Chapter 22 A letter to Einstein



Lin Xian tore the letter paper, crumpled it up, and threw it into the trash can.


“Einstein is a foreigner, he certainly can’t understand when I write Chinese characters.”

Lin Xian turned on the laptop.

Prepare to write it on the computer, translate it online, and copy the English onto the letter paper.

[Dear Sir Einstein. 】

【Hello. 】

[Thank you for your contribution to the progress of mankind. I come from the Dragon Kingdom on June 10, 2021. 】

[For you who put forward the theory of relativity, it should be acceptable to travel through time and space. It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe it, I will prove to you that I am indeed from the future. 】

[In your time, the “Poincaré Conjecture” puzzle of the century has not been proven, but in 2006, it was overcome by a mathematician named Perelman. The reasoning process is as follows……. ………………………..( Lin Xian simply excerpted some key formulas, with these tips, it’s hard to beat Einstein .)】

[If you follow the prompts and solve the “Poincaré Conjecture”, then you should believe me now? Okay, let’s talk about business:]

【His Excellency Einstein, you do not need to confess your crimes. The mass-energy conversion equation is a great discovery. The two nuclear wuqis you have witnessed are the only two nuclear wuqis used in war in the world. The wild bombing you imagined does not exist. 】

[On the contrary, due to the powerful destructive power of nuclear wuqi, the great powers have formed a “nuclear deterrence” between each other, and mankind has ushered in an unprecedented era of peace. 】

[Therefore, you are not a sinner who has created demons, you are an angel who endows mankind with long-lasting peace. In our time, nuclear reactions are used in various fields, bringing us a better life. 】

[Please stop blaming yourself, you are a hero of mankind. 】

【PS. As smart as you, you will definitely understand the butterfly effect brought about by changing history. Therefore, please be sure to burn this letter and tell these secrets in your heart forever. 】


After the translation was completed, Lin Xian copied the English onto the letter paper.

This letter had to copy some formulas in Perelman’s paper, so it took a long time. Lin Xian took an hour to copy it.

“I’m such a good person… Einstein, you can’t live up to my kindness.”

Fold 5 sheets of letter paper into the envelope.

Lin Xian puts a stamp on it.

After specifying the mailing and receiving information.

Throw it into the red mailbox.

Cang Dang!

This time the envelope was extremely heavy, and the sound of falling into the bottom of the postbox was very heavy.

Einstein himself studied physics. Lin Xian was very relieved of him, and believed that he would not mess around.

“I will go to the Convention and Exhibition Center tomorrow to see “Einstein’s Biography” to see if the contents have changed.”

………………………………………….. ….

the next morning.

Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell————


Lin Xian slapped the phone skillfully and turned off the alarm.

After washing, Dai Chuchan and the driver went downstairs to wait. After Lin Xian got in the car, the driver drove the Alpha commercial vehicle to the Cultural Exhibition Center.

Today is Saturday, and the Cultural Exhibition Center is crowded with people.

“Senior Lin Xian! Where do we start shopping today!”

“Just start shopping with that “Sorrowful Einstein”.”

Dai Chuchan looked dumbfounded and looked at Lin Xian:

“I’ve seen the catalog…it doesn’t seem to be the picture here…have you remembered it wrong?”

Lin Xian was taken aback.

Instead, I figured it out.

Maybe Einstein really received a letter from himself!

I have eliminated his biggest worry, and he is still “sorrowful”.

“I seem to have remembered it wrong…then is there any work about Einstein here?”

Dai Chuchan took out his mobile phone, clicked on the “Catalog of Works Exhibited in the Exhibition Center” stored in the album, and checked them one by one.

“Senior Lin Xian! There really is a work about Einstein! It’s “Naughty Einstein” by the famous modern painter Camorrison. You should be talking about this, right?”

“Haha, Senior Lin Xian, you are so funny, you even remember naughty as sad!”

Lin Xian laughed and said nothing.

It seems that his plan has succeeded.

I guess that’s right, the space-time mailbox can indeed write to anyone in the past!

It was because Einstein received his letter that he was no longer sad and became “naughty”.

What the hell is this naughty?

Lin Xian is quite interested.

“Let’s go, let’s take a look at the “Naughty Einstein” first.”

Dai Chuchan nodded, and after confirming the location of the work, he pulled Lin Xian’s sleeve and walked into the exhibition center…


[Thank you*Brother is always you*Brother sent 2 reminder tickets! thank you very much! 】*

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