Chapter 218 Humans declare war on [God]! Particle Collider around the equator!

Through Liu Lu’s explanation just now, Lin Xian understood the meaning of 42.

He is not a fool either.

In fact, from the words of the third messenger Liu Yiyi before, he had roughly guessed the meaning of 42.

Add the words in the [last letter].

It’s not hard to guess–

[42, maybe it is a reminder. This reminder comes from countless failed time and space in the future. 】

[Therefore, the place where 42 appears must fluctuate in time and space. This is easy to understand. After all, 42 itself is countless dying selves in the future, exhausted of will to break through the barrier of time and space, オ can come to the present era to remind myself. 】

[The reason why 42 is not necessarily correct is also easy to understand. 】

[Because 42’s reminder comes from the subjective consciousness of those who will fail in the future, of which there are naturally correct and wrong ones. 1】

[This is why the middle-aged person in the future will remind himself that 42 may not be correct, and he must learn to judge by himself. 】


Just because this guess was too simple and too mysterious, Lin Xian himself did not convince himself.

But the result…

It really made Professor Ding Yi’s words accurate!

The answer is that simple!

Knowing that 42 is actually “his own”, Lin Xian couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief “86-Seven”.

At least in the future, if you see 42 again, you won’t be so panicked.

Although these reminders are not necessarily correct.

But at any rate there is no malice!

The current doubts, there is only the last one left

Why must it be 42?

The self who will die in the future is tortured by the tunnel of time and space, so that the last trace of consciousness can pass through to the present

Then why not show other numbers?

If other numbers can be displayed, perhaps the reminder effect will be better.

Why is it always 42?

Faced with this problem, Liu Lu shook his head regretfully again:

“There is no reason for this, because 42 is the law of time and space, it can only be 42.”

“Just like the pi must be equal to 3.14 infinite non-recurring decimals, just like the Pythagorean theorem, the sum of the squares of two right-angled sides must be equal to the square of the hypotenuse, just like the law of universal gravitation.

“These things are the laws that have remained unchanged since the birth of the universe and can never be changed.”

“Similarly, 42 is the same. This is an immutable and unchangeable law of time and space. We can only know that it exists, but we don’t know why it exists.”

Liu Lu paused and continued:

“In fact, many things in science are like this at present. We can only confirm the existence of this phenomenon, but we don’t know the principle of its existence. Better than a bicycle!”

“So far, scientists have not been able to prove why the bicycle can maintain balance after riding.

“There is also universal gravitation. It is clearly written in the textbook that there is gravitation between objects. The greater the mass, the greater the gravitation. But how does gravity occur? This is also an unsolved mystery of science.”

Lin Xian hurriedly interrupted Liu Lu:

“Okay, okay, okay. For a layman like me, there is no need to make it so clear. Since it is a fixed rule, then we don’t care about it.”

“I just think it’s a pity that we in the future, after exhausting our lives, can only pass a normal number back, which is too limited.

Liu Lu sighed…

He touched the half of his throat that was snatched away, and said slowly:

“Perhaps this is also [God] restricting this behavior through time and space.”


This is the second time Lin Xian and Liu Lu talked about the topic of [God].

The first time, it was the moment when Liu Lu calculated 42.

At that time, the two people speculated that it was [God] who wanted to kill Liu Lu, but 42 saved him.

There is no doubt about it.

Because only [God] can kill people in such an incredible way.

Lin Xian summarized it before.

So far, there are only three “things” that have a force that humans cannot understand.

[God], [Demon], [42]

And [God] is undoubtedly the strongest among them.

“Does [God] really exist? If it does, how will it exist?”

Liu Lu Tan spread his hands:

“do not know.”

“So you think that the reason why any will that travels through time and space can only appear in the form of 42 is that [God] is restricting this behavior?”

“I guess so.

“Then we can understand that [God] is the guardian of time and space? He does not want us humans to touch the truth while at the same time maintaining the stability of the wall of time and space?”

“It’s hard to tell.

“That’s amazing. [God] is powerful, but mysterious. He shouldn’t be a human being. He should be more like an existence of time and space will and cosmic consciousness. At least he will always stand from the perspective of fairness and justice! He doesn’t Malicious!”

Lin Xian believes that this conclusion is correct.


It’s more like an order.

He strictly followed the rules and did not take any side of his ancestors.

Whether it is the great Einstein, the bad arrogant, the good Liu Lu.

Only someone can figure it out 42.

He will definitely take action and use mysterious power to obliterate it!

fair enough.

At least [God] will not stand on the opposite side of himself.

After listening to Lin Xian’s speculation, Liu Lu dragged his chin to think for a while

“The concept of [God] may not be understood by us now.

“But I think what you said makes sense. Regardless of how chaotic the world is, even when species is on the verge of extinction, [God] has never taken action. This means that [God] will not interfere with the behavior of this time and space.”

