Chapter 208 Countdown to Einstein! The moment of life and death of two babies!

The doctor heard Lin Xian’s question.

First, he closed his eyes and shook his head.

Then slowly said:

“Hey, this child is full of misfortune. Actually, the size of the head is not a big problem. Every human body is different, just like a person with a big face and a small face. Some people are born with a big head! For example, the famous [Einstein] , His head is a little bigger than ordinary people’s.”

“This kid’s biggest problem is not here. His biggest problem.”

“[There is a huge tumor in his brain! It takes up almost half of his brain cavity!]”

“This is too deadly for a child. His original brain is severely oppressed, and a lot of physiological functions are lost. So you see, that child can’t cry or move, just like a vegetable.

Lin Xian is really anxious as he listens.

Only then did he understand

It turned out that the last letter said that I would witness the death of Li Jing’s mother and son in the United States, and it was here “eight or fifty”!

He grabbed the doctor’s fetal shoulder and asked with concern:

“Doctor, then tell me, can the mother and son be saved?”

The doctor was silent.

For a long time, I rubbed my temples and said with difficulty:

“We will work hard and please be mentally prepared.

“The situation of the child’s mother is really not optimistic. The current physiological characteristics mainly rely on the cardiopulmonary ventilator. Once the machine is turned off, death can be declared directly.

“After all, I don’t know if you are not clear. Amniotic fluid embolism is loved in advance prevention, and there is a possibility of rescue. But the premature delivery of this woman is too sudden! When she lay down on the delivery bed, it was too late. NS.

“As for the tumor in the baby’s head

The doctor paused.

I don’t know if it is to take care of Lin Xian’s emotions, but the tone of the voice is also a lot of euphemism:

“You have to believe that ours is the most authoritative, powerful, and most advanced brain hospital in the United States! If all brain diseases cannot be cured here, then other places will definitely not be cured! ”

“Our staff has already contacted [Dean David]. Dean David Green, you should have heard of it? The authority of brain surgery in the United States and even the world, with him coming out, I believe it will be saved This kid’s!”

“At least we can’t save the mother, so we must do our best to keep the child.”

After speaking.

The doctor comforted Lin Xian symbolically, and then left quickly

Outside the entire open delivery room.

Lin Xian is the only one left

“The development of this plot is too sudden!!”

Lin Xian can’t feel any realism!

Two hours ago, he was still worried about how to find Li Jing.

It took less than two hours.

The plot has already fast-forwarded to witness the death of the mother and son!

Lin Xian was caught off guard.

“Don’t panic, don’t panic, think about it.

At present, it can be basically concluded that Li Jing is dead.

The cardio-pulmonary ventilator was just supporting her life.

But that’s just physical survival, which doesn’t make any sense.

“Amniotic fluid embolism is really terrifying, let alone such a sudden premature birth. It is completely impossible to prevent.”

Lin Xian paced and thought on the spot.

If Li Jing is sure that it is not [Demon], is [Demon] the premature baby with a tumor in his head?

Although this answer is too absurd.

But if we use the exclusion method

The last answer, no matter how ridiculous, must be correct!

“Well, I need to sort it out.”

Lin Xian sat back on the chair outside the delivery room and started thinking.

In the [last letter] sent back in the future, two [must be correct] facts are clarified:

【1. The emergence of the devil must have something to do with the survivors of the Chicago Grand Theater. We have determined that the two survivors between the 37 victims and the 35 victims are Liu Yiyi and Lei Haolong!][2. Using advanced technology, we found the DNA of three deceased persons under the [Crematorium Site] in Princeton, U.S.A. They are the sons of Einstein, Li Jing, and Lei Haolong who were born in Tianzhe. 】

“If [Devil] is not Li Jing, but Lei Haolong’s son, it seems that it is indeed in perfect conformity with the above two facts!”

First of all, the emergence of the devil must have something to do with the survivors of the Chiga Opera House.

