the way.

Soon I saw the person I wanted to meet.

This man is a frequent offender of theft, but what he does is not a simple burglary, but the kind of high-end theft.

Safes, network databases, data centers, and confidential warehouses are the arena for him to challenge himself.

…0 Seeking flowers………

Of course, this kind of “craftsman” is also very expensive.

After the meeting, Lin Xian was also unambiguous and showed him the photos on the phone directly:

“This kind of fingerprint code lock cannot be cracked by brute force. I want a way to open the code lock without triggering any alarm and being undetected by anyone, just like opening the lock with my finger.”

That “craftsman” is very professional.

Did not ask questions.

He flipped through the photos taken by Lin Xian repeatedly, zoomed out, zoomed in, zoomed out

“Can it be done?”

Lin Xian asked.

The “craftsman” nodded and stretched out five fingers.

Lin Xian smiled slightly:

“make a deal.

He didn’t care at all about the other party’s five fingers, whether they meant 50,000, 500,000, or 5 million.

It doesn’t matter how much money is.

The last thing Lin Xian lacks is money.

He can afford to build a [Circular Equator Particle Collider] that is expected to require several trillion funds.

Lin Xian’s quick direct transfer.

The price offered by the other party was US$500,000, which was cheaper than Lin Xian thought.

This “craftsman” is also a person who has met the world, and he is not too shocked by this refreshing customer.

After confirming that the funds were received, he began to talk endlessly:

“Although this kind of fingerprint lock is very advanced, the technology is still civil. I have relevant cracking experience.”

“Fingerprint locks of this level cannot pass the normal fingerprint simulation. The device in it can detect [bioelectricity].

“That is to say, only [living fingerprints] can pass the detection of the fingerprint lock. Dead and inanimate objects, even if they have exactly the same shape and texture, there is no way.”

Experts know if there is any when they speak.

Lin Xian knew that the money was worth it.

“Since this advanced fingerprint lock requires [living fingerprints], we can’t cut off other people’s fingers, right?”

The man shook his head:

“Sir, I don’t think I need to explain too much to this layman. [Bioelectricity] is a very subtle physiological feature. Even if you cut off the finger of that person, it is still a [dead body], not [ Living body], so the fingerprint lock still cannot be unlocked.

Lin Xian let out a cry.

Sure enough, there is a specialization in the surgery industry.

Lin Xian had always thought that cutting off someone’s finger would definitely unlock it.

It seems that the fingerprint lock used by [Rage] is really high-end.

Both dead and alive can be detected.

That being the case.

Don’t make any mistakes.

Lin Xian directly stretched out his hand and motioned to the person to give a specific plan.

The “craftsman” returned the phone to Lin Xian:

“For me, simulating [bioelectricity] is not a very complicated technology. You only need to help me collect fingerprints, and I will give you relevant materials and guidance.”

“As long as the fingerprint is obtained, I can make a bionic finger. I will use [electrical signal] to simulate [bioelectricity], [neural signal], and [human body voltage difference], so that I can deceive the fingerprint lock with fake and real.

Explain this way, Lin Xian can understand:

“Ok, how many days will it take to complete? I am in a hurry and can add money.”

“Sir, I have professional ethics, I will do my best for you if I take your money.”

The man held out two fingers:

“Two days.”

“The two of us proceed in sync. You go to collect fingerprints. I will start to make bionic fingers and simulate [bioelectricity] now.”

“It only takes two days, and I can handle it for you. So please be sure to collect your fingerprints before the day after tomorrow!”

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