“But the behavior that spans time and space, and the behavior that counts 42 that touch the truth, [God] is always a no-miss, no matter what it is!


Lin Xian snapped his fingers.

Liu Lu’s words seemed to make sense.

Including the three [messengers] from the future world, they must also be restricted by the laws of time and space, so they collapsed within a few hours.

And the only one who can escape the eyes of [God] and travel through time and space

There is only [Time and Space Mailbox]!

“That’s it!”

Lin Xian whispered:

“That said, that ugly postbox is really an artifact!”


Lin Xian stopped pacing and looked up at Liu Lu:

“If we want to uncover the truth of [God] one step closer and grasp the power of 42, what should we do?”

“Build [Particle Collider]!”

Liu Lu’s eyes were firm, and he said decisively:

“Humanity’s current technology, and close to the dome. If you want to have a greater breakthrough, you must build a [Particle Collider]! Through particle collision, mankind will enter a new microscopic era!”

“As long as we have the [Particle Collider], believe me, we can not only lift the [God] veil, we can even use the human body to compare with the gods! Decipher the truth of time and space and learn the purpose of the universe!”

The more Liu Lu said, the more excited he became!

The spitting stars are almost flying to Lin Xian’s face!

[Particle Collider] Well

Lin Xian pulled a chair and sat down.

Going around in a circle, it goes back to the most cutting-edge machinery that human civilization can currently build.

As we all know, when two high-speed cars collide with each other on the same straight line, the cars will be damaged and a lot of debris will be produced.

And the higher the relative speed, the more debris is produced, after all, the more severe the impact.

The working principle of [Particle Collider] is similar to that of a car collision..0

For the particle collider, if two particles move towards each other in the same orbit, and then collide with each other at extremely high relative speeds, a large amount of debris will be produced.

Scientists explore the mysteries of the universe by studying the fragments produced by particle collisions.

Similar to a car collision, there are many fragments that you want to hit, so increasing the relative velocity of the particles is inevitable.

This is also the direction that scientists are working hard at present, by which more unknown secrets of the universe can be solved.

So far, the most powerful particle collider in the world has served human science for ten years.

Living up to expectations, this particle collider has also made a huge contribution.

Successfully discovered the Higgs boson predicted 50 years ago.


This particle collider is still too small and its acceleration effect is limited.

With the development of science and technology, the need for a more advanced particle collider is an inevitable result.

Therefore, Chinese scientists proposed to build a circular electron-positron collider, referred to as CEPC, that can surpass the above-mentioned colliders.

The working principle of CEPC is to establish an annular field to increase the acceleration distance of particles.

In this way, the particles can obtain a greater speed before the collision, so that more debris can be produced after the collision.

Even Lin Xian, a layman, knows it.

The funding for the establishment of the [Particle Collider] is calculated at tens of billions of dollars.

And this is a small collider.

If you want to build a large scale and throw in hundreds of billions of dollars, it may be a waste of water.

It is precisely because of this.

No country in the world is willing to spend huge sums of money to build a ring-shaped [particle collider].

Many Nobel Prize winners also believe that for the current human science and technology, the super large ring [particle collider] is still too early.

But no way.

Liu Lu’s research far surpasses this era. It is the upper limit of human science and technology, which prevents Liu Lu from continuing to deepen.


Lin Xian must build a super large ring particle collider for Liu Lu!

“Liu Lu, how big [Particle Collider] do you need?”

“That is naturally bigger and bigger”

Liu Lu rubbed his hands:

“[The larger the circular pipe, the greater the speed it can provide, the closer to the speed of light, the closer to the truth!]”

Lin Xian nodded

It also makes sense.

Since it is going to be built, it will be done in one step! Build a big one!


Lin Xian5.3 walked over, patted Liu Lu on the shoulder, and smiled confidently:

“Then I will build you the largest particle collider on earth!”

“I want to set up this particle collider in a low-Earth orbit, in a circular ring, around the earth!”

“It’s already circled the earth, this must be the largest in the world, right? It’s definitely the largest in the solar system! I have thought of the name–”

“[Circumequal Particle Collider!]”


Liu Lu’s eyes widened!

He looked at the tall man in shock

He not only has to build himself a particle collider.

It is also necessary to build a super-large particle collider around the equator of the earth!

This is an assumption that Liu Lu couldn’t even think of!

At this time, the shock in Liu Lu’s heart was no less than 100 suns exploding in his brain!

“Cycling the equator example collider Lin Xian, are you kidding me!”

“That is something that can only be built with the power of the world and the wealth of the world as a whole!”


Lin Xian beside him looked confident.

He patted his chest and abdomen.

Putting on Liu Lu’s shoulders:

“What’s the problem? The big deal is that I will become the richest man in the world for you!”

For a time.

Tears filled Liu Lu’s eyes.

He looked at the bold man in front of him


A throbbing!.

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