Lei Haolong is the survivor.

Lei Haolong’s son, of course, has something to do with Lei Haolong!

It can even be said that if Lei Haolong hadn’t survived, there would be no life as Lei Haolong’s son!

Secondly, under the cremation site, the DNA of Lei Haolong’s son was found.

This is also easy to understand.


The special structure of the placenta contains both the mother’s DNA and the child’s DNA.

“In other words, the person who died was actually Li Jing, and the placenta and Li Jing were cremated together in the crematorium. Therefore, the DNA of Li Jing and Lei Haolong’s sons existed in the crematorium.”

“But it was only the placenta that was cremated, and Lei Haolong’s son might not have died at all!”


If we abandon all rationality to reason

Lei Haolong’s son, at this moment, has become the first candidate for [Devil]!

“Although it is ridiculous, incomprehensible, and completely incomprehensible how a little baby obtains the weapon of causality and then destroys the world. But at present, there is only this possibility!”

“So it’s not Li Jing’s fraudulent death, but Lei Haolong’s son’s fraudulent death! In the future, I will use the DNA of the crematorium to determine that Lei Haolong’s son is dead, and therefore rule out the possibility that it is a [devil].

“The current focus is to determine whether Lei Haolong’s son died fraudulently! Only I can confirm this matter!”

Lin Xian figured it out instantly.

From now on, the goal changes!

The previous goal-to witness the death of Li Jing’s mother and son..0

The goal now – to see Li Jing and her son being sent to the crematorium!

“I have to see the bodies of two people with my own eyes, being sent to the crematorium, stuffed into the incinerator, and burned to ashes! Only then can I rule out the suspicion that they are both [devil]!”

“As long as there is a person whose whereabouts are unknown, it is definitely [the devil] not running away!”

After thinking about it, Lin Xian felt that he shouldn’t be sitting here anymore.

He got up and walked towards the other side of the corridor.

A nurse stopped on the road:

“Hello, in which operating room is the premature baby who had a tumor in his brain just now rescued?”

“I’m his uncle, I’m more anxious, I want to go to the operating room and wait.”

Lin Xian’s acting skills are great.

With a look of sorrow and worry, it almost squeezed out two tears.

The nurse is kind, and believes Lin Xian’s nonsense:

“Oh, I really sympathize with your experience, please calm down and trust us. The road is a bit winding, let me show you the way!”

Lin Xian nodded.

Keep up with the nurses and walk towards another building

at the same time.

In the secret laboratory underground in this hospital.

“Hey, ……

[Furious] sighed.

Take the electric shock helmet off Einstein’s head.

“Unexpectedly, in the end, you were still tight-lipped. I have to say that we failed in this battle that spanned several decades.

“You won, hehehe, you really won

Baby bed.

The baby with [big head and small body] is foaming at the mouth and has no vision at all.

Under the torture of hallucinogens and electric shock helmets.

He finally insisted on his will and did not betray his benefactor

“Goodbye, Einstein, you won’t live for a few days. 5.3.

[Rage] Staring at Einstein in the crib.

At this time, the baby’s body shape is a circle smaller than the previous two days, and it is the same size as a “premature baby”.

And breathing is already very reluctant.

Estimated in a few days.

Einstein, who grows against time, loses his breathing skills and suffocates to death

A great man of a generation, Einstein, will officially end his life against time and a long farewell to the world

Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell–

At this time.

[Rage]’s cell phone rang.

I picked it up and saw that it was a call from the hospital above.

He frowned.

“It’s so late, is there an emergency patient?”

So he pressed the answer button.

“Hello? It’s me, what’s the matter? I am resting in the office bedroom.”

“What? A big brain tumor? Or a newborn baby?”

[Rage] Turning his head and looking at Einstein who was about to be beaten to death in the crib.

After thinking for a few tens of seconds.

Corners of the mouth

Slightly up

A wicked smile appeared on the elderly face:

“Where is that baby now?”

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