Chapter 206 Amniotic fluid rupture! A premature baby is born! Ominous ambulance!

Li Jing, who has been deeply hallucinated, does not intend to communicate with Lin Xian.

The whole person was sloppy in the room.

Lin Xian regrets

I would call the police if I knew it.

Faced with an addict who cannot communicate, he is really powerless.

“wait ……

Lin Xian suddenly thought.

[The last letter] said that he would witness the death of Li Jing and her son before August 16.

It is August 10th, U.S. time.

Could it be…

Is it because Li Jing overdose du this time that caused her death?


While Lin Xian was thinking, Li Jing, who was crazy, suddenly fell to the ground!

“Ugh!!! Wow!! Ah it hurts!! It hurts!!!”

Lin Xian can’t care so much.

Run quickly to check the situation.


Lin Xian couldn’t help sighing.

Although the scene to witness the death of Li Jing’s mother and son was already done.


After all, the two are high school classmates, and the other is a pregnant woman.

Human hearts are all grown in flesh.

I really let myself watch Li Jing die in front of me, and my conscience can’t pass 850!


She is a pregnant woman, and the child in her belly is innocent.

Lin Xian helped Li Jing up, put a bathrobe on her, and looked down:

“Why so much water? You are

Li Jing’s face turned pale at this time.

Big drops of sweat slipped from his face.

The legs are shaking constantly!

My hands kept covering my stomach, a very painful look!

What shocked Lin Xian the most

Like splashing water, a pool of water stains has accumulated on the stall

“Li Jing! Your amniotic fluid is broken!!”

Even Lin Xian, who has always been calm and calm, is really panicked at this time!


Haven’t you encountered anything?

I have never encountered this pregnant woman giving birth!

And Li Jing’s situation is very special.

Her child is not yet full-term, far from the expected date of delivery!

It is said that she was pregnant in October, and she is pregnant with this child now, and it is a little more than 8 months if she is full of money!

It’s not yet production time!

Don’t think about it.

It must be the moment that I fell just now, or the ci excitement of drug abuse, which caused the amniotic fluid to rupture in advance!

Another premature birth, another violent rupture of amniotic fluid

Must be sent to the hospital immediately!

Otherwise, both the pregnant woman and the child are in danger!

“Call the police, call an ambulance!

Lin Xian picked up the phone and dialed 911 again.

Really, after living in China for so long, I have never called the police once.

It hasn’t been a day since the United States came.

I called the police three times!

911 was connected quickly and the situation was urgent. Lin Xian said directly:

“Princeton International Hotel, 1142, a pregnant woman had broken amniotic fluid because of a fall, and her fetus was less than a month old. She was born premature! Please take an ambulance and a doctor right away!”

The operator over there is also very professional!

I quickly confirmed the information with Lin Xian and reminded Lin Xian to keep the phone open and call the nearest hospital.

“Ahhhhh!!!!! It hurts!!! Don’t kill me with the sword!! Don’t kill me!!

I don’t know how many poison pins Li Jing has taken

The whole person is still in hallucinations.

Lin Xian helped Li Jing onto the sofa.

Then use the landline to inform the front desk of the hotel.

I have to say that high-end hotels are high-end hotels.

After 3 minutes, the manager on duty brought a group of people to the room 1142, and also the resident doctors and nurses of the hotel.

The two waiters opened the stretcher and carried Li Jing up.

“Let’s use a stretcher to send Ms. Li Jing to the lobby on the first floor, so that we can save time when the ambulance arrives!”

With the arrival of professional doctors, Lin Xian’s pressure is much less.

The manager on duty looked at a messy room and added all kinds of tin foil and alcohol lamps on the table.

He instantly understood what was happening.

Lin Xian naturally noticed the change in his expression, so the wicked complained first:

“May I ask your manager here?”

“Yes (cafd) first, what happened here, we must call the police.”

“Okay, listen!”

Lin Xian pointed at him with a serious expression:

“Immediately retrieve the video of Ms. Li Jing when she checked in, and the two black men who entered and exited his room!”

“Through these on-site evidence, I have reason to suspect that Ms. Li Jing has been illegally controlled and violated here! She is a pregnant woman who was pregnant for eight months!

“Especially the two black people who just ran out of the hotel, why did they appear in Ms. Li Jing’s house?”

“As far as I know, Ms. Li Jing has no history of sucking du in China. After Ms. Li Jing is out of danger, I will contact the embassy immediately! Hold your responsibility!”

Lin Xian bluffed at this meal.

The manager panicked!

I quickly pulled Lin Xian to explain, and said that he would investigate this matter carefully! I also hope that Lin Xian will not say anything before the outcome of the matter.

“Sir, please rest assured! We will definitely give a reasonable explanation! If the facts are as you said, we are also willing to bear the legal responsibility!”

“I just hope that you can give us some time to calmly deal with this matter, please rest assured! We will contact the police and never let any criminal offenders!”

The position instantly reversed.

Lin Xian waved his hand and ignored him, saying only that he would have time to deal with the matter after Ms. Li Jing had a safe production.


Lin Xian followed the stretcher into the elevator and went down to the lobby on the first floor.

Ten minutes later, an ambulance rang the alarm and rushed directly to the door of the hotel.

Several doctors and nurses pushed the car into the hall.

Lin Xian noticed that the signs on their clothes were the same as the hospital he passed by during the day–

【Princeton University Hospital】.

This is what the taxi driver said, the highest level brain hospital in the country.

However, such a big hospital is definitely a general hospital. There should be all kinds of outpatient clinics, but the brain department is the most prominent.



Li Jing shouting in pain was transported to an ambulance.

Lin Xian, who was also from Longguo, had almost no communication and was taken into the ambulance by default.

After all, this is the United States

In the eyes of the doctors, Lin Xian must be the husband, family, and friend of the pregnant woman.

“Come on! You can get in from the back of the car!”

After pushing the stretcher into the car, Lin Xian stepped on the tripod and jumped directly from the opposite door behind the ambulance.

After everyone got in the car.

The hotel manager below waved his hand to help the ambulance close the rear door.



Two muffled noises.

The rear door is closed and the vehicle starts.

at this time

Lin Xian sitting in the car doesn’t know

Because American ambulances need to be equipped with tripods, their license plates are all hung on the rear doors.

Only after closing the door can the ambulance’s license plate number be seen clearly–


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